HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/13/1950 1 I I' I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 65 ., Nnvp.mhAr 13, 19~_ .."............"e'.,.,'._....."..",.. ... I The Commission met at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order b.r M~or Feele,r. Officers Feel~. Commissioners Robinson and T~lor, Attorney Trumbull and Clerk Law. . I Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. , Under the head of a~plications for building permits, the following were granted: I. f'1~OO- I Petersen & Craver Construct Dwelling; Lots 3-4, Elk. 320, Townsite E..T. Lutz Re-roof Existing Dwelling; Lot 17, Blk. 342, Townsite E. T.Lutz Re-roof Existing Dwelling; Lot 4, Blk. 93, Townsite Charles Gallacci Addition to Existing Dwelling; Lot 4, Blk. 414, Towsite W. . F. Phillips Build Double Garage; Lot 4, Elk. 121, Carters Add. present were: Mayor 7,000.00 200.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 Under the head of unfinished business, bids for the house and lot at 109 East 14th Street were received as follows: Frank Lindberg, &2,606.00; Mrs. B. Hren, $3,000.00. After due consideration, it was moved b.r Commissioner T~lor that the bids be rejected and the matter referred to the Attorne,r and Earl Davidson, as. appraisal was fixed at &4,200.00. Motion seconded b.r Commissioner Robinson. All voted A:fe. Motion carried. Notification from Tighe E. Woods, Housing Expediter, of amendment to the rent regulations having been issued, decontrolling rents in this area as of November 4th, was read and ordered filed. The bond filed b.r General Electric Company, guaranteeing faithful perfo rmance regarding their contract to furnish transformers, was approved b.v the Attorne,r and accepted by the Commission. The application of J. M. Bruch for master plumbers license was again considered. Due to contemplated changes of building and plumbing codes in the near future, it was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the deposit made b.r Mr. Bruch be refunded. Seconded by Mayor Feele,r. All voted A:fe. Motion carried. The claim of Harry Kochanek for damage to his car while in line of duty, was filed in proper form and considered by the Commission. Due to Mr. Kochanek being in process of collectill! damages from the Insuranc", Company, the Commission decided to hold claim in abeyahce without action. AndreI< Casilio appeared regarding pa~king and mechanical repairs in streets and on sidewalks at First and Eunice Streets. It was his opinion thst business should be conducted on private property. That the Commission wss previously informed and hsd authori zed elimination of the traffic and fire hazard, but as ! yet, nothing has been done. Commissioner T~lor informed that the garage has been notified to clean up. I Attorney Trumbull was of the opinion that a fire hazard could be declared where old cars still contain gas I' in the tanks. Chief Ide informed that since he was instructed to investigate, no cars or trucks have been blocking traffic, and the same conditions exist at other locations. It was the opinion of Commissioner Robinson that the situation constitutes a fire hszard and if declared such, the Fire Chief has plenty of authority to act. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that complaint be referred to the Attorney and ~olice Chief for definite action. Seconded by ~or Feele,r. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of new business, the application of the Salad Bowl for a dine and dance permit, subject to State Board approval, was referred to the Police Chief for recommendation. ,I Claim filed by the Fraternal Order of Eagles for damages to their ladies 1 powder room caused by defective water meter, was not filed in proper form. It was regularly moved and seconded that the claim be referred 1 to the Attorney and Water Superintendent. Motion carried. , A petition signed by twenty-three abutting property owners was presented to the Commission, requesting that 1 a Looal Improvement District be established for construction of conorete sidewalks on the North side of I West Fifth Street from A Street to E Street, inolullive. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the petition be , referred to the Street Superintendent. Seconded by Commissioner T~lor. All voted A:fe. Motion oarried. ! , The Commi'Ssion considered an inquiry by a Brokerage Company of Seattle wherein they requested compromise , in p~nt of Occupational tax due the City b.r the Port Angeles Transit System. It was the opinion of I Attorne,r Trumbull thst the City is privileged to extend payments but according to Statutes cannot I compromise on amount due. Engineer Ahlvers infonned that a rock crusher plant is available at approximately $18,000.00. Commissioner Taylor advised that crushed rock purchase from the County would not be satisfactory, and moved that bids be published for the purchase of a crusher by the City, bids to be opened November 27th. Motion seoonded, by Commissioner Robinson. All voted A:fe. Motion unanimously carried. The Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in p~ent of same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND, /'11 '[" Edward B. T~lor Harris & Schuller City Treasurer Taper Oil Burner Co. Dobson Auto Electric Evening News Press Willson Hardware Co. 3 / ) CITY STREET FUND: 331- Lincoln Welding 1 Schmitt Sheet Metal Shop , Harris & Schuller Dobson Auto Electric i D & B Battery & Electric Stn. I Willson Hardware Co. Floyd Anderson t 9(- I WATER FUND: I" 7? - Samuelson Motor Co. J. E. Hazeltine & Co. I Western Utilities Supply Co. Harris & Schuller Wallace & Tiernan State Treasurer Car Mileage and Expense Boil & Repair Radiator Postage Parts & Labor 2 Sets Wiring Printing, Cards & Folders Tools and Hardware 37.62 6.18 10.00 40.07 12.36 17.26 18.41 Steel, Angle Iron Metal Flat Iron, etc. Parts Globes, Clamps, Bolts, Tools and Hardware Cedar Cribbing 17.64 14.52 16.11 19.48 3.73 ' 150.061 116.771 .63 2Q.5 51 12.80 S.07 13.22 1,025.691 I Files Parts Gauge Tools Galv. Iron, Car Aerial, Chlorination Parts Utility Tax Pipe Band ...4 "--66 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington "." . ""''''. ''''''. ....".,.. .,..".. ."" ... LIGHT FUND: ,;J.~" 0 .!., Clallam Adjustment Corp. State treasurer Harri s & Schuller Port Angeles Ev~ng News Line Material Co. United Seal Co. G & W Fire Service Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. 13 SANITATION FUND: /al - Earl Davids on Lincoln ~ielding D & B Battery & Electric Stn. , PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: City Treasurer Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. M. H. Rhodes, Inc. Wheeler Hardware & Furniture Co. Peninsula Fuel Co. Light Dept. Graybar Electric Co. Nnv~hJ t":nnt.inllAd, 1950_ Comm. on Collection Taxes Channel Iron Adv. Fire Prevention Street Light Parts Seals Fire Ext. Cur. Transf. Car ~lileage for Oct. Welding, etc. Parts If c;:.3"- Postage Concrete Head As sy . Paint, Oil, etc. Fuel Oil Coin Counting and Wrapping Traffic Control There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourned. o t. tQ.P/' (/ City Clerk /~~~#. L-7' LEGAL .PtllSLlCATIONS ~-.>:.~(~ XO'I'H'E 01" ('.\ I,). ,,"Olt nm~ . ; XnUcc is hc-t('by "i\'('n tllnt the C'jl~' of Port An!;f']cs wi11 rf"cciYe_~ei1.I~il. ~'~13. t;I1~Cn~ is:\ t~l~~ 1; ot~~l'~:\ ~h i~::l'~~ (' \I~l\~~~t i~~Il~l'~~m~~~~;~ ,1~iR r;~,'~;i~)~}1fu~r~~ f'J'ushj>r Pjant-on(' 01',:. Two 1;nit". flPIlI',\)\iIlH\h' ('flJladl~' 4(1.:;:1 lq{l)< 'lletiil ](.~.~\~1,,1~;:;.!TI1~~~ C~~I(~I~'e/' - .. l-IS"x:FJ" roll cruf'her 01" 1 f'inp:k unit cr\lsh('t' that will (,1'lll'h n fin> inril rod;: \(> fi\'c-,-.ig-hth:; inch I\lH1 r1dl\'{')',\- tlr'lll', 1 ~=Ig it: ~2~\~'~">;;21~' \~~'i~\~ll~~4 ill~rlll\\~T{\~f'b~~(I.t. , ~=g?~~~l~~i ~i.~~e~~ibriltOl' 8cr"(!n 01' flqUflL . l_~'>.:lil'_~C'J'('l'n cllJUt wJtl1 ;; ilH:h l'qllal'0 ()lH'nill~ l_1'>.:IO'_f<C'l'N'll ('loth will1 1).1. Inch !'(!lllll'('! (1r)(>nill~. 1-3'>.:Ill'-!'<er.'(l1l ('loth with ~~ irll'h 1"(II11.t'(' O]lenln~f. 1-3'xlO'-<:crl'en ('l"lh willl ~i! inell ~qulln' ,,]l(111ing, \lti"rnflt__ Hil' 1_1I!-:l'rI_7r1 fl. 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