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Clerk's Note: A quorum of the City Council was present at this meeting and it was,
therefore, considered to be a special City Council meeting.
November 13, 2003
8:30 a.m. - ProTech Center
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. by Chair Karen Rogers.
Roll Call & Attendance:
Members Present: Karen Rogers, Larry Williams, Gary Braun (alt.), Orville Campbell, Mike Chapman, Kevin
Thompson, Wayne Barrett, Jack Harmon, Russ Veenema, ex-officio
Members Absent: Jan Harbick
Public & Staff Present: Greg Benton (Merritt + Pardini), Arla Holzschuh, Sandie Barnhart, Dan DiGuilio, Gary
Kenworthy, Michael Quinn, Brian Gawley, Paul Lamoureux, Grant Munro, Sam Martin
Approval of Minutes: The minutes were unanimously approved as written with Jack Harmon motioning and Mike
Chapman seconding.
Discussion regarding Gatewa? LaFout Orientation of Building
Chair Rogers turned the meeting over to Greg Benton, Merritt + Pardini, to discuss the orientation of the Visitor Center
building. At the last meeting it was discussed that the wind factor could make a difference in the layout of the buildings
on the site. It was brought up that the wind could possibly cause less public participation at the site. Then it was
suggested that the rectangular brick building (Center) be flip-flopped and try to create a wind-break.
Today Mr. Benton discussed the results of flip-flopping the building. He questioned whether that really was what this
committee is wanting. The view corridor, which was important, is now removed with this concept. The fact that the wind
changes direction daily, made some members comment that maybe it wouldn't be necessary to worry so much about the
wind after all. Two handouts were passed around from Mr. Benton. One was labeled Port Angeles Gateway Planning
Level Estimate dealing with the Project Budget and Gap Financing, and the other was Port Angeles International
Gateway, a preliminary redesign estimate.
Again discussion took place about the possible effects that the wind could have on the project and public comfort and
participation as a gathering place. Russ Veenema spoke about where the Visitor Center front would be. It has a 20'
sawtooth design and is 2/3 glass. It was verified that the buildings do go clear to the edge of the property. By flip-
flopping the building, the public services are now at the northern end of the plaza. The police, bus driver rooms, and
restroom facilities are then on Front Street instead of central. Mr. Benton felt they would serve better at the other [north]
end where they were originally designed. Also, the street presence of the Visitor Center is less because it sits back on
the site.
Dan DiGuilio acknowledged that with the flip-flop design, it puts the drivers, police station annex, and public facilities
farther away from the bus area. The suggested design would not be accessible for Transit employees. Russ Veenema
suggested leaving the building as it was approved at the last meeting, but move the staging plaza more north. Jack
Gateway Review Team Committee Meeting I November 13. 2003
Harmon added that the original way the building was designed and accepted would keep the airy, see-through look that
is very appealing and keep trying to address the wind factor, with possibly something designed to help block the wind.
After discussion, the committee felt it best to not flip-flop the building after all. Just moving the staging area may be one
solution. Chair Rogers asked if there is a motion to leave the building as it was accepted last meeting and move the
staging area. The Committee answered to the affirmative, with the motion submitted first by Larry Williams and
seconded by Wayne Barrett. Unanimously accepted to help keep the view corridor open. Plus, as Mr. Benton
reviewed the height and placement of the buildings, and street trees, there should be a fair windbreak, depending on
which direction the wind is coming from.
A copy of a handout from Ada, generated by Brooke Taylor (from Port Angeles Forward meeting), was passed around
so everyone could see the footprint as spoke of by Mr. Taylor. Aria clarified that all buildings go fight up to and borders
the street. The downtown design has all building guidelines going to the street. Overall, Russ felt it would be good to
get the staging area off of Front Street and moved back a bit and away from the heavy traffic. With the newer plan, you
would now be looking at the front of the visiting area.
Cost Estimates for Gateway Project Plan
Chair Rogers turned the meeting over to Greg Benton, Men-itt + Pardini Architects, to discuss the layout and costs
associated with the project. He handed out two sheets that he is working with, one being the Project Budget and Gap
Financing sheet and the second the Preliminary Redesign Estimate sheets, which are the more detailed planning
estimates. Mr. Benton said the overall costs have gone down from the previous discussion concept. The surrmaary sheet
shows the original plan costs kept at the level of earlier design. It reflects the 120 stalls at approximately $11,000 per
The big item to be discussed at this time is the Visitor Center. He pointed out the two things going against 'h~s" at this
time are (1) size of building is too small, and (2) because of the revisions made, the actual building is partially on grade
and partially on the plaza. Structurally the building will have to be on piles to keep the grade from settling at different
levels, which keeps cracks from forming. The building itself needs to be special to really stand out, and there will be
extra costs associated with that. The cost is higher due to the changes. He said to look at the balance between cost and
value. It will be the focal point of the project and downtown area. Greg made suggestions on how to cut costs down,
with assorted outside looks of building. This structure needs to be built to be beautiful for many years in the future,
rather than a boxy, get-by structure. Russ mentioned again that he could stay where he is if this has gotten too expensive
to be feasible. He is fearful he cannot stretch the budget this far. The concern is that the prices have almost doubled
from the original estimate. The 1 ~ and 2 story concept were discussed.
Orville wondered if there was a way to determine the economic value and impact in moving the Chamber to this site.
How much ora gain is there in doing this? What was the original concept of moving the Visitor Center to this site? Russ
responded that it is a community gathering area and as such brings people that much closer to shops and downtown
movement. He does feel they will be able to present more interpretive displays with the new building. Dan DiGuilio
questioned if the 10-15 parking spaces below could be sacrificed to keep the building at grade to help keep the costs
down? Dan said originally the concept was to have a building that could accommodate multi-agencies that would
represent, for example, the Park Service and what they have to offer, besides the Chamber and other agencies. At that
time, the thought was that there could be a second floor with rooms to let out to separate agencies, which would cut the
overall costs. Discussion took place about possible movement of retaining wall, which Mr. Benton felt would not be
The funding gap was discussed. Chair Rogers and Mike Chapman pointed out that this is a time to be bold in our
decisions. It will be representative of our city for many years to come. She also feels that as this project is completed,
the surrounding buildings will more than likely be brought up to a higher standard, also. The structural engineer at M
+ P felt that it needed to be either all on grade or all on pilings to keep the soundness of the building. Mr. Benton did
not feel many parking spaces, if any, would be lost with the addition of pilings, as many parking garages have them and
lay out their parking stalls to accommodate them. Chair Rogers summed up the conversation and asked how this
committee felt about a bold move and / or go with a very base building. Mike Quinn pointed out that the gap does not
look good at this time. Gary Braun voiced that putting up something costlier would make better sense in the long mn.
He felt the "bar" should be set higher for the future acceptance of the work done now. Arla reminded everyone that it
is important to keep the historical district designation area concept and feels the importance of a nice Gateway entryway
to the city. By keeping it bold, yet of historical design, would accomplish that. Then that thought opened up the
Gateway Review Team Committee Meeting 2 November 13,2003
discussion of keeping the VC building in or taking it out. Mike reminded the group that the concept would be that the
Chamber would be paying back the costs over time.
Orville asked what we would really save by taking the Visitor Center Building out of the project? It was answered that
it would be about $891,000. Mike Quinn explained his thoughts concerning the Chamber building and how he always
assumed that eventually they would be paying the costs back to the city. He explained the original gap created and the
fact that it is now almost doubled. Ada questioned if the City funding into this project is zero. She wondered where the
$1.5 million funds go from the sale of the assorted individual property, which isn't listed on these sheets today. She then
questioned if the $2.766 million gap for the city is really minus $1.5 million? Mike asked also where are you going
to get the gap for the FTA? Originally the costs and funding were as one project and not broken down. Mike reminds
us that probably Transit will not be adding into this project any funds. Arla felt this has developed into a bone of
contention. She said it has been always understood that parking money always replaces parking. Mike considers the
total cost; money from the land acquisition sales of city property should go into the project. Regardless, the gap is still
there. He feels it is certain to be a bond issue, being paid for by city funds, downtown business funds, and whatever
others they can come up with.
Chair Rogers said the question seems to be whether we understand a real ceiling of dollars that we cannot go past? Mike
said in the original fmancing, he felt that we could do this for about $2.5 million to $2.7 million debt. That was going
to require about $225,000 debt service annually, taking 20 years to pay off that debt. He was using that amount of debt
service to base revenue from parking, lodging tax, and private sector. If that debt service goes up to $300,000 -
$325,000, he does not know where the extra $100,000 a year could come from. It was brought up that we are starting
to design something we can't pay for; like putting the cart before the horse. Arla would like to know if we can fred out
if some of those funds we were hoping to have, such as Lodging Tax, could be a fn-m commitment. Are they available?
The known amounts available are the FTA fimds, TIB money, but we don't know for sure about the rest. Even the
parking tax Mike hoped to use would have to be authorized by the city council. Chair Rogers said that now that we have
consensus on the footprint and layout of the project, the work begins on costs. Do we have the combined VC? Is it in
or out? Do we leave it out now and build it later? Do we try to make a plaza with just the Transit facility down there
now? Now that we have the numbers, we have sticker shock.
Mike said he spoke with some private property owners. There is one area that Mike can't get around.., in terms of the
parking structure, one of the issues is whether the structure should be one level with 60 spaces, or two levels with 120
spaces. It is debatable if there is enough parking combining all the sources of parking. That is why we need to keep
the parking money separate from the rest. Arla clarified that the history behind all of this, is the parking under the lid
is park and ride. It is not downtown customer parking, it is only park and ride parking. Chair Rogers said we have to
view this project with long-term in mind and cannot let one unhappy property owner hamper progress. The question
is today that with this project and facility, can we be comfortable and look forward to having a Gateway plaza area with
the Transit facility only at this time, with it having the looks that will make it outstanding, and at a furore time add the
Visitor Center. Chair Rogers summed up that at this point the city is going to have to meet and go over the figures. They
will meet soon - Orville, Karen, and Mike. They will firm up the numbers.
Grant Munro, new city council member, was introduced to committee.
Next Meeting Date: TBA
Adjournment: 9:45 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
Sam Martin
Executive Administrative Assistant
Gateway Review Team Committee Meeting 3 November 13. 2003