HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/10/1978y5 CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Port Angeles, Washington November 10-11, 1978 1. 1979 BUDGET HEARINGS The City Council held special meetings November 10-11, 1978 for the purpose of reviewing the 1979 Preliminary Budget. The November 10th special meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 9:00 A.M. with Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk, and Wray present. Staff present included Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Deputy Clerk Caso, Treasurer Rodman, Public 4lorks Director Flodstrom, Parks Director Frizzell, Finance Director Orton, Planner Carr, Police Chief Cleland, and Fire Chief Cameron. During the first part of the meeting, Finance Director Orton discussed the Current Expense Revenues, and outlined the major revenue sources and major changes to expect in 1978-1979. Manager Whorton also discussed the major elements in the increase between the 1978 budget as amended and the proposed 1979 budget, and the City Council and City Manager's individual budgets. A presentation was then made by Attorney Walrath regarding proposed 1979 budget needs for the City Attorney's office. During the presentation, Attorney Walrath, whose resignation was accepted with regret by the Council at the November 7, 1978 Executive Session, outlined the options available to the City in regard to the City's legal services, and sug- gested the hiring of two full-time attorneys plus one full-time secretary to handle the work load of this department. Following further discussion on the needs of the City Attorney's Department, Councilman Duncan moved the Councii direct the City Manager to pursue the hiring of one or two attorneys or firms and present the Council with alternatives. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. boring discussion on the motion, Council- men Anderson and Boardman expressed their concerns regarding the needs of the City and an in-house attorney versus contracting with a firm. Council- man Boardman then moved the motion be amended to read the hiring of two in-house attorneys be pursued instead of contracting with a firm. Council- man Anderson seconded the amended motion. During further discussion on the motion, Councilman Duncan withdrew her original motion as amended and Councilman Buck moved the City Manager be directed to interview to recruit a City Attorney, an Assistant City Attorney, and a full-time legal secre- tary to staff the City Attorney's office. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. The next areas to be considered and discussed were proposed 1979 budget needs for the Planning Department, General Administration, Fire Department and Law Enforcement. Subjects discussed during these presentation in- cluded personnel and equipment needs, 1979 budget requests from the Alcohol Referral Center and Chamber of Commerce, and activities ac- complished during 1978 and planned for 1979. The meeting was then adjourned for Iunch. Following lunch, Mayor Haguewood again called the meeting to order and the discussion continued on the proposed 1979 budget for Law Enforcement, as well as Recreation and Park. During Park Director Frizzell's presen- tation, the Council discussed at length proposed Park Department policy in regard to resident and non-resident camping fees, and users of com- munity provided facilities covering operational costs of those facilities. During the discussion, Councilman Buck moved the Council direct the Park and Recreation Department to prepare a recommendation, with the goal in mind of having as near as complete maintenance and operation costs covered by the users of the City's recreational facilities, and submit this re- commendation at the December 4, 1978 Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. The discussion concluded with Councilman Hordyk and Parks Director Frizzell discussing the drainage of Civic Field and operation of the Senior Citizen Center. 9 C) CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS November i0-11, 1978 1979 BUDGET HEARINGS (Cont) Finance Director Orton then reviewed the proposed cost of operations for the Administrative Services Department in 1979. Included in Mr. Orton's presentation were changes in personnel, data processing conversion and installation, and a proposed increase in Equipment Rental Service rates to pay back a series of loans from the General Fund which are intended to stabilize the Equipment Rental Division. After a lengthy discussion between the Council and Mr. Orton concerning the loans to the Equipment Rental Division, Public Works Director Flodstrom explained the proposed cost of operations for the Public Works Department for 1979. Included in Mr. Flodstrom's presentation were major achievements in 1978 and the major emphasis in 1979, personnel changes, and 1979 budget requests for each division within the Department, namely, Administration, Engineering, Street, Sewer, water and Solid Waste. Mr. Flodstrom's presentation con- cluded with the Council, Manager Whorton and Mr. Flodstrom discussing the budgeting of funds to begin construction of the Corporation Yard in 1979. The final presentation to be made concerned the 1979 budget requests for the Light Department. Light Superintendent Honnold discussed major plans for 1979, conservation versus sale of power, B.P.A.'s proposed rate in- crease, and a proposed rate study. During Mr. Honnold's presentation, Councilman Buck moved the Council establish a policy of not assuming any risks in the Light Departmrent and negotiate for the necessary revenue bonds and the rate increase. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. During discussion on the motion, the Council and Mr. Honnold discussed at length the proposed rate study and the sale of revenue bonds, and Council- man Hordyk suggested "evening off" the present residential rate and all- electric rate, and wait and combine the City's rate study with Bonneville's. Councilman Buck then withdrew his motion and staff was directed by Mayor Haguewood to submit a recommendation in regard to electrical rates to the Council as soon as possible. ORDINANCE RE REMOVAL OF PARKING METERS Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2002 entitled, Ordinance No. 2002 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles relating to parking, and amending an existing section of the code of the City of Port Angeles. Councilman Wray moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried unanimously. The meeting was then adjourned at 5:30 P.M. November 11, 1978 1979 BUDGET HEARINGS Mayor Haguewood called the meeting to order at 8:00 A.M. The first item to be discussed was Revenue Sharing Funds which included recommended 1979 expenditures for the Ediz Hook Roadway, Data Processing Facilities, the Corporation Yard Construction Fund, the CPR Dock Payment, and the Civic Field Parking Lot. While discussing Revenue Sharing funds for the Ediz Hook Roadway, the Council discussed the possibility of delaying the paving of the roadway because the potential construction of an oilport would destroy any new paving. CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS November 10-11, 1978 1979 BUDGET HEARINGS (Cont) fJ g~ After further discussion regarding Revenue Sharing funds, each member of the Council stated their priority items for the proposed 1979 budget. During discussion on Councilman Boardman's priority item, which was the oilport contested case hearings, Councilman Buck moved the Council set aside $100,000 of Revenue Sharing funds for the oilport contested case hearings and other needs arising from the probability of a substantial development within the community. The motion died for lack of a second. The discussion on priority items continued with the following major decisions: (1) set aside $100,000 for the oilport contested case hearings and $35,000 to study the impacts of an oilport on the City; (2) hire one full-time attorney, one full-time assistant attorney and one full-time legal secretary for the City Attorney's office; (3) hire two City jailers; {4) study the water meter, sewer, light and solid waste rates; {5) blacktop the Civic Field parking lot; and (6) set aside $300,000 for the construction of a Corporation Yard. There was no further discussion and the meeting adjourned at 10:00 A.M. 1 69~`~t~-,cam ~~ City Clerk ~' ~~ aY r ne ,~.d,«,, 1