HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/05/1985 422 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington November 5, 1985 I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Whidden called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Whidden, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, I Quast, Schermer, Stamon. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk Anderson, P. Carr, M. Cleland, R. Saville, J. Marsh, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. Orton, A. Rose, B. Jones, G. Booth, S. Kenyon, L. Danks. Public Present: L. Sunny, K. Sweeney, N. Peisley, L. Ross, A. Rud, J. Cornell, B. McCrorie, F. McPhee, J. Fairchild, D. Quast. III MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the October 15, 1985, meeting. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried. IV CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda, including (1) Request permission to call for bids on I. transformers - Hiller Project, Pine Hill Project, Lincoln Street Landing; (2) Refund of latecomer charges to Wes Rausal of $38,755.90 (sewer reimbursement, Galaxy Estates); (3) Payment of $5,548.40 to consultant for development of Harbor Management Plan; (4) Progress payment for Chip Seal Program to Lakeside Industries of $14,500; (5) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; and (6) Vouchers of $1,654,985.56 and Payroll of 10-20-85 of $208,121.56. Councilman Gerberding seconded. Following discussion of item No.2, the Chip seal Program, and the Erickson Tennis Court repaving, on call for the question, the motion carried. V FINANCE 1. Award of Transformer Bids -Continued - USCG Air Station Councilman Gerberding noted that no bid sheet was included in the Council packet. He therefore moved to hold decision on this matter until the next meeting on November 19, 1985. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried. 2. Slide Repair Bid Awarded to Morrison Gravel, Inc. Councilman Gerberding moved to accept the bid of Morrison Gravel, Inc., in the total amount of $57,477.88. Councilman Schermer seconded. Following discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried. 3. Riddell, Williams Payment Authorized I Councilman Stamon moved to authorize payment of the October 15, 1985, Riddell, Williams bill in the amount of $1,174.60. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried. VI ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA Art Rud requested to be placed on the Agenda under "Late Items" and was granted his request. I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 5, 1985 ITEMS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA Councilman Schermer suggested that the Council hold a shorter meeting, as this was election night. The Council concurred to consider this suggestion at 9:30 P.M. VII LEGISLATION 1. Public Hearings A. Gund Plaza Street Vacation Following explanation by Manager Flodstrom, Mayor Whidden opened the public hearing and asked for comments. Pat Downie, local project manager for the proposed residential/commercial development, introduced individuals involved in the project as follows: Doug Lloyd, Louie Torres, and Jeff Webber. Doug Lloyd, a partner in the project from San Francisco, addressed the Council. Mr. Lloyd reviewed the history of the project. He then introduced Jeff Webber of TRANSPO Traffic Consultants of Bellevue, who reported on a traffic impact analysis completed by his company for the Gund Plaza. He reported findings - that the street system in the area is substantially adequate to handle the traffic loadings that would result in the foreseeable future and would function well with stop sign control as it currently exists at predominant intersections in the area. Mr. Webber then reviewed a visual presentation of the proposed project. It was Mr. Webber's opinion that the crossover street was not needed now or, more than likely, in the future. The Council and staff discussed the matter with Mr. Webber at great length. Doug Lloyd readdressed the Council, stating project proponents were con- cerned with the safety aspect for senior citizen residents of the proposed facility. Councilmembers and staff discussed with Mr. Lloyd possible alternative street crossings for the senior citizen residents of the project. Mr. Lloyd also pointed out the benefits to the City in property taxes that would occur with completion of the project. During lengthy discussion with Council and staff, Mr. Lloyd pointed out his feelings that the crossover was not a good thing for Port Angeles. Mr. Lloyd and the Council and staff discussed the matter further, at great length. Lorraine Ross, 418 East Front Street, noted she was speaking for herself, not for the Planning Commission, and urged the Council to grant the street vacation. She stated Mr. Gund, owner of the property, had been a friend to Port Angeles. Richard Page, 918 South "G", addressed the Council, stating he was not opposed to this project. However, he was concerned that a 50-foot buffer still be included in this project to reduce the impact on surrounding residences. Mayor Whidden asked for further comments; there were none. He therefore closed the public hearing. Councilman Schermer noted a concern that traffic not be increased on Tenth Street due to Hamilton School being located there. Following further lengthy discussion, Councilman Quast moved that the Council concur with the recommendations of the Planning commission to allow the street vacation, adding the conditions of November 3, 1981, as follows: (1) In order to reduce the impact on local hydrology and the City storm water system, the development shall 'incorporate the storm water retention catch basin, oil/ water separator and other facilities deemed necessary by the City Public Works Department,. which shall have the capacity to retain the storm water runoff at the pre-development level of the site; (2) Fire hydrants and other fire prevention facilities be provided in accordance with ISO Standards, the Uniform Fire Code and the City Fire Department; (3) To reduce light and glare, noise, land use conflicts between residential and commercial use, and to decrease visual impacts of the development, a natural landscape buffer, utilizing the existing native trees and shrubs, shall be provided to a depth of at least 50 feet from the rights-of-way of Eighth Street, "G" Street, "I" Street and along the north line of the 9/10 alley. An easement for a landscape buffer shall be granted and filed with the County Auditor, noting that the maintenance of said landscape buffer 42R 424 CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 5, 1985 shall be the responsibility of the property owner; (4) In order to mitiga.te the impacts of light and glare of development on adjacent residential areas, low-glare high pressure sodium lights with cut-off switches and directed away from adjacent residential properties, shall be used wherever feasible in all outdoor fixtures. To further reduce light and glare, the landscape planting shall be incorporated into all parking lots, in residual areas and the parking strip along the Eighth/Tenth Crossover, and in the traffic median island at the intersec~~-2!JtQe.~Crossover with Eighth and Tenth Streets; replacing (5) with~at su~icrerrr:Property be added on the southeast corner of "I" and Eighth in order to make the intersection a free I right turn; (6) To provide for the safety of pedestrians in the vicinity, sidewalks shall be installed by the petitioner on the south side of Eighth Street, the east side of "I" Street and the west side of "G" Street adjacent to the subject parcel. Marked pedestrian crossings across these streets shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the City Public Works Department. Councilman Schermer seconded. With concurrence from councilman Quast, Councilman Gerberding added that utility easements be protected. Councilman Quast also added that the matter be referred to the Real Estate Committee for determination of compensation. He then added Condition No. 7 that if the project is not undertaken within a two-year period, the right-of-way be returned to the City. Councilman Quast added that the southeastern portion be senior citizen housing and the northwest area of the two-block site be the commercial site. Councilman Stamon spoke in support of the motion. Councilman Quast added that this motion was made with the express understanding that a senior citizen development plus a smaller commercial site take place; that if this should be abolished or the plans should be given up, this vacation becomes invalid. Following further discussion, the motion carried, with Councilman Hordyk voting "No". Attorney Knutson stated that an ordinance would be brought back before the Council for adoption. The Council then scheduled a meeting of the Real Estate Committee for November 12, 1985, at 5:00 P.M. [This was subsequently changed to 6:00 P.M.] B. Parking and Business Improvement Area (PBIA) Boundary Extension Ordinance Adopted Mayor Whidden opened the public hearing and asked for comments from the audience. There were none. He therefore closed the public hearing and read the ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2360 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles enlarging the boundaries of the Parking and Business Improvement area and amending Ordinance No. 2351. Councilman Hordyk moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Council- man Stamon seconded and the motion carried. C. OelHur West Side Annexation Public Hearing - Continued The Council and staff discussed the matter and concurred to hold a public hearing but to delay a final decision on the matter until further review could be completed. Mayor Whidden opened the public hearing and asked for comments from the audience. Louie Torres, representing DelHur, Inc., addressed the Council. Mr. Torres stated his client was interested in annexation only if the use activities currently allowed in the County zoning would be available within the City. He stated that the applicant would withdraw from the procedure if this was not the case. The Council concurred that the zoning issue would be determined prior to the annexation issue. Mr. Torres concurred with staff reports recommending approval of the annexation. He referred to the citing of the Planning Commission that industrial use is more appropriate adjacent to an airport than residential use. He felt this complied with one of the City's Land Use Objectives. He also referred to the citing that industrial use is more functionally related to airport uses than is residential use. He noted the finding that the area under consideration complies with the Industrial Policies of the City of Port Angeles. Mr. Torres further reviewed the request for rezone and reasons for the request. He cautioned that any substitute costs imposed at this time prior to any activity I I I I I CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 5, 1985 occurring may prematurely cause economic conditions to occur which are not to the community's advantage; specifically, if the land is zoned heavy industrial and brought into the City, then costs begin to accrue relatively immediately without a specific project being brought to the community to utilize it. He stated owners are inclined to be anxious to then move forward on whatever project might be available to offset those costs, and as a result, a serious opportunity loss could be incurred. Jerry Hendricks, Executive Director of the Port of Port Angeles, stated that approximately half the property being requested for rezone and annexation is owned by the Port of Port Angeles. Mr. Hendricks explained that the Port had purchased a great deal of property surrounding the airport in order to prevent encroachment of incompatible uses. He outlined the reasons for the proposed annexation, specifically to rationalize the development, developing the ability to access City services of water and sewer, and also to allow development under one government body. He requested an attempt be made to resolve the issue of electric utility service in that area. Margaret Crawford of the Economic Development Council then addressed the Council, supporting the peripheral rezone and the annexation, stating this would make our area more marketable to prospective industries. She stated further that this would remove procedural barriers for industries interested in locating here. She indicated the importance of timing and stated that these barriers were very time-consuming to resolve. Mike Wait, 1763 Edgewood Drive, resident of the area of the proposed annexation, spoke in opposition to the rezone. Mr. Wait noted concern over the newly developed Light Industrial Zone with a 15- to 25-foot setback. He felt this was an inadequate setback. He also felt there would be drain- age problems in the area and that this should be addressed prior to the annexation or the rezone. He also wanted to know who would be responsible for the cost of upgrading Edgewood Drive. He favored having heavy .industry in the middle, buffered by light industry, and having these two clearly defined. Upon request from Councilman Stamon, Mr. Wait agreed to provide the Council with a list of recommendations for the area. Mr. Torres then re-addressed the Council, explaining County buffering requirements and the consideration made for the adjoining residential use, etc. Chuck Schram, 1854 Edgewood Drive, addressed the Council, opposing the rezone and annexation. He favored zoning the majority of the area as residential and felt the amount of acreage proposed for industrial use was excessive. Mr. Wait felt the Council should consider annexing and rezoning a smaller parcel of land and asked the Council to seriously consider the expense of providing services, as well as upgrading the streets and roads in the area. Ken Sweeney, Planner for the Port of Port Angeles, addressed the Council, referring to the Environmental Impact Statement, which identified no expense for the City in regard to the annexation. He stated it was assumed that the developers would bear the expense of installing utilities, etc., as the need arose. He felt the amount of land use projected in the EIS was not accurate, as it projected a need for approximately 30 acres for indus- trial use within the next 20 years. He stated that the Hiller Helicopter project alone had used 30 acres. He stated that land needs of this nature were very difficult to project, and felt there was a need to provide adequate space for new development. He stated that if the community does not develop, it will die. Following further discussion, Mayor Whidden asked for further comments from the audience. There were none. Councilman Quast moved to recess this hearing until Tuesday, November 12th, at 7:00 P.M. The City Attorney advised that the public hearing be continued. Councilman Stamon then moved to continue the public hearing on the peripheral zoning and annexation until November 19, 1985. Councilman Gerberding seconded. Councilman Quast withdrew his motion. On call for the question, the motion to continue the public hearing carried, with Councilman Hordyk voting "No". The time was now after 10:00 P.M. Following discussion, Councilman Hordyk moved to continue with agenda Items No.6, No. 7 and No. 14. Councilman Stamon seconded the motion and it carried. 42.1.. 426 CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 5, 1985 2. Planning Commission Minutes of October 23, 1985, and Special Meeting of October 29, 1985 Continued until November 12, 1985. 3. Proclamation - Veteran's Day Continued untiL November 12, 1985. 4. Request From Veterans' Organization to Rename Central Park to Veterans' Park Continued until November 12, 1985. 5. Consideration of Agreement Between City and Port Angeles Downtown Association for PBIA Administration Continued until November l2, 1985. 6. Ordinance Adopted Reducing Certain Electric Rate Schedules Mayor Whidden read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2361 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles altering the rates for the sale of electricity; amending S4 of Ordinance 2054 as most recently amended by S2 of Ordinance 2273, amending Sl3.l2.040 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, and adding a new Section l3.12.050 to the Port Angeles Municipal Code. I Councilman Quast moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman I Hordyk seconded and the motion carried. . Councilman Hordyk commended City Light staff for their efforts in bringing this Ordinance about. 7. Resolution of Intention Passed - Campbell Avenue Sewer L.I.D. Mayor Whidden read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 35-85 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, declaring the intention of the City Council to order the improvement of a certain area within the City by doing sanitary sewer installation, and by doing all other work necessary in connection therewith, and fixing a time, date and place for a hearing on this resolution of intention. Councilman Hordyk moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. man Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. Council- 8. Consideration of Letter of Agreement Between City and Additional Fire Protection Port for Continued until November 12, 1985. 9. Request for Public Hearing to Declare Property Surplus (Schedule View Trip with Real Estate Committee) Continued until November 12, 1985. I CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 5, 1985 10. Resolution Requesting Congressional Delegation to Support Existing Federal Preference Clause for Public Utilities Continued until November 12, 1985. 11. Set November 12th at 7:00 P.M. as a special meeting of City Counc to Discuss Design of New City Hall Cancelled. I 12. Consideration of Applicants for Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission Manager Flodstrom presented copies of additional letters of of application for the vacancies on the Parks and Recreation Board. The Council concurred to hold a special meeting November 12, 1985, at 6:30 P.M. for the purpose of conducting interviews to fill the vacancies. 13. proclamation - Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Week Continued until November 12, 1985. 14. Report on Assessment Roll for Sidewalk Reconstruction Projects Attorney Knutson recommended that because notice had been sent to property owners regarding the necessity of sidewalk reconstruction, an opportunity for comments from those individuals needed to be provided tonight. He also stated Council needed to receive the report of the Public Works Director. He felt it was not necessary to take action at tonight's meeting; however, an opportunity for protest from individuals must be provided. I Public Works Director Pittis reported that one property owner was appar- ently going to do the reconstruction work himself and that no response had been received from the second party. Mayor Whidden then asked if either party was in the audience. There was no comment. The Public Works Director then presented his report, outlining the pro- jected CQsts for improvements. Councilman Stamon then moved to continue this item until November 19, 1985. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. Councilman Quast then moved to recess this Council meeting until Tuesday, November 12, 1985, at 7:00 P.M. Councilman Schermer seconded. The remain- ing items on the agenda were continued until that time. The Council then concurred to hold a meeting of the Real Estate Committee at 6: 00 P.M., November 12th, and begin the special meeting at 6:30 and the continued meeting at 7:00 P.M. The motion to recess the meeting until November 12th carried. l5. Request for Authorization to Submit Grant Application for Hydro- Geological Study at Port Angeles Landfill Continued until November 12, 1985. 16. Designate Representative of City to Participate in Victoria 's Rememberance Day Celebration I Councilman Hordyk was selected to participate in Victoria's Remembrance Day Celebration. 17. Information on City's Participation in Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Teleconference Continued until November 12, 1985. VIII LATE ITEMS Art Rud - Continued until November 12, 1985. IX ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE/CITY COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA None. 40"'" , , ...... 428 CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 5, 1985 X ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION None. XI RETURN TO OPEN SESSION None. XII ADJOURNMENT Mayor Whidden adjourned the meeting at 10:14 P.M. h;fAA.-0' 0, I?~AJLr Clerk 11JroilAJ. uJ~ Mayor I I I