HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/13/1951 ,..- 192 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington November- 13 19~ '"<. . '.~H. """ """.,.. ,,,",,.. moo .... The Commission met at 10,00 A.M., and ,las called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were' Ma;yor Feeley, Cormnissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and COlmnissioner Taylor explained that the estinmte of $4,000.00 was for filling the 20 foot strip adjoining present trestle and not for entire fill. Minutes otherwise approved. Under the head of applications for building permits the follo,d.ng ,.ere granted: BUILDING P~RMITS: Enlarge living room on existing dwelling, Lot lS, Blk 2l, Ii. I R. Smith Subdivision $ 300.orl' Add bathroom, bedroom and kitchen to existing dwelling, Lot I 30 and 31, Perkins addition 600.00 Tear down garage, Lot N~ 20, Blk 318 no charge I Remodel front porch on msting dwelling, Lot S, Blk 180, 100.00 ~ille I Add two bedrooms to existing dwelling, Lot 18, Blk 267, Townsite 4,000.Dq Build single gar"ge, Lot 9, Blk 100, F, O. Jr. Richards I Subdivision SOO.OO Me! t,<o bedrooms to existing dVlelling, Lot 4, Blk 100, I F. D. Richards 1,000.00 Build a three room house, Lot 11, Blk ;J08, Tmffisite 1,500.0q To remodel Hotel Front, Lot 7, Blk 16, N. R. Smith 1,SOO.Oq: Build a three bedroom home, Lot 15, Elk 286, Townsite 7,000.00 To construct sales office, Lot 12, Elk 12, N. R. Smith I Subdivision SOO. oc Under the head of unfinished business, the Commission discussed bids sllbmdtted 2 t the previous session for I pipe and miscellaneous fittings. A letter from E. D. Fowler Co. was read wherein they agreed to protect the City against advance in prices quct ed for Centu;ry Asbestos Cement pipe, if award is made before ;.!ov. ls.1 It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the letter be filed, as only the bid submitted could be cohsidered,! Seconded by ~layor Feeley and carried. Superintendent Dodge reconnnended tr.at the bid by Johns-Manville Sales Corp. for Asbestos Cement pipe be accepted. Also that the bid by Grinnell Co. of the Pacific for mdscell- I aneous fittings be accepted and that bids for valves be held for consideration until the next session. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that tne reconrnendations be approved and accepted. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Under the head of ne,; business, a request by Don ,;ickersham to operate a radio repair shop on Lincoln streetl I in the First Residence District was referred to the Attorney. I The report of Police Judge Phillips for the month of August showing $1463.00 fines collected, was approved and ordered filed. Mrs. J. K. r'rancisco Art Tobias I Luther LJl!lan Me:mi M. Lewis I Martin Praselowiez Ro bert Ilulligan Robert 11ulligan Don C. \.Jddron Citzen Building Ray Vannausdle Paul Kesler Corp. The Park Board requested that the followine transfers be made in maintenance and operatien items of the current budget: Superintendent car mileage to Truck Repair, Gas, Oil Superintendent car mileage to Equipment purchase and repair $lSO.OO 100. 00 It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the request for transfers be approved. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Seconded by Cornrr~ssioner Taylor. Engineer Ahlvers informed that the County has requested the City to arrange for ownership of a ten foot strip of a 75 foot frontage on the North side of Front street, the same having been used wi th other frontage for increasing width of Front street. It was moved by "'ayeI' Feeley that the matter be referred to the I Engineer and Attorney to arrange proper procedure. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Folice Chief Ide and the Connnission discussed the advisability of installing traffic lights at Eighth and Race streets and Eighth and Cl1err-.f streets for protection of pedestrians and other traffic. It ViaS moved by Connnissioner Taylor that the Cheif be instructed to contact the 3tate Highl<ay Department regarding installation at Eighth and Cherry Streets and the Light Superintendent to get estimate of cost for the Eighth and Race installation. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. r!otion carried. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and placed on first . and second reading: I ORDINANCE NO. AN ORIll NA.l'ICE of the City of Port Angeles regulating the installation and llil.e of radio. antenna and similar devices, provic!ing a penalty and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. Seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. ~lotion carried. The Commdssion examdned and approved the follm<ing claims and ordered warrants issued in ~ayment of same: CUMENT EXPENSE FUND: ~')-\,"~ Bussine office Supply R. O. Ide Roosevelt High School Olympic Printery City Treasurer Pacific Tel. & Tel. American Ranken Copy Co. Fitchard's Associated Service office supplies October car mileage 1 annual office supplies light, wa. ter, garb service 440B chain car repair and ti res 'i6.41t 18.20 2.75 l7.1S 24.34' 17.08 63.4S. 102.S5 19.3J 1.00 I CITY STREET FUND: ..U..P. .3 Y l~iddleton r 5 liotor Parts Nailor Lumber Company heater tee hinge .... I I I I I I I ,I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ,._ . ..~... R"_. ""'="'. """"'. ..'oo ... I CITY STllillT FUND (CON' T) Fruehauf Trailer Company packings and gaskets I Eklund Lumber Company masonite and lumber I ;;~:~;;:;~: :~~ ~:~,::" , City Treasurer light, water i All:an Distributing Co. anti-freeze, oil and I .,"~ {:. \1AT:ER FUND: \'" Clal1am Adjustment Corp. I Bussing Oi'fi ce Supply Co. Clallam County PUD #1 Olympic Tribune The Texas Company ~' Nailor Lumber Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply , Fen;Lnsula Plywood Company Eklund Lumber Co. ~ ~ta~e Treasurer Hersey l'd'g. 60. J 10 IP' LIGHT ElUlm:1>\ . Olympic Printery Clallam Adjustnient. Co. State Treasurer Graybar Electric Co. G & W Fire Service ?ort Angeles Eve. llews United Janitors Supply Erarldlani" s City 1'Iater Dept. Robert Priest Westinghouse Elec. Cyclose Fence Div. {\ SANITATION FU~ID:~' Olympic Printery Micfdleton's Automotive Parts Earl Davidson Clal1ani Adjustment Co. F ARK FUND, \"....~, Auto Parts Service City Treasurer Pacifie Tel. and Tel. Angeles Hillwork CEliETZRY FUND: City Treasurer November 13 brake fluid collectio'n eXpense . collec'tion pads ani ele ctric service advertising stove oil hardware concrete lumber lumber and hardware taxes meter parts service office supplies collection expense taxes . pole derrick parts fire extinguisher advertising supplies .cleaning blinds . ,,",'ire poles wire . fence pencils, pads, cleaners plugs battery car mileage for October c~llection expanse batter light, water, servi ce 3851 stripping garbo.ge ANIMAL CONTllilL rUND: Clallal11 Co. Humane Soc. licenses, pound fees water F'IREVtEN'S PENSION FUND: Clallam Co. Med. Service November medical fees c LID GENERAL FUND: City )'Iater Dept. ERICKSON CilILDREN'S PLAYFIELD FUllD: Aneeles 11illwork fasteners, plywood, compound There being no further business the meeting adjourned. engineer's aid 533.36; pension cont. 36.43; indo ins. 7.87 19R Q.e i~, (J City Cle rk _,~d~~~ 193 ., I 1.30 145.73 50.91 14.01 11.34 '] U.19 22.80 2.46 s.li 3.5:\, 81.90 14.53 87.74 1,059.26 182.52 4.59 5.00 '2,419.17 llS.45 18.08 , 21.71 35.77 145 .33 68.85 500.00 57.92 75,78 2.8S 10.30 22.97 28.84 1.18 15.19 80.10 7.10 4.20 10.00 43.00 33.00 46"32 577.66 ....