HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/15/1944 ,.. 56 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Nov~ber-L54~15L44, 19__ The ~ommissi.on me~.in re~la~"sessionat 10 A.M. and was cal~ed to order by Mayor.Robinson. Roll CAll showed the foUoID-ng off1'cers present: Mayor Robinson, Comm1ssioners Beam and'Masters,.Attorney Johnston and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applicatiohll!for Building Pennits the following' were granted: w. H. Smith, Alteration of Kitchen, Lot 15, Blk 255 Townsite Fred. Owens, Move House, Lot 1, Block 19, N.R. Smith Subd Evening News Press, Radio Broadcasting ::Jtation, Lot 17, Blk 10 Townsite R. F.. Luke, Remodel 6 CabinS, Lot 7 Bll, 57, Leighton's Subd. . R. F. Luke, Build Shower and Wash House, Lot 8 Blk 57, Leighton's Subd. M. Goldwater, Put in furnace, Lot 1, Blk 1, Tideland l>ast.,. Joseph Vane, Remodel Building, Lot 20 Blk. 156, Townsite Ole Sperstad, Put Partition in, Lot 4, Blk 15, Townsite 100.00 . cO , Q- -, \,0 4,500-.00' 200,00' 200.00 lSO.OO 200 .00 200.00 I The Commlssi"n i~structed the City ,;Clerk to issue a call for bids for the purchase of. two t rucks and garbage. and rubbish collector body.. Bids to be received by the City Clerk up to and not later than 10,00 A. M. November 29, '1944.. at the City Hall. Specifications may be obtained from the City Clerk. City Commission reserves the right to reject any am all bide. one The I Under the head of new bus iness : Jack Blossom, owner of the Little Brick Tavern, having sold the Little Brick Tavern to R. E. Smith and E. w. Ernst, requested the City Commission in writing to transfer his licenses, Soft Drink #5552, Music Machine #5555 and two Amusement Machines #18-2, to the said R. E. Smith and E. W..Ernst. There being no objection the City Commission instructed the Ci tq Clerk to make said transfers as re- quested. L. S..Larrick, owner cf Larrick'S Cafe, laving sold the Larrick's Cafe to R. E. Smith and E. W. Ernst, requested in writing that his licenses, Restaurant #5421, Soft Drink #5425, Music Machine #5422 and trra Amusement Machill9s #18-18, be transferred to the said R. E. Smith and E. W. Ernst. There being no objection the City Commission instructed the City Clerk to make said transfers as re- ll[Uested. Under the head of Appointment of Officials: Mayor Robinson appointed Richard S. IJubigk, an accredited veterinarian, as a Meat Ins]:ector. It was moved by Commissioner Deam that the foregoing appointment be confirmed. Seconded by Commissioner V.asters. On roll call all members voted Aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head Introduction of Resolutions, the follcwing Resolution was introduced, I RESOLUTION _ WHEREAS, the United States of America; commenced an action in the District Court for the Wester..District of Washington, Northern Division, being No. 561, to condemn certain property oimed by the City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation, which is described in the petition and pleadings thereon. WHEREP.S, the petitioner has now proposed to dismiss said condannation proceedings, and it is necessary that JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON, as Citq Attorney, s1gb certain papers to procure said dismissal. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON, as attorney for the City of Port Angeles, is hereby authorized to sign and execute any instruments, which, in his opinion, may be necessary to effectuate the dismissal of the action above .referred to. \: . Passed by the City Commission and executed by the Mayor this 15th dqy of November, 1944. Vernon J. Robinson Mayor ATTEST: >".N.M. Hawkins . City Clerk , ! APPROVED AS TO FORM, Joseph H. Johnston . City Attorney -I "\. It was moved })y' Mayor Robinson that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner jjeam. On roll call all members voted A:ye. q;he Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of Unfinished Business: The City Commission instructed the City Treasurer to publish the following notice of payment of all outetanding Municipal Water Works Elwha River Extension Bonds dated January 1, 19441 I llQITm Notice is Hereby Given that the City of Port Angeles, Washington has elected to call for payment and redemption on January 1, 1945 all of the outstanding Municipal Water Works Elwha River Extension Bonds ,. dated January 1, 1930, in the principal sum of $572,000.00. The owners and holders of said bonds are hereby called upon to present said bonds for redemption and payment on said 1st day of JanWlry, 1945, either at the office of the City Treasurer of the Citq of Port Angeles, Washington, or at the Fiscal Agency of tha State of Washington in New York City. You are fUrther notified that interest on said bonds will cease on JanuarJ 1, 1945. This Notice is given by order of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Port Angeles. Dated this 15th day of November, 1944. lil... I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington November 15, 1944 19_ It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing Notice of Payment of Borrls be published by the City Treasurer,. Seconded by Mayor Robinson. On roll call all members voted Aye. The Mayor declared the' motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same' CURRENT EIPENSE FUND Olympic Stationers Gi ty Treasurer P. A. Evening News State Treasurer J. R. McDonald Scrap Book Light & Water-City Barn Streets & Sewers Street Lights fire Hydrants Add. for new hydrants Publications Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid. Services for Octo bar 6.74 100.00 697.00 590.00 18.00 City Treasurer CITY STREET FUND D. & B. Battery & Elec. Angele s Foundry Co. . P. A. Concrete Prod. -Co. Shell Oil Co. Willson Hardware Co. State Treasurer Set of Points '!II.anhole Covers Sewer Pipe Gasoline, etc. Hardware Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid. , WATER FUND D & B Battery & Ele c. Station State Treasurer Willson Hardware Co. J.,A. Epperson & Sons Angeles Radiator Shop State Treasurer Repair Parts Utility Tax for Sspt.& Oct. 1944 Supplies Lumbar Repairing Radiators Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid. LIGIlTFUND State Treasurer Wm. L. Turner Zellerbach Paper Corp. Willson Hardware Co. Clallam Countt PUD#l Sta te Treasurer Utility Tex for Sept. & Oct. 1944 Repair adding machine Janitor Supplies Washers Power for Octo ber Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid. LIBRARY FUND New Method Book Bindery, Ioc. The Macmillan Company City Treasurer "Interim 11 Willson Hardware Co. United Jani tor Supply Co. The Library of Congress '" A. C. McClurg & Co. J ennilu Norris Bindil'€ Books Light & Water at Library Magazine Fertilizer Supplies . Printed Catalog Ce.rds Books Petty Cash I PARK FUND . D & B Battery & Elec. Store I. ,Willson Hardware Co. P. A. Concrete Prod. Co. Madge H. Nailor Spark Plugs Hardware Sewer Pipe Hal. due on sale of Lt.15,Blk.421. Townsite & ,.2 It. 5, E2 It. 6 Blk .422 townsite Lights, Lincoln Park 5.80 Webster Park .75 Water, City Parks 15.15 Lt. & Water - Playfield RecordS Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid. City Treasurer City Trea surer Mulholland's Radio Shop State Treasurer STATE AID FUND Willson Hardware Co. City Treasurer Supplies Light & Water at Fire Hall Lt. 15.10 W. 4.20 Tide ~ater Associat ed Oil Co. C. A. Wolverton , Standard Oil Co. Light Department Gasoline Car Expense Gas Light - Fire Hall 11 _ Playfield Expense Account 15 .10 ~ Francis Pearson WAR LIQUOR TAli FUND Waitkus Supply Co. Standard Oil Co. City Trea surer Mrs. Edith Hayton City Treasurer R. O. Ide I R. O. Ide Nelson's Cafe Hoare & Headrick Tidewater Associated Oil Co. The Electric Co. Larrick's Cafe E. J. Pocock Larrick's Cafe Olympic Stationors State Treasurer Radio Supplies Gas Telegram Servicos Lights at Firehall Expense Account Mileage for use 0 f car Meals for prisoners Repairs Gasoline Pilot lights Meals for prisoners Radio Repairs Ileals for prisoners Supplies Ind. Ins. & lied. Aid. There being ~o. ~ur.f her business the Commission th~n adjourned. . f}1, {YI;J/-mv~ , Ci to' Clerk ~JOf~ Mayor 2.06 106.74 1,105.00 56.91 9.79 25.00 1~,?5.>, .70 18.54 1.05 19.76 7.W 51.04 n.r7 8.91 542.97 5.24 2.60 11.59 18.85 590. /II 1,202.81 5.50 8.85 .51 12,258 .00 21.45 ,~- "19'1-9, 2.55 18.51 9.19 1.W 5.4.1 ll.55 15.42 168.99 4.66 :<'37.1'1 4.64 1.52 12.88 114.58 21.70 54.45 5.22 8.60 -<103 3'1 2.27 17.30 58.40 26.65 9.00 15.85 11.56 !1?.'?3 7.45 16.92 .49 5.00 15.10 5.20 22.55 --21.01 8.55 65.60 1.67 I 22.09 ~ I S.7l I 91.77 4..79 27.49 JI? .~D 57 I ~