HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/10/1937 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 541" November 10. 1937 193_ I I I ,I ,I The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. ROll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Henson and Masters, Attorney ~onniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits the following were granted: D. E. Farmer, Build House, Lot 21, Elk. 65, P.S.C.C~ Subd. of uub tot 23 E. C. Hettman, Build House, wt Lot 8, and all of Lot 9, Blk. 224, Townsite Riggs & Middleton, Build Ga:r,age, Lot 17 & 18, Blk. 165, !llownsite """ " " Lot 1, Blk. 72,Townsi te Mrs. J. A. Knutson, Build Woodshed, Lot 3, Blk. 148 Geo. Garland, Repair Garage, Lot 9, Blk. 17, N. R. ~mith's Subd. IVm. Gorsiigner, Build House, Lot 5, Blk. 4, Cain's "ubd. " ' "" Lot 20 Blk. 4" " : Lot 2, 'Blk. 19: ~ownsite , Build Plumbing Shop, wi Lot 7, Blk. 32, TOVlnsite Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the 500.00 6500.00 300.00 125.00 75.00 100.00 ~OOO.OO 3000.00 3000.00 4000.00 ;J V~O'" 00 following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION ", WHEREAS, the sub-base from the City of Port Angeles to George F. Whalen, Trustee, dated the lOth day of September, 1919, was duly assigned on January 24, 1920, to the Washington Pulp and Paper Corporation, a corporation, and was in turn assigned by said Washington Pulp and Paper Corporation to the Crown ~ellerbach Corporation; and "r1HEREAS, the said Crown Zellerbach Corporation now holds the real property eovered by said sub-lease and is the owner of said sub-lease; and WHEREAS, paragraph numbered 13 of said sub-lease reads as follows: "The Seeond Party covenants with the First Party to grade, construct and , maintain a hard surface road from the North line of Block 135, to the \Iest line of the property leased to the Union Fishermen's Fishing and Packing Company, (being the Easterly line of the tidelands described in the third portion of the description of the properties covered by this lease, extended) a distance of approximately 2700 feet, more or less, sufficient to obtain full approval of the ~ity Council and the Lighthouse inspector or other proper inspector of the Government of the United States, as being in accordance with the re~uirements of the original lease dated August 17, 1914." AND ViliEREAS, the said Crown Zellerbaoh Corporation has offered to contribute the sum of $3,000.00 towards the cost of construction of what is known as the "black-top pavemnnt" on the road referred to in said paragraph 13, in consideration of the said City of Port Angeles ,relieving it from the duty of grading, constructing and maintaining a hard surface road as referred to in said paragraph 13, on and after the date of this resolu- tion and the payment by the said Crown Zellerbach Corpora ti on to the ~i ty of Port Angele:s of said sum of $3,000.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R~SOLVED BY THE CITY CrnllilISSION OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, that the Crown Zellerbac~ Corporation be and the same is hereby relieved from the duty of grading, constructing and maint~ining a hard surface road as provided for in said para- graph 13, upon the payment by the said Grown Zellerbach Corporation to the City of Port Angeles of the sum of $3,000.00. It was moved by Commissioner Henson that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Seconded by Commismoner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion car ried. The matter of letting contracts for plumbing, laying and installing the floor and ,acoustical ceiling correction in the alteration of the City Building at 138 & 140 West Front S:j;reet, Vias taken up for consideration. VI. It was moved by ~ommissioner Henson that the bid of James Caven for doing the plumbing ~t $140.00 be aocepted. Seconded by' 00mmissioner Masters. On roll c~l all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. It was moved by ~ommissioner Henson that the bid of the Raecolith Flooring Company for installing the floor for ~937.00 be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll ,call all members voted aye. ~he Mayor declared the motion carried. I.It was moved by 00mmissioner Henson that the bid of Asbestos ~upply Company for acoustical ceiling correction for $1,395.00 be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll jcall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The matter of hearing of Brian White, operating the YelloVl Taxicab, to show cause why his Taxicab license should not be cancelled, came up. After hearing evidence the Commission took the matter under fUrther consideration. The Commission examined and allowed the foll~iing elai~s and ordered warrants drawn for 'same: ,CURRENT EXPENSE FUND . Olympic Stationers ~arris & Schuller .V. A. Samuelson & 00. aris Motor Go. ~'GlennlS Service Station D & B Battery & Electric ~ames Hardware Co. ,Olympic Stationers rH. ". DOdge f' A. Masters Supplies Repairs " 4.75 9.55 23.94 28.71 3.15 2.35 1.75 .30 8.40 25.17 Sta ti on Oil, etc. Repairs SUPlllies Expense Account 11 II ~ r- 542 November 10, 1937 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Bancroft-whitney Co. Olympic ~tationers R. E. Davis City Treasurer " II 1937 ~ocket parts Supplies Expense Account Ind Ins & Med Aid rr II II II CITY STREET FUND Frank Macdonald & Sons Standard Oil ~o. Port Angele siron "orks Frank Macdonald & ~ons Harris & uchuller City Treasurer Repairs Diesel, etc. Repairs n Ind Ins & Med uid WA TER Ftnm ICity Light Department V. A. Samuelson & ';0. H. F . "lexander Willson Hardware wOe Tenny Mill "0. ,Po A. Iron Works James Hardware Co. Purmaid .Dairy Olympic Motor Co. puget Sound Navigation Co. City Treasurer Lights at reservoir Truck Repairs Hauling Ties Supplies Lumber Shop Work Supplies Store Rental Tire rtepfiir Freight Charges Iud Ins & Med ~id LIGHT FUND ,I ICity Water Dept. !,Willson Hardware Cg. V. A. Samuelson & Co. Pine Hill Service ~ 'EPperson & $ons James Hardware 00. (;ity Treasurer fA utomotive Parts se,rvice puget Sound Navigation ';0. Puget ~ound Power & Light "0. ICi ty, Treasurer ~LIBRARY FUND ~Ci ty Treasurer , ARK FUND James Hardware Co. 'Ci ty Treasurer ~GUARANTY FUND I ' lei ty Treasurer r: " II iLrGHT INVESTMENT FUND 1 ~Ci ty Treasurer !\rhere being no fUrther business the ';ommiss ion then adjourned. Vlater at utore Supplies Car Radio & Truck Repairs Tire Repair Stakes Socke ts Rent E. H. Power Line Lamps Freight aharges Power Bill Ind Ins & Med lid Light & Vlater Stovepipe Ind Ins & Med nid Assessljlents Taxes Warrants Purchased t/7'/;Y)~~7~~ Ci ty Clerk ll... 193_ 10.00 .40 8.25 ".r >-.2- 36.36 2.15 ,15.60 20.80 7.38 <f'" ~j. 16.99 4.00 28.04 1.12 9.59 8.00 14.48 35. ?l .f' 5.46 ...- 1.48 lit"'" 40.00 .50 4.36 2B.35 .$"1 lb~O - I" 1ft" - ~~ Mayor 2.01 25.15 54.88 1.e5 1.83 2.14 5.00 45.45 .68 7528.00 14.12 1~.77 ,,~ l~ ,.... 100.59 1416.51 3916.48 1.00 9.09 I I I I I