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Port Angeles, Washington
November 6, 1979
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M.
^~- Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Boardman, Buck, Duncan,
•• Hordyk, Wray.
Members Absent: None. (One position vacant)
•- Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Caso.
D. Flodstrom, D. Frizzell, P. Carr, J. Honnold, K.
Rodocker, R. Orton, A. Rose, R. Morgan.
Guests Present: F. Casady, K. Sweeney, L. Sunny, K. Pultz, N. Pultz,
R. Stapleton, D. Peterson, R. Polhamus, E. Barrington,
--••^~- ~ S. Hansen.
Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file as received the
minutes of the October 16 and 23, 1979 meetings. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Hordyk and carried.
Mr. Matt Young addressed the Council to request authorization to hold a parade
November 30th in honor of President Carter who will be in Seattle on that date. '
The parade route will be from Valley Street to Francis Street on First and will
be from 3:30 to approximately 5:00 or 5:30 P.M. Mr. Young has spoken to Police
Chief Cleland regarding this matter and received his verbal approval. Council-
man Hordyk then moved the Council approve the parade on November 30, 1979, con-
tingent upon final approval by Chief Cleland. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Buck and carried.
A. Maier Street Vacation ~--
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Department outlining
the Planning Commission`s recommendation and findings of fact on the
Maier street vacation request; this request is for vacation of a portion
of Vine Street, north of Vashon Street. Mayor Haguewood then opened the
public hearing and requested comments or questions from the audience or
staff. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed.
Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council concur with the recommendation
of the Planning Commission and grant the vacation request because: (1)
the traffic pattern will not be affected by the vacation because the
street is not in to the south and may not be possible to develop as a
result of vacation by non-usage; (2} retention of utility easements
will eliminate any negative impact on utility services to the area; ,
• (3) development patterns will not be affected because most of the
area is currently residentially developed; and (4) there would be
benefit to the general public to place that portion of the east half .
of the street on the tax rolls. The motion was seconded by Councilman
" Buck and carried. -
Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2046
Ordinance No. 2046
• AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
• vacating a portion of Vine Street, north
of Vashon Street.
November 6, 1979
1. Cont.
27 5
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as
read by title by Mayor Haguewood, with the Council setting a compensa-
tion amount for the vacated street at a later date. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Buck. During discussion on the motion, Attorney
Miller advised that the Ordinance not be adopted with a blank compen-
sation amount; he recommended that there be no compenstion charged
for this vacation. Councilman Hordyk then amended his motion to de-
lete the compensation amount charged by the City for this vacation.
The amendment to the motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and the
motion as amended was passed unanimously by the Council.
B. Preliminary Plat: Kedter woods
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the preliminary plat of
Kedter Woods, consisting of 8 lots on 4.i acres located 300 feet east
-- •~ ~- of "O" Street, between 14th and 16th Streets, and requested comments
or questions from the audience or staff. Mr. Ken Sweeney of Clark
° and Associates spoke briefly to the Council in regard to Lot #4, ex-
•- plaining that the lot was made extra large in anticipation of a future
^~~ ,• replat. There were no further comments•ar~d the public hearing was
- closed. Councilman Buck then moved the Council concur with the re-
commendation of the Planning Commission and approve the preliminary
plat of Kedter Woods because the preliminary plat is compatible with
the general community, conforms to the zoning regulations, subdivision
• regulations and Comprehensive Plan, and subject to the following con=
ditions: (1) no dwelling units be placed on Lot 4 without special ap-
-•~~ ^°~ proval; and (2) that the site be kept as attractive as possible, keeping •~-
as many trees as can be retained. The motion was seconded by Councilman
• Boardman and carried.
f+iayor Haguewood read the•minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of
October 24, 1979 with the following action being taken by the Council:
A. Final Plat: Mar-Lyn Hills
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the final plat of Mar-Lyn
Hills, consisting of seven single-family lots and one duplex lot on 2.4
acres, located west of Golf Course Road, north of Uplands Division III,
and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff. There
were no comments and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Hordyk
then moved the Council approve the final plat of Mar-Lyn Hills because
it conforms with the preliminary plat previously approved, it complies
with the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Ordinance and the Subdivision
Regulations, and it is in the public interest. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Wray and carried.
B. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file the Plan-
ning Commission minutes of October 24, 1979. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Buck and carried.
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Department concerning
fire protection for ,the proposed Fetersen/DelGuzzi annexation area. After
Checking the distance from the fire station to the annexation site, the
following response times were noted: (a) Race Street/Campbell Avenue route
approximately 8 minutes; and (b) First Street/Golf Course Road route ap-
proximately 7 minutes. Given this information, the Planning Department is
of the opinion that access across the whites Creek ravine to Campbell Avenue
would not improve fire protection. Additionally, crossing of Whites Creek
ravine within the annexation site would, in the Planning Department's opinion,
detract from the residential quality in the annexation area, because the
road would become a de facto arterial.
November 6, 1979
3. Cont.
A second memorandum from the Planning Department was also read by Mayor
Haguewood which outlined some of the agreed and unagreed upon changes
in the proposed annexation agreement.
Referring to a map showing the proposed annexation area and abutting prop-
erties, Planner Carr briefly reviewed the boundaries of the proposed an- '
nexation, and explained that the Planning Department is presently working
with the annexation petitioners to try and resolve several of their dif-
ferences concerning annexation agreement conditions, i.e. road access,
park land, performance bond requirements, and a crossing over Whites Creek.
Following Planner Carr's presentation, Mr. Darrell Petersen addressed the
Council to state his position on a Whites Creek crossing; Mr. Petersen is
in favor o£ such a crossing since prohibiting a crossing of Whites Creek
at Wabash would funnel all of the traffic out through the Petersen portion
of the area. Mr. Petersen also informed the Council that DelGuzzi Con-
struction is willing to construct a bridge across Whites Creek at Wabash.
Ms. Florence Casady, representing DelGuzzi Construction, also spoke in
favor o£ a crossing over whites Creek, and commented briefly on the Fire
Department's response time to this area.
The Council, Public Works Director Flodstrom, and Mr. Petersen and Ms. Casady
then discussed at length the possibility of a crossing over Whites Creek and
the future growth and development of the proposed annexation site. Also dis-
'"" cussed was the need for upgrading Campbell Avenue and Wabash; the additional
' traffic problems that a Wabash crossing would place on Campbell Avenue and
the effect of this crossing on the residential quality in'the annexation area;
- DelGuzzi's offer to construct a bridge over Whites Creek; widening of Golf
Course Road; and the location and type of park to be dedicated in the an-
nexation area. The discussion concluded with Mayor Haguewood directing the
Public works and Planning Departments to assess a crossing over Whites Creek
•-• •< at Wabash and make a recommendation to the Council. There was no further '
Council action taken on this matter.
Mayor Haguewood read a brief memorandum from the Public Works Department
concerning garbage can size. Presently the City stipulates that garbage
"""~ '' cans not exceed 25 gallons in capacity (Ordinance No. 1327), while a stan-
dard size garbage can is a 32 gallon container. The Public Works Department
recommended the Council amend Ordinance No. 1327 and allow the use of 32
gallon garbage containers.
Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2047 entitled,
Ordinance No. 2047
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
amending Ordinance No. 1327, increasing
the capacity of garbage cans for resi-
dential use.
Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by ,~
title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and
' carried unanimously.
Mayor Haguewood referred to a letter received from the U.S. Aepartment of
' Commerce Economic Development Administration which extends to the City of
Port Angeles an Offer of Grant and Loan in the amount of $250,000 to aid .
in financing the costs of the Municipal Civic Pier Project.
The funds provided shall be a $50,000 grant from the Washington State
Economic Assistance Authority and a combination grant and loan from the
U. S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration through
November 6, 1979
5. Cont.
the State of Washington Economic Assistance Authority made pursuant to
Section 304 of the Public works and Development Act of 1965 in the re-
spective amount of $75,000 grant and $125,000 loan, said loan to bear
interest at the U.S. Treasury rate specified by the Economic Development
' Manager Whorton briefly explained the terms of the offer of Grant and Loan
and indicated that the authorized funds have application to the original
pier project cost estimate of $1,875,202 rather than to any of the extensions.
Councilman Buck then moved the City Council accept the Offer of Grant and
Loan for the Public Pier Project from EDA, identified as Project Number
07-O1-02261.40. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried
- unanimously.
- Councilman Hordyk moved the Council confirm the County's appointment of
C. F. Imhoff to the North Olympic Library Board to fill the unexpired term
of Lyle Stambaugh which expires December 31, 1982. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Buck and carried.
Manager Whorton briefly reviewed a memorandum from Light Director Honnold
regarding City participation in a joint end use data survey with the Bon-
neville Power Administration. Briefly, the Public Utility Regulatory Policy
Act (PURPA) requires utilities with sales over 500,000,000 KWHR to perform
~•~ ~•~••~- certain customer end-use data collection functions. The minimum cost for
~• - this program is approximately $94,000 for set up and $24,000 per year to
;_ sustain the program excluding labor for maintenance. Because Bonneville
is also after similar data, they are proposing a joint program involving.
several utilities which would reduce the City's set up costs plus a cost
saving of approximately $24,000 per year by eliminating the translation costs.
""~'"'"' Councilman Buck"then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of
" -`' Light Director Honnold and authorize him to explore participation in a
joint end use data survey with Bonneville Power Administration. The motion
" was seconded by Councilman Wray. During discussion on the motion, Councilman
' Hordyk and Light Director Honnold discussed the possibility of a request 'for
exemption from the data collection portion of PURPA. On call for the ques-
"" " tion, the motion was passed by the Council.
Mayor Haguewood referred to a letter from Mr. Clarence ]:idler expressing
_... his interest in purchasing the west 20 feet of Lot 11, Block 72, TPA.
' ~ Councilman Buck then moved the Council refer Mr. Fidler's request to the
Real Estate Committee for a recommendation. The motion was seconded by
' Councilman Duncan and Carried.
-c~- Councilman Boardman moved the Council appoint Mr. Steve Lamb, P.O. Box 2093,
Port Angeles, to the Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Evelyn
' Tinkham which will expire March 1, 1982. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Buck and carried.
November 6, 1979
City of Port Angeles,
light Department
NOTICE is hereby given
that sealed bids will be
received by the City Clerk,
City of Port Angeles. 140
West Front Street. P.O. Box
1150. Port Angeles,
Washington 98362. until Z:t%1
p.m., October 31, 1979, and
that the City will reject all
bids received alter the
scheduled closing time and
dote. The bids will be opened
publicly pt thpi time for
furnishing the following
equipment and or material:
I--Three-phase 30D KVA
pod mount transformer 12470
GND Y 7200V to 4B0 GND
~ Y 277V secondary, radial
3 25KVA.and
d -37.5 KVA, and
2 • SO KVA, and
2 75 KVA, and
1 100 KVA single-phase
podmount transformer 4160
GND Y 2400 % 12470 GND
~Y 7200V to 120 240V
f secondary, loop teed.
~ Bid specif icptions may- be
obtained from the light
i Department office at 240
West Front Street. Port
Angeles, Washington, 98361.
A certified check or bid
bond for S percent of the
amount of the bid shall ac-
rompany each bid. All bids
are to include delivery F.O.B.
Pon Angeles, Washington,
Bids will be opened and
tabulated for the City Council
.for tonsiderotion by said
Council in session Tuesday.
November 6, 1979.
The Council reserves the.
right to Consider delivery
time and ro accept or to reject
' any or all bids or any part
The unit price shell prevail
and the Ciry reserves the
right to Correct any ex-
Light Department Transformers
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award the bid for purchase of
transformers for the Light Department to the low bidder, North Coast
Utility Supply, Portland, Oregon, with a bid of $12,059.25. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
Wood Distribution Poles
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Light Director Honnold advising
the Council that a shortage in the supply. of cedar has again developed
so that the Cost is substantially above Douglas Fir. Based on the 3
bids received for the distribution poles, the comparison is $162 against
$187.85 and $196.65 for 40 foot poles. In addition, the $196.65 bid
represents a firm having to cut 45 foot poles off in order to submit a
bid. The bid specifications were specifically for cedar, therefore the
low bid for Douglas Fir must be rejected. Mr. Honnold recommended that
the bids be rejected and rebid since the Light Department cannot justify
this waste of resources in having to cut 45 foot poles, or the $1,200
premium price. Councilman Wray then moved the Council concur with Light
Director Honnold's recommendation and reject the bids and rebid open to
cedar or Douglas Fir. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and
1979 Conversion Contract Work
During the October 16, 1979 regular Council meeting, the Council authori-
zed Light Director Honnold to negotiate a cost plus fixed fee contract
for the 1979 conversion contract work with the sole bidder, Henkles and
McCoy. During this meeting, Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Mr. '
Honnold indicated that the contract has been negotiated similar to the
1978 work at a cost of $115,986. Councilman Hordyk then moved the
Council concur with Light Director Honnold's recommendation and approve
the cost plus fixed fee contract with Henkles and McCoy for the 1979
conversion work for the Light Department. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Boardman and carried.
T.D. NO. 204: 14TH & "K" STREETS
toxesons or improper safes 'ouncilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize payment of $36, 000 to J. D.
Pub.: Oct: S 12, 1979 +hotwell Company, Tacoma, ~aS the first, October estimate of work done and
L' laterials furnished by said contractor on L.T.D. No. 204, 14th and "K"
treets, as certified by City Engineer Andrew Rose in his Certification
letter dated October 30, 1979. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Duncan and carried.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the items listed under the Consent
Agenda including Vouchers Payable of $449,357.75; LID's of $36,011.64, and
Pay"roll of $137,124.51. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried.
Items listed under the Consent Agenda are as follows:
1. Authorize payment of $128,310.33 to General Construction Company as progress
payment No. 6 on the Municipal Pier. ,
2. Authorize payment of $7,522.40 to CH2M/Hill for completion of the City's
Secondary Treatment Waiver Application.
3. Notification has been received from the Washington State Liquor Control
Board that George G. Williams dba B and M Grocery, 534 Marine Drive, has
discontinued licensed operations effective October 16, 1979; the the trans-
fer of license from the New Hong Kong Motel and Restaurant to the Sea Garden
has been withdrawn; and a Class E, F license renewal for Walt's Boulevard
Grocery, 104 East Boulevard.
I Light Department Transformers
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council award the bid for purchase of
transformers for the Light Department to the low bidder, North Coast
Utility Supply, Portland, Oregon, with a bid of $12,059.25. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
• -- B. Wood Distribution Poles
• Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Light Director Honnold advising
the Council that a shortage in the supply. of cedar has again developed
so that the cost is substantially above Douglas Fir. Based on the 3
bids received for the distribution poles, the comparison is $162 against
•^^^*`-~~°-•- $187.85 and $196.65 for 40 foot poles. In addition, the $196.65 bid
-~-• represents a firm having to cut 45 foot poles off in order to submit a
-• bid. The bid-specifications were specifically for cedar, therefore the
^•• - low bid for Douglas Fir must be rejected. Mr. Honnold recommended that
the bids be rejected and rebid since the Light Department cannot justify
^•• this waste of resources in having to cut 45 foot poles, or the $1,200
• premium price. Councilman Wray then moved the Council concur with Light
^~- Director Honnold's recommendation and reject the bids and rebid open to
•~ cedar or Douglas Fir. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and
~~ _ carried.
~~°`"'" C. 1979 Conversion Contract Work
During the October 16, 1979 regular Council meeting, the Council authori-
- "' zed Light Director Honnold to negotiate a cost plus fixed fee contract
for the 1979 conversion contract work with the sole bidder, Henkles and
" " McCoy. During this meeting, Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Mr. '
" Honnold indicated that the contract has been negotiated similar to the
1978 work at a cost of $115,986. Councilman Hordyk then moved the
Council concur with Light Director Honnold's recommendation and approve
the cost plus fixed fee contract with Henkles and McCoy for the 1979
conversion work for the Light Department. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Boardman and carried.
2. L.I.D. NO. 204: 14TH & "K" STREETS
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize payment of $36,000 to J. D.
Shotwell Company, Tacoma, as the first, October estimate of work done and
materials furnished by said contractor on L.T.D. No. 204•, 14th and "K"
Streets, as certified by City Engineer Andrew Rose in his Certification
letter dated October 30, 1979. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Duncan and carried.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the items listed under the Consent
Agenda including Vouchers Payable of $449,357.75; LID's of $36,011.64, and
Payroll of $137,124.51. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried.
Items listed under the Consent Agenda are as follows:
1. Authorize payment of $128,310.33 to General Construction Company as progress
payment No. 6 on the Municipal Pier. '
2. Authorize payment of $7,522.40 to CH2M/Hill for completion of the City's
Secondary Treatment Waiver Application.
3. Notification has been received from the Washington State Liquor Control
Board that George G. Williams dba B and M Grocery, 534 Marine Drive, has
discontinued licensed operations effective October 16, 1979; the the trans-
fer of license-from the New Hong Kong Motel and Restaurant to the Sea Garden
has been withdrawn; and a Class E, F license renewal for Walt's Boulevard
Grocery, 104 East Boulevard.
November 6, 1979
Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Myrel Earlywine, President of the Port
Angeles Central Labor Council, questioning the Council in regard to action
which the Council could take to prevent a "Prince reorge" type of situation
from occuring again. The "Prince George" was a crusie ship which was tied
to ITT Rayonier's dock and used as a dormitory for supervisory and manage-
ment personnel who were running the mill during the Pulp and Paper workers
Attorney Miller then commented briefly on the letter, pointing out that
the City's present Zoning Ordinance bans that type ofactivity. However,
the situation with the "Prince George" was not resolved by the Federal
Court prior to the ending of the strike. Attorney Miller will draft a
reply letter to the Labor Council with copies to the Council.
1. Mayor Haguewood; Reminded the Council of the 1980 preliminary budget hearings
scheduled for Saturday, November 10th from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 P. M. and Monday,
November 12th from 8:30 A.M. to approximately 3:00 P.M.
Councilman Wray: Advised the Council to read over the 1980 preliminary
budget prior to the budget hearings.
3. Manager Whorton: Advised the Council that an interim City Manager must be
appointed. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council appoint Public Works
Director Dave Flodstrom as interim City Manager until such time as a final
decision is made on the City Manager position. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Wray and carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. to an Executive Session.
u~~'U~U ~• y~~v
City Clerk
. ~ - .,rte
kGty of Part Angeles
Light.D~'partmint ~
NOTICEr~Os hereby given
that sealed bids v+ill be
received by the City Clerk.
City of Port Angeles, 1401
West Front Street, P.O- Box
1150, Port Angeles,
Washington 98362, until 2:00
P.M. Wednesday, October 3l,
1979, and that the Ciry will
reject oll bids received otter
the scheduled cloning time
and date. The bids will bs '
opened publicly at that lime
for furnishing the following
equipment and/or material:
One load of class 3. Butt-
treated Western Red Cedar
poles conforming to the totol
ASA Specifiwfions in Iho
lollowing sizes:
Approx. IS ~ 301oat ,
Approx. 34 - 40 foot
Bid specilicotions may be f,
obtained from the Light
Department office at 240
West Front Street, Port
Angeles, Washington, 98362.
A certified chadc~ or bid
band for 5 percerit of the
amount of the bid shall no- -
company each bid. All bids
are to include delivery F.O.B_
Port Angeles, Washington.
Bids will be opened and
tabulated for the City Council
for consideration by said
Council in session Tuesday,
November 6, 1979.
The Council reserves the
right to wnsider delivery
time and to accept or to reject
any or all bids or any part
The unit price shall prevail
and the City reserves the
right To correct any ex~
tensions or improper sales
Pub.:Oct~19, 26, 1979
v l