HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/06/1958
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
November 6 58
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The City Coundl met in regular session at 7:30P .M. and was called to order by Mayor Richardson. Roll call
of officers revealed the following present: Councilmen Smith, Sandison, Maxfield, Thorne, Randall,
and Caldwell, Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law.
It was moved by Councilman Randall that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Seconded by Counc-
ilman Sandison and ,arried.
Under the head of unfinished business, the r inance COllll1littee filed report recommending that approximately
$56,000.00 of surplus funds be invested at the present time, and at later date to invest an amount making
total investment approximately $300,000.00. /\1so suggested short term Government Bonds as desirable
investments... It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that report be accepted and the Treasurer instructed to
purchase L. LD. bonds in approximate amount of. $56,000.00. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried.
!Bhgineer Warder rePorted on'inv~stigation of I Street Hill. recommending that load restrictions be permanen~,
11, lifted. After due consideration, it was moved by Councilman Maxfield that action be postponed for
Ifurther investigation and restrictions be continued. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried.
1"counCil considered report concerning improvement of water system. It was moved ~I Councilman Caldwell that
report be accepted and the Manager authorized to proceed with next step in conjunction with report.
Seconded by Councilman Rartdall and carried.
The City Treasurer filed report shoW1ng results of thaty day pre-pay period for L.l.D. No. 177, amount.
collected being $8,089.05, leavl.ng balance of $19,133.15. The Treasurer also requested that interest-
beaiing warrants be issued for unpaid balance, numbered 4 to 194 inclusive, at rate of 4;%. It was
Moved by Councilman Smith that warrants be issued as requested, made payable to the Firemen's Pension Fund
in- lieu r:I bonds to be issued. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried.
Plans having been completed for street lighting system on Eighth Street from Race to C St., the Manager
informed that call for bids to furnish matedal has been publiShed. a portion of cost being provided in the
current budget. Also stated that bids may be rejected if not satisfacbry. It was moved by ~ouncilman
Randall that the call for bids be authorized for lighting system material. Seconded by Councilman Thane
arid carried.
,Petition for variance permitting construction of service station on Lots 11, 12 and 13, Block 422 having
Ibeen previously field, Mr. Murra~ informed in writing that said petition has been withdrawn.
II The City Engineer filed for Council approval the third (October) and final estimate for work done and
material furnished by Paine and Gallucci, Inc. In L.I.D. No, 178, recommending that the project be accepted
as completed., the third and final estimate approved in amount of $25,884.51 and a warrant issued on L.I.D.
No. 178 Construction Fund in payment ci same, and the City \Clerk authorized to issue warrants no. 49 to
73 inclusive in amount of $1.000.00 each and warrant no. 74 in amount of $884.51 on L.r.D. No. 178 Fund,
bearing interest at the rate of 4 1/8% per annum, dated November 10,1958, proceeds to be deposited in the
L. 1.0. No. 178 Construction Fund. Motion seconded by Councilman Caldwell and unanimously carried.
Under the head of new business, Del Guzzi Brothers having requested minimum price be set on Lots' 11, 12,
and 13, Block 309. the Mayor appointed Councilman Smith and Caldwell as'';a''c01lllilittee~ to ,appraise"and
recommend'minim!Jl1l, call for bids to be published.
Mr. and Mrs.Feltz, also Ray Kidd and J. R. McDonald, appeared protesting excavation in street area by
~.ens Brothers in vicinity of 13th and M Streets. Attorney Moffett advised that statutes provide private
property can be used for any purpose not conflicting with zoni~g or surrounding property. As the property
was purchased for this purpose and the street has 1never been dedicattd as such, it is questionable
if the City could zone out, and unless zoning is attempted, nothing can be restricted. the owner
having right to use. As there is no Ordinance restricting. it is therefore a civil matter. It was moved
by councilman Caldwell that the matter be tabled as far as the City is concerned, pending official
complaint or possible ordinance. Motion seconded by Councilman Randall and carried.
The Mayor read communication from the City of SpOkane notifying of Civil Defense Directors meeting
in that City to be held November 14 - 15, and urging representation from this City. Fire Chief Wolverton
expressed intention to attend and other ci!y officials were asked to go if possible.
V. W. Bialik requested that Council considereproposal for adopting an ordinance defining, governing. and
licensing private detective agenCies. The request.was referred to the City Attorney Illd Police Ghief
for investigat ion and stUdy.
Mr, Calvin"owner of City Center Motel requested in writing that the City~en drainage ditch through his
property and also improve Second Street. It was understood that request is being considered by the
I Planning Commission, III d the C01lllilission has requested the matter be deferred 30 days. It was moved
by Councilman Smith that request be tabled for 30 days a1 d communication embodied with Planning Commission
investigation. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield a1 d carried.
After due consideration by the PlaMing Commission regarding safety island at Bighth and Peabody inter-
section, said Commission recommended that action be waived. It waS moved by Councilman Randall that the
Council concur with the Planning Commission on decision to waive action for safety island at Eighth
and Peabody Streets. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried.
One request was received for transfer of beverage license: Little Brick Tavern, from WesleyW. Chilson to
Russell and Edna Goodwin. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that transfer be approved. Seconded
by Councilman Randall and carried.
Claims payable were considered. and after clarification were approved in total amount of $55.086.66. It
was moved by Councilman Caldwell that all claims be approved e >cept Wholesale Grocers, $10.56. Light
Dept., and Jack's Tackle Shop, $1.2i1, Police Dept., "these to be held for further clarification.
Motion seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried.
It was mav ed by Councilman Smith that all reports of City departments be accepted and placed on file.
Seconded by Councilman Maxfield a1 d carried.
Mr. Osier and oth~rs appeared with petition requesting improvement to water service in the Penn Street
district. Supt. Dodge informed of contemplated improvements in that area, and when installed, will
eliminate pump and provide adequate service.
I ......11IIII
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
Novembe r 6
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IcounCilman Thorne cited directional signs being installed by the Street and Traffic control Departments
for the State Highway Department, proje~t to be completed within a few days and without cost to the City.
,Under the head of introduction and reading of Ord1nan: es, the following were introduced and read in full:
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the issuance of interest bearing warrants in lieu of bonds against Local
IImprovement District No. 177 in the amount of $19,133.15, and fixing the interest rate thereon.
lIt was moved by Councilman Smith that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted.
man Maxfield and unanimously carried.,
. I
Seconded by Counc1l-'
;AN ORDINANCE transferring within the 1958 budget aprropriation the sum of $2,287.80 from the item of Dufts-
]man to the item of ROdman, Chainman and extra L.I.D. I"lork and the sum of $100.00 from Auto GperatiC/n and
.Maintenance to Department Materials and Supplies, both in the Engineering Department; the sum of $50.00
'from tbe item of Office Supplies to the item of Transportation and Miscellaneous in the Budget of tllle
Iplanning Commission; the sum of $300.00 from the item of Auto, Truck arnl Equipment Repair to the item
Utility Service, Telephone, Lights and \Vater of the Budget of the Street Department; transferring the sum
of $82.00. from the item New Police Sedans to the item of New Police Radios. the sum of $17.00 from the
litem of Office Equipment to the item of New Police Radios and the sum of $9.00 fro," the item of,Office
Equipment to the item of Ne., Police Radio Cycle in the Capital Outlay Budget; transferring the sum of
1$375.00 from Clerks (/12), to E"tra Help (114), the sum of $795.00 from Clerks (/13) to Extra Help (114), said
itranSfer to be wi~hin the Salaries and Wag~s ~udg~t. City Library Department.
It was moved by Councilman Maxfield that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by
'"CouncillTlan Sandison and Unanimously carried.
There being no further business, the ~eeting was adjourned.
-~ iflJ-
I City of Port Angelos - ~ !rO'rlOi:"";;- 8.4.LJ: -~------~ :cu..t.--vn 1fms ~"-o4.Li:.r-oBBms~'-'
FI:::r~~iSMu:::m~IoL REli. PKOPElI'n' I 8c~~ed(U~.d:f ~~r b~l'~l~h'ed bY~ SealeaCj~ld~f ;Iir' b~~~~~~vcd b:r
I :x!otlce j" hmeln ,::lvcn lhllt tha ffOT1CK Is hereby slvcn that the the Clt:;- of POTt An.e;eJM up to 6:001 the City of Port Angeles UP to 5:00
City CouncIl of the City of Port An- OI.t,. of Port Angeles wlll sell to t1m o'clock P. M., .Tapuary2. 195!1 at.tht o'clock P. M. Jftl.marY Hi, 1959 at ,tIle
~~~j.J~~\~~~~kf\~F.~e.;rR\~d~p~~ ptr~: ='l~~~~ili~d b~~~l b~~~~J;,e t~~~~;'- ~~~~ s"t~e~te p~:~y A;~~~~~, ~~15~1~;~.. ~trf~~~ ?ltr~~t~ ?'~:t ~~~ri~,c;:O ,~;~~
J"Xu'E!d h..' thE! c;ltv Englnecr. ll~ 1..0Cl\] Lots 11, 12, 13, IlI.oe1I:: 009, Town- ton, for the llUrchase by {:laid City lnglon, for the purcho:<c by ,mId
b~~.ro~~me;~r~ll!l~~~]~~ ~~~"o~ t~~ ;':; =.um$1Jo~ ll~ lZte4 by ~f c;ll~d~~) e~;l~c;9:;'I1~t~~O~c::~~cl~~ I ;;~~e~ieis~~r~nO~\~i~~S~ui~~~'i]:
I-;Al5'l' LINeaL" HI~TGHTsl SANI. NOTICE: lS! 'further glve-n that ~t:in!mum 220"H{)YSCIlOWer ~gfne 8 cyllnder engine, standard or em]_
l~~~~{)l~~~"~i~w~'h~n ~\{Rl~ObR*H ~~d abtld~h~llhl~; i1~rlhe:nJfr 5t~g ~ ~~~~'::]~UC1~r~an~~i~~\~~ vC~i~OtH~r~~~~:S~~J;ine
~b~' lOti. Strl?et IUlll lIw alley between "nlock P. M, December 18th ]958 ~ Delux, HeaLer aud DeIl'oster I 116" 'VheelbJlse
lOth Street ,,-nd l1th Streut and the Mil not later Did rnuRt be ~ceom- 011 fJILfH" Heavy duty 12_v()lt 5{I.amperc hOllr
::llle~ b{!tw'l'E'n 11th Srrf'f't and 12th pIUlled by depOSit of not less Lhd_n~ Heayl' dllt), l'if'at covers of w~u;h., 111lttcry.
""tree-I. OX THE: S()UTH bv Laund- 10% of a.mount hid or the offer .flblf! materIal. :1f. ampere generator.
~en Boule\.nrd, ON TRR EAST by will not be considered The Clty '\\indshlelli washers f 'HeB\"). duty refir l';Jll"iIlgS
th'l' wellt'l'rly brink 01 1'um",atcJ Council reserves the rJght to rC;f>ct BaC'kMup llghts T1ndercoatlng
~(1~kF V~:;J(lta..J~~on~n'~l(hH~lr~~~S~ 1M" or all bids, E LAW, ~~~\,~OJu~~gh~tterY_12 yolt_Hl' OVf::.JZlJ deluxe heater und der,rO:i
. _ _ __--'iiiiiiioi'l- Cll) Clerk _ nmperes . ~ Arm rel'ts all{l sun ylsor~ both
Carpet ~;bl~~h~g5S~ovembel 27 a.nd DeeemM A~ma~t~~~;~;~o~o~i'{!R~~e~evllle) I Oi(l~iiier
~-~ .O'1'JOJI 01' ~~~~~e~~e~fh;~d ~~~ ash tray ~';-~~~,~~:~I~i;]~:~e~~a fish trny
Wlth the football season in full OAM&. ruB BIlJS t-:r~ ~~t~~:~t.advert1sed-stnnM ~~:rea~her(l~n~n~le~re~lrror9,
SWIng, you can't help thinking bl(f~ot~'111j\~crr~~~i;;~e~yth~~e~~ F~~d p~~~'~~n:i,~~:e date of (IClI\'ery. ~~~~e~I~~e~e:rn(lb~':.rp~~~~nC]L
~the Rose Festival In Pasadena I Clerk of the Cit). of P-?rt AnKele~ at Bidder shall indicate trndeMin value Shock absorbers.
about the Rose Bowl Game and ~c~oS~Yi[a~ ob::~~~tYilJ~ngI5:.~g ~~~dQ~\\~O W(;lCh l~:y s~xe ~~~n e~~inr~~, An~q~l~;i~:,r adverUso(} Stan(lard
Tours are bemg offered for the furnil>h fa.5ollne and diesel fuel for por, t Angeles Police Station, Bidder Bids Shall indicate time of de.
winter trav~ler to the .sunny l :~;, 3:~Y :eaiIl19:; reQulremcnts dur- ~~[J~~ i~~i~~edall:b~:,ta.~ld~~r ei~~i: lli....~~~ I;W; Pr~~~r~~;e\e:~ right to
~~uth for this wondrous fantasy, x;G~~~ltj~~,Q~~,Qti~i~~dIOnl> ~~~in ~~~s Pe~~~~t ~~II~meeqnl~jp~~~ ~~~~h~s~r o~OjL~~t :;:n %!\;~C~ldS an<l
r..smg the top grade hotels and Dlc:;el. 4,OO{) ga.llon:!, a,nd re-lnatall on one 01' the cars II'I. W, SfJANKARD,
~tft~~~~g';::~ ::;:C::iJct~u h~~~ ~ re~~1~~li~;aJ'(jha~d b~thj.~.oted In both 1?u~~l~a~I~Y h;~~~~B the right t~ n.c- 'PUbliShed' Decemb~;t~':lta~~r;~r and
L Bid shall also Include fuel oll to cept or reject an,. or aU bids and Januar~' i 19ij9 '
~~commodations, for four or five ~~c1d~~~IT~~n~~ ~=ll~j~'u:ilr:IlS\~tl~~ ~~rl~tSC automobiles on the open j' - ---- -
rights, depending on the choic~ P8.:\OO or No. :l ~mdc regula.r IurM ' M, W, SLANKARD ,
roOrUt~a~s~f ~~~~>G:~~e;;:::~ ~~d~ri~el;'ll~rl~~~t~o ~~k::cl::~vea~~ Publi!lhcd: December rr~:JnisRgi95!l1
ed seat for the Rose Parade, a ll~':r~ro::fio~l~~ a.flh~LL:'hI;~; Lco~;::'W~i~I' .
~isit to Santa Anita Race Track 1~~~Vt:~ \~I~ h~~~\~O a~l~ce~;rtortl;ee;:;;r
pisneyland" and Lc."i Angeles and amI Dureha_se on thl' olmn mark!'!. 1
Hollywood sightseeing. Rates be- _0'\ 1I hld~ will be re\'lewet:l hy the
",'n at $83,00 each of three and (:hv COIJncll In regular session, to be
b held In the Council Chambers COTlJoooj
~hen upgrade to UIB,()O, starting ~nir.~~nglll~t :~~~. Oi~~Ck eft}, MCol~cii
'~~~~eY~suru:~hV;l h~rdLf() ~~~: ! ;ise::)~:s ftl~~Lrl~nhe~t\~ga~~r t~~e ~l?:l
both by rail and Jair at this time Counctl In Janua~ t.~!l.SLANKARD ;
~ince the heavy holiday travel " C'lt)' Manager . J
'----:---'--,. . .' :r~ ""I. Published' DeC€mb('r '\ and 11, 1!'1~S..
9, C ;! LJA/~
tf ' City Clerk