HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/13/1935 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington I I I I I November 13, 1935 193_ 339 ~ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applioations forALi~~nses the following was granted: _ JoE" ~'.. ~..t....~ H. C. Dunakin, ~estaurant at 110 E. 1st St. 8.75 Under the head of ~nfinished Business,- The City Treasurer reported one bid rece lved on the call fo r bids to purchase Lots 5 & 6, Block 164, Townsite, as follows: Mrs. E. Stuermer, <'$800.00 in cash. The ma tter was laid over for further consider- a tion. The Commission examined and allowed the fOllOWing bills and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FtOOl Standard Oil Co. Olympic Stationers City Treasurer City Treasurer Evening News Pacific Tel & Tel 100. Pac Tel & Te 1 "0. Pao Te 1 & Tel ~o" Glenn's Service "tation Ci ty Treasurer, Pac Tel & Tel "0. Olympic Printery Willson Hardware ~o. Street Department R. E. Davis D. A. Masters M. R. Alleman Lysall Weldillg & Fer gw Works Garvin Auto Cg. Standard 011"0 o. Automotive Pa~ts Go. Ci ty Light Dept. Angeles Gravel & Supply ~o. Ci ty Water Dept. Habi t Cleaner.s Garv in Au to ~o . V. A. Samuelaon & ~o. Associated Oil Co. ' Puget Sgund Navigation ~o. Mook Electric S~rvice Frank 1fficdonald & Sons P.. S. Navigation Co. Western Tractor & Equipment --Co.. Wash. Pulp & Paper Corp. Marshall IVe lls "ompa l\Y City Transfer Co. Olympic Forest ,Products Co. Pao Tel & Tel ~o. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Department of Labor & Industries WATER FUND Hersey Mfg. Co. Davidson Tie Mill Antone Smith Grocery Blackburn Printing Co. Frank MaCdonald & ions P. S. Navigation Co. City Light Dept. C M & St Paul Ry. Ci ty Treasurer Getchell & Gagnon Angeles Gravel & Supply uo. Marshall Wells Co. Department of Labor & Industries LIGHT FUND Olympio Printery Pao Tel & Tel ':0. P. S. Power & Light ~o. S. H. White Marshall Wells Co. Quiok Print 17m. J. Ware P. A. Evening News Oi ty Treasurer Pine Hill Service Station OlYmpi~ Utility Sunoly Co. P. ~. Navigation ~o. Gasoline Supplie s Stamps Sup'plies Publica tions Service Servic e Service Oil Supplie s Servi ce Supplies Janitor's Supplies Pay ROll Expens e Aooount 11 " 85.73 1.80 1.00 .50 31.57 :3.05 7.95 3.75 4.35 2.14 1.60 11. 75 .60 31.50 26.25 3.98 28.42 5.20 19.88 175.00 10.78 12.24 48.43 4.00 1.00 .75 2.95 40.30 .50 3.65 4.00 1.26 19.39 28.20 19.90 6.19 9.24 4.50 4.40 50.55 Lumber Repairs n Gasoline llepair Parts Safety Flags Cement used at City Hall Screw Jaoks Cleaning Flags Repairs " Gasoline Freight Repairs " Fre ight Scarifi er Teeth Lime Hardware Fuel Oil Lumber Service Sand, Cement, etc. Ind Ins & Med Aid 71' 71 ~ - Meters & Parts Lumber Gra! n Sacks S ta teme nts Shop Work Freight ';harges Gasoline & Oil Fre ight Charges Misc. Cash Payment s Lub. Truck Sore ens Small 'l!ools Ind Ins & Med Aid 'If :L?')..- 98.77 13.76 1.07 4.85 2.40 2.13 17.47 3.58 10.05 1.11 44.92 6.22 26.13 Printing, etc. Servic e Power Bill Expense Account Rope Printing Ins. on Ford TrUCk "d ver tising Misc. Cash Payments Tire Repair MateriaL~ & ~upplies Freight "harges 15.60 14.40 7254.93 3.36 8.11 20.45 28.95 15.60 2.14 .75 109.07 7.89 -<lI1Il II"""" 340 Novem ber 13, 1935 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ ) ll.., Blaokburn Printing Co. Standard Oil Co. Olympio 5tationers R, E, Davis Department of Labor & Industries Printing Gas oline Profile Paper Traveling Exp,ns es Ind Ins & Med Ai d LIBRARY FUND Ci ty Treasurer Pac Tel & Tel ~o. Jennllu Norris Knudson Variety Store Gaylord Bros, Inc. Standard Book Co. P. ::;. NeVIs Co. Herman Goldberger Agenoy Ligh t & ila tel" Servic e Petty Cash Lamps Suppli es Books Books Per iodicals PARK FUND F. R. Herron Departmant of Labor! Industries Toilet Tissue Ind Ins & Med Aid P.A. EMERGENCY RELIEF FUND F. D. Sheffield s.f' 1J1fo - :>-3 /1' ~ Engineering 8th S~. Bridges 12.34 48.61 .54 16.70 17.11 10.67 4.25 5.79 4.29 14.70 6.39 10.99 134.15 I g'd 1.00 7.49 I There being no further business the ~ommission adjourned to meet Friday, November 15, 1935, at 1:30 P.M. 227.69 '1; ?ndJ~ , , Ci ty Cler k )(/1 1}~'0<9~ Ma yor :1 I I