HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/17/1937 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington "IIIl 543 November 17. 1937 193_ ~~"'" .. UU.UY, ".AT"'-.. OT>T'''''~~'. ". ItH"'. ..... The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor >>avis. Roll call showed tile following ,members presen t: Mayor Davis, Commissioner Henson and Masters, Attorney ~onniff and ~lerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applications for Building Permits the following were granted; Ben Koski, ~onstruct Building, Lot 9, Blk. 160, T~lnsite John Daurn " " "15" 378 n Standard Oil Co., Revamp plant, Lots'7, 8, 9 &'10, Blk. 48, Townsite 500.00 3000.00 10000.00 Under the head of Reports from Oity Officers the following was read: November l7, 1937 To the Honorable Mayor and ~ity Commission, Port Angeles, WaShington. Gentlemen: The thirty day period since the completion and acceptance of the work done by 'the Washington Asphalt ~ompany, ~ontractors, on ~ity Street Project No.1. City of Port Angeles, has elapsed and no uncompleted or defective work has been discovered for which the City makes claim. I ther:efore recommend that the 15% retained, ($1l57.88) of the cost of the work be paid to the "ontractor, the "ashington Asphalt Co. Yours ver y t ru ly , H. E..lied ge Ci ty Engineer It was mqved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing ~gineer's report be accepted and the "ity Clerk be instructed to issue a warrant in the sum of ~1157.88 to.the WaShington Asphalt ~ompany. Seconded by Commissioner Henson. On roll eall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the fol1<7>ving resolution was introduced: RESOLUTION BE IT ,RESOLVED BY '!HE CITY COMIHSSION OF !IR1!: arTY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON, That the City ~ommission does hereby endorse and approve the application of the Evening News Press I~o., for a federal permit to construct a radio broadcast station at Port Angeles, and does hereby aocept the offer of this applicant, made subject to Federal Communications Commission approval, to make free use of its proposed broadoasting facilities for a reasonable amount of police, fire, health and other announoements or warnings of a public nature. And we, the undersigned, oomposing the Oity aommission of Port Angeles, believe a station of the character and faeilities proposed by this applioant will serve the public interest land we believe such service would be of distinct value to this city, We commend the 'applieant eorporation and its owners as eminently ~ualified to own and operate a radio broadcast station at Port Angeles, by reason of their intimate knoVlledge of and interest in our local community needs, by their high standing in the oommUnity, and by proven 'business ability and financial strength ne cessary to the successful opera ti on of such a ,station. It was moved by Commissioner Masters tha t the foregoing Resolution be adopted. Seoonded y Commissicmer Henson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the otion carried. The ~ommission examined and allowed the foll~ling claims and ordered warrants drawn for '!lame: 'CURRENT EXPENSE FUND ti ty Trel\surer F: c. Millington au! H. Hoffman I ,CITY STREET FUND bty Street ~avids on Motor ~o. lashington Pulp & Paper ~orp. I ~ATER FUND I Hooker Electrochemical Co. ~ederal Pipe & Tank Co. !iater "orks Engineering lIGHT FUND l iElectriClll "orld blympic Stationers ~Im. J. Ware 01 ty Treasure r Hoare & "eadrick $rene Thbmps on f' D. Duncan ,o\ssessme nts 40.33 Stamps :PI' .2 2.00 Insurance 56.15 Examina ti on 194.59 Pay noll '205.00 Repairs ;p..1'';. ..... n.lO Mdse. for Rock Crusher 8.92 Chlorine 14.87 Pipe 3) 117.44 Subscription )3.l - 3.00 Subscription 8.00 Suppli es 3.01 Insurance 26.15 Cash Fayrre nts 4.88 Truck R~air 14.96 Office I1lL'k 45.00 Poles 140.00 ..4 ~ .544 Novem ber 17. 1937 Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ ~ Munson Jupply Co. :(Cee Lox Mfg. Co. Electrical Advancement Adding Maohine Keys Ri bbons Advertising Service There being no further business the Oommission then adjourned. J? ;; }.")In~7J~ City 01erk 6.89 .,.. 5.00 3'. 46.50 /(0~ I . Mayor I I I I