HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/05/1951 JI"" 188 ~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ..<< . """'''. ...m.. ...,~.... ','""". ,.." ..... November 5 19~ The COll1llission met in regular session at 10:CO A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were Mayor Feeley, Co~ssioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trurnbull,and Clerk Law.. Minutes' of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applicajions for building permits and licetlS'es, the following were granted: . , C , BUILDHlG PElUHTS: 1/)?" Edward Jacobson LeRoy H.. JagJer C. H. Young Harry R'. Irons Walter Dryke Nayne \'lilliams Amil Monpas E. ~al"'R LICENSES : VQldred's Beauty Shop Delmar J. Judy Concrete foundation, Lot No. 19, Blk. 267, Townsite Store building, Lots 19 & 20, Blk. 258, Townsite Add utility room to existing dwelling; build single garage; Lot S~ of 9 & 8,.Blk. 205, Townsite Glass in front por~h, Lot 15, Blk. 288, TOlillsite Res~e existing dwelling, Lot ~a,19-20, Block J02, Townsite Addi tion to existing dwelling, Lot 6, Blk. 380, Townsite Bui.ld four room house, Lot 91 Blk 206, Townist;..eoJ. lJ~ila a reet eellSl, B;I:I( 42111, Ts.maitt "MMf ....,... Beauty operator Journeyman plumber $ 1,000.00 1,000.00 650 .00 75.00 I 1,000.00 800.00 3,500.00 I ~ i:~1 I miscellan~ E. N. HALLGREN CO. Under t he head of unfinished business the follmdng bide were submitted to furnish' water pipe and eous fittings: Item 1, 6" c. I. Pipe @ Item 2, 8" C. I. Pipe @ Item 1, Fittings Item 2,' Crosses Item 3, Valves Item 4, Sleeves 1. 649 2.438 517.95 351.05 1,418.00 109.00 PACIFIC STATES CAST IRON PIPE CO. Item 1, 6" c. 1. Pipe @ Item 2, 8" C. 1. Pipe @ Item 1, Fittings Item 2, Crosses Item 3, Valves Item 4, Sleeves HUgH G. PURCELL CO. Item 1, 6" c. I, Pipe @ Item 2, 8~ C. I;yBipe @ Item 1, Tees Item 2, Part bid Item 3, Vslves Item 4, Sleeves PACIFIC WATER WORKS SUPPLY Item 1, 6" C. 1. Pipe @ Item 2, 8" C. I. Pipe @ Item 1, Tees Item 2, Part bid Item 3, Valves Item 4, Sleeves H. D. FOWLER CO. 1. 605 2.335 606.47 404.72 1,365.70 108.69 1.698 2.45 509.65 1,520.00 104.25 1. 765 2.55 520.60 1,411.30 106.30 Item 1, 6" Asbestos Cement Hpe @ 1.39 Item 2, 8" Asbestos Cement Pipe @ 1. 975 Item 1, Tees 548.15 Item 2, Crosses 375.50 Item 3, Valves 1,501.60 Item 4, Sleeves 112.10 JOHNS-MANVILLE SALES CORP. Item 1, 6" Asbestos Cement Pipe @ 1.41 Item 2, e" Asbestos Eement Pipe @ 2.00 ~lERICAN PLill-lBING AND STEAM SUPPLY CO. Item 1, Fittings, Tees I Item 2, Cresses . Item 4, Sleeves GRINNELL CO. of the PACIFIC Item 1, Fittings, Tees Item 2., Crosses Item 3, Valves Item 4, Sleeves 495.12 415.71 98.73 520.68 358.52 1,264.76 112.10 It was moved by Com,.issioner Taylor that bids be I referred to the Eneineer and ,iater Supt. for checking and tabulation until the next session. Seconded by CorrJll. I Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I Bids to i'urnish one pipe threading machine for the water department were submitted as follows: ;; 600.00 PAmER SUPFLY CO. Toledo #999 Terms z!" plus sales tax I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 189 ~ Nrm~mh....,.. 5.. (t'nnt; l'm-="n) 195_1_ "', . ...... ,,,,... .m"".. ..""........ ... GRINNELL CO. of the PACIFIC SEATTLE PLUMBING SUPPLY CO. .CRANE CO. BO\~~ES CO. No certified check $ 605.68 603 . 72 603.65 600.00 Toledo #999 Super model Toledo #999 Toledo #999 Toledo #999 or bid bond as required. It ~as moved by Commissioner Taylor that the bid of Bowles Co. b--e rejected cer.tified check or bond and that the bid by Palmer Supply Co. be accepted. Rob,inson. All voted Aye. 11otion earried. The: hearing on petition for vacation of the alley from the west line of Lots F1've (5) and Fourteen (14) to ]lace Street, in Block 335, Townsite, was opened. There being no objections made or fired, it was mov;ed by Commissioner Robinson. that the alley be vacated and the attorney instructed to 'prepare an Ord.inance vacating the same. Seconded by J.layor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion 'carried. . due to fei lure to include Second~d by Commissioner It ;"as then moved by Commissioner Robinson that the Architectural Plans and Specifications for the city jai~ and police station be formally accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. 110tion carried. The Joe Cecil Lumber Company filed performanee bond as required by logging contract. The bond was app.roved by the Attorney. Chief Ide and the Commission discussed the installation of a water heater at t he Police Stat,ion; It' was' de~ided to declare emergency for payment of the heater. It :"as moved by Commissioner T!l;ylor that the proposal for survey of improvements to the wat'er system by .Cunningham and Associates..,be approved and accepted. J.lotion seeonded by Commissioner Robinson. All' vot,ed Aye. Motion carried. Corrmussioner Taylor informed that discontinuation of the Port Angeles Wester Railroad will increase truck logging and traffic on Marine Drive. Also cited condition of the trestle and estimated cost of fill ' apr,roximately $4,000.00 ineluding the 20 feet increased width as approved oy the Port Corrndssion. It wa~ moved by Commissioner Taylor that call for bids be published for filling Marine Driye, bids to be ope.ned November 19. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Un~er the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the follewing were placed on third and final reading: ORDINANCE NO. 1262 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 154 of the City of Port Anseles, created by Ordinance No. 1245' levying and assessing the amounts of such assessments against the several lots, tracts, and parc~ls of land and other property as shown on such assessment roll; ordering that collections of sueh assessments, creatine and establishing a special local irr.provement rum for said district. It was illoved by Commissioner Robinson tha t the foregoing Ordinanee be passed third and final reading and: adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Metion carried, ORDn:ANCE NO. 1263 AN ORDINANCE authcrizing the issuance and sale of Local tmprevement Bonds for Local Improvement District No. 155 of the City of Port Angeles to pay the cost and expense' of the improvements in said district as ordered and provided for in Ordinance No. 1246 of the City of Port Angeles; providing for the term of such bonds and fixing interest rates. It waG moved by Commissioner Rebinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third ar.d final reading and: adopted. Seconded by Com~ssioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The' Commissioner examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment' of'the same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: ~5~.'J.4 Olyinpie Tribune Hazel's CaDe Natural Gas Corp. of \1ash. Cit! Shop Port Angele s ~ioto rs United Janitor Supply Emer~('n G. L:'~oJrcn.:: 3 Ol,yTnpic Stationers City Treasurer Pacific Tel. and Tel. O~ ~~ CITY STREET FUND: \1 ' City Shop Department Willson Hdwre. Co. Ci ty Treasurer Eklund Lumber Company P. A. Conc~ete Froducts Co. vlest ern Tractor and Equip. Co. Washington Hachir,e.~ and Storage CITY SHOP FUND'I\.'\''> I Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Aiken Hot ors Schreiner Chevrolet Co. Legal publications Meals for prisoners gas-firehall, 1.50; police 2.70 Car repairs-police 27.90; gas, oil and lub- engineers, 1l.33 Car repairs-police 6 cans insectttide Telegram tolls, box rent at postoffice }'ocket stapler Misc.-water 208.)3; police, light, water, garb. 25,74 services 1.340, 9.;:01; 5202 and 5206, 1l.70; 3309, ll.70 12.93 88.37 4.20 39.23 5.67 12.05 4.98 3.04 234..07 49.70 gas, oil, repairs shovels, handles, mat tax, etc. water lumber basins, lids, sewer pipe Wheel, lock, etc. carrier 1,372.84 41.67 66.66 82.92 100.48 1.59 38.57 service 35!.0 rear end parts" spider gears, headli te rim spacer, drive, bolts, etc. 9.01 63.73 4.7B lof A TER FUND: Clallarn County POD No. 1 City Light Dept. elecirti...'O~ servic e electDtc.: sertie 7.22 1l.20 n~ ,.. 190 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington "" . .".... ...."'. "..,~.- ..".... "'.. ..... ~- IWATER FUND (CON' T) , 0..., \~tfl Daily Journal of Commerce City Shop Dept. Renshaw's Service jOlympic Stationers IDwl Drug Store . ,~liddleton "~tor Parts Co. i\'/illson Hardware Co. ./Western Utilities 6upply Co. Palmer Supply Co. 10lympic Foundr".f Co. lHarold Hibbs Plrnb. and Htg. James hr. Caven . Harris and Schuller Fredericks ~lectric jKaufman Jldll'er Company LIGHT FUND: ~A \ b1I.,~~ \Clallam County p. V.D. "No.1 I City Treasurer iF. & L. Service jlCity Shop D'ept. Peninsula Herald City l;ater Dept. !J. B. Mathews Gluss Co. ,Harold Hibos Plmb. and Htg. (Olympic Electric Co. jl'iestinghouse EIectrie Corp. p. A. Auto Supply Co. ;l,estinghouse Electric Supply Co. ,Nailor LUl1fber Company 11'iillson Hardware Co. Angeles tlachine and' Welding Works ;Maydwell and Hartzell fGeneral Electric Supply Co. jThe Electric Company ~ \.t' " SANITATION FUND, ,-0 ICity Shop Dept. :Luvaas Tire Retread ,Little-Holm Tire Company .LIBRARY FUND: ~Db ,II? ,'Peninsula Fuel Company ;City Treasurer iPacific Tel. and Tel. Plympic Stationers 'Puget Sound News Company Messner <Imperial Book Company jersonal nook Shop R. S. & S. Co., Inc. Popular Scienee Publishing Co. 'Doubleday" 'American Librar,y Association Beckley-Cardy Company :&merican Lending Library McClurg 'David McKay Company, Inc. U. Of W. Instruction Materials Center ! \~\ ?ARK FUND: ~., ~heeler Hdwre and Funniture Co. City Shop Department Pacific Tel. and Tel. Willson Hardware Co. Olympic Tribune Econo~ Irrigation Company I . :'\\ P ARKINO iloETER AND TRAFFI C CONTROL FUND: l'tj. ;Ci ty Shop Department Railway EKpress Agency \'illson Hardware Company I . . CEMETERY FUND: . 'Ci ty Shop Department JLIBRARY MElfDRIAL FUND: ~uget Sound News Company/ .r..:",' : LID REVOLVING FUND: iCity: Treasurer Ir.ID GUARANTY FUHD: , ?:!;ympic Tribune! !LID GENERAL FUND: 'Olympic Tribune (PORT' ANGELES FIPoE AND POLICE STATION STATE 'DEVELOPMENT FUND: j'_"<'" O. "." November 5 ( conlJinued) 19~ advertising gas, dr.i.l, repairs oil and greas e maps vas eline fittings supplies fittings pipe fittings' loek-nut s fittings sink and sheet iron loti ring heater September power Cash for postage car service gas, oil and repairs advertising water rents replace glass fi tti'l1gs hardw~e and lamps repair meter tools hoist, volt amps, clamps lumber supplies shop wo rk line hardware wire fuses gaB and oil tire repairs tires and repairs fuel oil light , water, garba.ge phone service supplies books books book books books books books boeks books books boo ks books film rental shovel, bolts, etc. gas, oil, repairs service 5288 weed killer notice of sale pinons, tee heads, etc. gas express charges lag s, ladles gas books Doe. stamps and excise tax-D. Waldron etu -1notice of sale legal publications architectural services $ 15.60. 201.83 1.08 13.63 2.13 1.66 17.61 88.72 - 95.20 ?89.91 3.80 8.91 13.02 75.38 66.90 -23,200.28 3.00 4.74 222.70 19.80 1.90 4.64" 4.31 63.01 9.27 2.62 2;jQ.2/i 2.22 62.90 2.22 124.69 116.83 1.55 165.43 10.04 31.21 BO.66 10.67 9.01 4.48 1.38 15.72 1.75 108.71 1.95 8.20 42.53 1.75 1.18 5.91 54.57 4.66 47.50 45.03 49.83 9.12 4.64 1.26 21.31 6.62 3.42 10.67 5.64 5.50 1.30 2.88 7.71 3,600.00 I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington November 5, (continued) 191 1951 ,,,,,..",,......,,,....,,'"'"...,,",,....... .... . "There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ~. t. (J :Leu.v- ' City Clerk -,t~~~~ Vklyor I, ~'O'I\Jcl~ :t.~on 1~.'Y:ln1'1l:;r' "OF' ~ . ' . -:- . ~. OIUGIXAL AS8BSS,IJ;XTS . XOTICI'. TO HU)I)]o.IIS , " ~OTICI~ -01" SAI,g , '" , i:' :iotll'c Is I1cr(!lJy tri\'I.l!l ,th:lt the .:\Qtkc- is herehy giycn that scaled :\oUce IS ]H!rcb}~ SiYl:lI that the' S{~rll:J. ro nJi)))J:;ns - l.aiStI<'IHlnlCnl roll for tile eOlifltt:uetlon'I!~l(l~ _ wm be r~celn~d by the City i City of Port Angeles wi.H {'i~n ljlC Xotlcc IS l\()r"ll~' ~i\"(m that scaled r;O~~r~{~~~f-u~\Cl'f 011 Flr~t:;ttm~t',!:Wi~II;I!~~t~;:: ~~?' l~\c~OI;hn~ngl~I~So fO~~;j~~ '~~~rn~~dB?~~l~(Jl~t tT~;;~~ .gll~~l;: \\~~ll~g g~t~~tIJ,~~t ~t;~I~~~~: {t:l_~~~nK~ ',pra1t. I~~l 'I h~:~?;'.;~~'6jt~~'. r~i~Ith~ll~18r~\~~:' ~t~II~~n~~fa t1~IT.~~~~at ':~i~.~llt~g;~~~::~~~;~~~1~lV~~OtI9!)~~Tl~I~l111~;,ZOI[l~c~"af'fl~~ No. l:lHi, ~~~CCIl ml.mt.oC-~[3.rlll<) DrIve (rom the \Ve~tl to the hlghe:!! and bo~t bidder (orl]"Of(ll1; or l1H~ City CierI" (or lhc l)ur- ~a\~d~l'd\~~,~i!)~~'~'~ Irn~~~ln/'g~ ::~~..: ~i~:~~~ ~. tn~c \~~l~~t :~~'~aa~~it~hat~l~caJg~ ~~~t a~io~~~, ~,~W{~ g;\~G'l~ll;ln()i~~l~ll~e;~.~~.Cl~~~i~~ colJc~t all~~;ld ull :l."-~cl>i:"1l1dllS ,....trtlt.lrOI1 of an emhankment to.J amount o~ the bid will be acccptcll ll'lo,:l1t TI':lli~r,. 'rbe tjew<:l' B(juiVlllcnt , (:fo)CLt~::~~ ~;~g,~'fo~hC w~lt~ijcil ~~hi~lJ~ f -~~ut~~~~~' cru:-hc{1 ,~tt;~l~rJ~~~ oL~;:,~!tKpCi~r~!loJ ~16il,~~~;~~(~~l.~:.~~]b~: #rexCi%~~ke~CI~11r~d JlOlIcc. ' I .clater t'han 10 o'clock ll.lll. Novem- ,I~qulllmol1t Gomp:lny of Lo!'! .\n~eJe!;. . ,f.;~~,W,,~I!Oi.;,f;"';~;,i';:~:,c.;;,,;, a\:;,~.;,ii~ ~t "'f . ~:;".~", 't1,':,,;;-n1 t~I;~j,c.:;n~'::~'~~3j~~~'tIU~i';~Aotr~fi.ii:o~J,\1CnIdO';n~;~ ~ pl~~t[~ll~ ~11~U~hl:;~~t~g~~~I~C~\~~1 t~~lvag~. iflC~'~';I~I~;~fdP~[} n~~ aO[cJ~l~-j~~:~~ al~\~~ at Port An cle~, WMhing- ~~i;~~U~lJ'tlJJ~~J,Jtj(:hl~f,nl~~~{'~~iti;~ ~_:~a i~~~~n~a~~mg( \nl~lji;r~ill.li)~\~;~~~l~ :~l~~ll;\ j~tll:?~I']:!;~C[l~~~C~,:~hgfkt~~ lU~:, ~~il..~\tr. dcYtyOt~~!~C~bor, l~al. ,',J~}.;,t;~lP~;~~ ";~~;l~~(~ G]?~jl~~~/j:;~~II~ l.~~. tlOU of thiS notice to.~.it: "~lthln tlmOllllt hid. .U1d pa>'nhle to tho CIl}" Cl'l.lr- of Port Angeles. ,"a~hillgton.,all bHl21, I ~~Z:~~~I~~~~ ]d91);~ ~~~ik~I~~Cp~~ll~llr;~'i~~ rh:~7~1~~r'to~~~j~;;.n~':~~~~il~'~I~cblJ~,c:; Published: l\ovembar ~. lll, 19j1. PUbli:J~d~' J~~~~~IJ~I~t1i. y~:r~~;;.l. .1 te~\~~. ()~:i;~~;'mclll or any Ilo;tlOI1 rubJl:;i~etrJ~~~~b~~t:l'9, Cl13,r~~&1, '~l~~rPo~lrc~YRI~~l~!; ~Il~(:.~~'~ f~O~I'f'~~~.~' I hercln I!pcclllcd., ma.y he Ill\ld In tCIl. ), (10) eqllal RllllUR! ll1t1tll.l11nellts at the) I [l~~~c~J i~~~l' ([~c ~~~d~cb~t p~~~~~il~i b~' bonus until delinqUCIlCY:, tlt\JI'oof ,~}lt~r~~~h(~~~I~<'Jcncc~~~t PO~t.JtUll!UIl1 EUtE M, STAHl... .Cll,r 'Tr"isur('r.' bC?~~~l~ll. (IL~t Jlubllcaticni ':'loycm. Pul!ll~hcd;. NClycmber 9. 10, riff: