HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/07/2006 e CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PRESENTATIONS, CEREMONIAL MATTERS & PROCLAMATIONS: 20th AnnIversary - Port Angeles Fine Arts Center Proclamation RecognIzing DECA Week November 13 -17, 2006 PresentatIon of Baby GIft e 5980 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington November 7, 2006 Mayor Rogers called the regular meetIng of the Port Angeles CIty CouncIl to order at 6.03 p.m. Members Present. Mayor Rogers, Deputy Mayor Williams, Councllmembers Braun, Petersen, and Wharton Members Absent. Councilmembers Headrick and Munro. Staff Present Manager Madsen, Attorney Bloor, Deputy Clerk Hagar, G. Cutler, D. McKeen, Y. ZlOmkowski, T. PIerce, S. Roberds, N West, G. Kenworthy, D Bellamente, B. Slavik, J. Seniuk, and T Gallagher. Public Present. P. RIpley, P. Lamoureux, and C. Kldd All others present in the audience faIled to sIgn the roster. The Pledge of AllegIance to the Flag was led by Deputy Mayor WIllIams. 1. Proclamation Recognizing 20th Anniversary of the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center Mayor Rogers read and presented a proclamatIOn recognIzIng the 20th Anniversary of the Port Angeles Fine Arts Center. The proclamatIon was accepted by Jake SenIuk, Bob Sorensen, Darlene Ryan, and Maya Cox. 2 ProclamatIOn Recognzzing DECA Week November 13 - 17, 2006' Mayor Rogers read and presented a proclamation recogmzIng the week of November 13 - 17,2006 as DECA Week. The proclamatIOn was accepted by Lora Brabent, a teacher at Port Angeles HIgh School, and DECA students Justin Brazell, Anna HIxson, and Josh Powless. 3 Presentation of Baby Gift to PrinCipal Planner West from City CouncZ!' On behalf of the entIre CIty CounCIl, Mayor Rogers presented a baby gIft to Pnnclpal Planner West, congratulating him and hIS WIfe on the ImpendIng birth oftheir first chIld. Deputy Mayor WillIams recognized CaptaIn Bill Larson for hIS presentatIOn at the Port Angeles BUSIness ASSOCIation meetIng regardIng the need for a virtual veterans clinic or a veterans center on the Pemnsula. He also thanked all the veterans present for the sacnfices they made to keep our country free, and noted he would represent the City at the Remembrance Day celebratIOn in VIctoria, B C. Mayor Rogers remInded everyone of the Veterans Day Event at the Coast Guard StatIon. Manager Madsen adVIsed that events start at 10.30, not 10:00 a.m. as previously thought. - 1 - 5981 CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 7, 2006 WORK SESSION: LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS & PUBLIC COMMENT: CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS: ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS Purchasing Pohcy Ordinance OTHER CONSIDERA TIONS: RemovalofObstructlOns at Lincoln Park None Manager Madsen announced one item will be added to Information. e No public comment. Mayor Rogers remmded everyone of "Commumty ConversatlOns" that will commence as of next Tuesday in the Vern Burton Conference Rooms. None I Purchasmg Policy Ordmance: Finance Director Ziomkowskl noted the Purchasmg Pohcy has not been updated for 15 years, and thiS amendment will incorporate some of the changes necessary due to electromc upgrades. The level of authorization, which she reviewed, IS the most important change, as it will allow for smoother processmg of purchases and bill paying ThiS Item was discussed at great length by the Fmance Comrmttee. In keepmg with the reqUirement to conduct a first reading of the Ordinance, Mayor Rogers read the Ordmance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City ofPort Angeles, Washington, amending the procedure to be followed m approvmg purchase orders and signing checks, and amending Ordinance No. 2628 and Chapter 305 of the Port Angeles MuniCipal Code. Attorney Bloor clanfied that It IS staffs mtent to include or incorporate the contracting authonzations so they are parallel to the purchasmg authorizatlOns. Currently, purchasing is governed by Ordinance, and contracting authonzatlOns are provided by a senes of Resolutions The Ordinance presented for adoption at the next meetmg Will contam a clause covering both purchasing and contracting. Following lengthy diSCUSSion and clarification, this issue was continued to the November 21,2006, meetmg. I Removal of Obstructions at Lincoln Park: Director of Pubhc Works & UtIhties Cutler presented informatlOn relative to an obstruction survey for Fairchild Airport, explamingthere are obstruction issues at the east and west ends and both north and south ends ofthe airport that impact the flight slope and the approach and departure of aircraft to the runway. Consequently, there IS a need to remove a slgmficant number of trees, some of which are located in Lmcoln Park. Director Cutler then deferred to Bob McChesney, Executive Director ofthe Port of Port Angeles and Jeff Robb, Port Airport and Manna Manager. Using PowerPoint slides, Mr. McChesney demonstrated the need for tree removal at Lincoln Park to ensure that additional air operations restrictions are not imposed upon Fairchild Airport. Approximately 200 trees penetrate the east end ghde slope and must be removed Mr McChesney stated that If no action IS taken at all, additional runway surface Will be lost. Discussion ensued, and Mr. McChesney and Mr. Robb responded to questions posed by the CounCil regardmg the Impacts to the airport and the commumty should no action be taken. e Deputy Mayor Williams moved to direct staff to work with the Port to initiate action to remove approximately 200 trees from the west end of Lincoln Park and concurrently hold planning sessions with all the stakeholders to plan the future of - 2- - Removal of ObstructIOns at LIncoln Park (Cont'd) Break Church Street SubdIvIsIOn PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: 2007 Budget Revenue Sources Break e CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 7, 2006 5982 the area, recogDlzmg the needs of the FAA and the State requirements and recommendations. Councilmember Braun seconded the motion. DIScussion followed, after whIch a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor Rogers recessed meetIng for a break at 7.22 pm. The meetIng reconvened at 7:33 p.m. 2 Church Street Subdivision' PrIncIpal Plarmer West reviewed the staff report WhICh supported the eIght-lot prelIminary Church Street SubdIVIsion. Mayor Rogers reminded the Council that the Appearance of Fairness DoctrIne applies to this item. stated he IS a Real Estate Agent, but has no deals or prospectives relatIng to thIS property at this tlme, therefore, there IS no conflIct of interest. Mayor Rogers stated that her husband is a Real Estate Agent who has no interest in this subdIvision; therefore, there Isno conflIct of interest. DiSCUSSIOn followed, and Mr. West responded to questions and provided clanfication on several Issues. Of partIcular concern to the CouncIl was ingress and egress for publIc safety vehIcles Councilmember Wharton moved to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation to grant preliminary approval to the Church Street Subdivision, citing Conditions 1 - 9, Findings 1 -19, and Conclusions A - D, as set forth in Exhibit "A", which is attached to and becomes a part of these minutes. Deputy Mayor Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 1. 2007 Budget Revenue Sources' Using PowerPoint slides, FInance Director ZlOmkowskl gave a Budget Introductlon presentation, defining the budget and explaimng why a budget was necessary. She provided InformatIOn on the different fund types. She then proVIded an overVIew of the projected revenues for 2007. The 2007 Budget sets forth a program of revenue and expenses totaling $110,694,500, about 6% more than the 2006 Budget. In reviewing revenue sources, Director Ziomkowskl Indicated the major portIOn of revenue is from rate charges for utilities, whIch represents 45% of all revenues. Taxes represent 13% of City- wide revenue. DIrector Ziomkowskl noted that interest revenue is projected at the same level as 2003, which is 25% hIgher than 2006 and 77% higher than 2004 Upon completion of revenue prOjections for the vanous funds, CouncIl engaged In discussion, and Director ZlOmkowski responded to vanous questions and provided clanfication. Mayor Rogers recessed the meeting for a break at 8:56 p.m The meeting reconvened at 9:05 p.m. Director Ziomkowski then used PowerPOInt slides to gIve a brief presentatlon regarding CIty property tax. She noted that the regular property tax levy for 2007 is $2.39 per $1,000 of assessed valuatlon. This IS the lowest rate In 22 years. However, when the special levy, school levy, hospital, lIbrary, etc. are added to it, the total tax levy per $1,000 assessed valuation IS $11.51, based on 2006 rates. In keeping with the requirement to conduct a first readIng of the Ordinance, Mayor Rogers read the Ordinances by title, entltled ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authonzIng a 1%, or $35,353, over the highest lawful levy for 2006, increase in the regular property tax levy plus any increase resulting from new construction, annexation, - 3 - 5983 CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 7, 2006 2007 Budget Revenue Sources (Cont'd) Contmue Meetmg Beyond 10:00 p.m. OTHER CONSIDERA nONS: (Cont'd) Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant Easement for Elwha Dam Removal Project Resolution No. 21-06 and other specified mcreases in assessed valuation determining and fixmg the amount to be raised by ad valorem taxes for the fiscal year 2007, and directmg the City Clerk to certify said amount to the Board of Clallam County Commissioners. e ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising water service connection charges, water rates, developer reimbursement, and system development charge and amending Chapters 13.32, 13.44, 13.68 and 13.69 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washmgton, revlSlng facility use fees and Parks and Recreation fees, and amendmg Chapter 3.70 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code Mayor Rogers opened the public heanng at 9:35 p.m. Chene Kidd, 101 E. 10th St., City resident, lauded the presentatIOns given by Director Ziomkowski and asked about reVISIOns to the users fees, to which Director Cutler responded. Paul Lamoureux, 602 Whidby, a City resident, mquired into a water rate increase. Director Cutler stated a presentation will be given on thiS issue at the next UAC meetmg. Mr. Lamoureux then expressed concern over the future ofthe community, as the Council is stnvmg too high compared to the resources available. There was no further testimony, and the public hearing was continued to November 21, 2006. Discussion followed and, at the Council's request, Director Cutler explamed the process used to arnve at the recommended fee changes. Lengthy discussion ensued regarding the increase in Parks & RecreatIOn fees and the reasonableness and effort behind establishmg the new fees. Director ZlOmkowskl reminded the Council that a second public hearIng on the budget Will be held at the next Council meeting. At that time, the second reading of the ordmances Will take place and Will hopefully be adopted. Deputy Mayor Williams asked about doublmg the suggested fees, and Mayor Rogers asked that staff proVide a worksheet showing the revenue increases based on new fees. Councilmember Petersen moved to extend the meeting beyond 10:00 p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Wharton and carried by a majority vote, with Deputy Mayor Williams voting in opposition. 3. Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant Easement for Elwha Dam Removal ProJect. Director Cutler summarized information regardmg the MemorandumofUnderstanding between the City and the National Park Service, granting an easement over portions of the City's landfill properties to allow for construction of the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant and related faCIlities. Mayor Rogers read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 21-06 e A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, authorizing the City Manager to execute an easement with the United States of Amenca, actmg by and through the National Park - 4 - e Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant Easement for ElwhaDam Removal Project Resolution No. 21-06 (Cont'd) PUBLIC HEARINGS - OTHER: (Cont'd) Lipman Street VacatIon Sommers Street VacatIOn PUBLIC HEARINGS - QUASI-JUDICIAL: FINANCE: Citywide Camera Project Resolution No. 22-06 e CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 7,2006 5984 Service, for the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant. Councilmember Wharton moved to pass the Resolution as read by title and authorize the City Manager to sign on behalf of the City an easement for the construction, operation, maintenance, implementation, repair, and inspection ofthe Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant. Councilmember Petersen seconded the motion. Deputy Mayor Williams stated that he understood the need for a water treatment plant and would, therefore, vote m favor of this Resolution. However, he wished to register his continuing reluctance and dissent on the placement and Implementation of the fluoride faCIlIty without a public vote. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. 2 Lipman Street Vacatzon' Mayor Rogers announced that, at the petItIOner's request, this item will be continued to the meetmg of December 5, 2006 3. Sommers Street Vacation' Mayor Rogers announced that, at the petItIoner's request, this item will be continued to the meeting of November 21, 2006 None. I CityWIde Camera Project. Director Cutler brIefly summarIzed the project to install cameras at varIOUS City locations to enhance securIty. He noted there are three options for this project. Fully fund the project for $96,000 to install cameras at City Hall, ErIckson Park, City Pier, and Francis Street Park; defer the FrancIs Street Park cameras and fund the project at $84,000; or eliminate some coverage at the Pier to fit the available funding of $80,000 from the Capital Facility Fund. Staff also requests the passage of a Resolution establishing Anixter, Inc., of Kent, Washmgton, as the sole source provider for this project. Discussion followed. Mayor Rogers read the Resolution by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 22-06 A RESOLUTION of the City CouncIl of the City of Port Angeles, Washmgton, deslgnatmg Anixter Corporation as the sole source for acqUIring securIty camera eqUIpment and declaring an exception to normal bidding requirements, Councilmember Petersen moved to direct staffto 1) move forward with the Camera Project (City Hall, Erickson Park, City Pier and Francis Street Park); 2) adopt the sole source Resolution to procure equipment for this project and future projects; 3) purchase equipment from Anixter, Inc., Kent, W A, utilizing the Western States Contracting Alliance contracts; and 4) utilize Capacity Provisioning, Inc., Port Angeles, W A, to perform local area network services for equipment installation under the existing Institutional Network Service Agreement for a total amount not to exceed $96,000. Mayor Rogers seconded the motion. Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried by a majority vote, with Councilmember Wharton voting in opposition, as she felt the project should stay within the allotted budget of $80,000. - 5 - 5985 CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 7, 2006 Dept. of Ecology Coordlllated Prevention Grant G0600218 Amendment No.1 OlympIc Discovery Trail Planning Grant, Project 05-31 Firing Range Improvements, Project 06-35 CONSENT AGENDA: INFORMATION: Water Conservatlon ADJOURNMENT: 2 Dept of Ecology Coordznated PreventIOn Grant G0600218 Amendment No.1 DIrector Cutler provided a brief summary of the Amendment to the Department of Ecology Coordinated Prevention Grant, descnblllg the projects that would benefit from these funds. Councilmember Wharton moved to accept the Coordinated Prevention Grant for total eligible costs of$18,587 and authorize the Director of Public Works & Utilities to sign the agreement. Councilmember Petersen seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. e 3 Olympic Discovery TraIL Planmng Grant, Project 05-31: Director Cutler provIded a summary of the planning grant that would allow for the extenslOn of the Olympic Discovery Trail from Marine Drive west to the Elwha River. Deputy Mayor Williams moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the Olympic Discovery Trail Agreement with the Washington State Office of the Interagency Committee. Councilmember Wharton seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 4 FIring Range Improvements, Project 06-35: DIrector Cutler summanzed the lllformation pertlllent to the sollcitation of bids for backstop and drainage improvements to the Pollce Department firing range. Deputy Mayor Williams moved to award the contract to the responsible low bidder, Morrison Excavation, Inc., of Port Angeles, in the amount of$20,599.14, including tax. Councilmember Braun seconded the motion, which carried unanimously Councilmember Braun moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1.) City Council Minutes of October 17,2006 regular meetlllg, 2.) Water Rate Study, Set Public Heanng Date; 3.) 8th Street Bridge Repairs, Project 06-03, accept completlon of project; and 4.) Expenditure Approval List: 10 /07/06 - 10/27/06, $3,637,200.49. Councilmember Petersen seconded the motion. Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously. Manager Madsen deferred to DIrector Cutler who announced that water flows have increased slgmficantly on the Elwha River; therefore, the water shortage declaratlon has been canceled Mayor Rogers mentloned the EDC's 3rd Quarter Report, expressing disappollltment that the report was too generic. tlllg was adjourned at 10'53 p.m. Do ~~ ,LlptoA- Becky 1. Upto Ity erk e - 6 - ConditIOns, Findings, & ConclusIOns Page I Exhibit" A" 5986 CONDITIONS, FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN SUPPORT OF PRELIMINARY APPROV AL OF THE CHURCH STREET SUBDIVISION: Conditions: 1. An engineered storm water plan shall be submitted for approval to the City Public Works and Utilities Department. Storm water shall be handled within the site in accordance with Public Works and Utilities standards. 2. The applicant shall obtain a clearing and grading permit from the Public Works and Utilities Department in accordance with Section 15.28.030 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. 3. McGill Avenue shall be improved south of Church Street as indicated on the preliminary site plan with a minimum pavement width of 20' in width and a 4' wide walking path which meets minimum Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. The improvements shall include vegetated stormwater ditches along both sides of the roadway with minimum side slope of 3 to 1. A street barricade shall be placed at the south end of improved McGill Avenue. Access will not be permitted until improvements are complete. No parking signs shall be posted along the improved roadway. 4. The interior street shall be named and shall culminate in a cul-de-sac as shown on the preliminary drawing. The street shall be constructed as approved by the City to urban standards with minimum 34' wide paved area and a 60' right of way, curb, gutter and sidewalk. 5. Fire hydrants shall be placed and spaced as required by the City's Fire Department to a maximum 1000' of separation distance and wording shall be placed on the final plat for recording with the County Auditor indicating that all residences shall be fitted with residential sprinkler systems prior to occupancy. 6. Utility service to the subdivision shall be underground. An electronic copy of the approved layout shall be provided to the City's Electrical Engineer. A 10' utility easement shall be provided along McGill Avenue and both sides of the internal roadway including cul-de-sac. 7. Water service shall be extended to the lots as required by the Public Works and Utilities Department prior to final plat approval. 8. Sanitary sewer shall be extended to the new lots as required by the Public Works and Utilities Department from Church Street. 9. Building setback areas shall be identified on the final plat and address numbers placed on the lots as provided by Public Works and Utilities. Findings: 1. Preliminary approval is for the 8-unit subdivision submitted by Craig and Amy Heckman on August 29, 2006, identified as being Ralston Short Plat V22 P54 Lot 4 Townsite of Port Angeles and located at McGill Avenue and Church Street. The site is approximately 3.11 acres in size and is rectangular in configuration. 5987 ConditIOns, Fmdmgs, & ConclusIOns Page 2 2. 3. The subject property is identified by the Port Angeles Zoning Map as Single Family Residential (RS-9) which allows a density of up to 4.84 units per acre. The proposed drawing indicates that each lot in the proposed subdivision will be at least 9,000 square feet in area. Chapter 16.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (P AMC) sets forth local requirements for the approval of subdivisions and Section 16.08.050(B)(1) P AMC provides that the Planning Commission shall examine the proposed plat, along with written recommendations of the City Departments, and shall either approve or disapprove the submittal. A recommendation thereon shall be forwarded to the City Council within a period of 90 days after a preliminary plat has been submitted to the City Planning Department. The City Council shall either approve or disapprove the proposed preliminary plat at a public meeting. The Revised Code of Washington RCW 58.17 contains the State's guidelines for the uniform division ofland within the State. Section 58.17.110 requires a city to inquire into the public use and interest proposed to be served by the establishment of a subdivision and determine if appropriate provisions are made for, but not limited to, the public health, safety, and general welfare, for open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys and other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, and schools and shall consider all other relevant facts including sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school and whether the public interest will be served by the subdivision. A proposed subdivision shall not be approved unless the city can make written findings that these provisions are made. 4. 5. The Port Angeles Municipal Code Section 15.28.030A establishes that the applicant is required to obtain a clearing and grading permit from the Public Works and Utilities Department. 6. The Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities Department, Parks and Recreation Division, and Fire Departments reviewed the proposed subdivision. Their comments and specific conditions have been incorporated in the Department's recommendation. Water, power, garbage pickup, telecommunications, sewer, and emergency services are available within the area and will be provided through conditions to the preliminary plat. 7. The subject property is identified as Low Density Residential (LDR) on the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan land use map and is located in the City's East Planning Region. The Comprehensive Plan requires concurrency at the time of development for streets, water service, sanitary sewer service, and electrical service (Capital Facilities Element Policy A9) and should require concurrency at the time of development for solid waste collection, storm water management, telecommunications service, paved streets, curbs, sidewalks, water service, sanitary sewer service, electrical service and emergency service (Capital Facilities Element Policy AI0). The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the Comprehensive Plan and the following Comprehensive Plan policies are relevant to the proposal: Growth Management Element Goal A; Land Use Element Goal A, Policy A.2, Goal B, Policy B.l, B.2, B.3, and B.4, Goal C; Transportation Element Goal A, Policy A.2, A3, A.6, B.11, B.14, and B.18; Utilities and Public Services Element Policy C.2; Capital Facilities Element Goal A, B, Policy B.1, B.3, B.4, 5988 ConditIOns, Fmdmgs, & ConclusIOns Page 3 B.5, B.6, B.7, C.2, C.3, CA, and C .5. 8. The purpose of the City's RS-9, Residential Single Family zone is a low density residential zone intended to create and preserve urban single family residential neighborhoods consisting of predominantly single family homes on larger than standard Townsite-size lots. Uses that are compatible with and functionally related to a single family residential environment may be located in this zone. Because of land use impacts associated with nonresidential uses, few nonresidential uses are allowed in this zone and then only conditionally. This zone provides for a variety in the urban land use pattern for the City's single family residential neighborhoods, following a curvilinear street system of nonthrough public and private streets with irregularly shaped lots, minimum 75-foot front lot lines, and 60-foot rights-of-way for collector arterial streets in large rectangular blocks and usually located in outlying areas with large tracts of vacant buildable land 9. The site is currently served by McGill Avenue. Access streets will be improved to low impact development standards. McGill Avenue is a local access street and is not located along a school walking route. Right-of-way dedication along McGill Avenue is required. 10. The City's low impact development standards for suburban areas were adopted in 2003 with the restriction that subdivisions developed under the reduced standards would not allow for on-street parking. Site development and design for residential lots developed under the lower impact standards need to accommodate resident parking and visitor parking on-site. 11. There are no environmentally sensitive areas on the site. The site has a slope to the north of approximately 5%. The site is not considered a frequently flooded area and is not listed on the Federal Emergency Management Act (FEMA) maps which denote those areas that are within 100-year flood areas. 12. The owner of a construction site which disturbs a total of five acres or more of land area that has a discharge of stormwater to a surface water or storm sewer system must apply to the State Department of Ecology for a General Permit for Storm water Discharge Associated with Construction Activities. The proposed site is 3.11 acres in area. 13. Building permits are required for all structures within the subdivision. All local building and Fire Codes shall be complied with during construction including residential sprinkler systems. 14. The Port Angeles School District has been notified of the development to allow them to plan for needed public school facilities and routes. The Port Angeles School District provides school bus pick-up for students at the intersection of Mt. Angeles and Campbell. 15. The City's Parks Department has noted that they are aware of the preliminary proposal and do not believe the level of service for the area will be hampered as a result of the development. The City's LOS for parks and recreational services is 1/3 acre for 1,000 population. The nearest public playground area is located approximately one (1) mile north (Lyons Park). 16. The site will be served by the City's Police, Fire, and Public Works Departments. All utilities including potable water, sanitary waste, and refuse collection are 5989 Conditions, Fmdmgs, & ConclusIOns Page 4 available in the area. Transit service is available along Lauridsen Boulevard North of the site. 17. The City's State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) Official issued a Determination of Nonsignificance for the preliminary subdivision on October 9, 2006, therefore satisfying the City's responsibility under the Act. 18. The Planning Commission's decision is a recommendation to the City Council. The Commission acts as the City's hearing body for preliminary subdivision approval. Reports are advisory only to ensure conformance of the proposed subdivision to the general purposes of the City's Comprehensive Plan and to planning standards and specifications adopted by the City. 19. Property owners within 300 feet of the proposed subdivision were mailed notice of the proposal on September 1, 2006. The property was posted on September 5, 2006, and publication appeared in the Peninsula Daily News on September 7, 2006. No written comments have been received. Conclusions: A. As conditioned, the proposed subdivision is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Code, and Subdivision Ordinance Chapter 16.08 P AMC as well as with Chapter 58.17 RCW, the Washington State Subdivision Act B. As conditioned, appropriate provisions have been made for the public health, safety and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school. C. As conditioned, if improved low impact development suburban street standards are used, signage educating residents and visitors as to the prohibition of on-street parking will ensure that interior streets remain passable for pub3lic safety situations where on-street parking could prevent ease of passage for emergency vehicles and sight distance safety Issues. D. As conditioned, the public interest is served in the platting of this subdivision as articulated in the City's Comprehensive Plan, Subdivision, and Zoning Ordinances. The subdivision provides for development of new homes within the City of Port Angeles consistent with the State of Washington Growth Management Act. Adopted by the Port Angeles City Council at its meeting of November 7,2006. ~(I~ J JptPA Becky J. Upto ity erk -