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Port Angeles, Washington
November 7, 1978
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Buck, Duncanr
Hordyk, Wray.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: t9anager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Deputy Clerk Caso.
D. Frizzell, A. Rose, P. Carr, D. Flodstrom, J. Honnold,
B. Myers.
Guests Present: L. Sunny, A. James, P. Brady, J. Hucka, H. Berglund, J. Doherty,
G. Smith, B. Sage, D. Murphy, E. Rausal, M. Libera, D. Rudolph,
N. Turner, C. Whidden, L. Britton.
III MINUTES 2ecreation office, William
[Shore Memorial Pool-
Comments concerning the
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received the plan should be directed to the
}Director of Parks and
minutes of the October 17, 1978 meeting, and the October 25, 1978 Public He Recreation, City of Port
The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. 4Angeies. interested agencies,
- ~l-croups artd individuals are
j ~~~-`'encouraged (o submit written
I 102578 rnmmenTS.
A public hearing will be held t`~
1. PUBLIC HEARINGS ~ Novgmber„Z,~7978 ate p. m. I
during the regular session of
i the Porf Angeles City Councih
A. Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan "Porf Angeles city Hall, '~
concerning the proposed ,~QLI l
~ ngeles parks and
_l3gcreation I
Ma or Ha uewood read a memorandum from the Pay re e s ve Plan -T,F-e ments
y q t purpose of the hearing is to
outlining' the action taken by the Park Board solicit public comments on the non
`future developments and
the proposed Comprehensive Park and Recreatiol.``. potential developments of Public
hearing for comments or questions from the aUr parks and recreation facilities, r
programs and services.
Frizzell then introduced Mr. Dennis Haskell, f The proposed plan Yo,
F establisnes: (U the upgrading
who gave a brief presentation on the study do_ of the existingfacllitlessystem, ,n'
Mr. Haskell' s resentation included back rou (2) 6eiter utilisation of existing -he
P g facilities, (3; a plan of
study was conducted, a summarization of the organized development and ~ns
based on those findin s and a list of riot ~ growth of fadlities to meet the she
9 r P ~ growth of the community, (4)
presentation, the Council, Mr. Haskell, and ~ identify ana prioritize
individual recreation
audience discussed recreational areas in reg<. recreationdevelopmenrneeded
e ansion of the Cit in other direction best in Port Angeles, (53 identify are
xp Y ~ and address the neetls of all agE
no further comments and the public hearing w,, groups, (d) identify and
i address the needs of each
~ neighborhootl within the city,
Ma or Ha uewood introduced and read by title (7) provide recreational .titled,
Y g opportunities to all citizens of
Port Angeles and, (S) allow the
City of Porf Angeles to be ~
Ordinance No. 2000 ~ eligible for state and federal
Detailed information
AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. concerning the proposed plan is
datin the Com rehensive Plan for tl available in The formatarepor~
g P tilled "Port Angeles Park and
of Port Angeles by adding the Compr~ Recreation Comprehensive '
Plan." this report i5 available
Park and Recreation Plan. for public review of the City of
POrt Angeles_Park~and
Councilman Buck then moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as
read by title by Mayor Haguewood, and adopt the proposed Comprehensive
Park and Recreation Plan because: (1) the Planning Commission and Park
Board recommended adoption; {2) the Comprehensive Plan policies.-require
a park plan; (3) a park and recreation element in the Comprehensive
Plan will help the City get Federal and state recreation grant funds;
(4) public response has been favorable; and (5) adoption would be for
the general welfare of the community. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Duncan and carried unanimously.
.'` $9
Port Angeles, Washington
November 7, 1978
CAT.i. Tn nRF1FR
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M.
II ROLL CALL 7noylTr^aoZ!r^'sioilei»aurwa;
¢/el 'w{nba9 u} aoJ e~?
AJaq •A;Jado~d ~tll]a3WW0.
Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Anders b9LO~LSV •paaap!suotlcan,
Hordyk, Wray. sapeJl 'uo!je~o~ umo;unnop,
;ua!laoxa u! sasnou a%1 41!^~
s;o! pauoz til!we}-!;Inw ano~~
Members Absent: None. aiois3!oaa~~s!y~
'1809•L89'w!nba5 }o;sa.~y{nog
Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, •aj!sawoq In}uneaq anew
D. Frizzell, A. Rose, P. Carr, D. E3 Plnom Jo'~lue; o!jdas put pam
yj!m awoy a!!4ow Jo} do ja$
B. Myers. ~ •sa!j!I!in punoJ6Japun ~le'saaJi~
M yj~M 5aJ7e lanai z/, pue OMl.
Guests Present: L. Sunn A. James P. Brad J, g 5 •uol6u!yseM •3 SZti; '095L~
Yr , Yr ~ -£89 'alo0 '3 eJUaH ~~I'o sap?m oherty,
G. Smith, B. Sage, D. Murphy, E. RRe~s a{ghoQ 'swJal Asea oo5'zIS dolph,
--'1 ,tjJatloJd uo aua4d pue 'Ja;eM,
N. Turner, C. Whidden, L. Britton. ~ 'Jamad'IaoJed aJ~e eli pue 3N01
III MINUTES 1 9L4 'loo4os aoAOf Jeau 'peon
b luow paid 8519 le AjJadoJd uo,
b su6!5 'awoy al!gow 4s!^'~ saJ7e
; x!s os!e 'saJOe uaj pue 3nld
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place ~ •045E-LS>''006't'LS 'swJay alq!xa!} ~
minutes of the October 17, 1978 meeting, and the Octot y;lm A{wen!~d .5wgas 'HaaJ~ 'zing.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and cad trews 'a;!sawou pauealo •Ma!^
S ulelunow 'aJnSOdxa 6!Jayjnos
6 •a!gel1eAe Jamod 'eaJe peon
IV LEGISLATION 1I ua!Jg,O 'Ia~Jed aJ~e-3nid
` 'LBSS-LSl' '005'63 'nq aso~o
! •Ja{en~ pue JaMOd •ap!s lsan^ y
1. PUBLIC HEARINGS 'yoea ovixoS 'sjo{ n;!o OML
r/..nn_,,esuuuna ~,ua~e,mnaunniua
A. Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan
Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Park and Planning Departments
outlining the action taken by the Park Board and Planning Commission on
the proposed Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan, and opened the public
hearing for comments or questions from the audience. Parks Director
Frizzell then introduced Mr. Dennis Haskell, of Kramer, Chin and Mayo,
who gave a brief presentation on the study done on the proposed plan.
Mr. Haskell's presentation included background information on how the
study was conducted, a summarization of the findings, recommendations
based on those findings, and a list of priority items. Following the
presentation, the Council, Mr. Haskell, and various members of the
audience discussed recreational areas in regard to Ediz Hook, and
expansion of the City in other direction beside the west. There were
no further comments and the public hearing was closed.
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2000 entitled,
Ordinance No. 2000
AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 1885 up-
dating the Comprehensive Plan for the City
of Port Angeles by adding the Comprehensive
Park and Recreation Plan.
Councilman Buck then moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as
read by title by Mayor Haguewood, and adopt the proposed Comprehensive
Park and Recreation Plan because: {1) the Planning Commission and Park
Board recommended adoption; (2) the Comprehensive Plan policies require
a park plan; (3) a park and recreation element in the Comprehensive
Plan will help the City get Federal and state recreation grant funds;
(4) public response has been favorable; and (5) adoption would be for
the general welfare of the community. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Duncan and carried unanimously.
November 7, 1978
1. Cont.
B. L.I.D. No. 203: Downtown Improvement
Manager Whorton recommended the Council continue the public hearing
on the proposed downtown L.S.D. since no official word has been re- j
sieved from EDA on the grant application. Mayor Haguewood then
opened the public hearing on the proposed LID and requested comments
or questions from the audience. There were no comments and the public
hearing was closed. Councilman Buck then moved the Council continue
the public hearing on L.I.D. No. 203 until the next regular Council
meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried.
There was no Council action taken on this agenda item.
Mayor Haguewood read the Planning Commission minutes of October 25, 1978
with the following action being taken by the Council:
A. Temporary Use Permit: Capital Savings and Loan Association
Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on Capital Savings and Loan
Association's request to use a mobile home as a branch bank during con-
struction of permanent buildings at the northwest corner of First and
Chambers, and requested comments or questions from the audience. There
were none, and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Wray then
~ moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Com-
mission and approve Capital Savings and Loan Association's temporary
use permit for the above-described useage. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Hordyk and carried.
S. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file the Plan-
ning Commission minutes of October 25, 1978. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Buck and carried.
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 46-78 entitled,
Resolution No. '46-78
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting
a hearing date for a petition to vacate streets
in Nob Hill Addition, Townsite of Port Angeles.
Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foreging Resolution as read by
by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date of December 19,
1978 for this petition, and refer this application to the Planning Com-
mission. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried.
Mayor Haguewood read portions of a letter from Mr. Jim Hodge, Vice-President
in charge of Public Relations for Northern Tier, proposing the City of
Port Angeles provide Northern Tier with a list of subject areas in which
mitigating studies are deemed necessary and a proposed scope of work to
delineate how Northern Tier might assist the City in analyzing and identi-
fying mitigating measures. Such areas, the letter continrted, may include
school district,.Fire Department, Hospital, Public Works Department, housing,
recreation and tourism.
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November 7, 1978
5. Cont.
Mr. Bill Sage, of Northern Tier, then commented briefly on Mr. Hodge's
letter and answered various questigns from the Council and audience. Mayor
Haguewood then stated that this was not a matter of pro or con oilport, but
rather what impacts should be addressed if an oilport were to locate here;
in addition, the City does not have sufficient funds which will be needed
to improve and expand our present facilities therefore funding from other
sources will be needed. Mayor Haguewood then directed staff to prepare
a list of the subject areas in which mitigating studies are deemed necessary,
and submit them to Northern Tier. There was no further action taken on
this agenda item.
Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 47-78 entitled,
Resolution No. 47-78
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City
of Port Angeles accepting and adopting the re-
commended strategies necessary to comply with
requirements of the U.S. Clean Air Act Amend-
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read
by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan
and carried.
Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Mr. David Murphy, of the Downtown Business
Association, requesting Council consideration of a proposal to remove or cover
the on-street parking meters for a three month trial period to begin as soon
as possible. Councilman Buck then moved the Council authorize the Public
Works Department to cover the on-street parking meters for the three month
trial period as requested by the Downtown Business Association, to begin as
soon as possible. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman. During
discussion on the motion, Public Works Director Flodstrom stated it would
be more cost effective to remove the meter heads instead of covering them.
Councilman Buck then amended his motion to read the meter heads be removed
instead of covered. The amendedmotion was seconded by Councilman Boardman.
During further discussion on the motion, the Council and Mr. Flodstrom dis-
cussed policing of the parking by the Meter Maid, revenue lost by removal of
the meters, and removal of meters on-street but not in parking lots. Manager
Whorton then suggested an Ordinance be submitted at the November 10, 1978
special Council meeting so formal Council action can be taken on this matter.
On call for the question, the motion as amended was passed by the Council.
Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Ms. Elsie Rausal, Clallam County Realty,
petitioning the Council to consider relinquishing the south twenty feet of
an easement or street right-of-way obtained in 1975 from For. Ahlvers located
on Ahlvers Road between Laurel Street and Peabody Street. During discussion
on Ms. Rausal's request, Public Works Director Flodstrom explained that in
the particular area where the easement falls there is no longer a need for
having a full thirty foot easement for roadway utility purposes. After
further discussion between the Council and Mr. Flodstrom, Councilman Hordyk
moved the Council authorize relinquishment of the twenty foot easement as
described by Mr. Flodstrom. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray
and carried. '
November 7, 1978
During the October 17, 1978 Council meeting, Mrs. Muriel Metcalf spoke to
the Council regarding an electrical wire which is crossing her property;
Mrs. Metcalf felt that the service line to a neighboring home, which is
the line crossing her property, should be re-routed to the east, instead
of putting in a new pole at her expense. At this meeting, Light Superin-
tendent Honnold submitted a written report on this matter which was re-
quested by Councilman Hordyk during the October 17th meeting. In response
to Mr. Honnold's report, Councilman Hordyk stated he concurred with staff's
position and felt their decision, which was to install a new service pole,
should be upheld. Councilman Boardman then questioned Mr. Honnold concerning
violations of the National Electrical Code, and what would be done today to
avoid a similar situation. Councilman Buck then moved that, consistant with
established policy, Mrs. Metcalf be requested to pay the $91.00 to install
the new service pole. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. During
discussion on the motion, Councilman Boardman questioned Mr. Honnold re-
garding Mrs. Metcalf's proposed service re-route and how it would effect
surrounding neighbors, and past situations such as this and how they were
handled. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council with
Councilman Boardman voting "NO."
During the October 17, 1978 Council meeting, Manager Whorton advised the
Council that Mr. Mike Libera had requested waiver of the $600 compensation
amount for the vacation of walnut Street. At that meeting, Mayor Hagvewood
directed Manager Whorton to research the matter further and report back to
the Council. During this meeting, Manager whorton explained that Mr. Libera
contends that since the street was never opened, the claim of the City is
questionable and therefor the $600 compensation amount should be dropped.
The Council then heard from Mr. John Doherty, attorney for Mr. Libera,
who further explained Mr. Libera's position in this matter. Following
P9r. Doherty's presentation, Councilman Hordyk moved the Council continue
with the established precedent of the past and place the compensation
amount at $600, which is 50~ of the assessed evaluation. The motion died
for lack of a second. Councilman Buck then moved the Council refer this
matter to the City Attorney for his recommendation at the next regular
Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried
with Councilman Hordyk voting "NO."
Mayor Haguewood read in full a PROCLAMATION proclaiming the week of November
19-26, 1978 as National Bible Week.
Ms. Hattie Berglund suggested the Council include in their list to Northern
Tier of subject areas in which mitigating studies are needed, a specific amount
of funds needed for these studies.
Councilman Anderson moved the Council award the bid for purchase of four
three-phase padmount transformers to the low bidder, Westinghouse_Supply
Co., Tacoma, with a low bid of $16,068.74 including tax and with the
alternate of bushing wells and inserts. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Hordyk and carried. "
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November 7, 1978
2. L.I.D. N0. 201
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Buck and
unanimously carried to approve payment of $83,400.00 to J.D. Shotwell Co.,
Tacoma, as the third, October, estimate of work done and materials furnished
by said contractor on the 16th and "E" L.I.D. No. 201 as certified by City
Engineer John B. Warder in his Certification letter dated October 31, 1978.
3. L.S.D. N0. 202
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Buck and
unanimously carried to approve payment of $14,700 to J.D. Shotwell Co.,
Tacoma, as the third, October, estimate of wrk done and materials furnished
by said contractor on the 5th and Evans L.I.D. No. 202 as certified by City
Engineer John B. Warder in his Certification letter dated October 31, 1978.
Councilman Anderson moved the Council approve the items listed under the Consent
Agenda including Vouchers Payable of $343,943.43, L.I.D.'s of $70,700, and Pay-
roll of $123,976.09. The motion was seconded by Coucilman Buck and carried.
items listed under the Consent Agenda are as follows:
1. Authorize payment of $30,247.98 to ABAM Engineers for engineering services
on the Municipal Pier Project.
2. Authorize payment of $190.84 to CH2M/Hill for engineering services on the
Elwha River Water Project.
3. Authorize payment of $32,388.76 to Del Guzzi Construction Co. as a progress .
payment on the Civic Field Proejct.
4. Authorize the Parks Department to call for closed seal bids for the sale
of the Walcott and East Second Street properties.
5. Authorize the Light Department to call for bids on one unit substation, rated
12,000 KVA, 69 - 12.5KV, for installation at Laurel Substation during the
summer and fall of 1979.
During the October 17, 1978 Council meeting, Mr. Floyd Green, of Evergreen
Security, proposed several amendments to Ordinance No. 1968, which regulates
Private Security Firms. At this meeting, Attorney Walrath outlined the pro-
posed amendments which includes definitions of "permanent" employees and
"temorary" employees, background 'check of temporary employee applicants,
additional data required of temporary employees, plus residency requirements
and registration fees for temporary employees. Following a few brief comments
from Mr. Green on why these amendments were needed, Mayor Haguewood introduced
and read by title ordinance No. 2001, entitled,
Ordinance No. 2001
AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City
of Port Angeles amending Ordinance 1968 re-
lating to the regulation of, private security
Councilman Buck then moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read
by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk
and carried unanimously.
November 7, 1978
Mayor Haguewood read a letter from the Planning and Community Affairs
Agency, advising the Council of a special meeting on Wednesday, November
15, 1978 at 7:30 P.M. in Bremerton to discuss the potential effects of
the continuing growth experienced by Washington State. Manager Whorton,
Public Works Director Flodstrom, and Planner Carr will be attending
this meeting.
cmn x+~ nonnomc
1. Councilman Hordyk: Made a brief statement regarding WPPS and the supply
of power by the City. Questioned Manager Whorton on when the City will
go to bid on the Municipal Pier Project. Discussed the drainage at Civic
Field with Parks Director Frizzell and the flooding of manholes at Laurel
and Boulevard with Public Works Director Flodstrom.
2. Councilman Buck: Questioned Attorney Walrath regarding a memorandum from
him dated September 20th which referred to a statement made regarding the
States leasing of a small harbor area at the end of Lincoln Street to Dr.
3. Mayor Haguewood: Announced that a meeting on Energy is scheduled for
Wednesday, November 8, 1978 at the Courthouse and urged the Council to
4. Councilman Wray: Commented that several manhole covers were displaced
due to heavy rains on Friday. Criticized the Daily News Editor for an
editorial on the WPPS.
5. Councilman Anderson: Questioned Public Works Director Flodstrom regarding
the entrance to the new Post Office. Commented that he had heard that
water was running off the street onto Civic Field during Friday's heavy
rains. Suggested the cars being parked adjacent to the red curb at Heckman
Motors be ticketed.
6. Manager Whorton: Reminded the Council of the budget sessions scheduled
for Friday, November 10th at 9:00 A.bi. in the Council Chambers. Requested
a short Executive Session following the meeting to discuss personnel matters
and pending litigation.
7. Attorney Walrath: Reported to the Council that he had filed a renewal of
the City's motion for a preliminary injunction against ITT Rayonier in the
Seattle Federal Court; however, he was unsure of when the matter will be
considered by the Court.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M. to an Executive Session.
City Clerk `Mayor