HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/15/1939 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington 103~ ~_ _. _._ Novemhcr_Jk 1939 19_ I I I I The Commission met in regular sessiin at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Commissioner Beam, Acting Mayor. . Roll call showed the following officers present: Commissioners Beam and Masters, /Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous ses sion were read and approved. Under the head of Applications f(>r Licenses the following were granted: Rhododendron Cafe, Restaurant Under the head of Reports from City Officers the following report was read: 15.00 November 15, 1939 To the Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Port Angeles, . Washington Gentlemen: I herewith sutmit the second and final estiinate (Nov.) of.work done and material furnished b.7 Sig ~arson, Contractor, on Peabody Creek Culvert at Third and Peabody Streets. 229 CU.- Yds. structural excavation @ $1.35 per CU. Yd. 551 n . If Class B Concrete @ $12.00 per Cu. Yd. 49220 lbs. Reinforcing Steel @ .065f per lb. $ 309.15 3972 .00 3199.50 Less 15 % Retained $7480.45 1122.07 $6358.38 1380.42 Less Previous Estimate Amount due Contractor $4977.96 Yours very truly, H. E. Dodge; City Engineer It was' moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing jlngineer' s Report be accepted and the City Gleri<: be instructed to issue a warrant in the sum of $4977.96 to Sig Larson. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayur declared the motion carried. Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described real property in theCounty of Clallan and State of Washington, to-wit: The South one-half (s!) of the North-East Quarter (NEi) of Section Six (6), Township Twenty-nine (29), North of Range Five (5) West W.M. AND WHEF.EAS, David Burrows and Brad Fox, a co-partnership, doing business as B>~rrows and Fox, own timber rights both to the South and East of said tract of land and are desirous of obtaining as easement across the above described land for the purpose of logging and marketing said timber owned b.7 them, and; WHEREAS, said Burrows and F'6x have agreed, in addition to the 'p'aymentc of One Dollar ($1.00) for said easement, to at all times conduct their logging operations in' a safe and eanitary manner, taking into consideration at all times that said property is in and adjacent to the water sheds of the City of Port Angele s . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Port /Angeles grant to the said Burrows and Fox an easement over and above and through the above described real property at the most convenient and natural place to build the same for the purpose of transportine their logs over and across said tract of land with the proviso,however, that said easement shall be conducted at all times as a private road and with a fUrther proviso that if requested at any time by the City of Port iAilgeles that the said Burrows and Fox will put a gate across said easement at such place as the said City may designate and that the City Cleri<: of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to execute said easement for a period of ten (10) years and that the Mayor of the said City be and he hereby is instructed to countersign said easement. ,It was moved by Commissioner Masters thilt the foregoing r~,solution be approved and adopted. Seconded b.7 Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. lhe Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following olaims and ordered warrants dra~ for same: CURRENT EXPElISE FUND ".. 104 November :1.5, 1939 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington 19_ 400.08 270.98 "..\, 72.73 37.55 57z<-f . 4977 .96 39.26 507.16 40.00 49.50 26.35 202.04 112.33 4.5jl 7.20 4.05 19.80 8.40 34.20 35.60 29.40 57'-80 22.29 t:'? 7.16 I')'?-'Y - 37.91 2.24 829.02 65.37 5.92 7765.28 35.65 {I 52.19 58.75 ~ t o~ ~ 15.09 5.82 742.74 177.84 Gas & Oil n Ii II It appearing that fractional lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 43, N. R. Smith's Subd., owned by Jessie Rex Haynes have been graded and arA now being used for park purposes; 'and it further appearing that the owner of the I said lots has offered them to the City for the sum of $25.00, and that said lots should be purchased to I be used for park purposes. I It was therefore moved qy Commissioner Masters that the City purchase the above described property, and that the sum of 425.00 be paid to the said Mrs. .Jessie Rex Haynes upon the delivery of a deed conveying said I properly to the City. Motion seconded qy Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The I Mayor declared the motion carried. I i I I The Texas Co. I Union Oil Co , Angele s Gravel & Supply Co. I " n II n " i Sig Lars on , WATER FUND Lumber, etc. Steel, etc. Final Estimate City Treasurer State Treasurer Purmaid Dairy Palmer Supply Co. , The Texas Co. I Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Paris Motor Co. Light Dept. Marckmann & Vdlliams B. R. Sandquist C. W.Gormley Chas. Sinclair Arthur Sterk J. H. Kipling Hugh Martin V. A. Samuelson & Co. Union Oil Co. 11 " Ind Ins & Med Aid Business Tax Nov. Rent Pipe Coupling & Supplies Gasoline Pipe &: Fittings Pipe Bands Repairs Lub. Oil Pipe Nipples Labor " Truck Repairs Kerosene n & Gasoline LIGHT FUND City Treasurer State Treasu!:'er V. A. Samuelson & Co. Olympic Stationers P. S. Power & Light Co. The Texas Co. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. Union Oil "0. of C1Hifornia Myers Electric Co. Med Aid Business Tax Truck Repairs Supplies Power Bill Gasoline Meter Parts Gasoline Repair Sign PAliK FUND City Treasurer Ind Ins & Med ~d LIGHT INVESTItENT FUND Ci ty Treasurer Warrants Purchased REVOLVING FUND City Treasurer Taxes Under the head of New Business,- There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ?;~ City Clerk .... ~~ Mayor I I I I I