HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/12/1936 II"'" 442 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington -----1Lovember 12, 1936 193_ The Commission met pursuant to adjo~rnment at 10 a.m. and \"las called to order by I,layor Davis. Roll call showed the fullovling officers present: Uayor Davis, (;ommissioners Beam and Masters, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Unfinished Busines3,- The Petition of Benjamin n. Phillips for permission to construct a Service Station on Lots 1 and 2, Block 291, Townsite, toge'char 1'1; th protests aeainst same under thc 'pro- visions of Ordinance No. 911 as amended by Ordinance No. 987 came up for consideration and was referred to the City Engineer for checking. RESOLUTION CREATING MARINE DRIVE CONSTRUCTION FUrID VIHE REA S The funds for the construction for the improvement of I.larine Drive were pro- vided by the State, County and private subscription, and VIHER&~S, It appears for the convenience of records and accounting that a fund should be created for the oonstruotion of the said :improvement, and that all funds provided by the State and County and by private subsoription be transferred or credited to said fund, and VIHEREAS, It Vlould appear that the name of the fund should be knovm as the Marine Drive Construction Fund. NO'.'!, THEIBFOR2:, BE IT RESOLVED, 'That for convenience of records and aocounting a fund be and SQid fund is hereby created, to be known as the "Marine Drive Construction ?und" , into which all funds provided by the ~tate, County, City and City Bond'Sales or by private ~ be transferred to or, deposi ted, and the Ci t;r Clerk be ins~ructeC1 to dra'.'l \"Iarrants for the I g construction of said Improvement on said fund. ~ .... 'd .. .... o t:l It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seoonded by Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the follo~ing claims and ordered warran.s drawn for same: CURRSNT EY~~NSS ?UTID: Ci ty Treasurer Olympic Printery Olympic ~tationers Olympic Printery , Blackburn PI' in tin.: Co. Evening Hewl! Brooke's Grocery Co. I Associa ted Oil Co. 'i/il1iam Duncan Port Angeles Iron Works ':Im. Schrader Frank Macdonald & Sons Lysall Welding & Forge Uorks Howard-Cooper Corp. Marshall Wells Co. Marshall Vlel1s Co. Richfield Oil Co. Automotive Parts Co. Blackburn ~rintin6 Co. Ualkling Motor Co. James Hard~are Co. M. R: Alleman. Sta te 'Treasurer " ';Iater Supplie.s n 4GO.OC 5.0C 1.00 .65 30.75 37.11 6.50 31.7D 120.00 2.00 2.10 9.12 5.50 3H.50 14.25 35.~6 32.13 4.<00 3.~5 4.60 8.:'.,) ~0.3,) 12.31 59.84 Publicat:ii.ons Janitor's ~uppli3s Gas Cedar Logs Repairs Sharpen Saws Repairs n ;'Ihi te Tar "et ~le Hardware n Gas Lamps Supplies Repairs Supplies Lumber Ind Ins & Med Aid t1 " If II II It} 1'1.-0'" \'IA'rER FUND Olympic l'rintery Angel~3 Uillwork Co. Lysall Welding & Forge ~orks Seattle Plumbing Supply vo. Aneeles Gravel & Supply Co. Olympic .Printery Mt R. Alleman Tie & Lumber Co. State Treasurer Led;sers Screens Shop Worlt Stop-cocks Cement & Sand Time Slips Lumber Ind Ins & Med Aid 128.01 18.36 2.20 24.63 5.87 6.2," 19.19 25.42 ~o "J-vq / LIGHT FUIID Lysall ':Ielding & Forge .Iorks Irvine P. Bean Co. Olympic Printery Olympic Printery Via ter Dept. P.S. Power & Light Co. General El"ctric; Supply "0. Zellerbach Paper Co. Olympic, Stationers Port Angeles iron Viorks Evening News State Treasurer Shop \'Iork Supplies" Ledgers Receipts ~ater at ~ubst2tion October Power Bile Friction Tape Paper Tuwels Supplies Steel Plates Advertising . Ind Ins & Med ~id .51 26.78 128.01 7.04 4.02 6,697.75 ~.OO 6.1,5 4.18 3.92 50.00 14.08 ~3. b 1 s'1 P ARl{ FUND State Treasuller Ind Ins & Med rlid 1:\.34 ~ I I rg. '" I-' I-' . I I Novp.mbp.~ l?, 19~h Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ "'lIIII 443 I I I I I MARINE DRIVE CONST~~C~ION FUIID A. L. Watkins Part Payment on Contract 10,000.00 There bein~ no further business the Commission then adjourned. 'l}-~~ , . Ci ty Clerk ~ " \ \ :4~ Mayor ..4