HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/16/1949 I I I I 'I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 6011 November 16. 19~ ,..11I. .. ..~...... ..~nL""._ ......TI~.. U177" : The Commission met in regular session, and was called to order at 10:00 A.H. The officers present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbull, and Clerk Law. ~inutes of the previous session were read and approved. I Ullder the head of applications for licellse rellewals, the following were granted: i'Woody's Cafe 11"~ , Lloyd I s Cafe Lloyd's Cafe Pa Uer s on Hotel Ilar:ington's C.,fe Jack's Barber Shop l!estaurant Restaurant Soft Drink Hotel Opera tor Restaurant Barber Shop Operator 12.00 12.00 5.00 5.00 12.00, B.OO I i again Under the head of unfinished wsiness, representatives of Parking Meter P.dvertising Corp. of Seattle appeared regarding contract to use lI'.eter standards for advertising. The contract was presented, but further discussion followed. It was the opinion of Commissioner Taylor that the public as a whole is not in favor of the advertising as proposed. Commissioner Hobinson suggested that revenue derived from use of meter standards be ear-marked for off street parking facilities, and requested that the Attorney be instructed to draw an ordinance providing for ear-marking revenue for that purpose. The Commission I decided not to consider contract or agreement until fUrther study, and the Representatives and Attorney ,were. instructed to work together in drafting a satisfactory agreement whi.ch will be considered at the next Ii sess~on. F. O. Fount~in of the First National dank again appeared, presenting an amendr.',ent to proposal submitted at the previous session whereby the City could re~rr~nge maturity schedule of IndustriEl Water Bonds and save a considerable amount of interest. The amendment provides that with respect of offer to loan additional funds in the amount of $58,000.00 to be due and payable January 1, 1958, and an additional $58,000.00 to be I due and payable Janlli'ry' 1, 1959, at 2% interest, the proposal is amended to provide that with respect to these two lMturities, the City may reserve the right to redeem on any interest date on and after January 1, : 1955, by giving thirty days notice of such intention as provided in the presently outstanding 2% Vlater Revenue jonds. This to apply only to the two additional maturities. /lfter explanations and further consideration, the Comission decided it advisable to Tlait until a survey of the MUfj,cipal system is completed to ascertain approximate amount needed for rehabilitation. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that final decision be postponed until after the bond call of July, 1950. Motion seconded by Commissioner l{obinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Further discussion on the proposal was postponed until the next session. I Prosecuting Attorney Dana Harper, appeared regarding operation of pin-ball machines. The Prosecutor and ; City Attorney discussed the matter, but due to lack of notification of Supreme Court decision, no immediate acti on will be taken. A letter from Chiarelli and Kirk informed that theurazier Constr.,Lction Company waa unsuccessful in their re<luest that manufacturers of "Spraykote" replace defective material used in fire hall ceiling. Commissioner Taylor will be in receipt of more information by next Tuesday am will report later. Two letters re<luesting information regarding redemption of defaulted L.I.D. booos were read and referred to the Commissioner of Finance. : Earl Davidson, Supt. of Sanitation, informed the Commission that an obsolete truck from his department can , be loaned to the Park Department, tut still be available to the Sanitation Department in an emergency. The loan was approved by the Commission. The Commission discussed participation in an Origin and Destination surve~' which would be conducted by the i State and financed from Federal, State, and City fulllis. It was moved by Conunissioner Taylor thet the I District Engineer, 11ashington State Department of Highways, be advised that the City is willing to have the State make Origin and Destination survey as proposed at a recent meeting. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Cornaission examined and approved the fcllowing claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: . '71 50 - CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: , City Treasurer R. O. Ide 1 1 10.00,1 40.74 Postage Car Mileage for Sept .-Oct. ,,1 CITY STREET l'UND: r 3 - I Western Tractor & Equipment Co. , Middleton Motor Parts Co. WATER FUND: 5" if-=: H. E. Dodge I Hooker Electrochemical Co. 3.5 hIClHT FUND: 6;), 7 - 'I City Treasurer Middle ton Motor Parts Co. John S. Weel The Br:i,stol Co. Martins Flag Dept. Graybar Electric Co. Puget Sound Navigation Co. 11f, !! Parts and Repairs Parts 86.14 7.54 Expense Chlorine 22.4B 5B.99 Cash for Envelopes Parts, Wrenches File Saws Charts ,Flags Meters Frt. Chgs. I I: BOO.OO I 4.57 ' 4.00 'I 7.80 7.00, 186.88 I 17.101 I 57.B81' 4.69 16.76, 5.62 ' 47.45 6.45 SANITA TI ON FUND: Earl Davidson Olympic Salvage Pierce Trailer & Equipment Port Angeles Motors Middleton Motor Parts Co. Lincoln 'fielding f7.- PARK FUND: .2- James Hardware Co. Car Mileage for October Cable, etc. Parts Repa irs Par ts Welding, etc. Co. I 2.82 I , , File s, Shackles I .!. 'I Parts 1.19 PARKING llETEIl & 'YrlAJi}'IC CONTROL F[)]ID: ~.iddleton Motor Parts Co. There being no further tusiness, the session was then adjourned. I I #. G L"",. 1/ ~lt' ~lerK ~-.'/~-d~^aYor