HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/04/2008
Interview Candidates
for Planning Commission
Port Angeles, Washington
November 4, 2008
Mayor Braun called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 4:00
Members Present:
Mayor Braun and Councilmembers Di Guilio, Kidd, Perry,
Rogers and Williams.
Members Absent:
Deputy Mayor Wharton.
Staff Present:
Attorney Bloor, Clerk Upton, N. West, and S. Roberds.
Interview Candidates for Planning Commission:
The City Council interviewed Hugh Connaghen and Carla Sue to fill a current vacancy
on the Planning Commission. Upon completion of the interviews, Clerk Upton conducted
a roll call vote, and by unanimous vote, Carla Sue was appointed to the membership
of the Planning Commission for the unexpired term ending February 28,2011.
The special meeting was adjourned at 4:25 p.m.
Mayor Braun called the special meeting ofthe Port Angeles City Council to order at 5 :00
Members Present:
Mayor Braun, Deputy Mayor Wharton, and Councilmembers
Di Guilio, Kidd, Perry, Rogers and Williams.
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Interim Manager Osterman, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Upton, T.
Gallagher, D. McKeen, N. West, Y. Ziomkowski, T. Pierce,
S. Roberds, M. Puntenney, C. Delikat, R. Bonine, B. Coons,
D. Chastain, K. Ziegler, 1. Lafferty, and J. Seniuk.
Public Present:
S. & M. Buck, V. Lynn, P. Tietz, J. Childers, P. Lamoureux,
S. Nixon, A. Butler, K. Winn, J. Moore, K. Macias, K.
Fairchild, A. Snell, H. Shafer, T. Ross, K. Craven, L.
Fairchild, E. Zoble, T. Moore, P. Rynearson, G. Shield, C.
Reeves-Sperr, K. & G. Gordon, J. Heessels-Petit, and K.
Rutherford. All others present in the audience failed to sign
the roster.
The colors were presented by members of the Port Angeles High School Navy Junior
Reserve Officers Training Corps. Mayor Braun led the Pledge of Allegianceto the Flag.
The National Anthem was sung by Teresa Pierce, Executive Communications
Coordinator. Mayor Braun read a proclamation honoring all veterans in special
recognition of Veterans Day, asking that all veterans stand and be recognized.
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November 4, 2008
Olympic Peninsula Visitors
Bureau Update
Facility Naming - Gateway
Shirley Nixon, P. O. Box 178, Port Angeles, announced that the Clallam County League
of Women Voters, in conjunction with the Washington Coalition for Open Goverrunent,
is sponsoring a Forum on Public Records and Open Meeting Laws on Wednesday,
November 12, 6:30 p.m., at the Clallam County Courthouse. She urged all to attend. Ms.
Nixon referenced her access to public records on the formation of the HarborWorks
Public Development Authority, expressing concern with the goal to acquire title to the
former Rayonier Mill site, the perceived lack of public discourse on the formation of the
Authority, and the potential loss of tax revenue if the site is acquired by the Public
Development Authority.
Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, provided commentaries regarding the format of the Public
Comment portion of the agenda, representation of the public by the Council, and his
concern that the Elwha Tribe isn't represented on the Public Development Authority
Olympic Peninsula Visitors Update:
Diana Schostak, Executive Director ofthe Olympic Peninsula Visitors Bureau, provided
an update on the organization's activities, indicating it serves Clallam County and the
North Olympic Peninsula by promoting tourism to the region. The Bureau leverages
County funds to build partnerships and programs to enhance their ability to attract
visitors. The Bureau has been co-oping funds and projects with a focus on marketing,
primarily in the Puget Sound region. Ms. Schostak provided an overview of 2008
marketing efforts, to include radio and billboard advertising, a cooperative program with
Jefferson County, and cooperative efforts with the Port Angeles and Sequim Chambers,
and the Victoria Express and Coho ferries. She reviewed new products, partnerships,
promotions, and activities, summarizing an endeavor related to culinary tourism on the
Olympic Peninsula.
Russ Veenema, Executive Director ofthe Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce,
addressed the attributes of the various marketing groups working together in a
cooperative effort, focusing at the present on 2009 marketing expenditures. The Tourism
Commission is working on a new campaign, No Bridge - No Problem, an advertising
effort that will be launched over the next month or two on the 1-5 corrido'r down to
Oregon. He projected that 2009 will be a difficult year for tourism in view of the
economic distress, so everyone is working together to share thoughts on improving
tourism on the Peninsula.
Facility Naming - Gateway Project:
Recreation Deputy Director Bonine referenced the Council packet memo, wherein the
construction project commonly known as the "Gateway" is nearing completion, and a
formal name for the facility needs to be determined for the eastern portion of the facility
for signage and marketing purposes. During the formal planning and Federal grant
application process, the title of Port Angeles International Gateway Multi-Modal
Transportation Center has been used. However, that title presents a variety of challenges
in signage and ease of recognition and use by the public. Various committees discussed
the naming of the facility, and the consensus was to retain "Gateway" in the name.
Following brief discussion, Councilmember Perry moved to name the facility The
Gateway. The motion was seconded by Deputy Mayor Wharton. Discussion ensued,
and Councilmember Di Guilio provided the background ofthe project since its inception.
He felt the word International should be retained in the facility name. A vote was taken
on the motion, which carried 5 - 2, with Mayor Braun and Councilmember Di
Guilio voting in opposition.
Manager Osterman provided no late items for the agenda; however, he indicated
correspondence regarding NOAA will be placed on the next meeting agenda.
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Labor Contract with
Teamsters Local 589
Community Development
Block Grant (CDBG)
Match Request
Reconsider Vote on the
Naming of The Gateway
November 4, 2008
Labor Contract with Teamsters Local 589:
Human Resources Manager Coons advised the Council that the City and the Teamsters
Union, representing the sworn officers in the Police Department, reached agreement for
a new labor contract covering January 1, 2008, through December 31, 2010. The
agreement provides a cost ofliving adjustment of3.0% for 2008,5.58% for 2009, and
90% of the Seattle-Bremerton cpA for 2010, with a minimum of2% and a maximum of
5%, plus 1 % in July of each year as a labor market adjustment to remain competitive in
hiring and retaining police officers. He indicated the union membership has ratified the
tentative agreement. Brief discussion followed on the importance of remaining
competitive in order to recruit new officers. Councilmember Rogers moved to approve
and authorize the Mayor to sign the labor contract between the City and the
Teamsters Union, Local #589, representing the sworn police officers for the contract
period covering January 1, 2008, through December 31, 2010, including wage
retroactivity for 2008. Councilmember Williams seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
2. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Match Request:
Community & Economic Development Director West informed the Council that the
proponents of the Maloney Heights project are requesting a $150,000 matching grant
from the City's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Housing Rehabilitation
Project Fund. The Council previously passed a resolution in support ofa $750,000 grant
submission to the Washington State Community Trade and Economic Development
Department (CTED) on behalf of the Clallam County Housing Authority, Habitat for
Humanity, and Serenity House for the proposed Maloney Heights Development Project.
CTED has indicated that they cannot support the CDBG grant application unless the City
agrees to match the proposal with existing CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Funds.
Councilmember Rogers moved to authorize a grant contribution of $150,000 from
the City's Housing Rehabilitation Fund for the Maloney Heights projects.
Councilmember Perry seconded the motion. Director West responded to questions
posed by the Council, indicating another request for funding will be forthcoming. He and
Councilmembers Rogers and Di Guilio explained the process for grants and loans from
the City's Housing Rehabilitation funds. A vote was taken on the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Councilmember Perry moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1.) City
Council Minutes of October 21,2008; 2.) Expenditure Approval List from 10/11/08 to
10/24/08 for $2,107,617.93; 3.) Material Purchase - Electric Transformers; and 4.)
Renewal of Communications Site Leases. Councilmember Di Guilio seconded the
motion, which carried unanimously.
Councilmember Williams directed. attention to the vote taken earlier in the meeting on
naming The Gateway; he moved to reconsider the motion. Councilmember Di Guilio
seconded the motion for reconsideration. Councilmember Williams noted the
importance of looking to the future, and he expressed the need for a Council consensus
on naming of The Gateway. Discussion followed, and Councilmember Di Guilio
provided additional background information on the original intent and international aspect
of the Gateway facility. It was clarified there are two pieces to the Gateway site that
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November 4, 2008
Reconsider Vote on the
Naming of The Gateway
City Revenue Sources /
2009 Budget and Property
Tax Ordinance
would be named: the Transit Center and the plaza area, which is the portion being
addressed this evening. A vote was taken on the motion to reconsider, with Mayor
Braun and Councilmembers Williams and Di Guilio voting in favor of the motion, _
and Deputy Mayor Wharton and Councilmembers Kidd, Perry, and Rogers voting ..
in opposition. The motion, therefore, failed.
At 5:58 p.m., Mayor Braun recessed the meeting to 7:00 p.m., at which time the public
hearings will be conducted. The meeting reconvened at 7:00 p.m.
City Revenue Sources /2009 Budget and Property Tax Ordinance:
With the use of PowerPoint slides, Finance Director Ziomkowski presented a budget
introduction, defining the budget as an economic plan to focuses the entity's financial and
human resources on the accomplishment of specific goals and objectives established by
the policy makers. She itemized the legal and planning-related reasons for establishing
a budget, described the budget process and the various funds, and reviewed the budget
Director Ziomkowski then directed the Council's attention to the Property Tax Levy,
explaining it is a tax on real and personal property. She explained what property is not
taxable, the two different types of levies a jurisdiction may impose, and the types of
expenses to which the tax revenue is applied. Director Ziomkowski reviewed the
limitations placed on the regular levy and then summarized various myths that have been
related to property tax. She discussed the methodology used in calculating the tax,
indicating the City's 2008 lawful levy of $3,898,270 which was added to the 1 %
maximum allowed by Initiative 747 in the amount of $38,983 plus new construction in
the amount of$61,303, for a total of$3,998,565 for the estimated 2009 levy. Director
Ziomkowski indicated the total amount is $38,000 more than that shown in the
Preliminary Budget. She indicated the preliminary assessment for the 2009 levy is
$1,992,154,225, which includes a $17.6 million increase in the assessed valuation based
on County re-evaluations, and $30.7 million in new construction. The levy rate is
calculated at $2.01 per $1,000 in assessed valuation, which is an increase of 0.5% over
the $2.00 rate in 2008. Director Ziomkowski discussed the special levies, which include
the Library Bond, the Senior Center Bond, and the Fire Hall Bond. The amount is
$669,200, and the rate for the special levies is estimated at $0.34 per $1,000 in assessed
valuation. She reviewed the tax rate history noting the City levy rate has dropped 38%
since 1997. The average homeowner of a $200,000 house will pay $470 in property taxes
in 2009.
Director Ziomkowski turned to the City's revenue projections for the 2009 Preliminary
Budget, indicating City-wide revenue is estimated at almost $104.6 million, including
$97.6 million in annual revenues, supported by almost $7 million in reserves. She noted
that revenue is $12 million or 11 % less than the 2008 Budget, which is due to the
reduction in grants and loans that could be attributed to the Gateway Project and the 8'h
Street Bridges Project. She itemized the use of designated reserves for projects in the
Enterprise Funds and Governmental Funds, the source of City-wide tax revenues, as well
as the revenue sources. Director Ziomkowski indicated the main issue affecting the 2009
- 4 -
City Revenue Sources /
2009 Budget and Property
Tax Ordinance (Cont'd)
November 4, 2008
General Fund revenues is the economy, and she summarized the potential changes to the
Preliminary Budget with a projected revenue decrease of$130,000 to $180,000.
Decreased sales tax revenues are projected at -$100,000 to -$150,000, and Director
Ziomkowski indicated the Council could take no action, but closely monitor revenues;
reduce the budget by up to $180,000; use reserves or grants for some Street projects; or
pursue a combination of all the options. She reviewed for the Council the budget
projections for General Fund taxes, utility taxes, property tax, and sales tax, as well as tax
sources and charges for services. She also discussed other sources ofrevenue in terms
of licenses and permits, intergovernmental funds, fines and forfeitures, and investment
interest, which is down over 8% from 2008 year end estimates. Director Ziomkowski
also reviewed proposed revenue enhancements, Special Revenue Funds, Debt Service
Funds, and the Enterprise Funds which represent the 8 utilities. She advised the Council
that the public hearing this evening should be held and continued to November 18,2008,
at which time the Council will be asked to consider adoption of the Property Tax Levy,
as well as the Fee Ordinance.
Discussion followed, and Director Ziomkowski answered questions posed by the Council
on such matters as funding for PenCom and Economic Development. Councilmembers
Kidd and Perry asked for additional information on the types of commitments and
expenditures from Economic Development.
Mayor Braun informed the audience that the emphasis of this evening's public hearing
is on the City's revenues. He opened the public hearing at 7:28 p.m.
Amity Butler, 222 Ediz View, addressed the Council in her capacity as a swimming coach
for the High School team. She indicated the swimming program provides the opportunity
for 40 current athletes to participate in a sport where they can seek scholarships and work
in an environment of teamwork, with a focus on sportsmanship, integrity, perseverance,
and poise. The sport provides education as to the lifelong aspects of exercise and of
being involved in athletic competition. Ms. Butler provided the Council with a packet of
letters from the students, and she urged the Council to read the heartfelt letters on what
the pool means to the students. She indicated she would not stay in a community that
doesn't support a pool, and she expressed hope that the Council would champion the
students' efforts for the pool.
Darlene Ryan, 1217 E. 7th Street, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Port Angeles Fine
Arts Center, has been meeting with individual members of the City Council, noting there
is no doubt as to the value of the Fine Arts Center. Over the years, the Center's Board
has been thankful for the City's support of the Center, and she acknowledged that the Fine
Arts Center will be affected because of the economic situation. Ms. Ryan asked that,
when the hard decisions are being made, the Council not forget the Fine Arts Center.
Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, distributed a list of 17 items he proposed for consideration
as a broad spectrum of additional savings that might be realized in the 2009 Budget.
Cherie Reeves-Sperr, 254 Foxglove Lane, spoke on behalf of the agencies receiving
Human Services funding, agencies that provide service to a vulnerable part of the
community. She addressed the importance of the funding to the agencies, imploring the
Council to consider the amount of funding to be cut. Ms. Reeves-Sperr itemized the
organizations funded and asked the Council to keep them in mind in their efforts to create
a vibrant community.
Jane Childers, 742 Durrwachter Road, felt the City is made up of caring people, but it has
changed because people have lost jobs, and there are problems in the schools. She
encouraged everyone to remain positive, to fight and to move forward to keep the town
as it is. She expressed concern about losing parks, as they won't be there when things get
better. Ms. Childers reiterated that everyone must stay positive throughout the down
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November 4, 2008
City Revenue Sources /
2009 Budget and Property
Tax Ordinance (Cont'd)
Medic I Rate
times; Port Angeles is the most beautiful place in the world.
There being no further testimony, at 7:41 p.m., Mayor Braun continued the public hearing
to November 18,2008. He conducted a first reading of the Property Tax Ordinance by
title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing a 1 %,
or $38,983 over the highest lawful levy for 2009, increase in the regular
property tax levy plus any increase resulting from new construction,
annexation, refunds made, and other specified increases in assessed
valuation determining and fixing the amount to be raised by ad valorem
taxes for the fiscal year 2009, and directing the City Clerk to certify
said amount to the Board of Clallam County Commissioners.
Mayor Braun conducted a first reading of the Fees Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City ofPort Angeles, Washington, amending Section
3.70.020,030,040,050,055,060,065,070,080, 110, and 120 of Chapter
3 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Fees.
Councilmember Williams addressed the three components of the Budget: the base budget,
capital improvements, and supplemental requests, and he indicated he has long asked for
a fourth element in the form of an evacuation route, crash protocol, or triage policy
whereby departments identify the true priorities and funds necessary to sustain those
. priorities. Then, when revenues are decreased, the City is in a position to readily identify
which programs or services can't be funded. Councilmember Williams indicated he
would not vote in support of the budget in the absence of this information.
Medic I Rate Adjustment:
Fire Chief McKeen advised the Council that the Medic I Utility has three revenue
sources: the monthly fee being discussed this evening, charges for services (transport
charges), and a General Fund contribution that makes up the difference. One of the
problems experienced this year relates to a decrease in transport charges due to the move
of the Port Angeles Care Center to Sequim. Being the largest single user of Medic I, the
Center represented about 6% of the call volume, and almost every call from that facility
resulted in a transport. Chief McKeen indicated the Utility has also experienced
significant increases in supplies and personnel costs, and it is recommended that a modest
rate increase move forward in the amount of$O .25 for monthly residential rates and $0.25
for monthly commerciallbusiness rates, resulting in approximately $30,000 in additional
revenue: Higher end users of Medic I were contacted with regard to the proposed
increase, and they have expressed support for the increase.
Following an in-depth discussion on the level of General Fund support for the Medic I
Utility, as well as the legislation allowing the formation of such utilities, Mayor Braun
opened the public hearing at 9:00 p.m. There being no public testimony, Mayor Braun
continued the public hearing to November 18,2008. He conducted a first reading of the
Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising Chapter e
13.73 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code relating to Medic I Charges.
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The meeting was adjourned at 9:01 p.m.
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November 4, 2008
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