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Port Angeles, Washington
November 14, 1995
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Sargent called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
SPECIAL MEETING: at 5:45 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Sargent, Councilmembers Doyle, Hulett,
McKeown, and Ostrowski.
Members Absent: Councilmembers Braun and Schueler.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, J. Pittis, B.
~ Becker~d. ~O2Ld.~S' Roberds.
Public Present: G. Wiggins, J. Baccus, J. Ralston, D. Fairbairn, J.
Thomburg, S. and L. Billings, P. Munro, T. and M.
Sheehan, P. Riley, J. Andis, M. Rowe, J. Bohman, F.
Butch, J. Schmitz, J. Davies, E. Manzo, J. and J.
Mattewon, R. Waldron, P. McDonagh, D. Duncan, D.
Powell, J. Morris, R. Melvin, F. Charles, C. L. Brown,
J. Glaubert, J. Ralston, R. Sepler, H. ~anusa,
Postma, J. Isenberger, J. Madison, L. Daniel, L. Billings,
D. Reidel, J. and S. Reed, L. Holm_an, T. Kapetan.
Planning Director Collins provided a detailed explanation of the proposal to rezone
approximately 80 properties City wide in compliance with the City's adopted
Comprehensive Plan using the supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS)
prepared for the proposal. Display maps were used to compare the Comprehensive
Plan Map and the current City Zoning Map which showed those areas proposed for
rezone, as well as those areas where discrepancies between the two maps exist but
which are not being proposed for amendment at this time. Director Collins answered
questions of Councilmembers.
The work session was adjourned at 6:53 p.m.
Mayor Sargent explained that following the public hearing, the final deliberation
would be continued to November 21, 1995, regular meeting for action.
PUBLIC HEARING: Rezone Proposal - REZ 94(11)07 - City of Port Angeles - City-wide: A proposal to
rezone various properties within the City in compliance with the Comprehensive
Rezone Proposal - Plan.
City of Port Angeles
Planning Director Collins provided a detailed explanation of the proposal to rezone
approximately 80 properties within the City in compliance with the City's adopted
Comprehensive Plan using the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Map
for display purposes. He explained that the City is charged with addressing the
growth needs for a twenty-year period in the Comprehensive Plan and that the
Comprehensive Land Use Map and the City's Zoning Map need to be in compliance.
At present the two maps are not in compliance and the zoning proposal is, therefore,
to correct the discrepancies. There are certain areas of the City that are not in
compliance which are not being proposed for rezone at this time due to the
significance of the existing uses. If individual property owners were to request
rezones in those areas consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, it is likely the
requests would be looked at favorably based on the directives of the Plan.
Mayor Sargent opened the public hearing at 7:10 p.m.
Director Collins began an item-by-item explanation of the 42 recommended rezone
areas, size, and the reason for the proposed change using Table 1 of the
supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS), attached as Exhibit 'A", for
reference. Mayor Sargent asked the audience to step to the podium and speak to
areas they had come to provide testimony on when those areas were brought up in
numerical order by the Planning Director. There were no comments on many areas.
Following is testimony provided by the public identified by area of concern.
November 14, 1995
PUBLIC HEARING: Area No. 1: (approximately 75.4 acres from RS-9, Residential Single Family, to
(Cont'd) RMD, Residential Medium Density.)
Rezone Proposal - Fran Burch, 1116 West Tenth Street, represented property owners who live out of
City of Port Angeles state who are in favor of the proposal to rezone to Residential Medium Density.
Area No. 5: (approximately 51 acres from RS-9, Residential Single Family, to
RMD, Residential Medium Density.)
Rick Sepler, Madrona Planning, 607-A Tyler, Port Townsend, representing Clallam-
Jefferson Community Action Council, supported the proposed rezone with the
Planning Commission's recommendation of a Planned Residential Development
(PRD) overlay to allow the neighborhood input on the planning development process.
There were specific reasons for selection of the site for a low and moderate income
housing development. Many concerns raised by the neighborhood during a previous
rezone action for the approximately 18 acres owned by Clallam County have been
addressed in the project design. Concerns raised during public hearings and public
review can and will be addressed in a PRD process. Environmental concerns will
be addressed during specific project review.
At the direction of the Mayor, Director Collins explained the Planned Residential
Development process to the audience and noted that if a PRD overlay zoning is
placed on a rezone, a PRD must be approved prior to the new zoning, in this case,
RMD, going into effect. If a PRD is not approved, the property remains
developable, in the case of Area No. 5, only at the current RS-9 designation.
John Andis, 3435 So. Mt. Angeles Road, read a letter from Mr. John Drain, 3617
So. Mt. Angeles Road into the record. Mr. Drain was opposed to the proposed
rezone particularly since the County failed in a proposal to rezone 18 acres of the
proposed area earlier in 1995 due to negative testimony from neighbors.
Rick Melvin, 3414 Wabash, objected to the rezone to RMD as proposed and asked
that this area be tabled for further review. He thought that other neighbors are
weary of the hearing process or would have been in attendance at this final public
hearing, but feel that their concerns have previously been made a matter of record
in the earlier rezone attempt by the County which was denied due to public
Jo Davies, 3174 Lost Mountain Road, represented the Clallam County Housing
Authority in recommending approval of the rezone as proposed by the Planning
Commission with a PRD overlay requirement. In addition to being responsible to
the neighbors, the City has a responsibility to the community to provide affordable
housing. There is a waiting list of some 600 families waiting for affordable housing
in this community. Affordable housing is not necessarily low and moderate income,
but is no more than thirty percent of a wage earner's income. She urged rezone of
the property in Area No. 5 to RMD.
Rex Waldron, 3418 Wabash, stated that the neighbors in Area No. 5, the Campbell
Avenue area, are against the property being rezoned as proposed. He asked that the
Council review the Planning Commission's many pages of testimony to that effect.
Martin Rowe, Clallam Jefferson Community Action Council, 802 Sheridan, Port
Townsend, stated that the land use questions addressed by the neighbors during the
previous public hearings can all be addressed through a PRD process. Buffering,
drainage, traffic, and noise, have all been addressed as those concerns were raised
by the neighbors. The neighbors may never be satisfied with a project of this type
regardless of the answers given by the proponent.
Dorothy Duncan, Clallam County Commissioner, 223 East Fourth Street, encouraged
the proposed rezone to allow the proposed low and moderate housing project to
Area No. 10: (Approximately 9.37 acres located from Civic Field and Efickson
Playfield to Seventh Street.)
Mildred Sheehan and Tom Sheehan, 911 East Sixth Street, opposed the' rezone of
property located two lots deep east of Race Street between Fourth Street and Seventh
Streets, a portion of Area No. 10. An increase in traffic, noise, and loss of privacy
were her stated concerns.
Jim Thornburg, 521 South Race Street, Harold Nanusa, 201 West Ninth Street, Don
Fairbairn, 932 East Sixth Street, Dave Postma , 919 East Sixth Street, Para Munro,
915 East Sixth Street, doan Isenberger, on behalf of her mother who lives in the
area, Jim Madison, 920 East Seventh Street, Linda Daniel, 1023 East Eighth (owns
property at 910 a~ut 913 East Seventh Street), Le Roy Billings, 917 East Seventh
November 14, 1995
PUBLIC HEARING: Street, Ed Monzo, 904 East Seventh, and Darin Reidel, 910 East Sixth Street,
(Cont'd) concurred with the previous speakers.
Rezone Proposal - Jim Reed, 485' Blue Mountain Road, owner of four of the undeveloped lots under
City of Port Angdes consideration, asked that the rezone be approved to RMD as proposed. He
(Cont'd) purchased the property to build condominiums for seniors. As there is a good deal
of traffic and noise generated from the Race Street corridor at this location, the
location is more conducive to a medium density use than a single family use. The
RMD properties would act as a buffer for the existing single family uses to the east
of the site and occupied by many of the previous speakers.
John Ralston, P.O. Box 1405, owns property in the area and supported the proposed
rezone. Given the amount of traffic on Race Street and other uses in the area, the
proposal would provide a good mix of uses and is an ideal location for RMD zoning.
Sandy Reed, 485 Blue Mountain Road, supported the rezone request. She described
other uses in the area including a church, Civic Field, Erickson Park, a nursing
home, an apartment complex, and office uses between Seventh and Eighth Streets,
which are a mix of commercial, public, and residential high density uses. The
proposal is for lots on the fringe of single family residential developed uses and
would act as a satisfactory buffer to other residential uses buffering the noise and
disruption of the Race Street corridor. She would prefer to see an office commercial
zoning for the lots'in question, two lots deep between Fifth and Seventh Streets, as
office uses are a quiet intrusion to an otherwise residential neighborhood as
commercial office uses typically occur during working hours of the week with little
traffic on weekends and evenings. The Race Street corridor is ideal for medium
density uses as it offers bus service and proximity to the City's park.
Break Mayor Sargent recessed the meeting for a break at 7:45 p.m. The meeting
reconvened at 8:00 p.m.
Area No. 16:(17.19 acres from RS-9 to RMD.)
John Ralston, P.O. Box 1405, asked for clarification of the result of properties being
proposed for rezone to PBP, Public Buildings and Parks, and whether the proposed
rezone would affect the use of currently non-conforming lots. Director Collins
answered that legal non-conforming lots of record could be developed to RS-7,
Residential Single Family zoning standards under PBP zoning and would not lose
development rights.
At this point Mayor Sargent announced that for the convenience of the audience,
speakers would be accepted at the podium in irregular order.
Area No. 32: (Approximately 3.07 acres not proposed for rezone.)
Jack Glaubert, Hardwick Road, Sequim, agreed with the course of non-action
proposed by the Planning Commission for this property.
Area No. 57: (Approximately 1.8 acres in the Fairmount Avenue area south of
Highway 101.)
LeAnn Holman, 1121 Fountain, agreed with the recommendation to rezone her
property east of Euclid Streets and adjacent to her property,-which is operated as the
Fairmount Restaurant, located between Fairmount and Euclid Streets.
Tony Kapetan, 1132 Hazel Street, was opposed to any commercial zoning between
Fountain and Glenwood Streets. He has no objection to Area No. 57 but does not
want the commercial zone to extend north toward the residential area that currently
exists. He apologized for arriving late, but also wished to state his objection to the
proposal to rezone Area No. 4 to Residential High Density (RHD) given the denial
of a multiple density rezone in the general area of the proposed rezone earlier in
1995. Testimony at those earlier heatings indicated that the area is already saturated
with multiple family uses and the resulting traffic affects property owners in the area.
Areas No. 67, 68, 69, 70 and 73: (Approximately 28 acres from IH, Industrial
Heavy, to CA, Commercial Arterial on Ediz Hook.)
Francis Charles, Chairperson of the Lower Elwha S'Klallam Tribe, 2851 Lower
Elwha Road, expressed serious concerns about the proposed zoning changes and
objected to any actionin approving them at this time. The Council should not take
any action until the potential impacts of those changes on the interests of the Tribe
are disclosed. She asked that actions on changes to Areas 67, 68, 69, 70, and 73
be continued until discussions between the Tribe and the City can occur.
November 14, 1995
PUBLIC HEARlNG: Director Collins explained that the current Industrial Heavy zoning would not allow
(Cont'd) a cultural resource center as proposed by the Tribe to occur. The rezoning proposal
is to allow the Tribe to develop such a center in the future if desired.
Rezone Proposal -
City of Port Angeles Area No. 70: (Rezone from Public Buildings and Parks to Industrial Heavy.)
Ken Sweeney, Environmental Manager for the Port of Port Angeles, 338 West First
Street, described the existing use activities occurring in Area No. 70, which is in the
Port Angeles Harbor, as including aquaculture, log booming, and anchoring of
vessels. He supported the proposed rezone in order to ensure those uses would be
able to continue. The Industrial Heavy zone is more appropriate for the long time
use of the area for industrially related activities than is the existing Public Buildings
and Parks District.
Director Collins offered to set up a meeting between the Port of Port Angeles, City
of Port Angeles and Tribal representatives following the close of the public hearing
and report to the Council for the November 21 deliberation.
Area No. 31: (Approximately 5.9 acres from Residential High Density to Public
Buildings and Parks zone.)
John Ralston, P.O. Box 1405, did not oppose the proposal but asked that it not
include the south .one-half of the 5/6 alley adjacent to his property as it is his
intention to purchase the remaining south one-half of the alley to combine with the
north one-half of the alley that he purchased upon vacation some time ago. He asked
for consideration of a rezone from CA to IH on a small parcel, less than 3,000
square feet east of the intersection of Marine Drive and 2nd Street. He asked that
a rezone be considered for the property located on the third lot west of the southwest
corner of Seventh and Race Streets to Commercial Office. He also requested
consideration of a rezone from RS-7 to RMD for his property located in the
Park/Porter area. As these areas were not specifically noticed for rezone, it was not
determined whether they would be candidates for rezone at this time.
As there was no further public testimony, the Council returned to those areas that
had not been under discussion previously and reviewed each area with Director
Area 74:
In response to an inquiry from a member of the public, Jack Glaubert, Director
Collins explained that although the SEIS indicates the 1.1 acre area should be
rezoned to PBP from its current IL, Industrial Light, classification, the Planning
Commission did not recommend action on Area No. 74 because the area is in the
public right-of-way.
Area No. 49: (Approximately 11.69 acres from Residential High Density to
Residential Single Family.)
Councilman Hulett questioned whether this area, which is platted as the Harborcrest
Subdivision, might not be better zoned RS-9, given that the lots appear to be large
enough and are adjacent to and have access through the Gales Addition area of the
County that is likely to be annexed as RS-9. Staff will check the plat to determine
the lot sizes.
There being no further comment, Mayor Sargent closed the public hearing at 9:15
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
'~y Cle;k (~ '~x~ .... CJ Mayo:
Exhibit "A"