HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/07/1989I CALL TO ORDER
Mayor McPhee called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to
order at 7:00 P.M.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Kris Cornell's Minihaha
Adventure Group. Members present: Katie Gruver, Vanessa Ball, Amy Piccard,
Emily Evans, Tessa Baskins, Shannon McWaters, and Beth Cornell.
Port Angeles, Washington
November 7, 1989
Members Present: Mayor McPhee, Councilmen Gabriel, Hallett, Hordyk, Lemon,
Ostrowski, Sargent.
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Maike, S.
Brodhun, M. Cleland, B. Collins, L. Glenn, J. Pittis, B.
Titus, B. Coons, G. Kenworthy, J. Abernathy.
Public Present: D. Dundie, L. Beil, L. Ross, R. Gruver.
Councilman Hordyk moved to accept and place on file the minutes of the October
17, 1989, City Council meeting. Councilman Lemon seconded the motion.
Councilman Hallett offered a correction to page 18, Legislative item 8, stating
the record should show that both he and Councilman Gabriel had been opposed to
the motion. Councilman Gabriel concurred.
On call for the question, the motion carried unanimously.
1. Request for Consideration of Contract for Survey Work on Secondary
Treatment Plant with Polaris Engineering
Councilman Hallett moved to authorize the Mayor to execute the contract with
Polaris Engineering to provide surveying services, not to exceed $15,000.
Council an Gabriel seconded the motion.
Councilman Hordyk asked whether this included soil testing for building
construction. Public Works Director Pittis responded this would cover the
survey work that is necessary for the design. Therefore, it is topographic
materials locations at the Plant.
Councilman Hordyk questioned the necessity of the surveying, since this is
City -owned property. Director Pittis explained this is necessary to ensure that
in building secondary treatment on the property, it is placed within the
boundaries which will be established in this surveying process, stating this
is a normal process which is done with a project of this size and the money to
be expended, to ensure that it is done correctly and that the boundaries are
Mayor McPhee questioned the amount of money necessary to do the work and
requested that staff use every effort to keep the cost as low as possible.
Following further comments, the motion was voted upon and carried unanimously.
November 7, 1989
2. Reauest for Payment to Riddell. Williams of 83.284.80 for Legal
Representation on WPPSS Issues
Councilman Sargent moved to approve the $24,861.51 already paid to Riddell,
Williams and authorize payment of the current Riddell, Williams bill in the
total amount of $3,284.80 for legal representation on WPPSS issues. Councilman
Hallett seconded the motion.
Following a brief discussion, the motion carried unanimously.
Councilman Hordyk moved to approve the items listed on the Consent Agenda, as
follows: (1) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; (2)
Vouchers of $2,177,014.09; and (3) Payroll of 10 -15 -89 of $283,810.56 and
Payroll of 10 -29 -89 of $236,647.41. Councilman Sargent seconded the motion.
Following a brief discussion of some of the items presented, the motion was
voted upon and carried unanimously.
Jerry Cornell, 1019 East Ninth Street, speaking as the Chairman of the Planning
Commission, stated it is a possibility, depending on the outcome of the election
for City Councilmembers, that the Planning Commission may lose two members.
Because of some of the issues that are coming before the Planning Commission
in the near future, it is also possible that two of the Planning Commission
members will have to step down on an appearance of fairness, which would leave
the Commission with less than a quorum; and that the positions be advertised
for as soon as the results of the election are announced. He suggested
interviews be held the first meeting of December.
Manager Flodstrom stated that the City currently has two citizens who have
indicated an interest in filling Planning Commission vacancies: Ray Gruver and
Jewell VanOss. He stated it would be possible, if the Council desired, to
interview those candidates at the November 21st meeting for a possible
appointment; and at the same time, advertise community -wide for additional
candidates interested in the Planning Commission vacancy.
The Council agreed by consensus to advertise for the vacancy.
Councilman Hallett requested an update on the Harborcrest -ITT Rayonier Mill
noise issue. Attorney Knutson responded that one specific action the City is
currently undertaking is acquiring noise monitoring equipment which could be
installed on a permanent or semi permanent basis. This equipment would enable
the City to determine what the noise levels are for a long period of time;
thereby allowing a better determination of the existence of any violations.
Manager Flodstrom stated this is an un- manned station which would have some
type of.sound level monitoring device that would be triggered by sound levels.
The data would be collected on a daily or bi -daily basis.
It was noted that ITT Rayonier has installed the insulating material around the
compartments of the engines on the heavy equipment and that is their final
effort at this time to reduce the noise levels. The City will continue to
monitor those noise levels to ensure they are within the allowed decibel
readings, and staff is also investigating the acquisition of noise monitoring
1. Public Hearing:
A. Street Vacation Request STV- 89(9)7 Port Angeles School District:
Reauest for Vacation of City Right -of -Way. 9/10 Alley between "B" and
"C" Streets (Continued from 10 -3 and 10 -17)
Councilman Sargent moved to continue this item to the November 21, 1989, City
Council meeting. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion, which carried
3. Planning Commission Minutes of October 25. 1989
November 7, 1989
There was a brief discussion regarding the continuation of this item. Manager
Flodstrom explained there is an issue being resolved regarding the sewer line
and an easement that the City must retain.
2. PlanninE Commission Minutes of October 11. 1989 (Continued from 10- 17 -89)
A. Shoreline Management Permit SMA- 89(10)102 Daishowa: Request to
Allow Excavation and Land Farming of Petroleum Contaminated Soils
Councilman Sargent moved to concur with the Planning Commission recommendation
to approve the Shoreline Substantial Development Permit, subject to the
following conditions: (1) The Project will be subject to the Public Works
Department approval of site specific plans, which may include a monitoring plan,
berming, or buffering along the lagoon; (2) The hours of operation be from 7
A.M. to 5 P.M., weekdays only; citing the following findings: (A) The proposed
use is a continuation of the industrial use of the existing properties; (B) The
proposal does not involve any discharges of waste materials to surface or ground
water; (C) Short -term noise impacts from excavation and land farming activities
are proposed to occur between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M.; and the
following conclusions: (1) Removing contaminated soils from subsurface layers
and placing it in the active surface layer will reduce ground water impacts,
and the planting of a cover crop, such as barley or winter rye, will reduce
surface water and storm run -off impacts; (2) The proposal is consistent with
the policies and regulations of the Port Angeles Shoreline Master Program, the
Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan, and the Zoning Code. Councilman Gabriel
seconded the motion.
Councilman Lemon expressed his concern regarding alternative treatment site No.
2 being located next to the lagoon. Planning Director Collins explained that
the plan has a 50 -foot setback and a berm in place between the lagoon and the
alternative treatment site where the dirt may be land farmed. The approval is
for both sites, to speed up the digestion and cleaning up process of the soil.
These would be set back 50 feet, according to the approved plan, with a
vegetative buffer and a berm separating that from the lagoon.
Councilman Lemon asked if this was sufficient to the standards of the Department
of Ecology. Director Collins responded yes, that the Department had revised
mitigation per comments from DOE.
Following further discussion of the one -foot berm and the land farming
techniques, the motion was voted upon and carried unanimously.
A. Zonine Code Amendment ZCA- 89(10)8 CSD -N. Community Shopping
District. Citv -Wide: Consideration of Proposed Revisions to the
CSD -N Chapter of the City's Zonine Ordinance
Councilman Hallett moved to set a public hearing for the November 21, 1989, City
Council meeting to consider this issue. Councilman Lemon seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
B. Approval of Minutes of PlanninE Commission Meetine. October 25. 1989
Councilman Hallett moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commission
minutes of October 25, 1989. Councilman Gabriel seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
4. Proclamation Key Club Week November 5 -11. 1989
Mayor McPhee proclaimed the week of November 5 -11, 1989, as Key Club Week.
5. Consideration of Amending Real Estate Contract with Cissel (Valley Street
Manager Flodstrom provided the Council with updated materials on the issue
which reflected payments that had been made. He stated one of the concerns
expressed by the Real Estate Committee during a previous meeting was that the
10% interest rate on the contract, which was approved at the time the contract
was initiated in 1983, may not reflect a current market interest rate for the
contract if it were to be initiated today. The Real Estate Committee is asking
that current interest rate be determined based on commercial banks loaning money
for similar purchases.
November 7, 1989
Councilman Sargent noted it was the recommendation of the Real Estate Committee
that the Council extend the contract for ten years, to increase the interest
rate from 10% to 11.5%, and further, clarify language in the contract so it is
not assignable or assumable. She then offered that as a motion. Councilman
Hordyk seconded.
Councilman Sargent noted the Real Estate Committee had reviewed current interest
rates and they were satisfied that 11.5% would represent the current market
rate. This is a fixed, not a variable rate.
Councilman Hallett stated he concurred with the recommendation, except for the
increase in the interest rate. He preferred that the contract remain at the
lower rate of interest.
Councilman Lemon, in rebuttal, stated the initial payments are being reduced
by approximately $1,000 and the contract is being extended for an additional
120 months. He felt very uncomfortable with leaving the interest rate, on a
piece of commercial property, at 10 He felt, as an asset to the citizens of
Port Angeles, the Council has no other choice but to charge a comparable market
Councilman Sargent pointed out that the Council had addressed this contract
approximately a year ago and the payments had been about $1,900 a month. With
the suggestion as made, the payments will be reduced to about $1,000. She felt
this was fair and equitable.
The motion was voted on and carried unanimously.
6. Discussion of Department of Ecology's Comments on Engineering Report (For
Sewage Pump Station 44 Marine Drive)
Councilman Hallett moved that the City correspond with the Department of Ecology
indicating the City will commit to the revisions, except that the City will
undertake efforts to increase capacity and provide redundance to Pump Station
#4 by adding an additional pump to the station. Councilman Gabriel seconded
the motion.
Councilman Sargent asked when the study being done by the Department of Ecology
would be completed. Public Works Director Pittis responded he had received a
telephone call that afternoon from the Department of Ecology and had been
informed that the study has not been started. Director Pittis was asked at that
time to take part in the study and he stated he will be taking the Council's
concerns, and those of other cities, to the Department of Ecology.
Councilman Lemon commented that he has received calls from concerned citizens
in the community expressing their displeasure over the increased rates in Sewer
and Solid Waste. He felt the Council should, as a top priority goal, strive
to set up a sewer district and get the County involved.
Councilman Hallett concurred.
Councilman Hordyk stated he felt the Comprehensive Plan, when it is redrafted,
will address the issue of perimeters of the City Timits, and that the City
should start annexing to the east.
Following a discussion on the sewer rate increase, latecomer's fees, and the
anticipated cost of sewer bills at $58 a month, the motion was voted on and
carried unanimously.
7. Consideration of Dispatch Contract with Fire District ¥42
Councilman Hallett moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract for
Dispatch Services with Fire District #2. Councilman Sargent seconded the
Councilman Hallett thanked Assistant Police Chief Myers and the Commissioners
of Fire District #2 for their efforts in drafting this contract.
Councilman Lemon spoke in opposition to the contract, as the approximate fee
is 12% below the actual cost of what the City pays; he felt the cost should be
100% the first year, and that the citizens of Port Angeles should not have to
pay for the additional costs.
November 7, 1989
Police Chief Cleland responded that the Department did not feel that 100% of
the cost should be paid during the first year of expansion, but they sought to
mitigate the first jump with the District, and that more accurate figures will
be obtainable once the service has begun.
Mayor McPhee stated he did not feel the people of Port Angeles should subsidize
the 12 as the City is, in his opinion, already subsidizing too many people
and too many other areas. He suggested that the payment amount be the full
Councilman Hallett felt it would be difficult to obtain real numbers, as there
were too many unknowns in this situation. He suggested the Council approve the
contract in a spirit of good cooperation.
Councilman Sargent pointed out if the contract is approved, the duration is from
July 1, 1989, through June 30, 1990, for the contract fee and method of payment.
She felt the recalculation could be done in seven months and that more accurate
figures would then be available.
Following further discussion, the motion was voted upon and carried, with
Councilmen Lemon, Hordyk, and Mayor McPhee voting "No
8. Consideration of "Automatic Aid" Agreement with Fire District #2
Councilman Hallett moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the interim agreement
for Automatic Aid with Fire District #2. Councilman Ostrowski seconded the
Councilman Sargent stated the agreement will help build good will and
cooperation between the City and Fire District #2. The agreement will enable
District #2 to respond to areas where the City of Port Angeles may have a longer
response time.
Fire Chief Glenn explained that the Council had adopted a Mutual Aid Pact in
1982, but since the adoption of that agreement, it was found there are some
insufficiencies that needed to be addressed, such as, an officer has to be at
the scene before mutual aid could be requested; and in the event of a recently
annexed area, i.e., Lower Elwha Road, the City needs to request assistance from
District #2 because its response time is shorter than the City response time.
This is an interim agreement which is added to the original mutual aid
agreement. In essence, the agreement is a trade: District #2 responding
automatically, and dispatched to any fire response in the Harborcrest area or
the Lower Elwha area; also areas within Mt. Angeles Road and Old Mill Road.
In exchange for those services, the City will assist District #2 in the event
City Dispatchers know there is not an ambulance available to assist District
#2 and they will automatically call off -duty people from the Port Angeles Fire
Department to respond.
Councilman Hallett stated this is more of a safeguard to those citizens who are
on the boundaries of the City limits.
Councilman Hordyk stated when the issue of Medic I first came to the City, he
was opposed to the City being the controlling body of the Medic unit, as he felt
this should be the duty of the Hospital District, and he stated he still feels
that way.
Mayor McPhee concurred, as he believed this should be District -wide and not City
alone. He was concerned that the people of Port Angeles are paying more than
their fair share and he suggested, as did Councilman Hordyk, a Hospital
District -wide service.
Chief Glenn responded that this had been attempted during the initial working
of the Medic Program; however, the District 13 and Sequim Program were working
so well they did not want to participate in a Hospital District.
Councilman Hallett was of the opinion that the residents of the City of Port
Angeles were not going to be paying more than their fair share. He felt this
was a chance to be of assistance to our neighbors, whether they live within the
City or not. It shows that governmental agencies can work together and as a
result of this, it is a win -win situation.
November 7, 1989
Councilman Hordyk stated he is in favor of mutual aid; that it is a necessity
of all emergency districts; however, he believed the Medic Unit, at its
inception, should have been under the jurisdiction of the Hospital District.
Councilman Lemon requested that the program be monitored, as far as monetary
amounts in the following year.
Following further discussion, the question was called and the motion carried,
with Mayor McPhee voting "No
9. Reauest for ADoroval of Civil Service Interview Board Clerk /Dispatcher
Councilman Sargent moved to approve the Interview Board for Police Clerk/
Dispatcher. Councilman Hallett seconded the motion.
Councilman Hordyk was opposed, as he felt this was a responsibility of the Civil
Service Commissioners.
Councilman Lemon concurred.
The motion was voted on and carried, with Councilmen Hordyk and Lemon voting
Councilman Hallett made note of Information Agenda Item 15, the Fire
Extinguisher Service Ordinance. Some discussion took place on this issue
regarding the restrictions, the statutes of the State, and the City's ability
for better control of these businesses.
Manager Flodstrom noted that the list of equipment that is to be surplussed was
available to the Council and requested the Audit Committee set a meeting date
to review the equipment. A meeting date was set for November 16th at 11:30 A.M.
at the City of Port Angeles Corporation Yard.
Mayor McPhee adjourned the meeting to executive session at 8:35 P.M. to discuss
three items of litigation. Approximate time: 20 to 30 minutes.
The meeting returned to open session at approximately 9:04 P.M.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:05 P.M.