HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/15/1962
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
L 6 N PRINT'.... co. P.2U!" <Os>
li:rhe City Council met in regular session .at 7:30 p.m. Officers present were: Mayor Maxfiel~
~councilmen Smith, Thorne, Haguewood, Cornell, Willson, and Wolfe; Manager Slankard, Attorn~;
liMoffett and Clerk McNeece. II
It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that minutes mf the previous meeting be approved as receil~ed.
Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. ,\
Councilman Haguewood, Chairman for the committee, reported the committee:s recommendation
(that a minimum of $1800.70 be set for Lots 5 to 10 inclusive, Block 356, as a group. It I
'was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the committee's recommendation be accepted and that the
six Lots be advertised for sale at ,a minimum of $1,800.70 for the group. Seconded by I'
Icouncilman Cornell and unanimously carried.
It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the request for variance by F. P. Fisher, 531 W..
7th Street, for a saw sharpening and lawn mower shop be referred to the Planning Commission.
Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. . [I
A request for variance by Public Utility District No.1, for a pole yard and warehouse i
facility on Lots 119 and 120, located on the south side of the Cemetery Road on the air- I
IPort property was received and discussed. It was moved by Councilman Smith that the I
request for variance be referred to the Planning Commission. Seconded by councilman wolfel
, and ce.rried. [,
I Copies of the proposed ordinance pertaining to parking and traffic controls and amending ]
the code of the City of Port Angeles having been presented to the Councilmen, it was moved
by Councilman Smith that any action be delayed until the next meeting. Seconded by I
Councilman Wolfe. The City Attorney informed that after drafting the proposed traffic
control ordinance, he received a recommended Uniform Traffic Ordinance for all cities from
the Association of Washington Cities and suggested that perhaps the Council would like to il
study this ordinance before passage of a traffic ordinance, also that sub. paragraph C and
Section 14 of the proposed city traffic ordinance could be made up in ordinance form to II
I take care of the changes in the parking Meters in the City's Parking Lot and the twenty- '\'
!four hour parking restriction in the City's free Parking Lot.. After further discussion ijj
!was moved by Councilman Willson that sub section C - "The City parking lot located on II
'Front Street between the Police Station and City Light Building is designated and estab-
lished as a parking meter zone as follows:
East one-half of Lot, consisting of forty-two (42)meters,
.05C per hour and .25C for five (5) hours.
Section 14: There is hereby added to Section 17.31 of the Code of the City of Port Angel~s
a new s\.!bdivision to read as follows: I
TWENTY-FOUR HOUR ZONE. The free City parking lot located North of Front Strellet
\ between Laurel Street and Oak Street, being' portions of Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Tidelands
West." _ to be enacted as an ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously
The sixth and final progress payment to K. T. Henderson, Inc. for work and materials furn-I:
ished on construction of the new Municipal Library was presented for approval. After
discussion it was moved by Councilman Thorne that the progress payment to K. T. Henderson;
,Inc. in total amount of $24,5Ul.61 be approved and paid, but that the building not be I
i accepted as completed at this time. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unanimously
carried. '
West one-half of Lot, consisting of forty-two (42)meters,
.05C per hour and .2SC for ten (10) hours.
It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that permission be granted to call for bids for Regular
and Ethyl gasoline, Heavy fuel oil and Diesel oil for use by the City during 1963.
Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried.
The following reports were presented for approval: City Treasurer's Financial Report for
October, Budget Report of Expenditures, police Department, Police Judge, Fire Department,
Light and Power Work and Billing Reports and Water Department Work and Billing Reports.
It was moved by Councilman Willson that the reports be accepted and placed on file.
Seconded by Councilman Smith and unanimously carried.
Claims payable were presented for approval in amounts of: General Funds, $63,536.27,
Water Fund, $1,606.58, Light Fund, $7,815.94. It was moved by Councilman Smith that the
claims in total amount of $72,958.79 be allowed as enumerated. Seconded by Councilman
Cornell and unanimously carried.
It was moved by Councilman Smith that the payrolls for October, in total amount of
$66,896.59 be approved. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and unanimously carried.
Minutes of the special meeting of the Planning Commission November 1, was read. It was 'I
the commission's unanimous recommendation that the Council approve the application of I
IMr. H. M. McGee for a variance on Lot 5, Block 294, to permit the construction of a car .
port on the side of Valley Street Gulch less than 25 feet hold back from 9th street. It ,
was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the Planning Commission recommendation be accepted
and Mr. McGee's applecation for variance in zoning ordinance on Lot 5, Block 294, be
approved. Seconded by Councilman Willson and unanimously carried.
It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the Planning Commission minutes be accepted and
placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried.
The following resolution was introduced and read in full:
Resolution No. 14-62
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
of proceedings to vacate certain alleys
Subdivision of Surburban Lots 21 and 36
City of Port Angeles providing for the irtstitutioA
in the City of Port Angeles located in Cain's II
on' D. W. "0"'" 'n"'n'.'o, 0' 'ne'n",.' Co, ,. I
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
I.llo HPRINTINlI 0;0. ~
It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing Resolution be adopted, that December
20th at 7:30 p.m., be set for the hearing date. Seconded by Council~an Haguewood and
unanimously carried.
Councilman Wolfe asked what has been happening about the water situation in the Golf Club
,area. as far as the people behind the Golf Club are concerned. The City Manager informed
Ithat no decision has been reached, as there seems to be a difference of opinion among the
,pe?ple involved as to what was to be done. During the discussion, the City Manager pointed
lout that there ~re three methods which could be used. Meter them, charge them flat rate
land deduct it from the Golf Course or they annex to the City.
The Mayor expressed regret at the passing of Murray F. Randall, who was a Councilman for
four years, was active in Union affairs and other community activities, including youth
sports activities, and extended sympathy to the family left behind.
Mr. Dave white, Field Representative of the Operating Engineers Union, Local 312, spoke
for a group of City Employees and asked to be recognized as bargaining agent for that I
group. He expressed the feeling that the wage adjustment of $15.00 per month allowed in '
the 1963 Budget was entirely inadequate and asked that the adjustment be reconsidered and Ii
$30.00 per month be allowed. During the lengthy discussion which followed, it was pointe~,
out that the 1963 Budget, a balanced budget, has already been passed, therefore. no furthel\,
~djustment can be made at this time.
Councilman Wolfe suggested that a committee be appointed to meet with the employees to
determine why they felt that they needed a bargaining agent, and to try to get at the
root of the problem. Mayor Maxfield appointed a committee made up of Councilman Wolfe,
Cornell and Smith along with the City Manager and Attorney.
Mr. Ferguson presented petition for Annexation of an area in the South Mt. Angeles Road.
It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the petitions be accepted for study. Seconded by
Councilman Thorne and carried.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
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1 A-. no'/'&
NOTICE or SA%.!: ','
the City of Port Angelefl will sell
to tIll'! highest nnd beEt bidde. the
fol'lowlng dl'!!;crlbed real property, to-
LOts 5 to 10, lnolUJItvo, Bloelr: 35S
Townalte, mJD.1mum all set by the
City CoUZlc11 1. '1,800.70, plus oo~
vertlJdnr costa.
NOTICE is further given that scal-
ed bids will be l'Cccived for the
flame at the City Hall until 5 :00 s
o'clock P. !'\t, December 20, 19C2, and,
I~~t la~~~o~td of"~50\ ~~3:c~~J'arJ~t
of amount bid or the ,oUel" will not'
.be conslderl)(1. The CHy Council re-,
'ser\'es the right to sell luts single 1
'or as !l. lInlt, or to reject any or1
~.all bId!'!. M. w. SLANKARD.
City 'Mans&"cr
,:~hed~ .~~~~2?'tc: .E.~
l. NO'1'1CE 01' CALL. POll- B.llig -1
City of Port AnCe1C13, Walhil'lgton \
NunCE 18 HER111DY GIVEN Thatj
1ricI1.Ieo bj(j!-: will be received by 111"':
!3~~JY(J1~i:eo~~ ~~~e~ei~Y \r{~~;~~;O~l'lr~
~\YICf't Front Street, unPi 7:30 o'clock
'f;h~~ ~~~s~11~~~ 2dOleR~~62Mf~r. :~~;
1:1~i~el~i~n:sor d:~~g CI~h~" ~~~~nlH)G3~
!Deli\'crY shall be made nt tlle ga..'l[)-
li~:' ~~l~~~ s\i~~nCi;~ilLi~iltt~arcl\~
Rall l<~jre Station and the .Tuvenllc
I: lluilctlng: UIl, ]~incoln Street, Wltl1 fUel.;,
oiLN~n;Ig~e:se~ll bids shall be !'l1l~.'
mitted on hil1 sheet made part 0:1' (h]~
bid call, for gFll".ol.i~(') ?nly.
G8~~~~~rQ~~~11~~~~~' , . . 4~,~~~!
H~t~~'lf;:I<;~::n:ll~li' b~' PS'-300 'and I
he Q.uoted dclivered ill .tankS rtt thcl
f~l~~[~e~;l~o bbU~I~~~g t~~h:'lcif;nwrt~~~i
t'aJ;:e!'; adjl:sted to ShOW l1et pIlCC;
~~~ ~:~y ;<~~~t ~~y tT,~d ~:_h~~~t~dot~~~
~~~i~~'re~i~Elel t:t:~t;:~llD~~aitl~~~11
tank at tIlE' City CorporutlOn Yarll .on I
Seventh Street, the City H~lI, polIce,.
nUJ~d~n2it~~o~:]~~;1 ;~ie;,~tl~~~ right;
to accept' or reject any or all bids
or any p:\rt thp.reof and purcha::;e
I ~aaSrl1~~,e and _ fuel uil on tbe ope)
All bidf; will he IJpened and re.~
'cwed by the City OlUl1cll ~n rcgu-l
~~~"ses:~~~~;l~d; t~i C~~30C11 S~l~l~t
P: ~L, December ~~' ';'.~6~'T.ANKAnD i
Pllbllshed: Dec, 13 ~l~~ ~~~fl;~~j~r J