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Proceedings of the City..Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
November 15 19~
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The City Council met in regular sessionat 7:30 P.N. and was called to ord~r by Mayo,r.
Neer. Roll call of officers mowed the following present; Councilmen SandlSJn, Mattuleu,
Wolfe, NcFadden and iojaxf'ield, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law.
It was moved by Councilman Sandison that minutes of the previous meeting be a~proved. Se-
conded by Councilman Hatthieu an d carried.
'Under the head of unfinished business, bids t.o furnish 8411 concrete pipe were received as
$31.90 per ft. Manager Vergeer recorunended that the bid by Seattle. Concrete Pipe Co. be
accepted. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that bid be awarded as recommended. Second-
ed by Councilman "folfe and carried.
j'BidS to furnish tpuck and packer body f'or the Sanitation Deparbnent were received from the
following companies:
THE TRICOACH CO., Heil 16 yd. body only, mounted on chassis, State tax not incl., $5,187.50
'TOTEloj EqIIPi'lENT CD., one 16 yd. Leach Paclanaster body only, F.O.B. factory, state tax incl~
1$5,767.49; Same F.O.B., Port Angeles, $6,337.99. Alternate: _ 16 yd Leach Packmaster
IDemonstrator mounted. on 1956 Nodel R-192 International, F.O,B, Port Angeles, State Tax
Incl., $8,783.33. _
/RUDDELL. OIDS CADILLAC, INC., Option No.1, 1957 IH6 delivered to b odymanufacturer Eastern
,Plant, fi4,f167.67; Option No.2, 1957 mc delivered at body manufacturer Eastern Plant,
jState Tax Incl., $4,617.97. ..
IJANISH MOTOR CO., one Dodge V-8, Model D600 - 2100 GVW heavy duty, state tax incl.,
/$4,223.75; deduc~ $125,00 if delivered to liody manufact~Jler. Alternate: -One Dodge V-8
'D700, Tax Incl, :;$5,280.73. Deduct :W150.00 if delivered t.o manufacturer for body assembly.
.SCHREINER CHEVROLET CO., 2200 GVW 1957 Model 10503 Chassis and cab, State tax not incl.,
~RIEST LOGGING ~~D EQUIP}[ffi,T CO., One GMC Model 454V Cab and chassis, state tax included,
'$4,340.00. A~ternate:. 163/4 yd. Galion Hydro E-Z ~ack Body installed on chassis, state.
jtax:lnoluded, -ijp4,443.33 swne, F. J.B. Galion, Ohio, $4,06~.17..
.It was moved by Councilman J.:cFadden that all bids be tabled f'or further study. Seconded
IbY Councilman SandiS) n and carried.
Clallam Theatres, Inc., filed another request f'or exemption from paying admission taxes
las provided by Ordinance. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that request be tabled f'ar
f'urther investigation and more inf'ormation regarding policy of other cities, al so replace-
'ment d'revenues if colle ction discontinued. Hotion seconded by Councilman Haxi'Ield and
~ixed estimate claims against L.I.D. No. 167 were gpproved as f'ollows: Olympic Tribune,
;publications, ~f3.90; Olympic Tribune, Publications, ~p9.10. It "Ias moved by Councilmen
'Sandison that claims be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Hatt,hieu a-l d carried.
Manager Vergeer reported on installation of traf'f'ic signals recently approved, advising
;that material has been ordered. Also discussed was synchronizing signals at ~_th, 6th,
'and 8th streets. Estimate of' cost will be obtained as per Council request.
~rdinances regulating operating of' public address vehicles were submitted without action,
copies of' same to be f'urnished each member for f'urther study before action considered.
Under the head of' new business, claims f'or damages were s~bmitted as follows: Ernest R,
Eldridge, f'or flooding of' basement due to sewer disorder in amount of' :;;1,282,00. Madge
~. Nailor, damage to car caused by concrete block in roadway at Ocean View Cemetery, in
lamount of ~h4.00. It was moved by Councilman i1cFadden that Claims be ref'erred to the City
Attorney. . Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and cgrried.
Pursuant to request f'rom the Clallam County Fair Association f'or title to that portion of'
jLincoln Park now used by them, Mr. Vergeer reported that the City acq.:tired propBrty by
patent from the U. S. Government. Attorney Severj~S advised that patent should be studied
caref'ully before any decision, as agreement specif'ies that property shall revert to the
~overnment when no longer used for park purposes. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that
~eport be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by. Councilman Sandton and carried.
plaims paid November 7 and 15 were approved :im total amount of $55,813.62. It Has moved
by Councilman Hatthieu that claims be approved as paid., al so reports of Polic'e Judge
for September and October and wark report of' the Street Department f'or October be approved
and filed. Motion seconded by Councilman Wolf'e and carried.
Mayor Neer informed ,that pulp wood trucks are using "r" Street Hill instead of' logging route
~d cited possibility of' damage to the new construction by overload. It was the qinion
of' Council that load restrictions should be posted and heavy traf'fic instructed to used
toute built for that purpose.
!Councilman Wolf'e advised Council that water seeps across pavement on Normandy Hill at
2d and Cherry Sts., which should be eliminated bef'ore freezing weather. Also discusffid was
condition of ballast on Sherry Hill construct~6n. A thorough in~ection of' conditions
will be made.
Don Morrisen of Olympic Health District, cited sewage disposal problems in Valley Street
and restrictions against connecting to contemplated 84" culvert installation.
I"under the head of' introduction of' Resoltions, the f'ollowing was introduced and read:
A RESOLUTION of' tJlre City of Port Angele s, Washington, repealing ReID lution No. 27-56 of
!the City, adopted July 19, 1956.
lIt was moved by Councilman Wolf'e that the foregoing Resolution be adopted. Seconded by
CounCilman Sandison and carried.
~nder the head of' introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and
:placed on first reading: ORDINANCENO. 1380
:AN ORDINANCE of' the 6ity _oi Port Anf'li~s. 11ashi=tQn-.reDtl1~i"l:ili ~B\}~l1le:H<teJiiol'J. 6~t:.ta~E the
,City, passed and approvea July 191 :1:'1;'0, prov~<ll:'tlg lOr- p
Proceedings of the q!y'. Commission of the qtY.9f. Port Angeles, Washington
No"smDsr 15, 1959
areauwithin the city by the construction and installation of' sanitary sel..ers and doing
all work necessary in connection' therewith and incidental thereto, pursuant to Resolut-
ion No. 170 of' the City; creating a local improvement district theref'or, and providing
that the payment of' the cost of' said improvements be made by special assessments upon
the property in said district payable by the mode of' "payment by bonds."
I t was moved b~ Councilmw McFadden that the f'oregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted.
Seconded by Councilman Matthieu and carried.
There being no f'urther business, the meeting was declared adjourned.
(j I!, -J-~~
tI ' City Clerk
. iiJ.ayor
,~ Bids w11l tle.received at the ofnce
~~f ~'e,:;i~eg1..~lo:J ir~;te~~on~l~~.~
Port Angeles. Wa.sh. up to 5:00
i o'clock p.m. December 10, 1956 for
, the followitlg: '
2- 50 KV ^ line .transformers,
24OO/4160Y. to 120/240 Volts. 6{l
cycle, slngle phase, with standard
taps and 'bushings.
" git:M~::~~'~~.~i~
Pub; Nov. "30. Dec. 7, 195eT.
Bids will be rece:lved up to i5:00
O'Clock P.M.. Qec.ember 20, 1956
a.t _the office of t.he City Clerk.
Port Angeles, ..WaehingLoit"'on the
proPOSed purchase 'by Said City of
thirty (30) _ parlting...-meter heads
I ~~~pA~~r :::i~ io:o~n~n~r t~~
nickel 1l:eposits. . c.-
. A five \ per_ cent. cash. deposit or
bid bond must accompany all pro-
posals _ aDd the -City' reserves _ the
~fh1t~.. ac.cep~'. '~r "reject any, ilf
G. . S. ,V.E;OOEER,
.: City Mllna.ger
p'.ub, ..NOv:, 30, Dec. 7, 1956T;
Bids- will. be ree~ived up to 5:00
O'Clock P.M.. D~emqer 20, lllij6
at -the office QI the City Clerk, ].40
Vi .ee~, ,Port Angeles.
W ermg the purchase
b ght Department of
y-'watt f,m. Moblle
Radio Transmitter _ and receiver
r (nuts complete with transistorized
I microphone and speaker, controls
and cables'. for dual six volt and
j t':~:~ycie~,t operatioi1\_'_O~ 39,1'8,
Bidder shall show allO"W"ance for
trade in of three-thirty watt 6 volt
E; . Me.l [MobUe Units..
..81<l' deposit or bkl bOnd of five
l!:~ ~ent must accompanI, aU pro-
~p~~r ~~rec~e~~~e;r r~~ ~i~~, ac- I
CJty Maneger
"Pub, NOV. 30" Dee, 7, 1956T.
P_ro~osB~ will be reeeh'ed at the
office of Ule CHy..clel'k, City Hall,
~:dtn~fael:l~' dt~na~hh~g~~,n D~~e~~
ber 20, 1956, for furuishin,g; com-
prehen<;1ve pUbliC liability and
property damage_ Insurance cover-
lIlJf all properties and all opel'.
ahon.::: of the Clty of Port Angeles,
Washington B-nd also fot" furnishing
fire -transportations and theft in.
surance on the City owned auto-
Proposal FOI'm - indica ting the
kind. of policies ,that will be ac-
ceptable, and a hst. of the present
exposur.es upon which to base the
}jl'emium Chal'ges may be secured
from the City Clerk, at his office
In Port Angeles, Washington.
The ,City COUllCll reserveS the
right to reject any and all bids,
01' to W3\\,'e_ an:r formalities, if, in
theIr opinion.. the best interests- of
the City ',,"ill be served thereby.
. ' J. E. LAW,
City Clerk . ~.."
Port iAngeles, Washihgton,
Pub: Dec. 7, 14. 1956T. . .