HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/17/1960 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 51 NOVEMBER 17, 19~ "H""."'..., ,..... ~ JThe City Council met in regular session at 7: 30 P.M. Roll call of Officers revealed the following present: IMayor Maxfield, Councilmen Richardson, Thorne, Randall, Caldwell and Haguewood; Manager Slankard, "Attorney Moffett and Clerk Law. [lIt was moved by Councilman Richardson that minutes of the previous meeting be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Randall and carried. Under the head of unfinished busines s, the Council considered the cost of extra work in construction of the water connecting lines in amount of $1,136.05. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that the extra work as requested be approved. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. Communication from the State Auditor did not advise as to whether or not the City can legally appropriate fund s to Century 21. Therefore, action was demyed~until further information is available. Pursuant notice published, the hearing on Assessment Roll for L. I.D. No. 179 was opened. Two protests were received as follows: Alice B. Jewett" Lots 17 and 18, Block 191, Townsite. Henry W. Menne, wi of Lot 3 and Lot 4, Block 281, Townsite. there having bem, no other protests made or filed, the Mayor declared' the hearing closed. An Ordinance approving and confirming the assessments and Assessment Roll for L.1. D. iduced and read in full for Council approval: I I I, No. 179 was intro- ORDINANCE NO. 1463 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, approving and confirming the assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 179 for the con- struction of certain storm sewer, street and alley improvements within the city and . levying and assessing the amounts thereof against the several lots, tracts, parcels of land and other property as shown on said assessment roll. J It was moved by Councilman Thome that the foregoing Ordinance be adopted. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and unanimously carried. The City Attorney announced that no report is available at this time on Court decision regarding purchase of ;sub-station units. Mayor Maxfield reminded that the vote on swimming pool appears to be favorable and it seems advisable at ;this time that the Council take some action toward further study. It was moved by Councilman Richardson :that the matter be referred to the Park Board and Planning Commission to work with the Citizens Committee 'Jointly if they so desire, to establish If possible, a location for the pool and other pertinent information and irecommend back to the Council for recommendation purposes only. Motion seconded by Councilman Caldwell i and carried. ' , :The Mayor also advised that the Clallam County Planning Commission have done considerable study on an 'lover all plan for all of the County which includes the Municipal areas, School Districts, etc., and are now I proposing the first yearly step in follow1 ng through on a comprehensive planning program, copies of said information to be presented to each Council member to study for reference at a later date. II !;Councilman Richardson advised that all labor and equipment is being donated for moving in of the Shay l:iLoCOmOtive and it is a question of feeding and accommodating those volunteers who may remain overnight for ,unloading Sunday A. M. About fifteen or twenty men are expected and it was the opinion of Mr. Richardson Ilthat at least $300.00 should be made available to pay their expenses. It was moved by Councilman Randall Ilthat $300.00 be diverted in the Park Fund to defray the expense of this very worthy purpose. Seconded by I Councilman Caldwell and carried. Councilman Caldwell also reminded that all labor and equipment is being , donated at no cost to the City. I Under the head of new business, C. W. Ware appeared before the Council requesting permission to construct a greenhouse faclOg Second Street between Ahbert and Eunice Streets. After due consideration, it was decided that no action could be taken until application is made for a building permit with sketch of plans for the I construction. IThe Council having received request for price fixed on Lot 11, Block 66, Leighton Addition, the Mayor named I I Councilman Caldwell, Thorne and Haguewood to appraise the property and submit recommendation. I!Reports of City Departments were approved as follows: Budget Reports of Expenditures. Water, Operating, I "Balance Sheet, Billing and Work Reports. Light Operating, Balance Sheet, Billing and Work Report. Police I'Department, Police Judge and Fire Department. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that all reports be ;approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. jClaims for payment were approved in amounts of: General Funds, $19,340.15. Water Fund, $524.76. ,Pipeline Fund, $291.94. Light Fund, $4,225.14. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that all claims be )approved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. tIt was moved by Councilman Caldwell too t call for bids be published to furnish gasoline, diesei and fuel oil for City departments during the year 1961. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. The Board of Directors of the Port Angeles Community Symphony Orchestra expressed in writing, sincere thanks and appreciation for contribution from the City toward support of their organization. r ... 52 Proceeoings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington (Continued) 17, 1if'Y- NOVEMBER LIlHPRINTINIlICO_P.21.2:3oI~ I I It was moved by Councilman Richardson that the foregoing Resolution be approved. Seconded by councilman! Thorne and carried. Under I'he head of introduction of Resolutions, the following was introduced and read: RESOLUTION NO. 12-60 A RESOLUTION designating Francis Street as an arterial and providing for the erection of stop sign s in cer- tain areas in aid of traffic control. No other business appearing, the meeting was adJourned. o. e :l-cu/ (/ CITY CLERK ~, / ~ 2. )M(UF~~ MAYOR ~OT1~ f?I' CA~L FOR. BIDS t I ;;.;~~~gi~1:~:=y:r~~~~h8; I NOTICft~E1~~l~~EJ" that ~ , ~f'~I;~)JJlJq:i~I~.~if~~~~c~~~r;;yT~~~ \~~~]e(l :li~'lor~lI~n~~I~'~~e~~hr:g~ne ~I;~~e~r ~~~t 'Xj~~c~:" ri~~~"h1~g~~-n U~i ICit~. ;~r .p,ort AlIgeil,~,.'Ya5hlngton, I\t la~ Yth~ City u"nn. 14Q West Front ir€ City Hall, 1010 W'est Front st.reCL.j . ~~eufl~~:r~-{R~.I~l~~ ;\\'1~ ~~~I~~n~r:::Ci: ~~~~~~: lUS~til19J63~o~'cg~~t~'1:;' g~~: Id:t.ill!l~~~O fg~cl~~~'J\i~'l~~'g. ]ii\~;m~~) 19~() [OT ~urnlshlng gasoline 'lR.r~ line nnd P!l:.200 fuel on ana diesel new automolJilcs llS jH'Ovidoo for h~' ~::~ :~::l~~I':~~t~j~:;i~l;h.:~~I.(Y R~ Oik~yfO~~~;line I'hflll. be d~livered E~~B ~ecf~~~6~~~SC~~rl~l~r jrhih6ht~fl 1~~'fJ),"\'J'l';l) QU~\NTITU~S: only a.t. the City Ser\'lce Gfl.~e 8.fJ of Pul.lcr: III sald CIty of Port An- r.~~rJo O.:t.~().I~I,L:::::::::::: .:5~:~3~ ~~J~i,d, b~~1!~~l~Su~~:ll o~e ~f~(j~le~~ ~O~~~ "~;;~J~;~:~~flg eall for four, ~~~"6~~~ ~~~~~k~e c?:;~~~re~f' {)~~~ded~ ~~~r s~~OI~ f~I~~l~...:ied ~~m:heDc~~ ~~~ti~lIn61 '~T~~61~?~~:e;~:rn~t:~'d o~~;j DelLVCrli>s sh:Jll 111' maQe on order, dr~n8 Hall, <::lty Hall. Fire Depart. r~flcrves the, right to purchase f1\e I ~~t,2~r~~~lljr~le?':III~~e~8~1,~~ial~e~'~~~ ~r~~:~ ~~~n tl~~ ~~~\~~ ~t;'sU~cdc~~~ ~~~te~e~~~lsthl:ctl~~, ~~Ul~~lsad~~mjJ~i~~ ~llt~;~~ ~g~I\~;e~~t)~i~~':' ~~~U~l~;;;:; '[a~~~<J, l\P~~~t)I~~~~SM~~l~~dl~;\ c~t;;;~ ~~a~po~ o;~:~rl fg~r aU~~~I~rhest~~~~d ~t~l'el. P1tjr ShS]{llt~C r;~gira\n ~I~~ '~~~etlc~t~,OfC~~~C~IU::F~:V:a.~~nfl~~t ~~~,l ft~?lle;C~~~nl~[)~~t:~l~ ~~}~~l~~~, ~~Ircr~~~~.io~~;\l~il~bl~li~ ~~:~~:i ~~ ~~C:P~n~ilo~jib~r:~r ;d ~~ ~~~~ }~rnn1sh.n the model he prllpnses to I I'e~el'vog the rIght (0 accept any QI' ehase ga"Sollne or fucl 011 on the Each bidder shall stale the tr~de- ull lJldf;. or reject a POJ"U'JI] of any -open market;, . . in tie, proposes lOo all?w th~ Clt~ Oil bid und p,)r('ht\s() gll>'lIJ1nc ;10(\ llies{'l! ESTJMA.TF~D QU_....:r-;TITIES. the five. Cil]";,;; to he tIadl'd )no ,I fu~11l0~1'1~1l ,\liC h~P~~'~1 ~~\~~\he City ~ ~~~;{arG:~~lne. . _ .. _. 5(\,0(10 Clt~l C~~~ISenwl~1 n~:ul~~e~~~~iOb: h~~J " . II. '1\ - I - h Id In pg-200 Diesel .,........ 4,(\O() In the Council chamLJers. December Cr}1lllC'll Ill. reh"\llar BC'SS Oon e I All bid ill bc opened by tile 11- 19GO Tl City Cannell rflSeryeS ~~~O C1~~~~~ 1~~~~~11~~r~.]~c~~,~~)e~'I1t}i City Coun~lJ'!n regular mJ8s!()n held the right t;e accept llfl;l: or all bIds th; ;'egu13r mee-ting of December I.., i~ the Council chambers, Dceem~er a.nd reject all bid::! and pUI'~hase au. j~9!Jii Time f1f meeting is j :30 o'Clock ~1~'tIf9tr>.:;e r~;:l~r :~;lo~e ~e:~e ci~; tull~biles Oon t~J, ~~nS~~~RD, ~ I' j . l\-I, ",., SLA.NK~\RD" Cou~oI_1 to be hel~. ~n .Ta~ul\.~ 6.--, , ,City Manager " T'ubllshed: ~o...eml>er 2?i;~1/'~:~~~ '~-~~Jk {..ir.~. of meeting j.,; 7::'0 0'., .:.ubl~~e[]' ~er~_ bel' l. 11)"0_ l\I. 'Yo SLAXKARD, - -~---- - '-r City :Manager I PuhlistH:Jd: December 1 and 13, l~Ij(l \ NOTICE 01' SALE Due to the Tllanksgl.\"ing Holiu?y, :BEAr. l"BOPEKTY .,thlS is a Te-ell-I1 fur bLQS. eXlent'hng NOTICE if! hereby given tJm.t the the date tWO 'weeks, _ ...I City of'PQrt,-Angeles win sell to tile ~ - - --_.--- - - --- lllghcl>t and best bidder t]hl ,\,OllaW-l 1ng described real property, t '-wit: Lot ]1, BI()Ck 00, r.ei<<b.to:ll SUb- division, 'Min1m.um. - '100.00 NU'l'lCE 19 fllrLhcr given tha.t senl- ~l~ ~~eS Cili~. b;i:l~ee~~~~l r~~o~l~,~~~ P. M., Jf\-llUnry ft, 1!l61 and not la.ter.] Bid must be accompanied by depaflll .ur nllL less than HI% .of amOount bid ar the lIffel" will not be oonsldere<!. 'l'he CH'Ir COllncll reserves thc right ;1 tOo reject a.ny ar M~I,,~~dSt-AN1{ARD. , CI ty Mana~er ,published: Deeemb(:r l~ and 22, 191}0 'r---:-~ -.. ~ I I I I I