HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/06/1984
Port Angeles, Washington
November 6, 1984
Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk,
Quast, Schermer, Whidden.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk
Anderson, P. Carr, M. Cleland, R. Saville, M. Marsh,
L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. Orton, A. Rose, M. Campbell,
J. Hordyk, T. Gossage, V. Clay, B. Jones, G. Reimer,
T. Smith.
Public Present: D. Price, L. Sunny, H. Williams, R. Taylor, T. Sample,
M. Huels, H. Madsen, R. Church, H. Hampton, M. Pearce,
K. Kotzerke, V., J. & B. B10re, G. Sweet, F. Welch,
D. Holm, C. Pritchard, K. Bare, D. Tiedl, D. Burns,
R. Bronsink.
Councilman Gerberding moved the Council accept and place on file as
received the minutes of the special meeting of October 9, 1984, and the
regular meeting of October 16, 1984. Councilman Quast seconded and
corrected Register Page 222, paragraph 2: "The 1976 Comprehensive Plan I
determination was for a future City Hall on Fourth Street", rather than Oak
Street. On call for the question, the motion to accept the minutes, as
amended, carried.
Councilman Gerberding moved the Council accept the items listed under the
Consent Agenda, including: (1) EDC billing of $381. 7l for Community
Development Block Grant administration; (2) Request permission to rebid
solid waste trucks, packer bodies and commercial refuse dumpsters; (3)
Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; (4) Vouchers of
$1,242,645.71 and Payroll of $203,055.76. Councilman Whidden seconded.
Councilman Whidden discussed with staff the proposed tavern located at 937
west Eighth Street. Councilman Gerberding discussed with the City Manager
the Master Plan for Erickson Park. On call for the question, the motion to
accept the Consent Agenda carried.
1. Aerial Manlift - All Bids Rejected
Mayor Duncan reviewed staff's recommendation to reject all bids and
authorize staff to rebid on new, broader equipment specifications.
Councilman Hordyk favored purchasing the Hi-Ranger model manlift from
Utility Equipment at the higher purchase price, stating that this model was
of high quality, would be safer for personnel, and would last longer. He
then moved to accept the bid of Utility Equipment in the amount of $44,725
without tax and reject the bid of UTELCO for not meeting specifications and
for problems with safety. Councilman Gerberding seconded the motion.
Following further discussion with staff, Councilman Hordyk withdrew his
motion and moved to concur with the recommendation of staff to reject all
bids and authorize staff to rebid the machine on new, broader equipment
specifications. Councilman Gerberding seconded. Councilman Quast
emphasized that staff should consider employee safety above cost. On call
for the question, the motion carried.
November 6, 1984
2. Surplus Equipment - Awarded to High Bidders - Three Garbage Trucks to
be Rebid
Mayor Duncan reviewed staff's recommendations. Councilman Schermer moved
to approve recommendation No. 1 of staff to approve the sale of the surplus
equipment to the high bidders on the October 23, 1984, bid tabulation in-
cluded in the Council packet. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion
carried, with Councilman Hordyk voting "No". Following further discussion,
Councilman Schermer moved to concur with the recommendation to authorize
staff to rebid the 1978, 1980 and 1984 garbage trucks under a sealed bid-
ding process or direct negotiations with other interested municipalities.
Councilman Quast seconded, and that motion carried also. Councilman Quast
urged staff to attempt to obtain prices as close to the original purchase
price paid by the City as possible.
3. Removal of Building at 321 South Francis Street - Bid Rejected
Councilman Quast moved to concur with staff's recommendation to reject the
bid and authorize City crews to perform the work as soon as the schedule
can be arranged. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried.
4. Payment Authorized - 95% of Contract for Golf Course Road Distribution
Councilman Whidden moved to authorize payment of 95% of the contract of the
Golf Course Road distribution line in the amount of $18,208.08, including
tax. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried.
Cheryl Pritchard requested that discussion of the proposed tavern on the
corner of Eighth and "C" be added to the agenda. The Council added this as
Item No. 2A.
Councilman Quast stated that there is a need for a public telephone at
Civic Field for children to phone their parents when activities are
Mayor Duncan read a memo from Fire Chief Glenn thanking Ed Walker and the
Port of Port Angeles, Jerry Helgeson and Terry Johnson from PenPly, Clallam
County Fire Protection District No.2, Sam Hurworth and George Case from
DelHur Construction, and Clal1am County Fire District No. 3 for their
assistance in the recent rescue from an auto accident involving a semi and
a vehicle. Chief Glenn also highly commended Assistant Chief Mack Campbell
and Sgt. Fred Balser of the Police Department for their direction during
the rescue and the Dispatchers from all agencies involved. He also
commended Firefighter/Paramedic Ed Bonollo and Firefighter Brian Wheeler.
l. Public Hearings
A. Consideration of a Site Location for a New City Hall
Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing and asked for comments from the
audience. Mayor Duncan referred to a list of possible sites for a new City
Hall compiled by the City Manager, and to a letter from the Port Angeles
Downtown Association suggesting that City Hall be kept downtown. She then
opened the public hearing and asked for comments. Leo sunny, a Port
Angeles resident, favored locating a new City Hall close to the County
Building. He also suggested having the Council consider including a
library in a new City Hall. Frank Welch, President of the Board of
Trustees of the North Olympic Library System, then addressed the Council,
encouraging the City to consider the possibility of combining a library
with the proposed City Hall. Jo Davies, Library Director, then addressed
the Council, also requesting that a library be included in a new City Hall
facility. Ms. Davies volunteered her time in exploring this possibility.
Ray Taylor, a Port Angeles resident, addressed the Council, favoring
locating a new City Hall at Eighth and "C" Streets (the old Lincoln School
site). Some of Mr. Taylor's reasons for this recommendation were the large
area involved, the fact that the area was debris~free, and in his opinion,
the area was very accessible. Mr. Taylor emphasized that the decision
November 6, 1984
should not be made overnight and that a lot of planning was needed for a
new City Hall. Haidee Hampton of 322 West Tenth Street, suggested that
City Hall remain Downtown. She presented a sketch of a building on piers
above the parking area between the present Police Station and the City
Light Building. She stated that this would preserve parking, it could be
accessible to the handicapped with an elevator and an escalator; it was
close to the bus stop; and it would upgrade the Downtown area, which was
important to consider. She stated that it would also save money because
the City presently owns the property. Dave Brewer of 111 East 13th Street,
President of the Downtown Association, then addressed the Council. He I
directed the Council's attention to a letter he had prepared from the
Downtown Association supporting a new City Hall in the Downtown Central -
Business District. The Downtown Association also supported locating the
new City Hall at the parking lot lying east of the City Light Building.
Mr. Brewer stated that individuals come Downtown to do all their business.
He stated that a City Hall in this location would boost things
Councilman Quast informed those present that the City of Lynnwood has a
combined City Hall/Library facility and urged individuals to observe this
facility if they were in the area.
Manager Flodstrom then resubmitted, on behalf of Clint Hulse, a plan for
the development of the area around the Clallam County Courthouse. Mr.
Hulse had originally submitted the plan to the Council in 1980. The plan
has since been updated. Some articles that have been printed about the
Plan were also submitted. The Council then reconfirmed that there would be
a public hearing held November 20th in order to provide a second oppor-
tunity for public input on a site location. The Council urged the citi~ens
of Port Angeles to attend. Mayor Duncan closed the public hearing.
B. DelHur West Side Annexation - Industrial Zoning Proposal
Mayor Duncan abstained from participating in the hearing, due to conflict
of interest. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood opened the public hearing and asked
for comments. Ken Sweeney, Port Planner for the Port of Port Angeles,
addressed the Council. He requested on behalf of the Port that the area be
zoned M-2. He stated that a high density residential area would not be
compatible with the Airport. The Council discussed th~s matter at length
with Mr. Sweeney. Councilman Whidden asked City Planner Carr what effect a
rezone of this nature would have on the property taxes of the area. City
Planner Carr stated that this information could be better obtained from the
County Assessor. Chuck Schram, a landowner included in this process, then
addressed the Council. Mr. Schram was adamantly opposed to designating 454
acres industrial zone. He opposed the idea of the entire area being desig-
nated only one zone. He favored a "no-action" alternative as suggested in
the Environmental Impact Statement prepared by CH2M Hill. He stated that
it was his belief that the Airport area could be expanded for the benefit
of all. He favored protecting residential use, enhancing commercial use,
and allowing some other uses, if they were compatible with the environment
of the area. He stated that he did not believe the Airport area should be
tagged heavy industrial use and left to sit idle. Carolyn Waite, represent-
ing the Dry Creek Homeowners' Association, then addressed the Council. She
stated that the Association concurs with Mr. Schram. It was Mrs. Waite's
opinion that zoning the area heavy industrial when it was directly adjacent
to residentially-zoned areas, was against sound land use practices, result-
ing in two totally incompatible land uses side by side. She stated that
her residence and other residences of the area would be severely impacted
by industrial use within the proposed annexation. Mrs. Waite suggested
that the Council consider the annexation under a residential use and that
the Council observe the Dry Creek Sub-Area Report which proposed a signifi-
cant amount of commercial land or light industrial from Reddick Road east
in the proposed annexed area, graduating down to residential to protect the
neighboring homes. She felt that the utility costs and road costs would be
very high if the area were zoned industrial. Tony Sample of 830 West 11th,
employed by DelHur Corporation, then addressed the Council. He stated that
DelHur owns approximately 114 acres in the proposed annexation area and the
property was currently zoned heavy industrial by the County. He requested
that the peripheral ~oning of that property be as it is now in the County,
heavy industrial. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood asked for further comments.
There were none. He stated that there would be a second public hearing on
this subject. City Planner Carr informed those present that the next
public hearing would be in December. Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood then closed
the public hearing.
November 6, 19B4
2. Presentation from Robert Bronsink on the Difficulties of Establishing
a Small Business in Port Angeles
Robert Bronsink addressed the Council regarding the use and interpretation
of rules governing the establishment of commercial activities in buildings
prev iously used as residences. Mr. Bronsink reviewed problems he had
experienced in establishing a business in a structure that had formerly
been a residence. Mr. Bronsink felt that if small businesses were not
encouraged and nurtured, dollars brought in by larger industries would not
stay within the City. He encouraged the Council to use its influence to
attract small businesses to Port Angeles, stating that the "Mom and Pop"
type of business was ideal to this setting. He encouraged the Council to
consider the difficulties of opening a small business and to work with the
small businessman and bend those rules a little; or simply have a separate
set of rules for very small businesses. He stated that a large variety of
trades in one area holds the dollar here longer.
2-A. Discussion of Proposed Tavern at Eighth and "C".
Helen Madsen of 929 West Eighth Street presented a petition to the Council
opposing the establishment of a tavern at Eighth and "C" Streets because it
would increase the traffic hazard at the intersection and it would be
disruptive to the established residential neighborhood. Cheryl Pritchard,
who lives upstairs from Mrs. Madsen, spoke in opposition to the tavern.
She stated that she would have to move if the tavern was established, as
the tavern would be two feet from her bedroom window. Gene Barnes of 1017
South "C" Street also opposed the establishment of a tavern at that
location due to safety and the noise level. Mr. Barnes also presented a
petition with signatures. Vincent Blore of 934 West Seventh, was also
opposed to another tavern being estalished. Marilyn Perkins, resident of
the corner of Seventh and "C", spoke in opposition to the tavern, because
she has children that cross that intersection on the way to and from
school. She stated that the tavern would be open during those hours and
that concerns her greatly. Mary Huels of 907~ West Eighth Street opposed
the tavern. Ken Bare of 929~ West Eighth stated he has lived in the area
for eight years and the area is much noisier now than it was eight years
ago and that he opposed the establishment of a tavern. He stated it would
be a very dangerous situation as far as traffic was concerned. Mr. Bare
asked what the status of the license issuance was so the individuals
concerned could pursue their opposition further if necessary. He also
requested that if the license was issued that a barricade be constructed
around the parking lot to protect Mrs. Madsen, whose bedroom directly faces
the proposed parking lot. He also requested that a sound protection be
required. Debbie Blore of 934 West Seventh addressed the Council in
opposition to the establishment of the tavern. She stated that she was
concerned about the parking because of the angle of the driveway. She also
stated that traffic, unless it parked across the street, would be in the
alley and would block all of the residents' driveways. Robert Bronsink of
916 West 12th was concerned regarding the high density of children in the
area. Julie Blore of 934 West Seventh concurred with the concerns of other
residents of the area and was also concerned that a tavern would increase
violence in the residential area. Margaret Wilcox concurred with her
neighbors in opposition to the tavern. City Planner Carr explained that
the zoning, which is CSD-C2, permits a tavern outright. Mayor Duncan
explained that building permits and parking permits would still be
required. A member of the audience inquired as to the State Liquor Board's
limit on the number of liquor licenses issued within a specific area. He
asked if the City of Port Angeles was already saturated in regard to liquor
licenses. Manager Flodstrom stated that population restrictions apply to
Class "Rn Licenses; however, he stated that the Washington State Liquor
Control Board has recently denied tavern licenses in Port Angeles. Council-
man Quast stated that he believed that time was of the essence because of
deadlines involved in the notice of application by the Washington State
Liquor Control Board. He then moved that staff be instructed to inform the
Liquor Control Board and Mr. Hansell that objections as to the location had
been raised before this body and that additional time was required to
forward the transcript of the objections which were made tonight in
Chambers. Councilman Schermer seconded. Councilman Gerberding stated that
the applicant should be notified, too. Councilman Quast then amended his
motion to include that copies of the transcript also be sent to the
applicant. Councilman Schermer concurred. The motion carried, with
Councilman Haguewood abstaining.
November 6, 1984
Councilman Quast discussed with Mr. Bronsink the reason for the establish-
ment of the regulations on newly developed commercial enterprises, explain-
ing that it was because of situations similar to this where residents had
requested conditions, such as off-street parking from the Council. He
explained to Mr. Bronsink that Council had established these policies and
that staff had acted correctly in Mr. Bronsink's case. He also added that
Mr. Bronsink had acted correctly in bringing his problem to the Council's
3. Public Hearing to Discuss City Hall Site Location - November 20, 1984
The Council reconfirmed that a second public hearing would be held for the
purpose of discussing possible sites for a new City Hall on November 20,
4. Planning Commission Minutes of October 24, 1984 - Approved
Councilman Gerberding moved to accept and place on file the Planning
Commission minutes of October 24, 19B4, as written. Councilman Hordyk
seconded and the motion carried.
5. Public Hearing Set to Declare Solid Waste Containers and D-4 Bulldozer
Councilman Gerberding moved to concur with the recommendation of staff to
set a public hearing for November 20, 1984, to surplus l~-yard Heil-type
dumpsters, l-yard Heil-type metal dumpsters and the D-4 Caterpiller.
Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried.
6. City Manager Authorized to Sign Harbor Plan Grant Contract
Councilman Quast moved to authorize the City Manager to sign a contract
accepting a $24,750 grant from the Department of Ecology for the Harbor
Plan. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried, with Councilmen
Hordyk and Haguewood voting "No".
7. County Solid Waste Comprehensive Plan - Tabled
Dave Kiete from Clallam County Public Works explained that the purpose of
their presence was for the adoption phase of the Clal1am County Solid Waste
Management Plan Update. He introduced Richard Dunlop of the consultants
who developed the Plan. He requested that the Council adopt the plan,
following Mr. Dunlop's presentation.
Mr. Dunlop explained the procedure for adopting the Plan and that the
Council would be required by law to develop their own plan, should they
decide not to adopt this Plan. Mr. Dunlop then proceeded to review the
Plan which recommends that the City provide a regional landfill facility,
utilizing the existing site, if that site can fulfill the needs of the
County. The Plan recommends upgrading and expanding the Port Angeles
Landfill to serve the entire County until the year 2005, or if the Landfill
does not have the capacity or there are environmental risks involved, that
a new site be developed in the East County and that at that time, a waste
energy project be considered. Mr. Dunlop stated that the Department of
Ecology has developed more stringent environmental regulations and that the
next cell dug at the Landfill may have to be lined as part of a leachate
management plan. He stated that projects of this nature are grant-
Councilman Quast noted concern over putting a burden on the shoulders of
the citizens of Port Angeles by adopting the Plan before cost impacts were
fully analyzed. He was also concerned with the possibility of illegal
dumping within the County if County residents were charged for garbage.
Councilman Quast also stated that the Council would be well advised to
establish a citizen cost for upgrading and expanding our Landfill without
the County included and with the County included; and to apply for the
grants to establish clearly that the City has no ecological problems at our
present Landfill. He stated that these should be the first duties before
entering into a cooperative agreement with Clallam County. Councilman
Gerberding discussed with staff the cost of a leachate study and the
addition of a second cell. Solid Waste Superintendent Bob Jones stated
that if it were contracted out, the cost would be $400,000. Mr. Dunlop
explained to Councilman Gerberding that if the City completed the project
themselves, grant funds might be restricted.
c.. \ 1!. OJ:'
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l' ANG~
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids for the sare of
surplus equipment will be received by the City Clerk, City of
Port Angeles, 140 West Front Street, P.O. Box 1 ISO, Port
Angeles, until 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 23, 1984. The
following equipment is offered for sale:
. Vehicle#
Minimum Bid
1. 1972 6500 Series Cab & Chassis with Heil
Ma rk I II Packer................................................... Nont
2. 1973 6500 Series Cob & Chassis with Heil
Mark III Packer.................................................. . No..
3. 1978 Ford C8000 with Dempster Dumpster
25-yd. rear packer
Option A: 1978 Ford C8000 with Dempster Dumpster
25 yd. packer as a complete unit... .... .......... ... ..... '22.000
Option B: Dempster Dumpster 25 yd. packer body
only ~..... +. + _ ~ + ~.. + _ +. '11-.... '11-..... I. to.... ~.... t.... I." t.... 4....... t........ '10,000
Option C: 1978 Ford C8000 cab and chassis only..... '11 ,000
4. 1980 Ford C8000 with Heil 20 yd. packer
Option A: 1980 Ford C8000 with Heil 20 yd.
packer as a complete unit................................. '25,000
Option B: Heil 20 yd. packer body only.................. sl,OOO
Option C: 1980 Ford C8000 cob and
chassis only................................................... 115,000
5. 1984 Ford C8000 with leach 20 yd. rear packer.
Option A: 1984 Ford C8000 with 20 yd. leach packer
os a complete unit........................................... s50,000
Option 8: 20 yd. leach packer body only..............'23.000
Option C. 198.4 Ford C8000 cob and chassis only..... $25,000
6. 1981 Dodge Diplomat.propane powered................. . None
7. 1982 Dodge Diplomat-propane powered................ ..Neme
8. 1972 Chevrolet Station Wagon.............................. . None
Vehicles may be inspected at the City Service Garage locoted at 17th and
"8" Streets. between 8:00 o.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays. The garbage trucks
may be inspected from 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Vehicles and/or equipment to be sold "as is" to the highest acceptable bid-
der. The City of Port Angeles will make no warranty about the operating con-
dition of any of this equipment.
TERMS: Terms ore negotiable for equipment soles valued in excess 9f
16,000. All other soles ore "cash".
All bids ore to be in the for of a sealed letter to the City Clerk and must in.
c1ude the nome, address and phone number of the bidder. the vehicle
number, and/or the option being bid and the amount of the bid.
The bids are to be addressed to the City Clerk, 140 West Front Street. P.O.
Box 1150, Port Angeles. The outside of the envelope should be marked "Bid
Opening - City of Port Angeles, Surplus Equipment, October 23. 1984, 2:30
p.m." The vehicle number and option being bid should also be marked on the
outside of the envelope.
The City Council reserves the right to accept ar reiect any or all bids. and to
waive any portion of the terms herein.
The Daily News 0 Published for the Olympic Peninsula in Po
In business
PenPly ads helping
According to PenPly's employee
newsletter - Peeler Press - the com-
pany is starting to see sales results from
its "hard-hitting" CedarPly national
trade advertisment campaign being
conducted in trade magazines.
The ads feature homes with CedarPly,
the exterior cedar plywood paneling the
Rayonier division manufactures.
"These ads now have been seen by
major builders and designers across the
country, It wrote Dick Lyor.s, sales
The company has shipped' over 5,000
displays to distributors from Alaska and
Florida in an effort to bolster sales.
Buyers have source
Local business owners who seek a
buyer for their businesses have a new
Port Angeles source to tap.
Donald Spaulding was recently made
local director of a national network that
links business sellers with buyers.
Associates Assistance, a Cincinnati-
based finn, is an advertising force that
uses a computer base to match buyers
to a national pool of potential
"We have access to a data bank listing
buyers who have been looking for a par-
ticular business for up to five years,"
said Spaulding, who covers Jefferson
and Clallam counties.
"We guarantee at least 200 potential
buyers for a business," he said.
Savings firm relocating
Great Northwest Federal Savings will
relocate its Port Townsend branch from
an older building at 215 Taylor St. to its
new office at 419 Kearney St.
The building's construction is . on
.. ~chedule, according to Raymond Soule,
"Jpresident of the institution. The new of-
fice should be opened on Oct. 22, he said.
Tbe new building will include a drive-
up window, a night depository, a
....... t.
for a tavern license at The Inn, 108 So
Lincoln St., Port Angeles.
Wood imports set mar
Canadian lumber imports in July
counted for a record 34 percent
domestic consumption, according
new data supplied by the South
Forest Products Association.
This brings the year.to-date total
percent, up from 30.6 percent for all
The Census Bureau had previa
reported significantly lower lum
shipment figures, said Gue Keuhne,
ecutive vice president of Northwest
dependent Forest Products Associati
clEven with increased south
lumber production data, it is still
vious that Canadians continue to s
lumber into the United States at rec
levels," he said.
If Canadian timber costs the same
Northwest timber, "we would
maintained our market share over
past decade and a dozen more :nill
Western Washington would be
I today," Kuehne said.
Standing timber prices in British
umbia run from $4 to $8 per thousa
board feet while state timber
Washington is bid at $60 to $100 per th
sand, according to 1983 figures.
Photographer accepted
Jon Olson, a Port Angel
photographer, was recently accepted .
to the American Society of Magaz'
Photographers, a professional
Owner honored
Dave Lamon, owner of Port Ange
based Precision Truss Co., recently
presented with an Associate of the Y
award from the Wasbington State Ho
Builders Association by local presid
Bob Forshaw.
The award acknowledges Lamon's
iive artici tion in the group and
November 6, 1984
Following further discussion, Councilman Quast stated that the Council
should take some time to study all the possibilities and to begin looking
at possible new sites. councilman Hordyk moved that the Solid Waste
Management Plan be tabled until the next meeting. Councilman Quast
seconded and the motion carried.
Mayor Duncan noted that it was now lO:OO PM and asked the Council's intent
on whether to continue the meeting. Councilman Gerberding moved to
adjourn. Councilman Quast seconded. Public Works Director Pittis
requested that Item No. 12 on the agenda be considered.
12. Mayor Authorized to Execute Grant Request for Model Conservation
Standards Investigation Program
Following discussion and clarification from staff, Councilman Schermer
moved to approve the proposal and authorize the Mayor to sign the proposal
on behalf of the City of Port Angeles. Councilman Quast seconded. Upon
recommendation from Councilman Gerberding, Councilman Quast added to the
motion that the acceptance of the petition for this grant in no way at this
time signified the Council's approval. councilman Schermer concurred, and
the motion carried.
Manager Flodstrom referred the Council to Agenda Item No. 9 and asked who
would be participating in the presentation of the Veterans' Day wreath in
Victoria. Mayor Duncan stated that she would attend and the Council
concurred to inform the City Manager if another councilmember also wished
to attend.
Councilman Hordyk moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 P.M. Councilman
Gerberding seconded and the motion carried.
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