HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/05/1947 394 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington November 5. 19SL- ~he, Commission met in regular session at 10,00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call of offJ.cers showed the following present: ,Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Johnson and Steele, Attorney Wilson ani ~~~. I II ;Minutss of the previous session were read and approved. ., Under the head of applications for wilding pennits and licenses, the following were granted: II ..; Building Pennits: ~(3,!O() R. .Troberg Build Addition to Present IlI'Ielling; Lots 7-8, Blk. 1, Loidon Park Add. "10 ,A. Mathews fuild 5-Room & Bath Reeidence; Lot 10, Blk. 565, Tovmsite Floyd McReney Remcdel Existing Bldg. into Duplex Apts.; . Lot 7, Blk. 54, Townsite '1'. _L. Harrington Build 5-Room IlI'Ielling; Lot 17, Blk. 205, Tovmsite ,Alfred A. Mathews Build 4-Room IlI'Ielling; Lot 11, Blk. 565, Tovmsite b. J. Tisdale Remodel: Add 4 Rooms; Tear Down Upper Structure; Lot 2, Elk. 519, Townsite P. M. Hall Lewis Remodel Kitchen, lW.ld Garage, Remodel Foundation; Lot 15, Blk. 55, Tovmsite Roy Delo Tear Down & Rebuild Garage (Temp. Living Quarters); Lots 19-~0, B1fm.k~ite , <: Licenses: ~~ mdred Larson One Beauty Chair 1.00 ,c. _E. Taft Second !land Dealer, 5 Years 45.00 I J. . ]V. Lindsay and otbers met before the Commission regarding the culvert at First I!I1d Lincoln Streets. I Mr, Lindsay read citations and pointed out the responsibility of the City for the protection of property , 'OWI)ers. It was the opinion of Attorney Wilson that by keeping the preeent culvert free of debris, it has jproven adequate to elimate surface water. and the City would not be responsible in case of flooded condi tion~. Uncjer the head of new business Mr. Smith informed the eQmmission that a dirt cliff exists at the north end, I of ,Francis Street from which he has rescued trapped children. The Engineer was instructed tq investigate, . 'ancj, if possible, elimate the hazard. 500 .00 1 2,000.00 5,000.00 I 5,000.00 . 2,000.00 2,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 Certification from the Engineer's Department, giving notice of time and place of hearing _for assessment roll ,.1 .of _L.I.D. No. lSO, was read and ordered filed. I :,. recommendation by the State Examiner for the oancellation of L.I.D. Condemnation No.3, Warrants Number SOl, S02, and 505, and Current Expense Warrant NO. 28707 was read to the Commission, and it was moved by 'Commissioner Steels that the said warrants be cancelled. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. Allruembers ,'vot-ed Aye. The motion carried. ~nder the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following were pesSE!d third and final reading and adopted l ORDINANCE NO. 1188 AN'ORDINANCE Relating to a pension, relief, disability, and retirement syst~m; making an election to join 'the state-wide system pursuant to Chapter 71, Laws of 1947, and providing for notification of the Governor of ,such election. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and adQpted. SaConded by Mayor Epperson. Commissioner Steela refrained from voting. The motion carried. , ! , ORDINANCE NO. 1189 I AN ORDINANCE amending Section 4 of Ordinance No. 1170 as amended by Section 1 of Ordinance No. 1182 relating \ to Local Improvement District. No. 148; providing for the payment of the cost of the improvement by the j issuance of warrants instead of bonds, BIld authorizing the investment of City Flmds in said warrants. 'It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and 1[' i'dopted. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. The 'Commiasion examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of the same, S~ ' ,;((}df' - CURRENT EiPENSE FUND: 'Plympic Stationers Tide Water Associated Oil Co. .Pa cific Telephone & Telegraph Co. City Treasurer 'The A. Lietz Co. '.iI. E. Dodge Sneddon 1 s FUrniture Repair Shop Mrs. Wallace B. Smith City Light Dept. iCity Street Dapt. !Iazel's 'Cafe Washington State Penitentiary Kenneth Owen D & B Battery & Electric Station City Treasurer Eversharp Lead, Paper, Note Books Gasoline Phone Services Li(;ht, Water, Gar., St. & Sewers, St.Lites, Fire 2 Elastichuck Pencils Engineers Expense Re bldg . Swivel Office Chair Base Refund on Cancelled Bldg. Permi t Rent Mechanical Labor, Grease Meals for Prisoners Signs Garage Rent: July, August, Sept. One Exide ~drometer Due to Income Tax Fd: Error in Addition Rect' No. 7597, Nov. 2, 1944. Dog Tags The Olympic Printery DI bTY STREET FUND: 1/-1 J" 7 - Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. H. G. Horstman fuilders Supply Stores Tide Water Associated Oil Co. Peninsula Plywood Gorp. ,C. B. Vail D & B Battery & Electric Station Lincoln Welding Port of Port Angeles Western Asphalt Co. Sewer Pipe, Catch Basin, etc. Oct. Rental of Lots for Stock Piling Cement, Tin Gasoline, Kerosene, Motor Oil One Load Core Blocks Machinery Used on Valley Street Culvert Parts Welding Unloading 600 Tons Asphalt Asphaltic Concrete Mix, as per Let Contract CEMETERY FUND: City Street Dept. If ~cl Gas 5.66 168.55 51.91 Hyd'l,428.47I 5.061 4.54 11.65 1.SO SO.OO 21.65 178.75 27.94 SO.OOi 1.72 1.00 45.78 ' 112.28 50.00 1.56 444.18 8.24 10.00 6.42 1.58 145.05 5,429.90 i 4.50 ) I I 'I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington l"'~. ....""..._T......fT~~..IIITI.... U17711 ~ WATER :FUND: , ;/. .2 7 ;z. ":-'" 'City Street nept. liD & B l3a.tteIj' & Electric Station Downs Auto Electric IPort Angeles Auto Supply CO. 'Epperson & Sons I:City Light Dept. ,Marckmann & Williams IAuto Beauty Shop Willson Hardware Co. Iv,'H. Haller Hardware fRadio Service Appliance CO. ILIGHT FUND: S If 1- S- Z- -<. (., !'Rail.ph Davisson ISamuelson Motor Co. I,Tide Water Associated Oil CO. IClallam Adjustment Corp. City Treasurer rOlympic Stationers leity Water Dept. IWillson Hardware Co. Peterson & Craver 'Hood Canal Auto Fraight Mrs. Sam Rand General Electric Supply Corp. )Line Material Co~ i Multigraph sales Agency iwestinghoUSe Ele ctric Supply Co. I,James Hardware Co. 10lympic Printery JSANITATION FUND: s( ff- yJ 'IOlymPiC Printery , 'City Treasurer ICity street Dept. Al Lamoureux 1 Lincoln Welding . i D & B BatteIj' & Electric Station I LeRoy Jaggar . "Kenneth Owen LIBRARY FUND : 1 p.. ~ 7 Jennilu Norris ,I City Treasurer ,Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. . Olympic Stationers New Method Book Bindery, Inc. uA. C. McClurg & 'Co. . Superior Publishing Co. PARK PUND: ~/5/ ,t/-::i. ,Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. :City Street Dept. City Treasurer 'Willson Hardware Co. "City Fuel ICo. I' PARKING METER & TRAFFIC OONTROL FUND: M. H. Rhodes, Inc. Felix Gallacci "City Treasurer H. D. Fouler Co. t LIBRARY MEMORIALPUND: 613!! 0 ;1 Pugat Sound Naws Co. Doubleday & Co., Inc. 'I New Method Book Biidery, Inc. I There I 1 Nl'\VAmhA1'" 5 J ~nnt.i nnAd I _____19-4,7- Mechanical Labor & Gas Battery, Parts, etc. Parts Parts illmber Rent and Lights Fittings Barrel Supplie s Tools Radio Tube State Examine tion Truck Parts Gasoline Carom. on Colle ctions Cash for Envelopes Supplies Water Lamps and Tools Repairs Frt. Charges Poles Wire, InSulators, Hardware, Meter Cases, Fittings Hardware Supplies Transformers Screws Offica Supplies Paper Water Gasoline Anti-Freeze Welding Battery Supplies Car ltileage for Octo ber - Caraga Rent-July, August, September cartage, Turpentine, Extra Labor Light, Water, Garbage Phone Servi oes Offioe Supplies Binding - Books Books Phone Servi ce Labor and Material Light, Water, Garbage Light Globes StolTe OU s'fI!'.C.'! CO.'s Share of Oct. Collections Car Mileaga for Oct. Lights 120# Tegul Ampco Book Books Books being no further bisiness, the session was declared adjourned. 395 ~ I' 75.57,\. 28.79 5.05' 2.501 75.541, 25.751 54.61 , 5.15'.'1 7.21 12.82 1.85l 425.i1-'l' 4.84" 51,60,', 5.50' 57.20' 10 .e5~ 1,90 57.26' 1,05' 1.00 81.58 2,591.47,1 571. 79, 2.87, l,020.07,i 1.96 9.79 4.12 1.60 77.\l2 14.40 15.78 15 .11 28.00 50.0q 5.711 19.52. 8.50, 2.52 5.47 45.82 7.55 , I 2.\l0, 20.00" 70.08 40.55 17.89. 886.28' 25.24 .75 8.42 1.88 5.40 6.02: J r;. ;f,wr; tI City Clerk ~UJ~ fA) ~~~ - Mayor I ..-llll