HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/15/1935 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 341 ~ November 15. 1935 193_ "',.~ . ~""".'. .....,TUl. ~'."~N..... ~"'HT<"~. G.... The Commission met pursuant to adjournment at 1:30 p.m. and was oalled to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz am Masters, attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. Under the head of Unfinished Business the following re solu t ions were introduced: RESOLUTION TO PAY :roR BUILDING \..-:y~ b~ l;,jIJWt'7jll,g/) The sale to the City of Port Angeles having been oonfirmed on the bid of $10,500.00 by the ~ity for the following described real estate: North 80 feet of Lot 10, Block 15, Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington; the matter of furniture and fixtUres having been cleared up by a letter from the Deputy Supervisor of Banking for the S,tate of iiashington in charge of liquidating the Washing- ton State Bank; all local improvement assessments having,been paid in acoordane with the ShOwing on the abstract of Title and the opinion of the ~ttorney examining same; and satisfactory deed to the property from the Supervisor of Banking having. been tendered; IT IS RESOLVED that all of the details in connection with the purchase of the property have been completed and final, payment for the property and acceptance of the dMd be now made; that the Mayor and vi ty Clerk on deli,ver y of the deed be authorized to issue and deliver ,warrants upon the Eleotric Li~t J!und for the amount of the purchase price; and that the vlerk properly record the deed to the property in the office of the County ~ud,i tor of Clallam Gounty. It was moved by "ommissioner Masters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seoonded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. RESOLUTION CREATING EIGHTH STREET BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION FUND WHEREAS, the proceeds of the sale of the Ei~th Street Bridge Bonds, City of Port Angeles, have been deposited in a special fund created for the purpose of disbursement on bridge materials and other purposes and designated %J! "port Angeles Emergency Relief am 'WHEREAS, The completion of the said proJeot has been approved by the Public \10rks Adminis tra tion and granted aid under proJ eot designated as Public Works Adminis tra tion Project Docket No. Washington 1245, and it is required that the funds of the City of Port dngeles available for the completion of suoh work be kept in a separate account properly designated and reserved for the purpose of paying the sh3.re of the (lity in said project, and WHEREAS, Exclusive of the balance in the grant from the State of WaShington for the purpose of constructing said bridges, which is also available, the amount required from the City at present is the sum of $39,567.78; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That a special construction fund of the City of Port Angeles is hereby created to be knovm and designated as the "Eighth'Street Bridge Construction Funi", City of Port "'ngele s, in which fund may be deposited cer tain monies which are or may beoo,me available for the share of the City in the construction of the said bridges under Public Works ~dministration Projecit Docket No. Washington 1245, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Vity Treasurer is hereby authorized and instructed to transferfrom the Port Angeles Emergenoy Relief Fund'.to the Eighth Street Bridge Construo- tion Fund, hereby oreated, the sum of $39,567.78 as the first deposit of the City to ' apply on said work. Fund" , . It was moved by ~ommissjoner Masters that the above resolution be approved Bnd adopted. Seconded by Mayoi"'Davis. On roll call all membe rs voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion carried. There being no further Dusiness the ~ommission then adjourned. 7? 7m~~ , , ~,'(;'-0~ // e -C Ci ty Clerk Mayor ~