HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/17/1955
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
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The Ci~y Councll met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. ~d ~as called to order by Mqor Smith. Roll call
of off1.cers, showed th? follOlnng present: Maoror Smith, Councilman Brown, Neer, Sandison, Matthieu,
Wolfe am McFadden, C :l.ty J1anager Vergeer, At.torney Severyns and Clerk Law. .
-It was moved by Councilman Brown that minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Seconded by Councilman
Wolfe. All voted ~e. Motion carried.
Under the head or unfinished business, the following fixed estimate claims were presented for approval:
Osberg, Construction Co., L.I.D. No. 167 for ,catch basin, Tumwater Access Road, $560.75
O~pic Tribune, L.I.D. No. 168, Pulbication, $8.73. . .
It was moved by Councilman Brown that fixed estimate claiins be approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman
Sandison and carried. '
Report showing financial status of L.I.D. No. 168" Georgiana Street improvement by installation of
sideWlUks, curbs am gutters, was submitted by the City Treasurer as follows: Total Assessment Roll,
$16,506.$0. Total payments under 30-d~ prepayment period, $4,133.74. Balance. to be financed by issuance
of interest beraring warrants $12,373.06.! ,.' ,
The following Resolution authorizing issuance of warrants was introduced and read in full for Council
A RESOLUTION authorizing the issuance of warrants for Local Improvement District No. 168 to take
up and redeem warrants heretofore issued against said district for the payment of the cost and expense
of said district for the purpose of facilitating the financing of said district and the redemption of
WHEREAS, Local Improvement District No. 168 wa~ created by Ordinance No. 1344, and
WHEREAS, by said Ordinance No. 1344 and Ordinance No. 1348 it was directed tpat'the cost and expense
of said improvemnt be paid for by the issuance of warrants dra.dng interest at the rate of 4~ per
annum, and
, . WHEREAS, during the progress of the work in said district, warr~s' numbered one to four were
issued to and are now held by the Fireman's Pension Fund in the sum of $16,506.$0, ani
, WHEREAS, prepaid assessments amounting to $4,133.74 have been paid. into the.Treas)lrer ani the
balance remaining against said local improvement district is in the sum of $12,373.06, and
l'/HEREAS, it ,,'ill be for the benefit of the holder of the warrants .and the City of Port Angeles that
the warrants representing the uhpaid costs of said district be issued in series and in such convenient
,sums as will permit the economical redemption and thus. constitute a sa'ling of interest payments in
said district; now, therefore, .
Section 1:. That in accordance with Oi-dinance No. 1344, passed on the 17th day of March, 195:;, ~
Ordinance No. 1,348; passed.on the 19th.da;v'of Ha;v, 1.955, 'that the Manager am City Clerk of the City
of Port Angeles are hereby authorized and directed to issued warrants against Local Improvement District
No. 168 of the City of Port Angeles as provided in Ordinances No. 1344 and 1348 in the sum of $12,373.06.
Section 2: That said warrantS' shall be nwnbered five to t1-1enty-nine and shall be in the denominat-
ion of $500.00 each excepting warrant number five, which shilll be in the sum of $373.06.
Section 3: That said warrants shall be dated the first ~ of December, 1955 ani shall draw
interest at the rate of 4t per cent per annum, pa;val>le annua.l.13" llrom the funis of said' district unless
sooner redeemed. . .
Section 4: That said warrants are issued in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 1348 .1"""', '
passed and adopted by the City of Port Angeles on the 19th da;v of }Ia;y, 1955 and sM,ll be utilized to
redeem all warrants now outstanding against said district.
Section 5. That arv funds remaining in the construction fund of said local improvement district
shall be transferred to the funds of said district and utilized for the redemption of warrants together
wi th the interest th'ereon.
It'was moved by CouncilJllan Matthieu that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Brown and unanimousJ.;y- carried.
Council considered ritten request from E. B. Decker asking permission ts> conduct d";'cin,g in the Palace
Tavern. Accompa~ing request was sketch showing floor space and area to be used. It was moved py
Councilman Brown that request be denied. Seconded by CouncilJllan l1cFadden and carried.
lInder the head of new business, the follm'ling reports were accepted ani approved:
City Treasurer's financial report for October .
Police Judge report for October showing $2,026.00 fines and forefeitures collected.
It was moved by CouncilJllan' McRadden that reports be accepted and placed on f;i.le. Seconded by Councilman
Neer. All voted Aye. Motion .carried.
Claims paid November 7 ani 9 >tere. approved in total anount of $46, 918.42. It wf'S moved by Councilman
VTolfe the t claims be approved as paid. Seconied by Councilman Brown am carried.
Manager Vergeer showed plans as drafted for contemplated mercury vapor street lighting system, the same
to be installed next year. Streets to be included are First from Alder to Valley, Front from Lincoln
to Valiey Railroad Avenue from Lincoln to Oak, Lincoln, Laurel and Oak from First to Railroad Avenue,
at approximate cost of $60,000.00. Councilman Sandison and others s1lg&ested that Lincoln Street from
First to Eighth be included in the project. Mr. Vergeer explained that the present plan is designed to
benefit majority of traffic and if possible, finances will be made available in the 1957 budget to
complete entire city lighting system. It was moved by Councilman Nolfe to proceed with lighting system
as proposed and the Manager authorized to publish bid call for the same. Hotion secondea by Councilman
Bra>m and unanimously carried.
'..Mqor Smith read a letter from Margaret E. Bard of Better City Hana,gement' Committee, .Olympia, inviting the
Mqor City Manager and a Councilman to speak.at a dinner-meeting Tuesda;v evemng, N vember 22. The Mayor
will ~rrrange for attllIldance as requested.' Also received was invitation to attend G~rl Scout Council at
the Club House December 21.
Councilman "'Iolf~, Chainnan of the Local National Safety Council, announced that the President has set
Deceml5er 1 as annual safe driving campaign.
The I~or informed that November 30, service pin awards will be presented at a dinner meeting for all ?ity
employees with five or more years of service. ~Ieetine will be at the Golf Club and sponsored ~ the Lions
There being no, further business, . the meeting was adjourned.
~' &. ~LVJ.r
City Clerk