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Port Angeles, Washington
November 16, 1993
CALL TO ORDER - Deputy Mayor Sargent called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council
SPECIAL MEETING: to order at 6:07 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Hallett [arrived at 6:45 p.m.], Councilmen Braun,
Hulett, and Ostrowski, Councilwoman Sargent, and
Councilmen Schueler and Wight [arrived at 6:08 p.m.].
Members Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, S.
Brodhun, B. Collins, K. Godbey, S. Ilk, J. Pittis, B.
Titus, B. Coons, J. Jimerson, K. Maike, and B. Jones.
Public Present: E. Hansen, I. Andres, P. Vance, A. Remley, T. German,
L. & G. Doyle, B. & O. Campbell, J. Didrickson, and L.
ADJOURN TO The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 6:08 p.m. to discuss a matter of real
EXECUTIVE SESSION: estate, potential litigation, and labor negotiations for approximately one hour.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting returned to open session at 7:05 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Hallett called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order
REGULAR MEETING: at 7:11 p.m.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Skylar Lazzara of the Campfire
ALLEGIANCE: Group Starfiight, Terri Lazzara, Leader.
APPROVAL OF Councilman Wight moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of
MINUTES: November 2, 1993. Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion. Mayor Hallett
requested that the 5 - 2 majority vote on Page 8 be amended to include the names of
those voting and now they voted. A vote was taken on the motion, which carried
CEREMONIAL 1. Proclamation recognizing November 18, 1993, as Visitor Center Volunteer
Mayor Hallett read a proclamation recognizing November 18, 1993, as Visitor
Visitor Center Center Volunteer Day, and presented the proclamation to Erl Hansen, Executive
Volunteer Day Director of the Chamber of Commerce.
Recognition of 2. Recognition of Mr. Ted Tedrow, 15-year volunteer for Chamber of
Mr. Ted Tedrow Commerce, Visitor Bureau
Mayor Hallett read a certificate of recognition recognizing Mr. Ted Tedrow as a 15-
year volunteer for the Chamber of Commerce Visitor Bureau. Mr. Tedrow thanked
the Council and noted that the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce not only does
a great job of promoting the Olympic Peninsula, but the entire State of Washington
as well.
Community Potluck 3. Community Potluck Thanksgiving Dinner
Thanksgiving Dinner
Mayor Hallett read an invitation for the public to attend the Community Potluck
Thanksgiving Dinner, Thursday, November 25, 1993 at the Lincoln Park Longhouse.
November 16, 1993
CITY COUNCIL Councilwoman Sargent attended the County Regional Planning Committee,
COMMITTEE preliminary to drawing up the Comprehensive Plan for the County. There was a
REPORTS: comprehensive review of the Port Angeles water shed area. She attended the VCB
Mixer and met the State DCD representative. The EDC is moving forward in its
search for an Executive Director; an Executive Search firm will be used to process
the applicants. Also, the EDC is writing a letter to the Department of Corrections
expressing an interest in Clallam County being considered as a possible location for
a new prison. This item is also on tonight's agenda. There was nothing to report
on the City/County Growth Management meeting. She also attended the Fire Hall
groundbreaking ceremonies as a representative of the committee that has worked on
that project.
Councilwoman Sargent informed the Council that she had been in contact with Stan
Finkelstein of the AWC, and discovered that six of the officials who were members
of the AWC board were not re-elected to their respective offices. One of these was
a member of 'the Employee Benefit Committee. Since the City has just recently
joined the plan, Councilwoman Sargent indicated she would be applying to fill the
vacancy on the committee. City Manager Pomeranz was asked to prepare a letter
in that regard to be submitted to the AWC.
Councilman Braun attended the Clallam County Transit Facility Committee. There
was a lengthy plan review of the proposed facility. He also attended a Real Estate
Committee meeting; the items will be considered this evening. Councilman Braun
also attended the Crab Feed of the Olympic Peninsula Firemen's Association in
Sequim. He attended a meeting at City Hall regarding the river restoration project.
Councilwoman Sargent also attended this meeting. Councilman Braun attended the
groundbreaking ceremonies for the new Fire Hall as well as the Veteran's Day
Ceremony held at the Coast Guard Air Station, and a CTS meeting which dealt
mainly with maintenance items. There was a lengthy discussion held at the Utility
Advisory Committee meeting held yesterday, which Councilman Wight will address.
Councilman Schueler attended the Greek Festival in Victoria; he provided a brief
history of the event.
Councilman Wight deferred any further discussion concerning the UAC and Real
Estate Committee meetings until the time they are considered on the agenda. He
informed the Council that he visited the Satsop Nuclear Plant this past weekend and
was impressed by the size of the plant. He commented on how much money is
wasted on this non-operating power plant, and recommended that others stop by for
a tour if they happen to fmd themselves in that area.
Councilman Ostrowski attended the facility meeting for Clallam Transit with
Councilman Braun. He suggested other Council members take a trip up the truck
route to see an example of how to build a wetland. Bids are scheduled to go out in
February. There was a reception held for the Visitors and Convention Bureau this
past week, which he attended along with Councilwoman Sargent, Councilman Hulett
and City Manager Pomeranz. He also attended the Veteran's Ceremony, which was
the most impressive ceremony he has attended in a long time.
Councilman Hulett had no report.
Mayor Hallett represented the City in Victoria on Veteran's Day. He had the
opportunity to spend some time with the Mayor of Victoria to discuss matters of
mutual interest, to include the Commonwealth Games.
FINANCE: 1. Bid Award for purchase of showerheads and an installation contractor
Bid Awards for BPA Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Light Department. Ken
Showerhead Program Maike of the Light Department explained the showerhead program and all that is
involved. After a brief discussion, Councilman Ostrowski moved to award the
bids to the lowest bidders as recommended in the Light Depaa-h~ent's report and
to authorize the City Light Director to sign contracts for the purchase and
installation of showerheads. Councilwoman Sargent seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilwoman Sargent moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: (1)
Contract for $12,500 with the consulting firm of MAKERS for preparation of a draft
City Shoreline Master Program; (2) Wire transfers for October, 1993, of $60,820.42;
(3) Concept Administrators through October, 1993, of $761,604.62; (4) Voucher list
of November 12, 1993, for $1,903,727.37; and (5) Payroll of November 7, 1993,
for $332,163.66. Councilman Braun seconded the motion. After limited
discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
November 16, 1993
ITEMS FROM THE City Manager Pomeranz informed the Council that the City received a request from
AUDIENCE/COUNCIL/ Clallam County to appoint two members to the new Law and Justice Council. One
STAFF TO BE of the members would be the Chief of Police and the other would be a Council or
CONSIDERED OR staff member. Manager Pomeranz requested that, for the sake of consistency, the
PLACED ON A person selected be someone who will remain on the Council past the first of the year.
FUTURE AGENDA: Councilman Braun volunteered for this position.
Councilman Schueler asked to have staff prepare some information on fluoridation.
He felt this to be a responsibility of the City, and it must be dealt with. Public
Works Director Pittis agreed to prepare a report for the Council. Craig Miller, who
was in the audience, was City Attorney in 1978, and was requested by the City
Council at that time to prepare a report on the subject of fluoridating the City's
water. He advised City Attorney Knutson that he should fred a great deal of
information on that subject in the old files.
Mr. Miller then addressed the Council concerning Item 13.D., which is the final
PRD for Highland Communities. On behalf of the applicant, he requested that the
Council set a public heating on the PRD for the next Council meeting and defer any
further action on the matter until that time. Councilman Braun moved to set a
public hearing on the aforementioned PRD for December 7,1993. Councilman
Hulett seconded the motion. Following brief discussion, a vote was taken on the
motion, which carried unanimously.
Phil Vance, 1582 Black Diamond Road, requested that the Council postpone final
approval of the solid waste rate increase until all other solutions to this problem have
been fully investigated. He felt the City has not done enough to fight the FAA
mandate to close the landfill in five years. Mayor Hallett assured Mr. Vance that
the Council shares in his concern and invited him to stay until this item comes up on
the agenda.
Tabin Beckett, 421 E. 12th Street, informed the Council that every time a tax is
raised, it becomes harder for people to live. It is difficult to fmd a good job in Port
LEGISLATION: A. Public Hearings
Street Vacation - 1. STREET VACATION PETITION - STV 93(11)06 - HALLER, Portions of
Hailer West Fourth Street and "I ~ Street: Request for vacation of a portion of
West Fourth Street (1500 Block) and a portion of ~I" Street (abutting Blocks
125 and 1.30).
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Planning Department
wherein the applicant had requested a continuation of the public hearing. Mayor
Hallett opened the public hearing at 7:55 p.m. There was no one present who
wished to address the issue. Councilman Wight moved to continue the public
hearing to December 21, 1993. Councilman Braun seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Solid Waste Rates - B. Ordinances Not Requiring a Public Hearing
Ordinance No. 2784
I. Solid Waste Rate Ordinance
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Finance and Public Works
Departments. Mayor Hallett emphasized the fact that all solid waste issues have
been discussed at great length at Utility Advisory Committee meetings, as well as
City Council meetings. The City Council recently passed a resolution objecting to
unfunded mandates, which would include that issued by the FAA. He also explained
that, in the event the City is forced to dose the landfill at the end of five years, what
the City does with the solid waste rates, and with its solid waste stream will still
have to be confronted. This will effect not only the City of Port Angeles, but the
entire Olympic Peninsula, as the City owns the only regional landfill. Even if the
City wins the FAA dispute, the problem of what to do with solid waste will not go
away, as there is still the future to worry about. It is hoped that next year and in
succeeding years rate increases will be in the 3 9[ to 5 % range because the City will
have sufficient revenue to cover the debt service.
Director Pittis noted there were two issues that are connected by the fact that the
landfill is located clOse to an airport. The first issue is that the bonds have been sold
and in order to make debt coverage on those bonds, the City must comply with the
payment schedules as established. This means the City is committed to this rate
increase. Also, the second issue deals with the FAA and the life of the landfill and
how long it can be used. It is a related yet separate issue which will be dealt with
November 16, 1993
LEGISLATION: after the City has received and considered the information provided by Paramet, rix
(Cont'd) regarding the options for the landfill. At that time, decisions can be made.
Solid Waste Rates - Discussion followed regarding the efforts already put forth regarding the solid waste
Ordinance No. 2784 issue and future plans for same. Director Pittis invited residents of beth the City and
(Cont'd) County to call him or Mr. Jones, Superintendent of Solid Waste, if they have any
questions regarding the solid waste rates and/or issues.
Mayor Hallett read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
amending solid waste rates and amending
Ordinance No. 2317 and Chapters 13.54 and
13.56 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Braun moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by rifle. Councilman
Wight seconded the motion. After limited discussion, a vote was taken on the
motion, which carried unanimously.
Council's Rules C. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings
of Procedure
1. Resolution amending Council's Rules of Procedure
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the City Clerk, which was a
follow-up to a discussion held at the November 2, 1993, City Council meeting.
Mayor Hallett read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of
Port Angeles amending the Council's rules of
procedure by changing the order of business
and amending Resolution No. 37-91.
Councilman Hulett moved to pass the resolution as read by title. Councilman
Braun seconded the motion. Lengthy discussion ensued-with the Council members
expressing opinions both for and against the proposed change in the sequence of
agenda items.
It was pointed out that many members of the public should not have to wait a lengthy
period of time for the public hearings and legislative items. On the other hand,
Council members pointed out that it is valuable for the citizens of the community to
hear the committee reports in order to be fully aware of what Council members are
doing in the commttnity. It was suggested that, as in the past, agenda items be
moved forward in the agenda when determined appropriate. Additionally, it was
suggested that Council members, when giving their committee reports, limit
themselves to discussing only relevant items. Further, it was noted "Items from the
Audience/Council/Staff..." could be policed in order to discourage lengthy
presentations. A vote was then taken on the motion, which failed due to the lack
of a majority vote. Councilmen Braun, Hulett and Ostrowski voted in favor of'
the motion and Mayor Hallett, Councilwoman Sargent, and Councilmen Wight
and Schueler voted in oppOSition.
In the ensuing discussion, it was agreed the agenda will be left as is; the new
Council members will have an opportunity to voice their opinions on this matter in
the near future.
Planning Commission D. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items
Minutes/Action Items
I. Planning Commission Minutes of November 10, 1993
Councilman Braun moved to accept the Planning Commission minutes of
November 10, 1993. Councilman Wight seconded the morion, which carried
Cable Television Rate F. Other Considerations
I. Cable Television Rate Regulation
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Utility Advisory Committee.
November 16, 1993
LEGISLATION: Councilwoman Sargent noted the number of calls she receives pertaining to cable TV
(Cont'd) and she asked to hear a summary of the UAC's recommended position. Councilman
Wight provid~:an overyjow ~of the October 18, 1993, UAC meeting. Although he
Cable Television Rate wanted the City to become certified, he did not have a problem with the UAC's
Regulation (Cont'd) recommendation. Discussion followed concerning the regulatory powers of the
franchising authority. Councilman Braun expressed the opinion that any regulating
power, should it become necessary, should come from the Council seated at that
time. At the UAC meeting, he inquired of the Consultants as to whether the City
needed to regulate, and the response was neither yes nor no.
Mayor Hallett felt that~if the City holds itself out with the ability to regulate, then
the public expectation and perception is that the City is going to be able to provide
what the public wants. In reality, the FCC has done the public a disservice by
inferring that the ability to regulate rates will solve all problems. The real problems,
such as content of programming, channel selection, etc., are not at the discretion of
the local jurisdiction. In 1974, the cost for cable TV in Port Angeles was $.75 per
channel. Today, citizens are paying $.76 per channel. Any effort to regulate would
be over only pennies.
Attorney Knutson pointed out an error in the memo regarding this item. Under
Background/Analysis, the fourth line should read: "...of all service and equipment
rates except for premium channels and pay-per-view services.'
Councilman Braun moved that the City not proceed with certification of any
type to regulate basic cable TV rates at this time, but that staff and the
consultants continue to monitor the rates on an ongoing basis. · Councilman
Ostrowski seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Terms Expiring on City 2. Terms Expiring on City Boards and Commissions
Boards and Commissions
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the City Clerk.
Councilwoman Sargent moved to make the following reappointments: Linda
Nutter to the Planning Commission for a term expiring 3/1/98; Ted Borden to
the Board of Adjustment for a term expiring 3/1/98; Kenneth Dooley to the Civil
Service Commission for a term expiring 3/1/98; Mike Gonzales and Bill
Lindherg to the Building Code Board of Appeals for terms expiring 3/1/98; Skip
Berquam to the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Commission for a term
expiring 3/1/98; Carmen Fraker-Olstead and Veima Hopf to the Senior Center
Board for terms expiring 3/1/97; and to publicize the other vacancies via news
releases and the City newsletter. Councilman Schueler seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Council expressed thanks and appreciation to those who have served in the past as
well as those who have volunteered for reappointment.
Planning Director Collins wished to clarify that on the Board of Adjustment, John
Teichert's position was recently filled, and Patsy Feeley's position is still vacant.
Municipal Golf Course 3. Municipal Golf Course
Mayor Hallett reviewed the information provided by the Recreation Department.
Councilman Schueler moved to establish a Golf Course Development Committee
as recommended. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion. Parks Director
Brodhun reported he has met with some consultants and receives calls daily from
individuals who are interested in knowing how the City plans to proca~J. Recently,
a firm from Denver, Colorado, contacted him and expressed an interest in coming
to Port Angeles to present an all day seminar to the Committee, Council, and staff
on this matter. There is a meeting with a consultant scheduled for Friday, and
Director Brodhun indicated he would like to have Council and Park Board members
Councilman Hulett volunteered to serve on the committee, as did Councilmen
Schueler and Ostrowski. Councilman Wight agreed to serve as an alternate. A vote
was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
November 16, 1993
LEGISLATION: 4. Selection of New Correction Facility Site
Mayor Hallett reviewed a letter from the Department of Corrections, which solicited
Correction Facility Site a response from those communities who might be interested in providing a potential
site for a new correction facility.
One of the criteria established for the facility site is 100 contiguous acres and
Councilwoman Sargent inquired as to whether or not the City could meet this
criteria. Councilwoman Sargent reminded the Council that the EDC is writing a
letter in support of the correction facility being located in Clallam County.
Councilman Schueler opined that a Correction facility of this size would have a real
impact on the community. He noted the difficulty of providing necessary
infrastructure. He felt the Council should solicit input from the citizens and let them
decide the issue. Mayor Hallett reminded the Council that an expression of interest
would be nonbinding, and the State has asked for a response by December 1.
Councilman Wight pointed out that the State, in its letter, requested that each
community submit a preferred site and an alternative by the end of December. He
did not feel this could be done. Further, Councilman Wight indicated there would
be certain demands placed on the City's social services by virtue of the number of
families who would move to this area. He felt uncomfortable making a decision in
the absence of public support.
Councilman Ostrowski reminded the Council that there is also a prison in
Clearwater, and it was his feeling that the Olympic Peninsula doesn't need any more
correctional facilities. Councilman Schueler felt that City must make some response
on this, but reiterated his belief that citizen input should be sought before any
decision is made on the matter. Because a letter was addressed to the Mayor and the
City, Councilman Braun felt at least some reply was necessary.
Manager Pomeranz noted the possibility of the City running an ad in the paper
asking property owners to submit information to the City regarding sites of 100 acres
or more. He further suggested working with the Real Estate Committee.
Councilman Schueler moved that City staff be directed to send a letter to the
Washington State Deparh~ent of Corrections, expressing interest in the
development of a prison facility in this area, and also stating specifically that the
City cannot have the specifics in hand by the 31st of December. Councilman
Braun seconded the motion, which carried by a majority vote, with Councilmen
Wight, Hulett and Ostrowski voting in opposition.
Mayor Hallett informed the Council that he would be absent from the next regularly
scheduled meeting.
Councilman Wight called the Council's attention to the Information Agenda Item//2,
5th Street LID report, and reviewed the information provided by the Public Works
Department. Councilman Wight indicated a great deal of work needs to be done on
this arterial, as it is an eye sore, a pedestrian hazard and an uncontrolled area with
no curbs and gutters and no sidewalks. Councilman Wight suggested that the City
up the priority on getting that piece of street improved to City standards. Director
Pittis will prepare a report on this for a future meeting.
Councilman Braun encouraged the other Council members to read the information
on the Capital Finance package in tonight's packet, as it will be helpful in making
decisions during the budget hearings.
Councilwoman Sargent wished to compliment Public Works on getting more grant
money for the Second Street bridge rehabilitation project.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m.
Clerk - ' .t~i~a~or {r~p, ty