HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/05/1959 8 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington NOVEMBER 5 , 19~ t.IIoHP'U>lTINGlCO. P.;.:M ~ The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor Richardson, Other Officers present were: Councilmen Smith, Sandison, Maxfield, Thorne, Randall and Caldwell, Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law. It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. Under the head of unfinished business, Council considered the request for appraisal of Lots in Block 357 and minimum to be fixed. CounGilman Caldwell reported that the commit- !;tee has inspected the' property, also determined market value of Lots in this area. It was recommended that the minimum be fixed at $125.00 per Lot plus assessments, group or indi- vidual, for Lots 1 to 10 inclusive and Lots 15 to 20 inclusive, all in Block 357. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the report and tecommendation be accepted and call for bids published, minimum to be $125.00 per Lot plus assessments. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. Bids to furnish transformers for the Light Graybar Electric Co. $ 7,988.00 Love Electric Co. 7,988.00 Line Material Company 7,988.00 Westinghouse Electric Co. 7,988.00 Utility Supply Co. 6,536.70 follows: $ 7, %9.14 6,315.20 7,988.00 7,471.00 7,988.00 Department were received as Shaffer & Nelson Home Electric Co. Maydwel1 & Hartzell Alternate General Electric Supply Having consulted the Light Foreman, the Manager recommended the bid by Utility Supply Co. : as the lowest and best offer. It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that bid by Utility Supply Company at $6.536.70 be accepted as recommended. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. The Planning Commission submitted report on requests for vacation of a portion of "I" Street and a portion of JoneS Street, also variance by the Church of the Nazarene. Report reveals that requests were not recommended and it was moved by Councilman Randall that the' e6undil:concur 'wi th rec'ommendation of Planning Commission and reque sts be denied. Secondsa by Councilman Caldwell and carried. The Commission also expressed approval of the site fdr construction of the Water reservoir. The Manager filed report of findings regarding Loading Zones. It was moved by counCilmanJ Caldwell that the report be accepted and proper Ordinance prepared for further action, Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried. Engineer Warder filed notices of payments due for construction in L.I.D. No, 179 as folao s: Milone and Tucci. Inc., Third (October) and final estimate, $1.999.70 I J. D. Shotwell Company. First (October) estimate, $11,000.00 I J. D. Shotwell Company, First (October) fixed estimate, $2,000.00 I It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that the final estimate in amount of $1,999.70 be ap-II proved and contract for installation of storm sewers be accepted as completed, the period~c estimate, (October) for street construction and fixed estimate approved, and warrants issued against L.I.D. No. 179 in total amount of $14,999.70, bearing interest at the rate of 4 3/4% per annum and dated November 9, 1959, the proceeds to be deposited in the L.l.D. No. 179 :1 Construction Fund, and that warrants be issued on said Construction Fund in favor of the I Contractors in payment for work performed. Motion seconded by Councilman Thorne and un- ; animously carried. i'l Under the 'head of new business. the Active Club requested that the City lease to them, Su~ urban Block 47, West 10th Street, for the purpose of raising Christmas trees. It was the II opinion of Councilman Randall this is a worthy project and merit should be considered, buti, ! questioned advisability to tie up the property for ten years without protection for the II I'City in the event other use is required. It was moved by Councilman Randall that the Act~Ve ,Club be granted a proper 'lease for a nominal amount, subject to termination by the City a~ their discretion and proper notice. Motion seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. 'i The Council consid~red an agreement between the City and D. L. Bostwick for removal of II timber from water reservoir site. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the Mayor be : authorized to sign agreement. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. I " Application for beverage license renewals and transfers were received as follows: Appli- II I cation, Lee Hotel, Reapplication, Shamrock Tavern. Transfers: King Farouks and McGlenn "5 Thriftway, It was moved by Councilman Thorne that applications be approved, Seconded by 1'1 ,councilman Sandison and. carried. , j 'Terms of certain Commission and Board Members having expired, it was moved by Councilman " Randall that the Mayor be authorized to make appointments subject to Council approval. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. he Mayor announced the following appointments: Planning Commission: Fred C. Strange, 1 erbert McGee, Rennie Anderson, John M. Reiners and Harry Hunt. Six year terms to expire November 5, 1965. ~.r"d-- Par k Board: Al Haley and Conrad Dyar. ,~_.~ILibrary Board: Nelson Hartnagel. confirming unexpired term, Donald Lutz, Helen Tradewell. ~~ fichard Timm appointed to serve unexpired term of Wendell McCain, resigned, term to expire March 17, 1960. I lIt was moved by Councilman Maxfield that appointments be approved. Seconded by Councilman' Caldwell and carried. j: ,The Manager requested Council authorization to publish call for qids for the construction of one 2 milli?n gallon res~rvoir complete. with valves a~d connections, and one 7 million i'l 'gallon reservo~r complete w~th valves, dralns, etc. Estlmated cost. $141,450.00 and i j$267,900.00. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the Manaoer be authorized to publish "\ Icall for bids to be opened December 5th at 2:00 O'clock P.M., c~mpared and tabulated f9r ,Council consideration December 17th. Motion seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. I. I 1 I I I I I ProceeDings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 9 November 5, (Cont'd) 19~ ~ !II H PFlINTINC <:0,. P.24U4 -..... I Departmental Reports were approved as follows: Police, Water Operating and Work, Light Operating, Work and Billing. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that all reports be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. Cl aims for payment were app roved in the following amounts: Ge,neral Funds, $4,763.66. Water Fund, $4,629.57. Light Fund, $25,949.33. Also a claim to Mr. Durham in amount of $2,500.00 in payment for Water Reservoir site. 'It was moved by Councilman Smith that claims be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. Payrolls for the month of October were approved.in total amo~nt of $49,723.40, It was moved by Councilman Randall that Payrolls be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Council~an Randall informed of consultation with Mr. and Mrs. John Partridge. It appears they bought five tax title Lots in 1956 and were informed by the Treasurer's Department there were no unpaid assessments against the property. Three years later they received notice of assessments due with interest and penalties,; Having checked with the Attorney, it appears there ma~ be a legal out for the City. However, it was the opinion of Mr. Randall that the City should not hide behind legaltechilicaliUes _ when definitely wrong by action of an employee. It was moved by Mr. Randall that the Manager and Attorney investi-I ' gate this complaint, and if found to be true, work out something to take care of without I having to pay interest and penalties for three years. Motion seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. ' Councilman Caldwell inquired regarding proposed Ordinances governing installation of sign and curbs and gutters. The Attorney assured that an Ordinance governing sign installatioA will be ready in the near future. He questioned curb and gutter installation, this being governed by State Statutes and requires proper procedure. being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned. Q tf1 t ,;;f _ tJ A..u- CITY CLERK Jl'Q'1'Ic:E OP CAXoL :1"0& BlDS .K02'Ia:II 02' SA%d: I NOTICE Is hereb:r gIven tha.t :iea.l- SEAL PBO:PZB.T'T ed pro])ofials '",1.11 be, received, by. the NOTrcE Is hereby given thM the, City Managt:r -{)f th*, City 01' port] City of Port An~eles will eell to the r~~~e~\lj:~'t~~~g;OStr~\. ~1~t1r:~~ . r~~h~~~C~n)~d b~~~1 b~~~~~ri~~ t~~~~~- ~~~b';: n: ~~91.f1rllrs~::,d~~~I~t~~;: DescrIption p:l~j;;i;:d .~~~~_ '(l~:; :!2_~llil;:~u~:llo~al:~~er:~~~~'"a~;,~~ Block H7, TO~~S?f~ncH ment13 elated. struetur~ snd pIping, and Lot 1 12!i.On 28.74 wlll then and there be opened and 2" 12" on 27.31 publicly re:l(:! lLlou(I. Proposals re..~:; 12~'OO 2"!U!:4 ceived. after the time fixed for the: 4 '125:00 2~J'7 opening wlll ng~n~~n~~~~:ff~AAIOJ1~f.. :~ g~:gg 22.!l7 ntraet documents ma) If 7 12500 ~;f t~~e og:;e o~f p~~~j: g~:~g , e8t~Front-Stra~t, portl 10 12r.:OO :(gJ~cW. '~~~~I~~~onis;;d~~:s.oU~n:. i~ n~'~~ 18,:~8 ~;r ABa~~~~~lg~n~~:i~~ee~~\!i~O~t~~~~1 U ~~f~~ 1ij~' ana at th~ o!fice of the Associated' 19 125 '0& 22.IH! Q~nerld Controctor,s ~rtAmerl~ .21~ .20 12&:00 22,9i \ est Harrison S trlilftt, SW1ule. 1\ lUlll. 'Rld~ llcCf'pted ror, ',"',I-';Id"", I Lot,' 0'\ fn~~~, of said _ c.ontract . dr:'R.wlng~, "grN6TICE l!'l fllrthf'r given tllnt :'<('1\.1. .peclflcaUonSl'llnd .Otherl2ontntct .(In- ('0 bid!; "'Ill be received for the ..ame t!c~e~i~R~a~..b~::~~: ~~s~~a~; i~t ~e 'i;~~'f>:b~; 3nti19559'OOllnn~Cl~~ \lpQn the payment of flfteen-do-lIar-s hiter .'Bldd mllf-it be' accompll.nlCldbv (~15.0~ec~ffcaifo~a :>;~Q~:st~d~w~~11 ~iP~~~u~~ ~ldt ~~h~hb:f('~(l ~w~~~'t )tl\.yment shall ge refunded only to .llC con~lOcr(l,'J. The eltJ-' council rc- P~~~~S:ll:di~S th~bc;:gln;f ~~~ ~~~ !'QrVC3 the rlgM tn reject an}' or ~I i:"ele~, jJr-Jor to- ~he tlmeaJ)f)"c specl-,-, IJIds, M. W. BLA~KAnD, ied for all cO"llstructlon to l;l~ ,furn- City Ma.naJ;cr. ~~~~~ac~.rl~~~u~~~lt:~ecJfl~atlons and.. Published: N'o\'emher 19 and.116, 19ii5l, Each propo!'l~l MhaH be acom-pa.nied. l!;' a_ c(!ortltled cbeek lIa.yatJle to ~the\ City .T~ell.surer In ,an .H,m<;tunl nQt less than t1\'o& percent (5";0) of the amoC1nt ot:the' prop~1. 'The check i:~l1bl~~~:rI':;I~1 nl'''r6~lfeua:a;~~fO~: anec bond and in~urance certificate as specifIed and will ~eeute- thej .ontract If his propooo.l tf:\ accepted, In conformlt). with the contract do- ~ument.s, within [Ive> (5) days .after- WI~ll~lfy o~t~~~~ olrl:~::tan~~ from An;- bidder wh() ~~ ~~~~rr;:l t~~:Of~h~n80~~f~id f~~ ~~~ I ecution of conlmct, unlcsf'l said cx- ('cutlon I::;; dtlaycd by the City 01' Port An.c:elc-;; for a period exceeding I thlrty.fl\'c (3G) dan; [Iftcr the tim~ fixed f(,r oid opcninK, or who falls to furnish performance bond, In!'!ur- ancc ~er-tlfleate and execute the con- tract within five (l'i) days after notification of ncceptance, shall for- feit his check to the City of Port I Angel= iLS liquidated dama.ges.. . The r.lt.)' of Port Angeles rcsen.eSj the rIght tlJ reject any or all pro- posals a.nd to wah'c Irregularltic8 or, kn:~~;~~~r ~~~l~)r :!l ~~~~rtt~~ I onl).' on the prescribed proposaltOTm I bound In a. complete !',I:'t of Hpef'lrl~~ .ell.t10M and eontrllet docl1mentH. i M. \Y. SLANKARD CIty Ma.nager PUhltsh@>d: NOl'cmber 19, 2' andl L>ecembcr !. HI5,. '