HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/12/1947 ,...-~ 396 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington November 12, 194--1- The Commission lISt in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Ma1ror Epperson. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wilson and Cle rk Law. 1linutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for wilding permits, the following were granted: , i ,L ~()U IL.,E. Blackburn j;T7' !hild One-car Garage; Lot 15, Blk. 38 250.00 IJim Woodford Remodel, Add l-Room to Present Dwelling; Lots 17-18, Blk. 65, P,S.C.C.23 250.00 Alexander Ferrie Re-roof Present Dwelling; Lot 2, Elk. 297, Townsite 225.00, Demitrio A. OJdanes Remodel Existing Dwelling; Lot 7, Blk. 256, Townsite 500.00; Clarence Buchanan Construct S-Room Dwelling; Lot 17, Blk. 102, Townsite 3,500.00, Windfred Trudeax 14x20 Store Room; Lot 16, Blk. 20, N. R. Smith Add. 750.001 , i ,Under the head of unfinished business, Engineer Dodge presented notification at expiration of the. thirty day.l. '[period for the 15% retained from the contract of A. Contesti in L.I.D. No. 150, in the amount of $760.11\. , ,It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the amount retained be paid. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. ! Renewal of contract with the Electrochemical Company to furnish chlorine to the Water Department was approved. !i'under the head of new rosiness, the Commission discussed a leas'e with the Union Oil Company of California ,for 3.85 acres near Morse !Creek, being the City Gravel pit. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the , I,City should not lease the land, as street repairing might be interrupted. Moti'on seconded by lI.ayor Epperson; A1;L voted Aye. Motion carried. I ~()'I'lcl.: '1"0 HIIJUl':llS ~ I :-:~ lTIC'E If< llE'reh,' l-;"h''''ll liln! En..4 Dod t d th t b'd' bli h d f' th 1 f F d S de " .'''('a,1,',1 "I.ls \\"111 IH' l';,('('lvr.,." lJy .1111-': ~.IQ...neer, ge reques e a 1. s De pu 5 e or e sa e 0 one or 9 n 11,~:,.i~:~."~V;;:11(;,:;g\I:)';1.,\:ir\I:~ jl:~1~.'.II'I'.:li\\ Delivery, 19B7 modeJ.J and one Studebaker chassis, 1957 model, serial number ~:,~;::~~\,,~;~tJi ';~~tII::;ll~lltl:~~~:~n:nl.ri;.lll:: J 25M-017. Bids to be opened November 26th. It was moved by Commissioner Jo~son ~?'\1;1(:11' '~~I\i\.~~\.. f'"-j~~d;;~: gI1'; l':~I~~ that the said bids be published. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All members voted ' ~~~;~:ihKl~:'I:l:~'~II~~~~~\-:ql~ll~l~ll~ll1t \;;;;~: Aye. Motion carried. l ~;~Il i lI~~'~'l~~~'I~' :;\ r:.l~'[~.l :\~j; e l~:.:~:~; tl;i~l~ i Hi"" l'I"I'Pt'nH' Ihl' rig-IH to rdl'{<( Jtnr Light Supt. Lean reminded the Commission that calls for bids are required for I' on" ,,11 hi,',.;,:,,::. ,!;;~;;;:. material costing more than $500.00, and time required for publication often I PI:hlb\"o\, :\\Ho',mIH'1" 1.1. ~1. t~,,-<j...._. results in loss of material available for immediate delivery. It was therefore '''''',"''' H' ",,,,,,.,,,, moved by Commissioner Steele that the Light and Water Depart.'llents be authorized ;;'<'1""> he,'.", "",'H ",,,' ",-.", to call for l:d.ds during the week and without the permission of the Commission for ~~!';~\;':'I~'~'~,i,~:ol~~~'i:;~'::"?l~>III~I~"I;~::~';:I::;:l material available for innnediate delivery. Motion seconded by Commissioner :::.~.',:,:.l<;I!lIl_;':\i';l;,i:l;~~\;I':,r';I.:~\;lI~'\']V:/,\I.~ Johnson. All members voted Aye. :Motion carried. n"I'I.",,1 "f tli" r"l1"w"Ij.:. Il~J,.~r"nlt'" l'I"llIil ('iIll Ht~: "'0 ~ I.., 1(\.1 J.;- 111 I~ ";l. ;;;~.l-. "-''<'0 L :::.', 1("'1 \11 1\1 I", "'II.....ll. pll:''''''' f." ,.,.,.1.... "11-illlm'T~' I ,,01 "..11'.,'''''). ,) ".i]l, loig'h-\'(\lla...:(' I':ot t i I If.. '! ~ II" 4 I 1,11 '-, \, 1\\' ~ \ ,I i "" (' (:eI- \Il'~ ,..'OJ ~"jP. ",Ill r~1 :::'~ 1','I.,"ll ;:.~r"::Il:I~i;;-o'II".,]:;';, ,,:/;:~;;:~I,\;':I\:\I ~:~' III i::,:;,~i:'7:,,'r::"i~:,:;';i,~:,}~ ~ }';:;: :~~:,',:': L~1.I!h~..h..<L.:\,,:~\~itll~~'\' ID....;L...l~JJ... '" The decoration of streets and trees for the coming Holidays was discussed qy the Commission. City funds not being available for purchase of material, the Commission appointed Engineer Dodge, Light Supt. Lean, and Fire Chief 'lfolverton as a committee to assist and advise, co-operating'with the Merchants Bureau regarding the said decorations. claims, and ordered warrants The Commission examined and approved the following issued in paynsnt of the same: t:o · / S).- CURRENT EIPENSE FUND: Peninsula Printing Co. Port Angeles Evening News Samuelson Motor Co. Port Angele s Motors Evening News Press b I .r~). . CITY STREET FUND: Johnson & Bork ,.Port Angeles Evening News I'Frederick's Electric j , 0 )'lATER WNO: ",;2".3 7 r; - ~uto Beauty Shop Automotive Parts Service liPa~r Supply Co. H. T. Swanson Motor Co. Port Angeles Evening News, Inc. State Treasurer Hersey Manufacturing Co. Olympic Electric Co. I 4 1? LIGHT FUND: .2/, 37& Clallam County P.il.D. No.1 O. K. Rubber Welders Lunt's Battery Service Remington Rand, Inc. "Zellerbach Paper Co. 'State Treasurer Port Angeles Evening N6Y{s, Inc. ;iGeneral Electri c Supply ,;orp. SANITATION WND: .4 7 3:- 1;0. K. Rubber Welders Johnson & Bark d '" 1. 'J'ARK FUND: !).' !hilders' Supply Stores Angeles Millwork & Lumber 1::0. City Treasurer D & B Battery & Electric Stn. City Street Dept. Downs Auto Electric .... Paper, Stitching Budget Books Legal Publications Gasoline, Oil Auto Repairs Posters; Police Court Forms Paint Bid-Bituminous Cement Plant Mix Wire in 220 Circuit for Air Compressor at City Garage Tire and Tube Parts Pipe Truck Adv. Bids Taxes Meter Wiring Material Octo bar Power Repair Battery Meter Leaves Pencils, Sales Orders Taxes Adv. Battery & Charger One Flat and Boot Turpentine, Paint, Orush Lumber Lumber Light, Water, Garbage Re charge Battery Gas, Oil, La bor Tail Lamps & Connectors 18.56 92.481 2.26 15.451' 23.95' 4.69'1 2.10' 45.221 , , 17.671 2.57 16.47' 1,545.79 ( 1.82 926.60, 62.291 2.08 19,545.60', 5.091 16.38' 83.39' 9.37' 1,678.951, 19.80 19.90 I 5.61i 5.641 ~'. 5.09'1 17.841 29.771 1.05 27.10 3.95" I I I 1 'I I Ii I I I November 12. continued. Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19~ gO, .....'....~n._ "'''no ~ PARKING ,METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL HIND: J ,;<3 ~ 1 Johnson & Bork Paint, furpentine Port Angeles Evening News Bid: Traffic Control Signals Graybar Electric Co. 500 #1 Reliable Cable Hangers Zinc ( (3 L. I. D. NO. 152 FUND: 7'0- 'A.ICOntesti 15% Retained on L.I.D. No. 150 There being no further business, the session wss declared adjourned. 0, c,';f",ur (f City Clerk J 07:.1 G (\ 11) Z::~............... Mayor ,397 II 7.40 2.si 13.15 i 760.Ui'