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Minutes 11/17/1892
18Record of the ProcL'Cdings of the City Council of Port Angeles,Washington. /- 7-' , .//,; . .' ) y . /J / ./ - ,/, ( ../ J I, . , . _ - /'/'7 l''/ (( //I".-r ,. -" d ,'/ d.;-' 189 _ 'LJ.....{.J.__-:to-__ t..~:(.?____':::;..._/j;.'-:v:....~_E;/...r.__!,_-.,..~. . ._":-Z/_ v /~,: ,J /,' (j/,?/;~>, / . ~~"RllO..~~T"....'\m. ~': , ./ / '. . ). '.. ",' L ' . /" - U'J/-:rZ-~L t//.?/Z.?//~4-ZW:?".70""// /1& a~0-r"/b'1'/7-;t]r2.e~1,;f.--- ~; /'/J ,'. If . J /jJ/v<, /.J//,.;2 ,cf.7 .' -./ /;/ ."1 , ~ / /c.-?tt"7 [f > '('~/M _,.Cdl /'7 Zl?'?' u," <.--?.-:?.;yz.d.< '~b i-;;J!~V~ / Y/b:/Cd4e) ~;fJ)//:~:./ ~,/ . U) , .' /' j/ / . ~ v?/yz-cV" ~;;.t-;;/?7--Y,'/. !' I J / . .----;--- /' -- Ii (i:;Jf~,~2/'<-:::~' cZ-7/.,4/.,;;u,.rrz_d;;c-2d/ ..:da:;?;',6nr/Yzet.'.h-NZ-"7/?Z/' I' ,/,-'r . f4';-.n-n/ ~./ 'C '",-I'Lj au /h/):?)~:;zp'"}'(/t./ /z-z~ 2-0---n---. ~t.f.L-~. , " ". ~ II //JY /;/J. 'r/../' .?7 ' , i 0/)/'/ze;A:.e.-t'4,-z..<::(/ ,<7 f,#b-/z--?$~c.ebd~7..?--- d-;; ,~fV'~. II 1/)" ;?jl U' ,/ ~I' !:/I'44U'k-v ,-;ivew <7--;-; .-' (/,hr7<b:;V7--z-tff.-e/{./ .//t?> 'V';-?"7/iYc::6 /4f>~0/ ~~~' . ~ 111'.. / . ~ f "..ftV7L# h.Y/'/'-c...-c-&/ cY/),-7-?/i/ G..l.;?w---zA~'Z-7---' '.',' II / -------. / / Ii ,I ii 'i ./:-''-- --- -'-- ~ II jl;-' .;7 II j' .;> . -:J ' j j/ . / I' I,' (:=?/-k.///::rtt::r.c:;?-'VY7--.,?,,-:C'?' /C!{;:;Z,,"P;?,;;,#/z,zA,e>1L/ flf.a'A%/ . a. :.f;h~~ ~ .. {;/ /;'" /~ I! a;??~::r/.7/ha.p~7L/;YZ// ~;dL--2b,;,d/ !:t:/- /?'Z/oVM4Y-/rt./ c7/z-/;/h; CYf'ngi'..~ '..'. .I-- ,/' /1 . r)'/t ( ;; (0 ::Z/i'd-vd. ( i: II l~ pi' - Ii I? /1 ;:P d /? /,;)-7' il-' . : ,i!a-z-:dd/ t'/'/~r;;r;7-;--i-':.;f3V2/&/(};c/-<><,J-: a~ ...:36/"h5. f . 'I I I' ,f (/ i I' <;r--.. /:1/ I" ~/ I (y, '-1/) 6:p.A?'i'-'7'd!::c1'#./ / tJ #- ;',4- II il I: _/ /7 (/) <::>:-- 1 r~~.n1'f. :J ~2}:.LdVu-j f 0, I' ,/. 'd7 /J:, .--1 (, ') I- '/--/ /2-:) i(V;;/~r~~/ .JPr';';"V'A/' e:t'r !I (. I: (t/dz;A?fZCL~2f;~f /<;3/~:;,:;d?4 ~:'~-J;/;-~~~/:::rz:';;;~~ :' !11 / . /.- ,-/zt< . L":;? ~ ~ /;7-7' / . ,;;ri! Ii rU~20r'Z/ ,,<,j-'?b//n<Y~-:?'77.c~/~~;7?---;/M//~MC-C/V- ,/?~.V'-Z--z.:ce/~,.?./~o/-:#e'.fl;z."~t:r: ii ta. tl ~n'nH4i (!./~t.;::., ~?.ff!.i..-Z;/;; 0/ Il /z;f/a<:!//[7Zu;;;r-d"?'CL~//!z./ (~if~pr-1A::d,!~ II Ii.., _' // }i?/"-; ;/,~/ ~/. > ...I .~ ~ /, j II /1,'Z,/VJ7/ Illv /.rz.?z.e'd// 0-/ h/L'.' /..t':-c:cLd., II dzr- cL-r-. cS..cff'7' .,,~O i: !' c& ,z:r- /I C>,xt~/ t>!U!, v'Y'i{!!; / L ii (ij6~ CO , (4t-zn:d/ a/niL ~ec#,;V?-2--IL-,z~;.t.tfa~V: t;kd;.n,~ I, fi'7 -,tJ1l / , Ie? . /';' /!, / ..r--P! il ''/ t/;'-c" II c~ _--v-.f/ /'l.ccz--z;u,./U?,d7--n/eU[..-,;h"z4..d.-a~'P'/' ---VaAA--U'-,a--;...-r'}/~ , \ /. /Z/ r:/ /~//./" // 1/ ~ .i J(/tavrzt'Z/h.ce/I7'?.---;Y,d.- ,;/<'2';:-/; </i,,!-a;;;(-:-'Z:,;~:;f!~z~..!? -ti/"'z/,ZIu..z['/ '" :i II @/rirbY~ cvY?'~LecZ/~~zied- ~~t/ r!J~~/~~'3-.,.dYZ'X>/"3 \:/?y adc:<p?2:,;// /u.;,M:~' ..ba?A,u-d-:" II II e-//~,;.-(z:-?2a'?'2' ce/'ct2!:-;?l, ///.2.-- J Z'7 -[:zitd~ cl? 1/ t:<>2.-o-:;/2/; 7'?Y-'7- H'.e/ , . -'" I ; ,7'::. / ,I /:J /./-' ..' .:- ;7 :// . /. ~ __. ..' dj , 11 il' /vc7 n]/i/.P'Z/7/z',vy /.fi::r:PbhR'//zr?Z-C/C-v?'7-1~utz..-i/7?/ 7 c:toV a;?U.?d4-e-;1;:./ ah~/i/7-Y-- ! /1'.1 ~ // jl. t ./: // 'IL >,r--/ /I j / / j,j / /,y (/ Ii //i!/~-U/7 ~~I~~/'.--d-C-;4;;;-i;~~2<A/-ze/ / (3-L7- / /;///'f.4!<,zd-'MA--~-:'!4.ce.c[./'''7- [Ii f0f'U-'U/A'k?:7'U""./Y2.----- =(~/;:v-zd'--; a/n/rl<>:Z?a/~ !i I! I: ____ ,__._______ _ii 1'1 .. 1/ ' ;'1' /' - I'! e2Jt~r2/'e_d----- ?1'/7/z-zV #..c.rTl>&'--d.; ,,I'4-?-a V' c:;:t'b~1--eb--7 Z'CL./ Ii !~7,!Z~ L:f-~/ ~lLa-U ;?drzd'.jza/.-6-~ /rff'at0<.:e/d.J. 04:-/?~i I~~/j~'l/fi~d/;ic '~2--~,6-; Ii ~IJ 1 i ~:i .1 Q ,~ 4 " i ~: .J-.~ 1 '4 ~ . :1 '.I , ~ i 1 .~ " .~' ~:- . ~ , "~ 1<' , 5~