HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/13/1984 I I I CITY COUNCIL PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATIOW COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington November 13, 1984 I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. II ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Quast, Shermer, Whidden. Councilmembers Absent: None. Commissioners Present:. Chairman Hesselman, Commissioners Bei1, Moe, Anderton, VanOss, Crogan. Commissioners Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, J. Marsh, S. Brodhun. Public Present: R. Fairchild, J. Willis, H. Hill, B. Levin, M. Fischer, T. & J. Haguewood, G. Higgerson. III - VI - SUSPENDED VII DISCUSSION 1. Discussion of Future of the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center Councilmembers and Park & Recreation Commission members had been presented earlier with a letter from the City Manager dated September 25, 1984, on uses for the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center and Hotel/Motel Tax funds; a memo of September 27, 1984, from the Parks & Recreation Commis- sion; and a memo from the Parks & Recreation Commission dated November 2, 1984. Mayor Duncan reviewed a November 12, 1984, letter from the Chamber of Commerce recommending that the Hotel/Motel Tax funds not be used for sports-related activities, but directed towards tourism. The Park & Recreation Commission has recommended that the Vern Burton Memorial Conununity Center be used as a sports facility and as a civic center. The Conunission has requested discussion of options for financing floor repair and heating projects from the General Fund. Councilman Haguewood supported continuing improvements to the Vern Burton Memorial Conununity Center bit by bit by appropriating $30,000 or $40,000 from the General Fund each year. He did not support using Hotel/Motel Tax funds. Park Commission members stated that it was their intent to use the Center for as many uses as listed on the Civic Center proposition as possible. Councilman Quast supported considering weatherization of the Center during budget hearings. He stated that he was opposed to keeping the windows open and installing inefficient heaters, particularly prior to repairing broken windows, etc. He supported weatherization before installing new heating. Councilman Schermer inquired as to the cost of heating the building without weatherization measures and asked if there might be money available from Bonneville Power Administration or other sources for weatherization. He stated that this seemed like the logical first step. He also noted concern that provisions for protecting the floor during activities other than sports events should be considered before repairing the floor. Commis- sioner Hesselman stated that the school system has accumulated used felt from the area mills which it uses to protect the gym floor during activities other than sports. Councilman Hordyk stated that the City Council should be responsible for funding improvements to the building out of the General Fund, not from Hotel/Motel Tax funds; but that the Council should not tell the Park & Recreation Commission how to maintain the building. Councilman Gerberding stated that the Council should tell the Conunission basically what the Council desires to be done with the building. Councilman Gerberding supported using the facility as a multi-purpose center, as recommended by the Park Board. Manager Flodstrom stated that the community has a need for a multi-purpose facility that will provide a place for recreation. He stated that the community has adequate sports facilities but has a need for a multi-purpose facility for activities such CITY COUNCIL/PARKS COMM. MTG. November 13, 1984 as home shows, etc. He suggested that the Council direct the Park Board to: Phase I - Preserve and protect our asset (the Vern Burton Memorial Community Center) by weatherizing the building and making necessary improvements so the building does not take a step backwards; Phase II _ Make minimal improvements to improve the recreational aspects of the building; Phase III - Make necessary improvements to make this a multi- purpose facility in the third, fourth or maybe fifth year. He stated that nothing should be done that would compromise the long-term use of the building as a multi-purpose facility. Following further discussion, Councilman Quast moved to proceed with the '1- three steps outlined by the City Manager: (I) Retain and protect our asset; (2) Improve the recreational aspects of the facility; and (3) Improve the multi-purpose aspects of the facility. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. 2. General Discussion of Community Parks, Recreation & Beautification Councilman Quast asked Park & Recreation Director Marsh what was being done to improve the quality of the restrooms in local parks. Park & Recreation Director Marsh stated that a survey was going to be taken in 1986 on the cost of updating all restrooms and bringing them up to handicapped stan- dards. Part of the cost survey would be undertaken in the 1985 Budget. Manager Flodstrom also stated that the 1985 Budget contains maintenance and operation funds for general improvement to the existing restroom facilities, which will begin in 1985. The Council discussed with staff the proposed Community Memorial Policy. Manager Flodstrom stated that a centralized Community .Memorial Fund has been placed in the 1985 Budget for consideration. Councilman Quast stated that a public telephone is needed at Civic Field. 3. Discussion of Location of Trail System and Need for Private Property Easements I The Council discussed with Park & Recreation Commission members and staff the need to determine precisely where the proposed Waterfront Trail would be located in order to ascertain what public access easements would be needed along creeks, particularly Tumwater Creek. Councilmembers concurred that should easements be required, the City would look at purchasing, rather than asking individuals to award public access easements to the City. Members also discussed the status of neighborhood parks. Manager Flodstrom stated that neighborhood maintenance of parks had not succeeded and that selling under-utilized or under-developed park properties had been con- sidered but had not yet taken place. Members discussed the "Adopt-a-Park" program. Parks & Recreation Director Marsh stated that this type of program, with a small initial cost incurred by preparing a slide presentation and brochures to present to residents had worked well in other cities. VIII - XI - SUSPENDED XII ADJOURNMENT Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting at approximately 9:l0 P.M. ~/5h.,' O. ~LAtA'1..&-'j~ Clerk ~~L I