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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
November 7 .-
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II'The Commission met in regular session at liO A.M., and was called to order by Mayar Robinson. Roll Call
showed the following Officers present: Mayor Robinson, Commissioners Beam and Master~, Attorney Johnston,
and Clerk Hawkins.
, The Minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted,
i Bu ilciing pe rmi ts ,
Hay ~ Davidson Hospital, Remodel Fire escape, Lot 2, Elk. 34,
, Li censes ,
! Port "Angeles Poster Advertising Co. Bill Boards 25.00
OlrnPic Recreation 1 card table 5.00.
George H. stevens Massage Parlor 25.00
I Edmurfd T Middleton Journeyman Plumber 2.1P
I Under the head 0 f unfiniehed basiness i The matter of the hearing of J;!ck Miller operating the Miller
I Recreation, to show cause why his licenses for operating his business should not be z:evoR:ed for the violat-!
, ion of certain Laws and Ordinances, come before the City Commission for consideration. .Jack Miller being ,
represented by his Attirney, Wm. J. Conniff, who asked that the matter be continued, as the said Jack !filler
was trying to arrange for the sale of his business. Atter due consideration, the hearing was then
cont~naed t6 December 26, 1945.
, Under the head of introduction of RedtililinMon'i, the following was introduced:
'WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is th~ owner of the following described real property, having acquired thel:
I same 9Y Treasurer I s deed dated November 2, 1945, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9393 of
liRemingtonts Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 365, to-wit:
I WHEREAS , David C. Law has offered to purchase from the City of Port Angeles the above described real property
! for tJ.1e sum of $lW.OO, payable as follows: ~P15.OC as a down paymsnt, and $lO.OO.on or before the first day
of December, 1945, and $10.00 on or before the first day of each and every month thereafter until paid in
I full,. together y<ith interest at the rate of 7% per annul", computed on monthly balances due an:! paid with the
I,month~ installment, and I
! I
'I WHEREAS, the City COIJl111ission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair value'
,and at this time it is to the best interest of the City that it be accepted and the sale made. I
IIIOW, tHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said~
property at private sale to the said David C. Law, for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to any other
valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying !
,said property to the purchaser, and that the City cierk of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby I
'inst!,,:,cted to execute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles be.an:l he is
hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed when the purchase price and all accmed interest
thereqn has been paid in full.
Lot Stxteen (16), Block One Hundred Twenty-seven (127), Townsite of Port Angeles, Wash., and
It wa~ moved by Commissioner I~sters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
ICOmmi:sioner Beam. On roll call allimembers voted Aye. The !layor declared the motion carried. ,
I. Under _ the head of new business, An Bmergency Ordinance providing for additional money for the operation of I
the Library was read and placed on filc.
AN ORDIJIAIICE setting forth an emergency affecti.n;s the PORT ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY, reqlUrmg expenditures
unforseen, prbviding for the issuance of eIaergency warrants, declaring an emergency making this Ordinance
effective immediately.
IThe James W. Carey & Associated Engineers Contract, v<ith City of Port Angeles for the preparation of plans
land specifications for Sewage treating facilities come before the Corrmission for approval. It was moved by
IMayor Robinson that the contract be approved and signed by the Mayor on behalf of the City. Seconded by
I Commissioner Beam.. On roll call, Mayor Robinson and Commissioner Beam voted Aye, Commissioner Masters not
voting. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
IThe Commission examined the following claims, and ordered warrants drawn in payment of the same:
Current Expense Fune:
P. A. Evening News Election Notices $
Ligh t Departlr.ent
.Iaity Light & Water Dept.
II II 11 11
Joseph H. Johnston
iElizabeth E. Jensen
IAlice Cummings
Charles W. Merrow
IAlice Anderson
Eveline Macklin
IHarriette Burdick
state Treasurer
~ Street fund:.
'Po A. Motors
P. A. Concrete Products Co.
liVlillson Hd1.e. CD.
,Crown Zellerbach Corp.
ID. & B. Battery & Electric Sta.
IV' H. Haller Hdwe.
I City Transfer Co.
,Richfield Oil Corp.
'State Treasurer
Office SupplJiles, Publications,
Rent - Oct.
Street Lights - Hydrants
Lt. & Water at barn, Streets &. Sewers
Expense Acct.
Election Board, Precinct 4
1197. '17
Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid
Pipe, etcJ
Rope - Globes
Labor & Material
256. W
Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
NQvember ----'7-,
Water F\md ~
Loop A;rlOWrecking Co.
Samuelson Motor Co.
'Seattle Plumbing Supply Co.
Willson Hdwe. Co.
The Ford Meter Box. Co.
Seattle Plumbing Supply
, Hersey Mg. Co.
City Street Dept.
City Light Dept.
" Associated Oil Co.
Light 'Fun:! :.
,: General Els ctric Supply Cillrp.
Chas. "E. Beam
A. W. Ward
I' City Wa ter Dept.
V. H. Haller Hdwe. Co.
Samuels on Motor Co.
Willson Hdwe. Co.
S tanda rd Oil Co.
Elmer Dorr
Line Material Co.
state Treasurer
Sani ~ EUrrl::
Roy Pike
State Treasurer
Libra!:i: ~:
"Charles Scribner I s Sons
Demco Library Supplies
North Cog st Chemical & Soap .Iorks
, Light, Water & Garbage Dept.
Sta te Aid Fund,
City Treasurer
CityTrea surer
Pacific Tel & Tel. Co,
Tru ok repair 2.06
Truck repaJ.r .55
Dresser couplings 15.12
Shop Supplies 5.77
Coppersetters 67.52
Pipe 59.83
Meters 110.00
Gas & Oil 44.75
Rent & Light furnished, Oct. 30.75
KG ro sene 3~p'9~ 7.50
Ind. Ins. & I,led. Aid D.I0
Meters '122.75
Car Expense 1 Oct. 16.50
Car Expense, Oct. 11.15
Water At Sub. St~. 1.90
Truck chains 16.95
Truck s!lpjHies 2.63
Street lamps 143.90
Gas 18.75
Tire repair 1.80
Bolts ~''1,'~~ 42.02
Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 15.99
Car mileage, Oct. 11~'P Z 32.40
Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 13.63
B!)oks 79.50
Office Supplie s 8.W
Janitor Supplies 10.56
Light, Via ter & Garbage 107.ID 8.44
Nails 3.48
Glass Channel .85
Light at parlro, Garbage, & Water 54.91
Ind, Ins. & Med. Aid /p/"? g 7.49
Stamps - Express 4.35
Light, Water, Garbage 29.00
Ser. #1628 37.10. 4.25
Book 2.16
Su pplie s 6.27
Gas 59.50
Pilot lite .27
Labor & Material 108.82
Light 10.95
Car Mileage, Oct. 18.00
Meals for prisoners ~ ~t, tD 52.53
Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 30.32
Taxes, Lot 16, BlK. 127, TOYffisite 33.53
Park Fund"
"Angeleso:ravel & Supply Co.
Samuelson Motor CO.
,Light, Water & Sanitation Dept.
, State Treasurer
War Liquor ~:Fund:
Olympic Stationers
: Willson Hdwe. Co.
Associated Oil Co.
r The Ele ctric Co.
, Carris Augomotive Ser.
!' City Light Dept
I R. O. Ide
, Mexican Chili Bowl
, State Treasurer
Guaranty Fund:
,I City Treasurer
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
City Cle:rk
71, "lnfI1467~