HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/05/1953 ,.. 360 Proc~edings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington November 5, 19JL n., . ~.". ...mo. ..."".., ...n.. m.. .... , :I'he City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P ,M.' and was called }o, order by Mayor Smith~" Roll ca,J.l of officers'shOl.ed the following present: May<<r Smitlt, Councilman Brown, Neei, Sandis'6n, Powell, and ~olfe, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns, and Clerk Law. . It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of unfinished' business, one bid was received for Lot 13,' Block 395, Townsite. Bid submitted was by Harold W. Larson in amount of $100,00. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the bid be accepted, Seconded' by Cou,ncilman Powell. All voted fo/e. . Motion carried.' Request was received from Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad for permission to fill with gravel betw& en the rails of their tracks on Railroad Avenue. It;l.s the opinion of the company that due to unimproved property on the South side of track, no sidewalks and unpaved portions, water seepage would cause track to settle requiring repairs within two years. Councilman Brown thought the South track should be paved To confOrm with the street improvement.' ~!anager Vergeer advised that the Council could demand track be paved according to franchise. It was moved by Councilman Brown that. request to fill with gravel be denied and South track ,be paved with black top. Seconded by Councilman SandlBln and carried. A company representative having appeared, discussion was re-opened and explanations heard as to preference and advantage of gravel fill between tracks. Attorney Severyns questioned authority of the Counoil to waive requirements of franchise ordinance. After further disoussion, it was moved by Councilman Sandison that the matter of storm water softening the south shoulder between the railroad right of way and sidewalk area be referred to tlie engineering department 1br study and recommendation at the next regular meeting of the counCil,! Moti~ seconded by Councilman NeeI'. All voted qe.. Motion carried. City Engineer Ahlvers filed for approval the following notice of amount due for street drainage and constr- uction in L.I.D. No. 163: "The thirty (30) day period sinoe the cOll'pletion and acceptanoe of the work done on Looal Improvement Distriot: No. 163 by Fieler Construction Comp~, Contraotor, of Seattle, Washington has elapsed, alIi no inoomplete or deiective work has been discovered for which the City of Port Angeles makes claim. I I, therefore reoommend that the 15% retained ($89,299.17) of the cost of the work be paid the contract- or, Pieler Construction Company. .MEMO OF FUNDS 'Received from Rayonier, Inc. cash for its portion of pavelIlent on Ennis St. 'Hill $9,615.46 I :Funds in 1953 St, Improvement Construction Fund (Fixed Est. E & C) I lTo be raised from Sie L.I.D. I Sale ITO be raised from/G. O. Bonds 21,027.68 Total $89,299.17 'Councilman NeeI' expressed his personal opinion that the project should be accepted with one exception, the Uneven finish on the Cedar Street hill. Also if the laborers employed were not concrete finishers, this ,should be responsibility of the contractor as the City contracted for proper construction. J. E. Butler, 'Vice President of Pieler Construction Co. informed that ",hen concrete is laid on hills with sharp turns, the finishing machine cannot be used and local unions insisted that local help be employed. These l1ere not bcperienced concrete finishers. Also where concrete is laid at certain degree, the moisture content must ~e considered, this being the duty of the inspector to so instruct the mixer and DOt responsibility of con- tractor. Fred Strange, Chariman of the Planning Commission agreed that all would like to see smooth sur- ;face, also cited the project as being structurally o.k. and less than 3/8 variation allowed acoording to I:ontract. Mr. Str.3l1ge further informed that outside Engineers have inspected the projeot and other than !the Ennis Street hill, the project is as good as Seattle and other cities are accepting, although these are not cited as examples, a nd if the Council accepts the job, the by and large of the City is not lacking in value received and have gotten a durable improvement. Manager Vergeer stated approval and concurrence with Engineer's recommendations. Councilman Keer cited statement by the inspector regarding Cedar Street hill as not acceptable and thought some one >JtIO understands street construction and concrete should make survey and recommendations. Councilman 5ro>rn agreed with Councilman Neer and under recommendations concerning the project as a whole, moved that the Council accept the job as completed and authorize I warrants issued in payment of the 15% retained. 11otion seconded by Councilman .'Iolfe. One roll call Council":' Ill'lI1 BrOlffi, Sandison, Pwell andllolfe voted fo/e. Counoilman NeeI' voted no. The Mayor declared the motion [ ICarried. :Manager Vergeer read letters from the Pieler Construotion Company oonoerning their obligations during street. lonstr~ction. l!r. Butler assured that all obligations are paid as required by contract. I IThe Engineer filed for approval and acceptance the follOl.ing information concerning L.I.D. No. 164: . "The Thirty (30) day period since the completion and acceptance of the work done on Local Improvement 'I 'District No. 164 by Pieler Construotion Company, contractor, of Seattle, Hashington has elapsed and no 'incomplete or defective work has been discovered for which the City of Port Angeles makes claim. I I, therefors recommend that the 15% retlli ned ($6,787.82) of the cost of the \lork be paid the contractor, Pieler Construction Company." I It was moved by Councilman NeeI' that the foregoing recommendation be approved and warrants issued in payment of amount retained. Seconcled by Councilman Sandison. All members voted Aye. 110tion carried. I lUndeI' the head of new business, it was moved by Councilman Powell that claims paid October 9, 26, 28, and povember 3, in total amount of $45,301.89 be approved as paid. Seconded by Counoilman Sandison, All voted -.!we. Motion carried. I Requests for transfer of beverage licenses were approved as follows: Port Angeles Thrift ~!arket and Little I Brick Tavern. It was moved by Councilman Brown that transfers be approved as requested. Seoonded by Council- luan NeeI'. All voted fo/e. Motion carried. I Departmental reports were filed for approval by the Council as follows: Light Dep;., 1st 9 mos. of 1953. Police Dept. for month of October. Police Judge for August showill& $2,272.50 fines collected and Sept. showing $2,498.50 fines collected. Monthly report of receipt s and disbursements for October. It was moved by Councilman Bro>rn that all reports be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe All voted fo/e. Motion carried. 9,144.42 47,5ll.61 ...... I I I I I I, I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 361 ..., November S 19~3 '"., . """'''. ".n.,. "",_". ""'''.... "'.. .... IThe Council discuessed current budget appropriations for Civil Defense.. A~torney Severyns.advised that the CountT could pay olaims direot. That the City should not PllO'" all claims and be re-imbursed by the I County for half, thereby exceeding City budget items provided. 'I A petition si gned by property owners was filed for consideration by the Council requesting that a Loc~l Improvement District be established on l~est 8th Street from Tumwater bridgeto C. Street for installation of curbs and gutters. Manager Vergeer advised that the petitioners are will,ing to pay up to $2.00 per 'foot for the improvemtn but would like some satisfaction that the State will pave the street after improve- ment is completed. Also, the State has not provided for paving of the street in the biennial budget and , are not sure what they can do. 111'. Vergeer further informed that he has made formal request with the .state 'Highway Dept. It was then moved by Councilman Wolfe that the petition be accepted and date of public ;hel\rill8 set for establishing the L.I.O. Motion "econded by Councilman Powell. Alll voted Aye. Motion I carried. _ . . _ IAlsO filed for cllnSideration was a petition signed by property owners in t he general area of 4th and. 5th 'Streets near Penn, requesting that the City conduct survey to determine on what basis an installation 'could be made fl1rl sewage disposal. By suggestion of Manager Vergeer, it was moved by Councilman Brown lthat a preliminary survey be made of the area to determine feasibility of the rsquested proJect.. Motion seconded by Counoilman NeeI' and unanimously carried. !The Council received notice of reques;t from Ed York to purchase timber in the Morse Creek 1'iate~shed adjace~t to the water intake. Manager Vergeer advised that he has looked at the timber desired and would estimate ,value at about ~2,DOO.po. It was his opinion that removal of timber would be adverse to the City's 'interest and water supply. It was moved by Councilman PoweJ.l that the City reject consideration d'.the Itimber sale. Seoonded by Councilman Brown. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Manager Vergeer reported on receipt by telephone f~m the State Highway Dept. of their decision regarding traffic signal installation. Approval of installation was ell follows: StQP and Go signal at First and Peabody Sts. Denied stop and go at 1st and :(!act, and Sth and Cherry . not warranted. Fourth and Lincoln Will reoommend removal. Council manbers disapproved decision by the State Commission and will file protest after receipt of confirmation in Imting. I The Council considered a franchise agreement with Clallam County Sewer District No. 1 for installation of sewer main on the West side of Francis Street from 4th Street to the Bay. The District will be advised as to sentiments of the Council. i _ Claims agai nst "1953 Street Improvement Construction Fund" fixeq 8sti.late expense in am:>unt of $300.00 and the L.r.D. No. 164 Construction Fun<!, fixed estimate S>.-pense, .in amount of $1,265.Z9 were submitted for approval.and payment. It was moved by Counci:unaU Brown that 'the claims be. approved and warrants issued in payment of the same. Seconded bY CouncilmlllPowell. l\ll- members voted fo/e. Motion carried. I Manager Vergeer informed that r~. S. Johnson, chairman of the Park Board, has been requested to erect fence around a portion of the public park adjace.nt to the Juvenile Detention and Youth Center on Linooln Street. The matter was tabled with no action taken. i i Mr. Vergeer read a letter from Dr. Harry L, Lydiard regarding his membership on the Library Board and at .1 the same time affiliated with the Community Action Committee I1hich advocates combined City-County Library. The manager was instructed to acknO\1ledge receipt of letter. Also read was revision in specifications for Civil Defense equipment as submitted by the fire chief. ~ger Vergeer was instructed to ascertain j just what is desired after several, previous revisions and inform that the amount provided in the budget ,will definitely not be increased. ,The Council discussed opportunity t~ acquire a Lot at 2d and Laurel Streets to be used for City purposes. 'I This was tabled for further consideration. The Council also disoussed a plan authorizing issuance of oourtesy parking stickers to out-of-tmm guests attending conventions in this City. The stickers would be issued for cars owned by registered guests and these oars would not be tagged for parking. The Istickecs would be issued by either City }lanager or Police Dept., dated, and effective only during convent- 'lion periods. It was understood that any. abuse of the privilege would result in immediate abandonment of the idea. It was moved by Councilman Holfe that the courteay tickets be allOl.ed for convention guests ,only, applications to be made and tickets issued for duration of conventions. Hotion .seoonded by iCOUncilman Brown and unanimously carried. "' " iUlIier the head of introduction of resolutions, the following were .introduced for approval: 'I' RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION transferring funds from th,e item of equipuent and supplies to travel expense, Civil Defense cUJ1rent ~nse fund; from the item building and department supplies and insurance item radio and fire lalarm supplies of the department budget; from the item office supplies, bond lights, to the item of iinsurance in the parkin8 meter and traffic control fund and from the item of occasional clerical help to the item of janitress and substitute in the Library budget; from the item surveyin(S .transfer to engineer- ling department to the item of utilities charges, truck and equipment repairs, gas, oil and grease and equipment rental and from the item utility taxes municipal system to the item State utility tax industrial system. j ;WHEREAS, at the time of: the preparation and adoption of the an;'lUal budget of the City of Port Angeles there :was appropriated certain funds for' Civil Defense, Fire Department Budget, Parking Heter and Traffic Control I Fund , Library Budget and "ateI' Department, each of which funds were allocated and divided among different items in each of said funds; and, . I 11fflEREAS, it is now found that oertain itell)S have a surplus and other items ha'te a deficiency and it is 'necessary that a transfer be made among certain items within such funds in order to provide and care for the d[fferent deficiencies. I ,NOW, TilEREFOllE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT AIDEL'ES, as follows: Kr. That thefollowing tiransfe~s' fr~ the following certain funds be m:.de f~m certain items to other items '"within such fund, to wit: (1) l'lithin the Civil Defense fund from the item of equipment and supplies to I the :tl:em travel expense, the sum of $5.45. I (2) Within the Fire Department Budget, from the item building and department supplies and insuranoe to the item radio and fire alam supplies in the sum of $200.00. (3) That in the Parking Heter and Traffic Control fund from the ,item office supplies,blllld lights to the ~ ,.. 362 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington November 5 19~ ..", . "M". ..",,, ..."....,. "'0"", ...., .... litem of insurance, the sum of $22.04. i (4) Within the Library Budget from the item oacasional clerical help to the item janitress and substitute, 1'$48.00. (5)A.~rithin the l'rat~r Department Budget from the item surveying transfer to engineering department to It~e item utility charges, $:300.00. ' :B. From the item surveying transfer to engineering department to the item truck and equipnant repairs, :$600.00. 1 {. From the :i.tem surveying transfer to engineering department to the .item gas, oil and greas, $1,200.00. 'D. From the item surveying transfer to engineering department to the item equipment rental, in the sum iof $5QPO. I <E:. From the item utility tax municipal system to the item State utility Taoc Industrial System in the 'sum of $1,000.00. I , '11. That the City Manager and City Treasurer be authorized and directed to make the proper transfer on the books of the City of Port Angeles in accordance .~th this resolution. I ,u, It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted.' Seconded by rCouncilman 'volfe. 1l1l voted Jlo>'e. Motion carried. RESOLUTI ON NO. Resolution Setting Date For Final Hearing On Assessment, Roll of Local Improvement District No. 164 Of The City of,Port ~'geles anq The Defining Notice rnereof BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES as fol101,": I. That a final hearing be held upon the ~ssessment Roll of Local Improvement District No. 164 of the City of Port Angeles at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. on Thursday, December 3, 1953 at the 60uncil Room of the Port ,mgeles Police Station at FL'ont and..Oak Streets, .Port Angeles, 'vashington. II. That the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles is hereby direoted to giV'e notice of such hearing notifying all persons who may desire to object to said Assessment roll. (1) To make their objections in writing. and to file- them with the City Clerk at or prior to the tiate fixed for the hearing; (2) That at the time and place fixed and at times to \1hich the hearing may be adjourned, the Council wi.;Ll sit as a board of equalization for the purpose of considering the roll; and I (3) That at the hearing the Council will consider the objections made and will correct, revise, raise, lower, change or Wldify the roll or any part thereof or set aside the roll and order the assessment to be lmade de novo, and at the conclusion thereof confirm the roll by ordinance, 1 It was moved by Councilman'10lfe that the foregoing resolution te adopted. Seconded by Councilmm Brown. I All voted !ne. Motion carried. " 'V , lUndeI' the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances the folloong were re&d in full for consideration I Oy the Council: , IAN ORDINAN CE approving and adopting the bUdge~ ~eclaring an emergenoy. I ,It was moved by Councilman NeeI' that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by Council- msn lvolfe. All voted Jlo>'e. ~jotion carried. 1 ~~~~~ ~ ?RDINAIOC:E O~nfirming ~he estimates of expenditure for. the City of PortAngeles for the year 1954 and ~~ng tax,leVles f~r ~a~d year as heretofore made and levied by the City Council of the"City of Port Ang_ iles, meet~ng and s~tt~ng for such purpose and declaring an emergency. . ~t \1as moved J:'Y Councilman Brown that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by counCil-I man! PO\1ell. All members v oted Aye. Motion carried. ORDINAIK:E NO. 1:316 I t.~ ORDINANCE stating the f~cts of an emergency affecting the public safety, \1elfare and convenience of the , v~ty of Port Angeles, requ~r~ng the unforeseen expenditure of funis providing for the issuance of emergency t"arran~s payable from monies on hand in the City Treasury in the fund properly chargeable with such expendJ. tures. I ~t was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and passed first reading. by Councilman NeeI' and unanimously carried. 1 ~ere being no further business, the mee~ing Was declared adjourned. ORDINAN~ NO. 1314 of the.City of Port Angeles for the fiscal year 1954, and '",om.' i I (),G,~, (j City Clerk ~~ Mayor ... I I I I I' I