HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/17/1981 2(12 " <> ..... ,. ~, ;cc-.~ ,:[~~~h':1'-~(;&~: '1:''\'''''' . ......... ........ .cITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington .November 17, 1981 I CALL TO ORDER Mayor Haguewood called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Boardman, Duncan, Hordyk, Polhamus, Quast and Whidden. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager F10dstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Lannoye, P. Carr, L. Cosens, D. Frizzell, L. . Glenn , J. Pittis, R. Orton, A. Rose and B. Myers. Public Present: K; Sweeney, E. Tenison, R. & C. Anderson, M. Shirley, H. Patterson, P. Wyatt, K. Tharaldsen, ,oJ. Rader, M. Wagner, D. Bragg, E. Thompson, R. Gerberding and R. Newland. III MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of .the November 3, 1981 meeting. Councilman Quast .~econded and the motion carried. IV FINANCE None. V, CONSE~~ AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the COnsent Agenda .including'vouchers of $282,610.36 and Payroll of $167,135.29 and the motion was seconded by COWlcilman Boardman, COuncilman Polhamus questioned the payment of $22.76 unemployment benefits under "Mayor and Council" on the Voucher Approval List. Finance Director.Orton stated the voucher was in error; however, Orton learned after the meeting the voucher was correct as benefits were being paid in behalf of Mr. Harold S. Buck. The.motion to approve the COnsent Agenda passed unanimously. VI ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE Nar ON THE AGENDA None. VII ITEMS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Councilman Duncan: Brought to the Council's attention Senate Bill 4421, Local Option Sales Tax, and Governor Spellman's $4.5 million budget request for. tourism promotion. After further discussion of these issues, the Council requested City staff to communicate with our legislators the Council's concerns and interests regarding 5B 4421 and their support of the $4.5 million tourism promotion request. .councilman Quasb,;Thanked City staff for; their weekend effons, in repairing damage caused by the November 14th storm; thanked Blackball Transportation for providing him a free ride to Victoria., B. C., for Remembrance Day; passed out pictures or the wreath and ceremonies; and pointed out that Item lIon the legislation agenda, "Consideration of Nominees for Planning Commission Vacancy", had been omitted. Councilman Quast also requested that a special meeting be called in early January between the Council, Port of Port Angeles Commissioners and the Economic Development Council for a "brainstorming" ~s~n. ~ VIII LEGISLATION Mayor Haguewood requested that Item 15 on the legislation agenda be considered at this time. .. , ;:' ';;:'1.1;., ''f. - '-, '~ ~~,;~;;~; f. I' L.II 11 r, I - '---' I! I , I , ,. .1 , - 'I ~ ~t. VIII I I . ';;;,;;, .,., <. ", CITY COUNCIL MEETING "._~,~\J" November D, 1981 .. . 'c;,.......-'i. :. HOJ. -"'~~~. -~.~~~~~~~~. "0.2.:03 '~f~'~~;:~. ..-.".- ".,' LEGISLi\.'I'ION 15. Status Report on City's 1982 United Way Campaign Manager Flodstrom reported that: the City's United Way Campaign for 1982 was highly successful with the City's total contribution totaling almost $4,800, an average of $35.00 per contributing employee. Mayor Haguewood then. presented Kirk Johnson with a plaque in recognition and appreciation of Mr. Johnson's generous contribution, his being the largest single con- tribution of the employees. 1. Planning COmmission Minutes from Meeting of October 28, 1981 Mayor Haguewood read a'.memorandum from the Planning Department advising the council that th~ October 28 Planning commission minutes required action on 1) the Preliminary Plat Hearing - Sunnyside, Inc. and 2) East Side Annexation north of Highway 101-suggested by Paul Froude. Councilman Quast moved the Council consider the Sunnyside, .Inc. Prelim- inary plat Hearing at the December 1, 1981 COW'lcil meeting; COuncilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried with councilman Whidden abstaining. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission in regards to the East Si~e annexation north of Highway 101-for the City to continue to utilize the petition annexation method, rather than annex the area by Council vote only. Councilman Boardman seconded and the motion carried with Councilman Whidden abstaining. 2. Planning commission Minutes - November 10, 1981 Councilman Hordykmoved the Council accept and place on file as received the Planning commission minutes of November 10, 1981 and October 28, 19B1; Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried. 3. Resolution - Vacation of Fourth Street Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 40-81 entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 40-81 RESOlUTION NO. 40,81 A RESOLUTION of the.City of POr't Angeles setting a heoring date for a pe1itian to vacate 011 of thai portion. of Fourth Street lying between Peabody Streel o.nd Vine Street. WHEREAS, lhe owner of interest in lot'S 10 ~ l8, Block 66, C.C, Le;ghlon's S~b. division. and in lots 1 9, Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing reso 810ck 171. Towns;le 01 Port by title, (which allm~s for referral of the petition to the pt ~~tte:~: 2~; 1~II:kat~e~~~~ for a recommendation); Councilman Boardman seconded and the mi vocation 01 thar porlion of I FOl.,)rth Street abutting said ~ots; and WHEREAS. said petition I appears to hove been signed I by the owners of more thon Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Departmel. two. thirds of the prope,ty . . . j abutting upon the right-of- recommendat~ons the Downtown Development S~gn Conmuttee had " waysoughtlo be vacated; the city's sign ordinance and a letter from J. Cornell Cornej NOW, THEREfORE, BE IT . .. ,. RESOLVED BY THE COUNC;L endors~ng the proposed s~gn ordinance changes. It was point Of THE CITY OF PORT Manager .Flodstrom that,'-Change I, "Change the '.ambrtization p~~ ANGELES os follows: .. Section 1. Tne petlllon to years to 5," was intended to mean all of the amortization se make such vocal ion sholl be . to be 5 years. J. Montgomery. representative of the Downto 'heard and dete,mined by lh;s Council on the Stn day of Sign Committee addressed the Council and recommended they ad Januorv, 1982, which ;s not ch. anges. Councilman Quast then moved the Council concur wit .. more than sixty (60) days nor Ie.. than twenly (20) days dations of the Downtown Development Sign Committee and make hereafter. changes to the sign ordinance: t Secl;on 2. The City Clerk is hereby dlre-cted to give . lwenlV (20) davs notice ot the A) cl ' f th t th t" "1 I' t . pendencv 01 said petition ar~ y a e erm marquee a so app ~es 0 awn 1. accord;ng 10 the provisions 01 mansard roofs; II RCW3S.79,020. . PASSED bv the Council 01 ~ .nt!- City of Po,-t Angeles tt,is B) Standardize all informational-type signs, such as "0 17th dovol Novemlw, 1981. t f Somuel J. Hoguewood Parking", "No Parking", and business directories a MAYOR square feet. Currently, some are 3 square feet I ot!] ATTEST: I M<lrian C. Parrish, Cit,; Oerk APPROVED AS TO fORM: , Cra;g L. Miller. CitV Attorney P~b.: Nov. 29, Dec. 6, 13, 20, jl9Bl. A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate all of that portion of Fourth Street lying between Peabody Street and Vine Street. 4. Sign Inventory and Sign Ordinance C} Clarify that banners are exempt; D} Clarify that window signs are exempt; E) Allow wall signs, parallel to the building facade, to project 18", rather than 12"; :'-i\:,>' CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 17, 1981 'I I I ~ lI.-,_'4. -';... ...... ':~~<(' .. ~,.~;t;~~~~~ "f))~.O 3 VIII LEGISLATION 15. Status Report on City's 1982 United Way Campaign Manager Flodstrom reported that: the City's United Way Campaign for i982 Wps highly successful with the City's total contribution totaling almost $4,800, an average of $35.00 per contributing employee. Mayor Haguewood presented Kirk Johnson with a plaque in recognition and appreciation of Mr. Johnson's generous contribution, his being the ~argest single con- tribution of the employees. then. 1. Planning COlllIl\ission Minutes from Meeting of October 28,' Mayor Haguewood read a"~emorandum from the Planning Departme~ooo'n the COllllcil that the October 28 planning COmmission minutes t :01 t. 1) th . l' . 1 t H' S .d Ipun~ BSUBd~3 IUBJJn) B41 WOJ~ ac ~on on e Pre ~m~nary P a ear~ng - unnys~ e, Inc .~ti'i SB!! East Side Annexation north of Highway 101-suggested by Paul ~ :01 pel"!JdoJdd"i\qBJB'I , . . 1 h'l' d h . d 19lU WOJ;:l' - S&I~uno:> fO UOI~DI:JC Counc~ man Quast moved t e Counc~ cons~ er t e sunnys~ e, . JOOS'tBS' . . inary Plat Hearing at the December 1, 1981 Council meeting; :01 H d k d d d h . . d . h '1 ' Wh' d ,pun~ BSUBd~3 IUBJJn) B'II WOJ~ or y secon e an t e mot~on carr~e w~t Counc~ man 1. G6Sl'L$ . COuncilman Hordyk then moved the COuncil concur with the rec :alpel"! . '.. . Gsuedx:I ~ueJJnJ 64' WOJ~ - le, of the Plann1ng COlllIlllss~on ~n regards to the East S~de anne~60'6at$ Highway 101-for the City to continue to utilize the petitior, :oj . _ Ipun:::l esuadx3 ~ueJJ:n:> aLl~ WOJ~ method, rather than annex the area by COunc~l vote only. CClltO'tol:$ pno) JOpBdnS :01 PBI"! seconded and the motion carried with Councilman Whidden abS~B'UBd~3 IUOJJn) B41 lUaJ~ - Ui ~ltn96$ 1 :O~ pe.o!JdoJdd 2. Planning Commission Minutes - November 10, 1981 -~3 IUBJJn) 041 WOJ~ - SUO!I" 000' It$ I ! :O~ paa-o!JdoJddo ~Je~ $ on file941 WOJ~ - SBJ!MBS UB J< and Oct;~06'St$ :01 PBIO!JdoJddo I .uBJJnJ eLl~ WQJ:I - UO!41J-&^&Jd ! SSl'S9t'l$ COuncilman Hordyk .moved the Council accept and place the Planning Commission minutes of November 10, 1981 Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried. 3. Resolution - Vacation of Fourth Street BJS4_ pun:l asuedx:I 4UEIIJJn:> &4' u StO'l$ :O~ pa4Dt Bsuedx3 ~uaJJn) -841 WOJ:I - wz 601'SO~$ :6u!UUOld Ol pun::l 9'Suadx3 IU9JJn.) 8'"14 WOJ:I I BS9'9~$ UO'JB!l"r- Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. RESOLUTION NO. 40-81 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate all of that portion of Fourth Street lying between Peabody Street and Vine~ Street. palD!JdOJddD ~C!aJa~ s, 9J9L11 PUf1 - UOSJ9nSr - ^P!sqnS 'UOl'DqC OO't6$ uo :04 pe~o~JdoJddD AqaJa4 $ a~1 WOJ:I - UOSJ&USr uOHoq S6B'alS uo ~..... __._......l.. ....,I".jo_ J..... ,...,_... Councilman Hordyk moved the COuncil adopt the foregoing resolution as read by title, (which allows for referral of the petition to the Planning Commission for a recommendation);Councilman Boardman seconded and the motion carried. 4. Sign Inventory and Sign Ordinance Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Department listing the recommendations the Downtown Development Sign Oommittee had for changing the City's sign ordinance and a letter from J. Cornell, Cornell Auto Parts, endorsing the proposed sign ordinance changes. It was pointed out by Manager Flodstrom that--C:hange I, "Change the '_amortization period'.'from 7 years to 5," was intended to mean all of the amortization schedules were to be 5 years. J. Montgomery, representative of the Downtown Development Sign Committee addressed the Council and recommended they adopt the proposed changes. Councilman Quast then moved the Council concur with the recommen- dations of the Downtown Development Sign Committee and make the following changes to the sign ordinance: A) Clarify that the term "marquee" also applies to awnings and mansard roofs; B) Standardize all informational-type signs, such as'- "CUstomer Parking" t "No Parking", and business directories at six (6) square feet. CUrrently, some are 3 square feet, others 6; Cl Clarify that banners are exempt; Dl Clarify that window signs are exempt; El Allow wall signs, parallel to the building facade, to project 18", rather than 12"; ~"':~~"f::"...,.....~. -....',- ..... "d~:"_ - ....~~...i;-i.~.;', -"...,;,-,"-:,4--,. t:O_tO-4 CIT~/ COUNCIL MEETING ~~,<~, .,-.. . November "17, 1981 .._ . ';:, :,.. ":'~:i.;;;m'r;q~:;t{~~.; VIII LEGISLATION (cont.) 4. Sign Inventory and Sign Ordinance (cant.) . .(.~,; '1 F) Allow marquee signs to extend 2' above the top of the marquee, rather than 18", or be placed on the side of the marquee, as long as they do not extend above the side; G) Change the area for pedestrian signs occurring under marquees from 6 square feet to 12 square feet; in effect, allowing 6 square feet to a side; I H} Change projecting signs from a maximum of 2' to a maximum of 4-1/2' i and I) Change the amortization period to five years. Councilman Quast further moved that staff prepare a~am~~ded sign ordinance for the next regular.Council meeting and a public hearing would be held at that time. Councilman Duncan seconded. Councilmen Hordyk and Boardman re- quested further clarification from staff on a few of the proposed changes and on call for the question to adopt the sign ordinance changes, the motion carried. 5. Mothballing of WPPSS Plants -4 & 5 Mayor Haguewood read by title Resolution No. 41-81 entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 41-81 A RESOLUTION of the City COWlcil of the city of Port Angeles authorizing and requiring the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Participant's Agreement to. Advance December Funds between the City of Port Angeles and the Washington I Public Power Supply System, in. the total . amount of $171,322. Councilman Hordyk moved for adoption of the foregoing resolution as read by title and Councilman Polhamus seconded. City Light Director L. Cosens summarized his November 17, 1981 memorandum recommending the Council auth- orize the Mayor to execute the necessary agreements to advance funds in the amount of $171,322 as a bridge loan.for the mothballing of Plants 4 and 5 (the $171,322 representing an advance on the $429,000 requested of .the City under the~for.malmothballing proposal). He then introduced Mr. Rick Newland, of WPPSS, who stated that the total cost for the mothballing plan for Plants 4 and 5 had been reduced to $403,000,000 and then entertained at length the Council's questions.in regard to. the mothballing plan. Several areas of concern were broached by the Council, most requesting clarification of the City's need to participate in the mothballing plan; the firmness of the $150,000,000 requested of participants by WPPSS; terms and conditions of the mothballing plan; and the effect the City's participation will have on our ratepayers. L. Cosens indicated he foresaw no negative impact on rates should the City participate in the mothballing plan.and he viewed the City's participation in the mothballing program as being in the best interest of ~he city's ratepayers-the other options at this point presenting only negative impacts. At the request of Councilman Duncan, Mr. Newland addressed the topic of "interest during construction" and indicated that the City was not currently obligated to pay this and would not be obligating themselves to do so by par- I ticipating in the motl-iba:J:ling program. The Council thanked Mr. Newland for .. attending the meeting and expressed their appreciation for the information he had been able to provide them. On call for the question to adopt the resolution, the motion carried unanimously. 6. Water Utility Ordinance Mayor Haguewood read a memo from J. pittis requesting the Council's con- sideration of the completed Comprehensive Water utility Ordinance and a I'. letter from J. Key, President of North peninsula Horne Builders Association, endorsing the completed ordinance. Mayor Haguewood then read by title Ordinance No. 2181, entitled, - ::",;-.~~.-..",~~> ORDINANCE NO. 2181 AN ORDINANCE ..IOllnv 10 the Munlelpal WOfe. Supply Syslem of Ihe City of Pori Angeles; regulollng the USe of Wale. ther.lrom; providing fa. the sol. 01 Ihe same; fj"lng lhe p,ice thereof; providing p.nahies for viQlations. of this ordinance; repealing Ordinances 1328, 1~33, 1484. 1528, 1529, 1531. 1938, 1567, 1590, 1871. 1919, 1981, ~O and 2080. and Chopler 13.08 of the Po,t Angeles Municipal Code, and "stobllshing new chapters within Title 1301 lhe Port Ang.'.s Municipal Code. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES. os follOW$; CHAPTER 1 DEFINITIONS Section I. 1nt.rDr.'tltlon nf n.finltionL For th. purpose of Ihls o.dlnonee the following words or phros.s have Ihe meaning sel forlh herein. unless Ihe eonte"t Indlcol... otherwll~. Seclion 2. "City" The City of Part Angol.s, SectIon 3. "Commercial Servic..... Water s.rvices 10 mull'ple dwelling unll> or businesses engaged In the manufaclur. ondlor sole 01 0 commodity or commodities. o. the rendering 010 service, such a. hOlels, molel. and h"'pltols. Section ~. "Council" Th. City COllncll of Ihe City 01 Port Angeles. Section 5. "Cross Connection" Any conne<<lon between any pari 01 Ihe water system used or Intended 10 supply wat.r for drinking. pll'POses and any sOllrce or .yst.m conlolning WOler or Subsfance that is not or cannot b., approved 01 ao'e. whole.ome. and polobl. lor human con.umptlon. Section 6, "CuSlom.," All person. oblainlng water .ervlce f.om Ih. water '"pply sy.tem of the City of Port Angole.. Section 7, "Deportment" The Public Work. D.portmenl 01 the Clly 01 Port Angele.. Seelion 8. "Olreclor" Th.. Olrector 01 Public Works of lhe City 01 Port Angel.., or his de.lgnated agent. Section 9. "Induslrlol Services" Water s.rvlce connec1ions to o bllsln,,1S enlerprl.e engag.d In Ihe maMloclur. 01 prodIlCI., materia'., equipment. mochinery and supplies on a sub. sfon.lof or ma;or scare. Section 10. "Mol"" A water line designed Dr used to serve mQre thon ono premis.s. Secllon 11. "Mlllllpl. Dwellinf, Units" Duple".., opartm.n' buildings, condomlnlllms, mobl. home po.k., IroU.r cOllrls, etc. Section 12. I'Person" Natural ".-rsons of either sex, and assocjotjons, co~partner:ships and corpor01ions, whether acting by lhemselve. o. by a .ervonl, agent 0' .mploy.... Section 13. "Permanenl Main" A main of PVC, cast Iron, mbesfO$-cem.nt Or other mat. rials a, approved by the Dlreclo' which a.. constructed 10 City standard. and opp'av.d and occepted far u.. by Ih. City. . Seellan I~. "Pr.mlse." A prlvat. home. building, oporlm"nl house, eandamlnlllm. trailer court, mobile ham. park, 0 grollp of odjocen' buildings or p.operty ulillzed unde. on. ownership and under a s10gle c-ontro~ wl1h r.'pec. to use of water ond r..pansibility lor payment Ih.refor. . 15. "Residential Setvic .. A wafe, servit. connection. 100 .Ingl" faml y we lng unll, Section 16. "Service Installation , Service Conne.:tion or Connection" All pipings and IIlIings Irom lh. main to the prape.ly own.r'. sid. 01 lhe water melOr o.sembly. Secllon 17, "Syst.m" All wat.r source and .upply faellitle., Iron.ml.sian pipelines. and 5Iorog. lacillll... pllmplng plonl., distribution main$ and appurtenances. vehicles, and ma1~rla's storage lacilltles, Section 18. "TemDDrarv Main"' Mains which do not conform 10 Clly 'Iondord. wllh re'pecl 10 sl.e, IOCOllon, type 01 mal..lal ondlar melhod olln.'allolion. Section 19. "Trea,"r.r" The City T,,,,,surer 01 lh. City 01 Pori Ang.I... S.clion 20. "Wat.r S.rvlce A....." That or.o con.lstlng of Ihe corporale limit. of the City of Port Ang.le. and tho.e ar.os lhot hove been or may be d".lgnaled for waler ...rvie. by the City COllncU. CHAPTER 2 GEN~RAL PROVISIONS Section 1. Pur"".e. The p"'pase 01 Ihls ordinance I. 10 establish teel for service, and general rules and regulations for the .ervlce and e"tension of servlc. Irom Ihe wat.r .y.t.m 01 the City of Part Angele.; and to p.amot. the public health, sofety. and gen&rol w"lIore 01 Ihe u.ers of the wol.. syst.m, In accordance wllh slondords established by Ihe Clly, COllnty. Stot.and Federal governments. Section 2. ADflicabilltl., The p'ovlslon. 01 this o,dlnonee sholl apply to 01 Wol.r servic.s provided by. and to 011 work performed by the D8p<lrlmenl. se'tjOn3.ln~'ion. A. Authoti. employ.e. of th. City, prop.rty Id.ntlfled, sholl hove ocee.., 01 rea.onobl. hall... allh. day, 10 all ports 01 0 p..mi... or building. 10 which woler I. supplied by the City, for the pllrpose of assllrlng confo'mily 10 Ihe.e regulation.. B. When"ver the Owne, 01 any p.emls.. sllpplled by the O.partment restrains outnor-fze-d City employees. from mQkjng such iiKessory cn$p4)Ctions. water service may be refused or discontinued. Section~. Unlaw/III Acl. Delined A. Any p..rson cOIl.lng clamoge to any prop.rty belonging to Ihe Departmenl sholl be Iioble 10 the Department for any and all damages r..ulllng eilher direclly or Indirectly th.rel,om. B. It .holl be unlawful For Ony p....on to willfully disturb, break, deface. damage Or trespass upon anr property b.longing to or conn.ct.d ""ith the wat.. .y.tem 0 Ih" City 01 Port Angeles. in a"y mo!'n.... wha'soGv.r, C. It "hcJJI be unlawful for any penon to store, mointa-in or k-eap ony goods, metchondisei mo'er"lo'. or rubbish within a distance 01 f1v. (5) f.el 01, or 10 Interf.re with, Ih. ace... Dr operation of any woter meter, 9(Jfe valve. fire hydrant, or other appurtCtnonee in use on ony water :service, connection. water m.Qin, or f.te P.rote-c:tion :sorvice, Seclian 5. H d,onls - Authori.&d Use. II .hall be unlawflll for any pers.on, 01 er t an aot orlz:e employee.. of the Fire and Public. Works Oepartmenh of 1he City, to operate fire hydrants and hose- outlets, Ul1ress proper arrangements have beGn made 'or payment. therefor and permissioFl has been granted by Ih. Department. ... . '- -,,'"""""'---.-- -.-, '... .I.-- .., . tll c\, "I - ~ ~ 8:lJ iJj ~ lJ .~_ -; .: r;. ,;:tJ, 0 ~ ~ ~ ~~..:1. e~ ? 3 ~ 00 ~ ~?.:~;.~' ~ ';,""(0 = ~ ~ :~ e 7' ~ ~ t; 0' :I'...~ II) tQ ~ :"l . ~~ :,0 ::'::=0 ... ~ ~ i)" ~'1 f tt.3 I; ii"Sg ~:T~ i- ~T~ rs.:s.. oO'a..:I; ~33 5-11I t:T~..t) 2.~g,,;'a~"'~<~:=; ~Q2"' o. 2..~~:;3"'3;' -g "',.... ~~ 3:;EF2g ?~!"l:g '& ?l;t;' ~ ~~;;;.~ ~ ~'~ ~ 0"8 ~;'6 ~~ f 9: c ~:r~ ~: ~. ~ 0 S'a: ~ :r;;'~ ~~ ift.~ ~ ~ ~ 5- @:~~~ ~ g.8-~lD Ill! ~-? fjl ~~ g ~ ~ ~3 ~ ~g.~~';_~ :' &-&0 !%'~~ ~~-i'?'J:r ;,;~.~..c-.:.[~'~-.~ ~~3 ~i:g,~!!'i~~~~ ~ ~g. ~~5-oHi~ i~.~~ ~~ili"H~:,Ul-i ~g_. g~: t'g~~J.U ~~:;[:t~g.~lT!!,~~g;!~i~;!..g.;:~ ~:~f ,," ... , ". 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""I. 5' -<mn!~ ~~ ir ~!t~~~~a. 3g~~ ~~~amra5-:::;~ ~~~~a-o~~~ tf ~ f~ ti~~ i~:;'g S~~~~~c~s: a3f~i~~~i ~ g ~ (:ie;;' ~.., ~~ ~ ~ 9...g Z.J-::-5~i-:g;-8" g'.@ g~ ~ ~.o ~ 3 a; 9..~ ~~:--= ~ij.O:~ a3.g~~~ffi[!2.~ &.o~~~g-lla:~ :r o '" ;t:C ~~ 08 "'''- .../ ~ I I I .... +,..-~~,.,.. ~- ~~. .'. .'\,l~~':'io:;;.~).;.~::,_:-~-:. CITY COlJN~I~ MEETING,~,~r:t:);F:' November 17, 1981 '~~. . ~"-'t~~.:.i'~"~:~~~f~~~~': ~_~ ." '. . < .."C"''''Qtli)w.'''-t . - . _ ~;>,. ,._....~~.l~::..~. VIII LEGISLATION 6. Water utility Ordinance (cont.) ORDINANCE NO. 2181 AN ORDINANCE relating to the Municipal Water Supply System of the City of Port Angeles; regulating the use of water therefrom; pro- viding for the sale of the same; fixing the price thereof; providing penalties for vio- lations of this ordinance; repealing ordi- . nances 1328, 1433. 1484, 1528, 1529, 153l, 1938, 1567, 1590, 1871, 1919, 1981, 2040 and 2080; and Chapter 13.08 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, and establishing new chapters within Title 13 of the Port Angeles Municipal ODde. Co~~ci1man Polhamus moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as read by title; Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. 7. Resolution - Fees for New Residential Water Service Connections Mayor Haguewood read by title Resolution No. ~ entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 42-81 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles establishing fees for the installation of new residential water service connections. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing resolution as read by title; Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. 8. Resolution Authorizing Loan from Water Fund ~2yor Haguewood read by title Resolution No. 43-81 entitled, RESOLUTION NO. 43-81 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles authorizing an interfund loan from the Water Fund to the CUrrent Expense Fund. CoUncilman Quast moved the ODuncil adopt the foregoing resolution as read by title and Councilman. Polhamus seconded. Manager Flodstrom explained the purpose and content of Resolution No. 43-81; in short, the loan being repre- sentative of the General Fund's share of the Corporation Yard financing, and he extended an invitation for the ODuncil to view the Corporation Yard. On call for the question to approve the resolution, the motion carried. 9. Telep~one'Utility Tax Fi~nce Director orton explained his October IS, 1981 lRemO requesting a r~vision to the City's telephone utility tax in which he outlined three ..options available to the Council. After further Council discussion, ODuncil- . ):Il,.\ll Quast moved the Council impose a city tax on basic services (telephone) outy at a rate equal to 5.5% (suggested option #3) and that an ordinance implementing this be drawn up and brougilt before the Council for their consideration. Councilman Duncan seconded and the motion carried. 10. Transit Transfer Station Mayor Haguewood read a letter from the Port of Port Angeles requesting the Council's opinion on buffer and on-site parking requirements should the Clallam Transit System locate a transfer station on Port owned property at Oak and Front Streets. Councilman Polhamu~ questioned if the Port's inquiries were pertinent as the Clallam Transit System is no longer considering this site due to the price currently being aSked by the Port. Councilman Quast expressed his hope that the transfer station would be located on Front and Oak Streets due to its proximity to the Central Business District and requested the City negotiate further with the Port regarding this location. Councilman Duncan suggested this item be placed .. . .2,......~1~' . G_U'~C- .... "-'~' . .. VIII' ;;~. .>, h''''~~~-,,?~~._a.,_ CITY COUNCIL MEETING \~~~,~::. November ~ 17 " 1981 ': ~~ :"::~0~:':":^~- '." ""'::.'.'"A . ";:''';''''. . . '..,..~i!if,5.'l'"Jl:'1 - .' ..",,=..J:t '.";&:ii" \~'.-'~~~f! .. ~. '!~~-".t;__.. 1" ~_ - . ~;'.' :;...~ .':J,.tJ LEGISLATION 10. Transit Transfer System (cont.) on the agenda of the special meeting to be held with the Port of Port Angeles in ~anuary and considered at that time. The Council directed Manager Flodstrom to respond to the Port's inquiries to that effect. 11: Planning Commission Vacancy Mayor Haguewood read Manager Flodstrom's memo advising the Council of those I individuals who had submitted a letter of interest for filling the Planning Commission vacancy , and he also read C. Whidden's letter of resignation from the Planning Commission. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept C. Whidden's letter of resignation from the Planning Commission; Councilman Boardman, s~conded and the motion carried. Councilman Polhamus indicated D. Wight was interested in filling the vacant position. After the Council discussed the procedures available to them for filling this vacancy,! Councilman Polhamus moved the Council Open the vacancy on the Planning Commission. for applications from the general. public until November 30, 1981; Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "No". 12. City Property -Surplus Mayor Haguewood read Finance Director Orton's memorandum requesting per- mission to a~ction surplus equipment. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council declare the listed property as surplus and authorize the City Manager to conduct a public auction. Councilman Duncan seconded and the motion carried. 13. High Tide Seafood's.Request Mayor Haguewood read a letter from J. Shefler, Business Manager of High Tide Seafood" requesting the Council extend the Temporary Use Permit and a renewal of their .lease for City property located at 301 North Oak Street., Councilman Quast moved the Council refer this matter to the Planning Commission for their consideration and recommendation. Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried. I 14. Senior Energy Credit Program Manager Flodstrom summarized the City's experience with the first year of the Senior Energy Credit Program, recommending it as successful and beneficial for low-income. seniors unable to obtain other energy assistance and requested the Council renew this program for 1982. . Councilman Duncan moved the Council approve funding for. the Senior Energy Credit Program for 1982, implementing a November-December application period, with a mandatory requirement for eligible seniors to sign up for an energy audit through City Light's conser- .vation program. Councilman Quast seconded and after further discussion, the motion carried. 15. This item was considered before the first item on the legislation agenda. 16. H. Buck's Committee Assignments Mayor Haquewood read a memorandum from the City Manager requesting repre- sentatives be assigned to the council committee positions assigned to H. Buck until the first of the year. Councilman Duncan offez-ed to serve on I the Clallam County Transit BOaJ;d and Councilman Whidden agreed to serve the remainder of the positions left vacant by H. Buck. Reassessments of all - Council assignments will be made in January. 17. Police Department Procedure - Bad Checks, Shoplifting Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Police Chief Cleland's office clari- fying the Police Department's current procedures for prosecuting bad checks and Shoplifting offenders. Councilman Quast moved the Council retain the current procedure as outlined in Chief Cleland's memorandum and Councilman Polhamus seconded. Manager Flodstrom advised the Council of an item of .....,:..,.;...,.,.. .' ::~~~':7-~ "t-' ~. ~~~~~~f:;t~.?~.I'.} ~J~~~~-:-'- i :-....~~~,;~. !:..i.. '-~',t.:f:"€t}!..I()~: ;;~~~CITY: COUNq~~MEET~ ,".. ,?{t;!~,'~v.'" ~"I\November: T7 .<:1981" ',.~, ':;:,'.;:.f':.~~~<iF,;",~,~~:. .'";J;'~~~t.~~~~ 0"._0'.1 "~~~(t1~~~~~~ ,H' ~)~~~:t};~~~3}~:~ ~}~._t~;. , ~-,~~.t"--.i-~'Y~....L. ...- ~~~1~'-'~f""~."\J ~"'J. -. -if;'- i~:.~;~-~~:~~F;~Sf;r~~~~J~~>-: ;~~.~:--"~~~:~.;:.~..2'~ .: ;:-. "~- .::~i~1i\~~~'~i~~'~~-""~'."~ ;2,t,l~t ~.;;- '" ... VIII LEGISLATION 17. Police Department Procedure - Bad Checks, Shoplifting (conL) I legislation introduced by Senator Rasmussen which calls for state~u.de adoption of the bad check and shoplifting procedure currently being used by the City of Bremerton, which in part calls for a Police Department to serve as a "collection agency"; he indicated this bill may surface in the January session of the legislature. On call for the question to retain the current procedure, the motion carried. Following the vote, Councilman Quast requested staff '. study the cost impacts of this proposed item of legislation and a discussion followed with Lieutenant Myers presenting the. Police Department's views on this subject. IX ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None~ X LATE ITEMS 1. Delhur - Request to Circulate A.nnexation petition Mayor HagueWood read a memorandum from the Planning Department introducing' a.request from Delhur.. Inc. to ciruc1ate an annexation petition for that area sou:!=h of the Airport, north of Edgewood Drive and east of Lower E1wha Road. Councilman Quast moved the Council refer the petition to the Planning Commission for their review and recommendation; Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried with Councilman Duncan:; abstaining. <2.".:Coill1cilman :Hordyk: 'uRequested ;status ,of obtaining Winona Bell and the adequacy of the 1/2 of 1% sales tax levy for Ediz Hook repairs; staff in- dicated they would look into these matters. I 3. Councilman Quast: Requested clarification of the garbage pickup policy for ,those routes .'!skipped" on holidays; asked for a status report on the estimated utility billing system? thanked the Public Works Depart- ment for working on Ahlvers Roadiand suggested staff prepare a letter to Safeway expressing the Council's aJ?preciationfdr the fine work done in beautifylng their parking lot and the additjon.to their'building.. He also re- quested a letter of appreciation be sent to cnarles Whidden for. his eight years of service on the Planning Commission. 4. Councilman Duncan: Has information available from the AWe Legislative Conference should anyone be interested. XI -ADJOURNI-lENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting adjourned to an executive session at 10;15 P.M. XII RETURN TO OPEN SESSION AND ADJOURNMENT The meeting returned to open session at 10:40 P.M. and was adjourned. I e. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Port Angeles has extended its Energy Credit Program for low.income senior citizens of Port Angeles with an effective implementation date of January 1,1982. low-income elderly people in need of energy related assistance during the winter months may make application for energy credits at the Port . Angeles Senior Center. 215 South lincoln Street and/or at the City Manager's office in City Hall. Applications must be received by the City of Port Angeles not later than January 25, 1982. Appli- cations shall be for one year only and must be renewed on an annual basis. Submission of an application for an energy credit shall constitute a verification by the appli- cant that all information provided in such appli- cation is true and correct to the best of the appli- cant's knowledge. Marian C. Parrish 11/22.r? f City Clerk City Clerk ...... '~ . " ,,,-,,~~~;,,:~;;;~;:~~i:,~~~~~;:~~.'-: .....'"~. -,.' ...... ~ ~~:r.t:<i~t'~~:{t.". ',.,Y-;. ~J~.~- j .._,~ '.~~ .~.., ,1 '.:,~.ti$df!.~~~f;"' ,.,,;c{CITY' COUNCI~~MEETIN " . ,. ~l;~",f.\,~~.NoveIDber. 17 ,:{J.9 8~'~~~. ". - ,- :~. ';;;:;;S~';i~- .. lQ:~~~~,' I I I VIII LEGISLATION. '!:' .".. 17. Police Department Procedure - Bad Checks, Shop~ifting (cant.) ~egislation introduced by Senator Rasmussen which calls for state-wide adoption of the bad check and shoplifting procedure current~y being used by the.City of Bremerton, which in part calls for a Police Department to serve as a "collection agency"; he indicated this bill may surface in the January session of the legislature. On call for the question to retain the current procedure, the motion carried. Following the vote, Councilman QUast requested staff ~ study the cost impacts of this proposed item of legis~ation and a discussion followed with Lieutenant Myers presenting the Police Department's views on this subject. IX ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA. None. X LATE ITE~!S 1. Delhur - Request to Circulate Annexation Petition Nayor HagueWood read a memorandum from the Planning Department introducing' a-request from Delhur, Inc. to ciruclate an annexation petition for that area sou,th of .the Airport, north of Edgewood Drive and east of Lower Elwha Road. Councilman Quast moved the Council refer the petition to the Planning Commission for their review and recommendation; Councilman Polhamus seconded and the motion carried with Councilman Duncan': abstaining. 2..'. ~CoimGilman!Hordyk. :uRequested.status ,of bbtaining Winona Bell and the adequacy of the 1/2 of 1% sa~es tax levy for Ediz Hook repairs; staff in- dicated they would look into these matters. XI 3. Councilman Quast: Requested clarification of the garbage pickup pOlicy for .those routes .'!skipped" on holidays; asked for a status report on the estimated utility billing system; thanked the Public Works Depart- ment for working on Ahlvers Roadiand suggested staff prepare a letter to Safeway expressing the Council' s ap;-..-----..:..~~--F"!iJ:...-t e fine work done in beautifying their parking lot and-~:rJtr~1I ~~GU~~~- quested a letter of appreciation ba..PI -3~Il.nf eNI1I~.n-.,,::11 years of service on the Planning Cc' - - ... 4. Councilman Duncan: Has inform~ 4~~" Conference should anyone be intere 10, OJ nmrA r'/ j I AUIIOflf-tIGIS1WllO lMlIHaI ' \\ 1,8. : "ADJOURNtreNT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION ~ 's::w II ~~~... ~".'~"i'. ~ I,~ J 1lO~ S IlOI II ..llll1W ~ d,' , , lr.lOl" t .".of 1". The meeting adjourned to an execuJ , ' I il RETURN TO OPEN SESSION AND ADJOURr -,...(/$>'.' r JI' ('.. ~('.~,~ !Sn,H"" '-.J "~"" The meeting returned to open ses:~~ .J'I~~;'. I , 'i' .1.1. ",~I ,L. 'Oil - XII .~ ~e,~ City Clerk ~4"h~'.JJh< Mayor . '-'-''''i'.~:.:,"~;~~~~;~r~1;~''~,#~?\~";:_,', . .--~ -..:...,r~