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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
November 8, 1935
The Commission met at 10 a.m. pursuant to adJournment and was called to order by
Mayor Davia. Roll Call showed the foll ooing ofi'icers present: Mayor Davis. Commis sioners
Lutz Bnd Masters, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins.
The matter of immediately making a call for tre construction of Eighth Street
Bridges over Valley and Tumwater Creek Gulcres was taken up and after due consideratlon
the following Resolution was introduced:
WHEREAS, The plans and specifications together with the ibrmal proposal, contract
and bond for the construction of the Eighth Street Bridges have been ap proved by the
Honorable E. R. Hoffman, state engineer of the fublic Works Administration, and it
appears desirable to immediately call for bids for the oonstruction of said bridges in
aocordance wi th law and the relJ.uirements of the Federal Publio Wo~ks Adminis tra t1on,
BE IT RESOLVED That Not1ce to aon:traotors oallint for sealed proposals for the
construction of the said br idges be issued by tre 91ty c.:lerk of the r.li ty of Port
Angeles; that the said Notice be prepared as rcequired by statute and the regulations
of the Publio Works Administration; that the oall be published 'in the Port "~eles
.Evening News, a newspaper of general circulation in Port Angeles and Clallam County,
and also in the Pacific Builder and ~ngineer and the Daily Journal of ~ommerce, Seattle,
in the issues of November 9, 1935, November 16, 1935, ani Bovember Z3, 1935; ani that the
date set for opening said bids be November 27, 1935; and that the Gity Clerk be and he
11 is hereby instruoted to make said call in accordance with said provisions.
I It was moved by Commiss ioner Masters that the foregoing re solution he approved and
adopted. Seconded by Commissione r Lutz. On roll call. all melh'be1!'8 YO ted aye. The
Mayor deolared the motion carried.
There being no furtrer bsuiness the Commission
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