HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/16/1961 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of t~e City of Port Angeles, Washington """""'lIl 95 NOVEMBER 16 19...QL , . " ..,""'" co, ,,"''' ...' , The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. Roll call of Officers revealed the fOllowing present: : Mayor Maxfield, Councilmen Smith, Richardson, Thome, Randall, Caldwell and Haguewood, Manager Slankard, ! Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law. i It was moved by Councilman Richardson that minutes of the previous meeting be accepted and placed on file. 'I , Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried. \ ~'! Under the head of unfinished business, the thirty day period since completion and acceptance of work done and material furnished by Morris Construction, Inc., in L. 1. D. No, l~O having elapsed and there being no , incomplete or defective work discovered, the City Engineer recommended that the 15% retained ($6,0~9.97) be I' paid the Contractor, It was moved by Councilman Smith that recommendation be accepted and amount retained , I paid. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and unanimously carried. : I I It was moved by Councilman Randall that progress payment No.2 to K. T. Henderson on construction of the ; Municipal Swimming Pool, $31,506.00, as approved by the Architect, be allowed and paid. Seconded by Council- I man Richardson and carried. , I , Under the head of new business', the Council received a communication from John Goneis objecting to l.mprove~ I, ment of a portion of Chase Street, and alley in Block 17, Thompson & Goodwin 's Subdivision. Mr. Goneis also, ~ spoke regarding request and it was his understanding that permanent grade has not been established, Also that the private property may be sluiced down to lower level. The Attorney advised that if no grade has been set, nobody is liable for damages, but when pavement is put in, that sets the grade. If the grade is I changed after it is established, the City would be liable to )Oroperty owners. The Mayor, also the Manageq-'I emphasized that the improvement is set up in the L. 1. D. and gS, this late date there is no alternative. A letter of protest was also received from Nrs. John Schneidelf~'t'h'At the alley not be blacktopped. This was ordered filed. Frank Morris of 522 South Francis Street requested in writing that the Council set minimum price on the South half of Lot 16, Block 225, Townsite. The Mayor named Councilmen Richardson, Smith and Thorne as in- 1\ vestigating Committee to report back. Department Reports were approved as follows: Budget reports of receipts and expenditures, Fire, Police I Judge, Police, Light and "later billing reports, TreasUrer's. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that ',.' reports be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. I, Claims payable were approved in amounts of: General Funds, $34,547.32. Water Fund, $3,~12.79. Pipeline 'I, Fund, $153, 741.~1. Light Fund, $S,334.04. It was moved by Councilman Smith that all claims be approved and paid. Seconded by COullcilman Richardson and carried. ! The Manager cited the possible saving by installation of the wading pool during construction of the Muni- , cipal Swimming Pool. Approximate cost would be $3,200.00 which is available in the 1962 Park Budget. It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the Council authorize the Manager to proceed with wading pool con- struction. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. I I Petitions requesting that a Local Improvement District be established for improvemeht of streets on Pine i Hill were presented for Council consideration. Two Hundred thirty-six private property owners haYing II signed the petit1.ons, and this being more than f~fty per cent, it was moved by Councilman Randall that the I ~ petitions be accepted setting up L.LD. No. 1~4 on Pine Hill and the Engineers be instructed to immediatel start the preliminary engineering. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. " Councilman Thorne noted the installation and operation of traffic signalS at Eighth and Cherry Streets II having been authorized by the State Highway Department after numerous requests. Councilman Randall questioned the City Engineer as to when the preliminary ;,ork on the Pine Hill project I might start. It was the opinion of Mr. Warder that at this time next year the job should be completed. i At this time and pursuant to instructions from the State Supt. of Elections, the drawing was conducted to establish positions of Councilmen as .Jill appear on the City Primary Ballot February 13, 1962. Position No.1, Nathan G. Richardson; Position No.2, Murray F. Randall; Position No.3, James G. Caldwell. i There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ~IMA~ 2: ~ ~ LJ..,R b ~ rl t/ 8,. :i!..,...u..r CITY CLERK \ L NOTIOE 01'" J CALL FOR Bms NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tbat \: ~ealerl lJlds will be rlOce[vcd by. thel ~ Cit,)" Manager of the City of Port Angoles at the City Hall, 140 'Vest I,Front Street, until 7:JQ o"cloc!{ P. M. ~ , ;:;~~I~Crm~e~d :net~;f1, g~~e fu;~~~W~:" 'n;~~~aj~U~lt~!~ ~~~ll~lue!eq~:lr()~~;_~~~l , durIng the yeAt' 1962. , II ES'l'IM ^ TED QUANTITJES. . :~ gf~~~:n~.::::::: :::4~:g~g ~:~~~~:I licig~:O~~J~lf~:l~a~~ :tOll~gri~g~~ irc~1 pnrtment Gartlli1:e on Front Street. Diesd fuel Hlmll be deljvered to the ~ Street D(~p,,_,.j_JIlent ~hops on EIghth '!;;treet. rhe City Hall and the Library. FUl;!l oil PS_3DQ ghalI be rlellvered si~~ro~. C~~I~;~n~U~~~ ~~~nth~e F~~:! i~lUd91 "~n~( ~~~~ra\a~ndap~l~;~b?~ax~~ ~ Mt;nicillal C<)rporatlQ~s, The City, Council I'eserves the rl~ht to accept or rejP.r:l allY 01' all bids or any por-l tion ther{)of nlLll 11lIl'chase galloline. fuel oil 11.0(1 cll{)!{er on Ihe open mar~ keto An blnF shall be quoted on forms mll.d(' l)art 01' tl1e htcl pr('!!,;pntallon ."howlng the net bid submlttcrl hy Company submlttinR" bid, This ls to I t :t"e time in C'omputlng the "arlous bids submitted. AI] bl":'! wll~ tlC- 011,('-oed [tnd review- ed h}' th,~ City Council In regular ~",,.,~:Ion to be held in the coun<:-llJ Cllaml:ll?1'S of the Pollee Duildln>!; at .:,::iQ 0, 'clOCk P_ ,',I.-necember 21, 1 flll 1. 1M. w. SL..,\~I{AfiD, Cltd Mana~l'r ~U~lSh_('r.l~':C.~~~~9.~.