HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/09/1938 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ..., 1 :!O'lEl.'llER 8. 19o8_~~_19_ The ~ol11"1i""ion Jr.et in rer,ular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Holl Call s~awed tne fQllowing pfficers present: !l?ycr Davis, Com~ssioners Henson and !~sters, Attorney Conniff and C).erk Hawkins. Under applications for building pemits and licenses the following were granted: .1 John Pavan Albert R~flGcn) The Freezer The Freezer ~rystal Daths Additon to hom~,lot aJ, blk 289, 'lownsite ~oodshed, lot 17, blk 3, Dyke Land Co. subd. Soft Urink I'ou~'ltain Lunch ilath flouse 100.00 50.00 5.00 5.00 25.00 .1 Ul'lder the head of introduction of Ordina.L~ces tr.~ following vrdir:..ance was introduced, read in full and p~ac~d or. ~ts first and seconj rp.~dlilgS: ~n Ordir;ance setting forth an e",ereency aff'ecti;oG the public health and safety; requiring expe;o1itures urJo~seen; providing for the issual,ce of emergency warrants; aEd declaring an emergency ~aking the Ordinar.ce inuf,cdiately affective. ";oder +c.e head of introducti0n of resolutions, the followi',g resoluticn was introduced: RESOLUTImi FOR Tat ";SF""''=t OF ITE:.q -:"/ITEI:: FUNDS .WHEHEAS.I'j' APPiCAllS; That requirements or..ceI't"i:<hdepartments for the year 191\8, Il'.ade .necsssary the expenditure of sums of money greater than contemplated, and ~~,}:;E...1.EAS, The ar.iounts p!'ovided .:or other iterrs y;:t~in the sa.rn.e l~eal classification have net 2~en exha~~ted ar..d portions of the said Slj~-::S can be transf~rred withL'1 the sa.:n~ l~.gal c13s.:i.fic'=ltions-, Pl:1d WliERELS, Those reqt:.lrements c~1.l1d not ha'!e Jeer:. reas:Jnably foreseen at t:le tirre of preparation of the b'Jd:;et: ::0'::, riiER':"FGTtE, SE l'= :!S~CIT~1:~, That the fcllO'l'{';",:.Z trf.nfers of fund~ t;,. :-:;ad~, to-vrit: CDnR~~.~T EXP~:JSE Fu~:D Treas~rer:~.~1J~art::le ~ F:'Oif, fublico.Uc:J5 " To Off~ce Records "nd S'-'pplies InJurance :;100.00 .77, I Sl~rk; s L'!pe rtme:lt Fro;... T~lo!'r!1:);~~ To Office Records and Supplies 15.00 E:~~~ir.eer 1 S D~partI"..e.,,"1t From rel:!pi~o.:1e " Auto Renairs ID.:Jur3.r,ce To ":as and Oil f1" It 20.00 20.00 80.00 To Offic~ R.~cor1 nnd Suppli~s Police.D'partment Frc>:.: ~~~~ J :: .:fer Pri ~o::ers " "'0 Office Records and Supplies 11 .Fuel R~dio Ec;ui,pnent II 11 .T,lephone Allto Hepoirs, lx"s &. Oil ::::r..5ur31iCC Traveling Expense Patrolman Fire Lepa rt~ent Fro:;:: Tel^pb.one l'iremen ~i.elief " · Special Police 101.08 ~.56 38.0e 49.67 230.50 lS7.08 47.35 150.00 To '[ruck Op~:'atioll fI " I Insurance Office Hecords & Supplies Fire "ydrant Hental It tI 11 Fuel II 35.10 7.77 .23 28.13 9.54 31.48 63.34 44.40 3G.00 36.00 36.00 2~9:88 120.00 Chief 1!alary f.ssist. Chief I! It II Fire Dept. S~pp]i~s II Ii:..:::- LIllen I s pension Fund II ''(1 II " " .1 Truck Driver II ~ Asst. Chief Library ~~Itment n Extra !,:en " " From Repairs '1'0 Upkeep of Grounds 5.00 Park Fund From Tools ani Hardware 11 Industrial Illsu.rance To FOYle r Lawn r.~owe r '1'0 S~~d, Shrubs {. Fertilizer 21.t\1 66.85 ... r'"2 Proceedings of the. City. Commission of,th,e City, of, Port Angeles, Washington N(=ml~->-lS_5JL_____ _19_ ~~,<~ ~ ~~""". 0<:,,":.: .~"'ON."'. "'''n.~.. (to.co - City Street F\l:1d From lJust Palliative To Gas & Oil ??D.7:3 " Truck Repairs 29.48 " LULlber m .97 Cone rete Pi::c 7.71 Asphalt " ,,' 6.51 " Tools & .- ardware 193.49 I ~ires " 156,70 Insurance PI! 124.08 " ," Equipnent Hepa,irs 36.27 Street SiGns, Paint " " 3.79 Oil J/acadan 676.15 hoad Gravel 602.60 Equipment Rental 507 .41 It '''".3 mO'ied by .Col1l1lissin..'ler !!emon that the foregoing resolution by approved alld adopted. Seconded o. Laycr Davis. On roll call all ffie..,hers voted "aye". The Mayor declared the motion carried. I The Cor.ur.ission examined and allowed the f611o,'d.ng claims and ordered vrarrants drall\'TI: CURHEJ:T EXPENSE FJND Texas CC(l\Clany Eontgoillcry 'Nards Fred Henson EV~i1ing ('lews City Treasurer Wm. J. Ganniff Gasoline R3.illccats Expense Account Publications Ir,d. IllS K j"ed Aid Expern.se Account 232.16 19.14 '11;65. 14.35 2.49 17.50 3;V '2&;'7 ~ 'IIA TER FUND P.~. Navigation Co. 11 II Freight Cr.arges II II 1.90 2.44 40.00 123.35 7.55 5.~4 2.94 ~.25 27.27 I Purmaid Dairy Electric Uotor Inc. Willson Hardware Co. V.A.Samuelson & Co. Ci ty Light Departlllent Pacific Tel & Tel~ Ce. City Treasurer h.e.nt of Store GenErator Supplies Gas &. Repairs Lights at Reserv"oir Service # 1225 Ind Ins & !.:ed Aid /.",. 7'/5/' LIOHT FUlJD p.~. Navigation Co. Port of Port Aneeles James.l1ardware Co. City Water Dept. V.A. Samuelson & Co. Evening .IlJews Olyr.'.pic Stationers Line Material Co. Wills c,n Hardwa re Co. Pac. Tel & Tele Co. A. Spencer City Treasurer Freight Charges Handling Tr~~sformers Supplies '~Yater J.t Store Hepair Truck Adverticment Office Supplies Connectors Suppll~:J Service Wood J'.ed Aid 8.76 ?O.OO .34.67 2.01 :2.26 15.00 6.84 110.16 .82 26.15 10.00 4.60 ,.1 /-1-1 I LIEfdARY FU,;D Ci ty Treasurer '/rater and Light 13.70 PARK FUN]2- City Treasurer Ind Ins & Med Aid 6.40 CITYWIDE SIDEWAJ.K OOKSTRUCTICH FUtlD I Angeles Gravel u Supple Co. Cement 552.89 There .being no further busitleSs the Cor.:rrui,ssior:,.. t,hen adjourned. ?7~~ lf~. I City Clerk llaY9r ~