HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/09/1949 I I I I I ~. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 599 November 9~ 19~ liThe Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was coIled to order by Mayor Feeley. The lpresent were: Mayor }'eeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trwnbull, and Clerk law. l;iMinutes of the previous session were read and approved. " . Junder the head of unfinished ~siness, the req~est for tra'.'sf::r of Rex's Radio Cab licenses from John Goneisl ,to Richard Amiot was approved oy the Pol~ce Ch~ef ano Comm~ss~on. , . 'Correspondence from Brazier Construction Company to Chiarelli & Kirk, Architects, regarding defective 'materiel used in a ceiling at the Fire Hall was read. The Contractor requested permission to proceed with Ireplacing defective material with "Rockwood," manufactured by Asbestos Supply Company, as Spra;ykote manufactures are now in receivership. Final decision on request was postponed for further consideraticn. officers j Under the head of ne\V business, Frank Fountain of the First National Bank appeared in behalf of Blyth & Co., lIne., and submitted a proposal for refunding industrial water bonds by rearranging tne present maturi ty schedule, which would effect considerable saving of interest to the City. Commissioner Robinson informed that the City shoulo consider all possible means of saving, as the Water Department has plans for extensive improvements to the municipal water system. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the request be filed for consideration. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Moticn carried. . I: Bids to furnish chlorine for the Water Department during the year 1950 were submitted by the Hooker Electro- chemical Company and Pennsylvania Salt I/llnufacturing Co. The bids being the sa1le, or $10.00 per 100 lb., ,and.the Hooker Electrochemical Company having been recommended by Water Supt. Dodge, it was moved by 'Commissioner Taylor that their bid be accepted. Seconded by commissioner Ilobinson. All voted .4ye. Motion carried. IFire Chief Wolverton requested in writing, that due to the County Commissioners having the G.A.R. Hall ,repaired, parking be prohibited on the Scuth side of 5th Street from Lincoln East to a point where the jstreet is full width, or approximately one hundred feet. The request was reforred to the Fire and Police Chiefs for further study. 'The .I'ark Board requested that the following transfer of Budget items within proper classification be made: .From City's Matching Contribution to Light ~60.00 [It was regularly moved and seconded that the requested transfer be approved. Motion carried. :\-O'l'ICJ,; '1'0 illl)UI::n . 'I~winol:~c r~~~pg31J~1' g:~~ncl~~~tcPd~~ or: !.I1C Clt~' uf I'on AII~elc~, 'Vasll., <lL the City Hall oC Mid City, not Ifltf.'l' than l(l ll,m.,- No'.cmber 23, 1949, to furl1ish for the Li~llt Depart. m~.lI\l during the year 195() for di..,. tl'lhutlon_!!CT\'lcl') trRlIsrOTmc!';; as j'f~r~."~~~~~ 1~'li~7 ~X.\;~~ ~4~ 'jOlhcr::> ~s u('cuNl. V/J1t;lgc TUllo to "ir;r~;~I~: ~~GcOe;;t~~O~5~ OJ.?'\I ~!{. ~~~:~ 'lll'nll:;;formcr ....oltage ratio;:! to be : ;~~1~(~;s60cx~~Pi2~N4~2:y.\1.1 totrl~~l~~ ,llor'lnnl 1:l.ps. 'f1Ul Commhillioll re- f ~7(lj~-,C8 tllC rl1;l1t to reject [Ul~' or all Il'uIJ11:;h('cl: ~'O\~~'III~~."~;:l. c~~: l~~~:l( I NO'I'ICI',.'P m 't'..RS I Notice i:1 h~l'~b\' given that biu~ , wll] Le received by the City CI('.l'I{ ~ of Wl~' (m~. ()~'l~~r~/~:I~i()~;'it;~:n~l~~'t lll.h.r thall ]0 a.m.. I'\UYembCl' n, 1~4~, flU (Ufnll'lI (01' tlte ell)! DCll:11't1l1ents 'rllldnp: tJl(' Yf'llr 1!1.;O; l'l"f'lTlillfn Jlml r.".O....'..-l'I'I~lTlilllTl (,lI.l'Iolim:, am) Dil~~wl 011. The CDl1llt1i~llh!ll n:~~('rvetl thl!! "ril'lLL to Toj:{\ili~-A,~~.'tll hhJ~. The Commission examined the following claims J and ordered warrants issued in PUl,lll:;lll~d:C~&'\,~~('~~~ 11, H, 19411, payment of the same: I 3' CURRENT EXP?:NSE FUND: S! 3 ~ The Olympic Tri 'w.ne 'olympic Stationers iv. H. P.aller Hardvrare Headrick Hepair Service j~illson Hardvrare Co. California Ink Co., Inc. City fuel Co. Hooker Stcrage Garage & Serv. Stn. R. L. R. Seni.ce Aiken Motors Dobson Auto Blectric I CITY STREET FUND: Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Angele s Gravel & Supply Co. Richfield Oil Corp. Willson Hardware Co. Peninsula flywood Corp. Tower SUper Service Truck & Equi!J1l8!lt Co. Hooker Storage Garage & Service Stn. I rJ W" TER FllND: /20:<' City Street Dept. James "V[.. Caven Angeles Gravel & Su~ply Co. Puget Sound lIa vigati on Co. Port Tie I< Lumber Co. ;Headrick I s Repair Service State Trea surer James 11. Spencer Seattle P.adio Supply Co. I <f1 SANITATION FUND: 1'1'0- Ci t:;. Street Dept. I I 1 The repcrt of Folice Judge Fnillips for the month of October, showing $1,450.00 I fines collected, vras approved and ordered filed. Light Supt. McLean requested that bids be publisred for transformers to be used in: the distribution ",fstem for the year 1950. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the said bids be published, to be opened Nov. ?5rd. Motion seconded by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Comrr.ission discussed call for bids to furnish for the City Departments, Premium and Non-Premium gasoline and diesel to be used in City equipment during the year 1950. It was regularly moved and seconded that the said bids be published, and opened Nov. 23rd. Motion carried. A letter expressing appreciation from the City Council of the Parent Teachers Associaticn, co~mended the ~ommission for restoring the Budget item of Recreation and Athletic supervision to $5,000.00. lhe letter was read and ordered filed. ",-P Legal Publications Supplie s riand Scythe, Plastic Parts & LaLor Screws, Light bulbs 1 Tube Ink :FUel Oil Prestone, Tire Hepeir Parts, liepair Parts & La bor Pa rts 16.59 19.93 10.98 51.88 1.37 1.18 124.98 19.06 lA.48 95.26 44.65 Hose 3(,./ Sewer Pipe, etc. Cement Liasoline, Kerosene Tools and Hardware One Load Core Blocks Oxygen, Acetylene, uaskets, PaTts Radiator Sealer Lemurr. ll9.75 5.92 176.70 22.65 8.24 12.99 15.47 1.55 Gas and Oil dusbing Cement Frt. Bill 57615 Iumbe r Hepairs Tax, Backfilling Lamps 62.02 .~9 13.~2 1.25 9.89 92.30 1,004.88 18.00 .68 Gas and Oil 140.47 ' r 600 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19~ November 9th, continued, ~IGHT FUND: ,;;~, {) 7 :\. ;J, 'f Clallam County P.U.D. No. 1 Sta te 1rea surer Truck & Equipment Co. ,D & B Battery & Electric Stn. ,J. B. Mathews Ula ss Co. City Street Dept. Richfield Oi+ Corp. Port Angeles Evening News hty Fuel Co. 'Pacific Lamp and Supply Co. ihne Material Co. i~et Sound Express ~estinghouse Electric Supply Co. The Electric Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. .James W. Caven ~ ;l,:l. LIilRARY JiUrm: .:( {) 1 - Ci ty FUel Co. .City Treasurer Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. Library Service Eve ning News Pre s s George Tradewell "rea t Book s Founda ti 0 n Jean Karr & .Co. .' Doubleday & Co., Inc. 9(. PARK FUND: 5 ~ ~ Angeles Pittsburgh Paints City Street Dept. Ci tJ. FUel Co. ,The Electric Co. ;(J P. M. & T. C. FUND: :(,:; - City Light Dept. :City Street Dept. I'~etersen & Craver, Inc. ~J LIBllAllY MEMORIAL FUND: '/- lruget bound News Co. I October Power Tax Repairs llepairs Repair Gas uasoline Adv. FUel Oil Pliers Line Hardware Frt. Bill Meters Radio l'.1be Sand Shop Work FIle 1 Oil Light, Water, Garbage Service 7244 Supplies Letterheads, Envelopes Build 1'able Drawer Book Books dooks Pa int Gas & Oil Stove Oil One-5-Way swit ch Installing Caution Light Uas 2 Park ing Meter Joxes Book There being no further business, the session was then adjourned. V t ;t.~ (/ City Clerk ~ 22,725.50 2,088.47 12.07 5.51 1.05 5.65 65.28 25.76 12.2.6 10.06 ~2.84 1.25 68.61 1.08 25.45 1.44 65.57 9.57 I 21. 65 31.57 42.49 2.00 9.60 S.99 20.00 17.01 14.75 ' 25.29 .93 8.70 6.15 10.40 4.09 ;f:,/ d ;:e7~ ./ Mayer I I I I I