HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/17/1966 Proceedings of' the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington November 17, 19~ LOoHF'IIINTINGCO. p.uu._ _~_ The Council met in regular session at 7: 30 p.m.. Officers present were Mayor Willson, Councilmen I Maxfield, Thorne, Cornell, Wolfe, Bettger and Schroeder, Acting City Manager Warder, Attorney Mof- I fett and Acting Clerk Joan Thompson. rej-I th I! I : A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried, to accept, as I ceived, and place on file minutes of November 3, 1966. A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried, to authorize call for bids for a new truck for the Sanitation Department with specifications to be set at the meeting with the Sanitation Superintendent and the Health Sanitarian on November 29, 1966. A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried, to approve for I' payment claims vouchers in amount of $48,457.42 and payroll transfers in amount of $37,918.22. Councilman Wolfe gave a report on the meeting with the Washington P.T.A., which he, Councilman Thorne and Manager Herrman attended. A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Schroeder and carried, that the Council go on record as supporting the school's effort to get a caution light installed at First and Vine Streets '. A letter was received from a businessman on Lincoln Street, who favors removing parking on Lincoln I" with two-way four lane traffic rather than one-way traffic with parking. A motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to approve th proposed agreement between the City of Port Angeles and Clallam County regarding the County's pri-.I soners. A memorandum was received from the Superintendent of the Light Department regarding the NvWPA meet~1 ing in Seattle, Thursday, November 10, 1966, concerning area power supply. A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, 'seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried, to ! allow extension of retirement date of William Crawford for another year (to January 1, 1968) sub- ject to his passing a physical examination. A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried, that the re- quest for water service on Old Mill Road be denied due to its being outside the City, and the City"s established policy at this time is not to extend water service outside the City. A motion was made by Councilman Bettger,. seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried, to continue the City's share of financial support for the coming year, and to go along with Clallam County Economic Development Council, Inc. and their three year program. I A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to approve a~d place on file the Library Board Minutes of October 27, 1966. A motion was made by Councilman Bettger, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried, to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and extend for three years John A. Collin's authori- zation for occupation of a mobile home at 616 West 13th Street. (Hardship case) A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of November 15, 1966. l. A motion was made by Councilman Maxfield, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, to accept and place on file the Monthly Report of Budget Revenues and Expenditures, the Fire, Police, Light, Recreation, Treasurert~ Water and Police Judge's Monthly Reports and the Utilities Monthly Billing Report. Under Other Business: A meeting with the Consultant, R. W. Beck ~ Associates, regarding the Elec- trical Rate Study was set for 7:30 p.m. in the City Manager's office, Tuesday, November 22, 1966. I A motion was made by Councilman Cornell, seconded by Councilman Bettger and carried, that .the City Manager be authorized to negotiate for the puvchase of the lot next to the Family Shoe Store (Blk 15, Lot 7, TN). A motion was made by Councilman Wolfe, seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried, that the City Manager be authorized to attend the regional Manager's (NWMA) meeting December 8, 9, and 10, 1966 in Seattle. 'I I A motion was made by Councilman Thorne, seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried, that the City bel represented at the Public Agency Power Council Meeting in Vancouver on December 15, 1966; the rep- resentative to be appointed in the meantime. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. b'd. m 7lv.PeR/ City Clerk C' ~' .~A'fi_~~; ~<Y-r\.. NO'1"lCE or CALL FOR :BIDS ~"Ol'ICJ~ IS HERERY GIVEN that f'cnled bids .....Ill be received bv t]le Cit~. !Jf Port Angell.'l'-, \Vnshlngtol1, at tile ofIlcc ol the City Mnnflg'cl', 14(1 \\ C',;t Fl'unt Street, until Ii:OO r.M. un Dncombcl' ]f,. 191>6, for furnishing- ga!'.Ollno. lubl'\callng oil, Dlcsd fuel anl\ Stove all to the <..:ity during the ~:t!'>lr 1967. J\Pll1'(lxlmn.te q1l3nlllies: Rp~ular l,:1.'<;(j]l!l;c :':lj.OU(i Gallons 1~111~'1 Gasollne, 14,000 Gallons T,uhric:utng 011, 10-50 Gnl. L:<lrl'ejg 1Ji('l~(~1 1<'u('l, 15,000 Gil11011g ]<'01' !\torllC Creek Dam' nlt'~d Fllel, 1.6110 r.a.Hon!-l ShH'l' 011, 1.'100 Gullol;\1l 'I'lw Cit}, rcser\'C$ the right to l.aecelJt or reject (lilY or llll bids OT !oull~' 1.;U.t t1wl'cof. ~ Didl; will be opl'ned by the City jemlnC"lI in regulllr I"('~s!(>n ilt .:30 lP.M., Uc('('mhl:"1' l'i, 1!J66. DCI),' ALD D. TIEnn:\1AN l:t1iJlI~hC~/iJ~v~~~~n~fn~ TIel:". ~'.. ~_G ~ :NOTICE or CALL J"OR BIDS . :r-;UTJCh: IS HEHF.BY GIVEN that ,h1d:; 'will 1,)6 ro('(>h'ed till lu 1 :3Cl )J.m. Qn Dccl'mbel' 15. 1966 bJ. Ule City ;.11anagc1', or the Cily {}f Port Ang- 11)l1Js--140 1Ve"t Frunt 8t1'eet---on ! ~Ck~e~ 1:: ~~t 1~~~ :ar~~ Yarft ptwker unit. oOmplete, motUlt- , ed OD the above ~ck c1:J,.;usi8. Bhhll'I' SIHlll flubmlt witb hid th<- 1~~~~,~i~{\ o/b]~~a~Y a t~~~I'cd 0. (c~;r!lc~i~ '"tating that the bidiJer. if SUCCI'SS- ~l.~hO\%II~xd;pCt1~11. the 5pecli'ico.tlonl"l J1 . SD~cj!lca.tlon:; ma.:r" be ObU\.ltlCd ::\11 tl'(I offIce of the City Jl.lanager. The Clly Council will reyl..."" bids In regular "e~aion at 7:30 p.m.. nac-I ember 15, HI66 The Coullcll reservc.s tile rlgllt. to .tJC(lE')lt or reject any or all bIds submitted. DO"S..\T..D D. HERr:.hlA~ Pl.1bll!'lh(l~~t~E"~~l\;~~2..9t~ ... I I I I