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November 17, 1987
Mayor Whidden called the special meeting to order at 6:32 P.M. The purpose
of the special meeting was to finalize Goals and Objectives for 1988 and
Council, staff and the public discussed and debated the following Goals:
(1) Review Human and Health Services; (2) Improve Water System; (3) Plan
for Port Angeles' Future; (4) Enhance and Beautify the City's Visual Image;
(5) Develop Harbor and Improve City's Waterfront; (6) Handle Community's
Wastewater; (7) Enhance Public /Community Safety.
Councilman Stamon moved to adopt the Goals and Objectives as discussed at
this meeting and the special work session of November 10, 1987, subject to
final approval at the December 1, 1987, City Council meeting. Councilman
Schermer seconded and the motion carried.
Mayor Whidden called the regular meeting to order at 7:18 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Whidden, Councilmen Hallett, Hesla, McPhee, Quast,
Schermer, Stamon.
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Public Present:
Port Angeles, Washington
November 17, 1987
Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Anderson,
P. Carr, M. Cleland, R. Orton, S. Brodhun, L. Glenn,
J. Pittis, A. Rose, B. Coons, L. Cochrun, S. Hursch,
M. Campbell.
D. Bragg, L. Lee, A. C. Alexander, N. Pendley,
R. French, S. Callejo, J. Rosbach, D. Smith, H. Berglund,
J. Cammack, L. Ross, E. Clark, J. Sargent, S. Guth,
J. Hallett, M. Hallett, S. Powers, G. Pettit, M Tyler,
E. Stamon, K. Wright, B. Philpott, E. Hansen, D. Fortner,
R. Osborn, R. Garver, L. Sunny.
Councilman Stamon moved to accept and place on file the minutes of the
November 3, 1987, meeting. Councilman Hallett seconded. Councilman Stamon
corrected Register Page 863, 6th paragraph down, changing the word "bank"
to band. The motion carried.
Councilman Stamon asked that in the future the p4ges of the minutes be
numbered on the right -hand corner.
Councilman Stamon moved to accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda
including: (1) Request permission to call for bids contract tree
trimming; (2) Request for progress payment to Fremont Construction for work
on new City Hall of $42,585.25; (3) Final payment to Eastern Electric for
transformer repair of $8,576.97; and (4) Vouchers of $281,569.16 and
Payroll of 11 -6 -87 of $222,411.13. Councilman Hallett seconded. Council-
man Hesla inquired about the call for bids on tree trimming. He asked if
it would not be reasonable to do this on a yearly, routine basis. Light
Director Orton stated that it was not required on an annual basis, rather,
once every four or five years. Councilman McPhee was concerned that we
have a $65,000 item that we were just learning about; that the City Manager
and staff were aware of at least two and one -half months ago. He wished it
would have come to the Council's attention earlier. Manager Flodstrom
responded that the item had been discussed in the Utility Advisory
Committee. Councilman Hallett felt it had been adequately addressed in the
budget. Following extensive discussion, the motion carried.
2. Bid Awarded to WESCO for Electric Meters
November 17, 1987
1. Payment Authorized to Riddell, Williams for Legal Representation on
WPPSS Issues
Councilman Schermer moved to authorize payment of the September 26th to
October 25, 1987, Riddell, Williams bill in the amount of $10,609.11.
Councilman Hesla seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Schermer moved to concur with the recommendation of the Light
Department and accept the qualified low bid from WESCO out of Portland,
Oregon, for a total of $15,854.36, including tax. Councilman Quast
seconded. Councilman McPhee noticed this was not the low bid and that the
bidder who had bid $175.93 less had failed to submit a bid bond. He
recommended rejecting all bids and rebidding. Council and staff explained
that it would cost more than the $176 to call for bids a second timeand
that the other bidder who had complied with bidding requirements would have
cause for legal action. On call for the question, the motion carried.
3. Progress Payment Authorized to Bruch Bruch Construction for Work on
Morse Creek Hydro Project
Councilman Quast moved to concur with the recommendation of City Light that
the City Council approve the payment in the amount of $3,141.70, less 5%
retainage, plus 7.8% tax, for a total of $3,217.41. Councilman Hallett
seconded. Councilman McPhee inquired why this was not included in the
regular contract. Light Director Orton responded that part of this was a
skin slide that occurred outside of the slide area which was originally
being repaired. Following discussion, on call for the question, the motion
Jim Cammack, 3752 Hill Circle, addressed the Council on behalf of the
Senior Class Party Fundraising Committee, requesting the Council to address
a situation that many had become dramatically aware of over the past few
weeks following a teen -age suicide, where teen -agers leave a dance at
midnight to go to a party where drugs or alcohol might be served. He
requested the Council, on this particular occasion a dance to be held on
New Year's Eve extend the hours of the dance from midnight to 1:00 A.M.
Councilman Stamon suggested this item be dealt with now. Following
discussion, the Council concurred.
Copies of an ordinance amending the teen -age dance ordinance had been
distributed to Councilmembers earlier.
Mayor Whidden read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
modifying Teenage Dance Regulations and
amending Section 7 of Chapter 5 of
Ordinance 2050 and Section 5.20.070
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman Stamon moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Council-
man Hallett seconded. Councilman Stamon brought up the need to address the
request of this fund- raising committee to allow children from age 14 to
attend. Attorney Knutson explained that wording of the Ordinance could be
revised to change the age from 16 to 14, or wording could be added to make
it a case -by -case basis. Councilman Schermer suggested addition of wording
in paragraph (f) "unless authorized by City Council" and moved to amend
wording as such. Councilman Stamon concurred. Attorney Knutson suggested
adding the word "otherwise" also. Councilman Stamon concurred. Councilman
Stamon then commended this committee. She stated this was exactly the type
of thing the Council was hoping to see more of in the future. She felt it
was a wonderful way of addressing the problem of youths with alcohol and
November 17, 1987
It was Councilman Quast's opinion that the 16- year -old age limit was
established at the time that this was the age of high school students and
in an effort not to mix junior high with high school students. He
emphasized that the structure of the schools had now changed. Mr. Cammack
also brought up the fact that the High School now included ninth graders
and that many high school students were in the age range of 14 to 15.
Councilman Hesla noted that the dance would be offered to teen -agers 14 to
19, but that the ordinance allowed individuals up to the age of 21. Mr.
Cammack stated he would leave this to the discretion of the Council, but
that the Committee would reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone and
was discouraging the older individuals from attending. Councilman Stamon
felt this was the right of the sponsors of any event. Following discus-
sion, the amended motion carried.
Councilman Stamon then moved to concur with the request from Mr. Cammack
and the 1988 Senior Party Committee and allow an extension of the hours at
Vern Burton Memorial Community Center for the purposes of a teen -age dance
on New Year's Eve to 1:00 A.M. Councilman Hesla seconded. Councilman
Stamon included in the motion that attendance at age 14 also be authorized,
with the understanding and assurances as contained in the letter, that the
party would be chaperoned and age limits enforced. Councilman Hesla
concurred, and the motion carried.
1. Petition Accepted for Improvement by L.I.D. Of DelGuzzi Drive East of
the Plaza
Mayor Whidden reviewed a background memo from the Public Works Department
on the topic. Councilman Schermer moved to concur with the recommendation
of the Public Works Department that the City Council accept the petition
and authorize the Public Works Department to proceed with negotiations for
surveying and engineering services with Northwestern Territories, Inc., and
that the Council require a letter of financial commitment from the property
owners, making them financially responsible for all costs incurred by
Northwestern Territories, Inc., for surveying, plans and specifications, if
the L.I.D. was withdrawn or not formed and /or constructed because of
actions by property owners. Councilman Stamon seconded, pointing out that
we were specifying a particular surveying firm at the request of the
proponents of the L.I.D. Councilman McPhee pointed out also that that firm
had done preliminary work.
2. Reviewing Status of Golf Course Road Fund Ordinance Amendment
Attorney Knutson distributed an ordinance. Mayor Whidden read the
Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
extending the effective date of the
Golf Course Road Improvement Fund 4pd
amending Section 4 of Ordinance 2094.
Councilman Quast moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman
Schermer seconded. Councilman McPhee asked if Mr. Miller had a copy of
this memo or was aware of it. Staff did not believe so. Councilman McPhee
felt we should hear from Mr. Miller before we adopted the Ordinance. He
saw this as changing the law after the expiration of a deadline, and
possibly because of something the City did or did not do. He felt we
should hear from Mr. Miller before we took any action changing the
ordinance. Attorney Knutson explained the basis for drafting this
Ordinance. Councilman Stamon did not have a problem with delaying it for
one meeting, so long as the Council indicated that they intended to take
action at the next Council meeting. Councilman Quast then withdrew his
motion. Councilman Stamon moved to delay action on this item until the
next Council meeting and that an invitation be extended to Mr. Miller to
address the Council at that meeting. Councilman Schermer seconded and the
motion carried.
3. Current Diversion Ordinance Amended
Mayor Whidden read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
eliminating certain references to a
repealed criminal code provision, and
amending Ordinance No. 2285 and Sections
13.18.050, 13.18.060, and 13.18.070 of
the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
November 17, 1987
Councilman Quast moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman
McPhee seconded and the motion carried.
4. Disposition of Bonneville Power Administration Rebate on Electrical
Power Payments
Mayor Whidden reviewed a background memorandum from Light Director Orton
which explained that in October the City was informed that it was going to
receive a rebate on its power bill in the range of $134,000 to $138,000 and
that the Council had been made aware of this news on October 20th at its
regular meeting and had referred this matter to the Utility Advisory
Committee. The memo then outlined options established by the Utility
Advisory Committee. Ory Campbell addressed the Council on behalf of James
River Corporation, requesting that the rebate be refunded on the basis of
energy consumed during the period. Councilman McPhee discussed the matter
briefly with Mr. Campbell.
Jeff Rosbach, representing ITT Rayonier, addressed the Council, stating
that Rayonier was City Light's second largest customer. He felt the rebate
should not be allocated back to reserves but should be returned to City
Light's customers on the basis of actual energy purchases during the rebate
period. Upon inquiry by Councilman Sch r r 9
ncilman Quast responded on
behalf of the Utility Advisory C--- explaining the recommendations
established by the Utility Advisory Committee. During extensive discus-
sion, Councilman McPhee stated it did not seem that difficult to calculate
amounts due back to residential customers. Councilmembers explained they
had asked staff and staff had responded that it would be a nightmare to
research those records to determine amounts of usage and occupants during
the time of the rebate period. Councilman Stamon stated that if a rebate
did occur, she would favor an across the -board rebate where the amount was
simply divided by the number of utility customers and a flat rate returned
to each customer. The Council and staff discussed the issue at great
Steve Guthrie, 1015 East Fourth, felt the money should be all retained or
returned to everyone and not just one specific group such as the industrial
Following extensive discussion, Councilman Schermer moved that we accept
recommendation no. 4, refunding the money in. ca.h or credits to both
residental and commercial customers in the most economical way possible.
Councilman McPhee seconded for the sake of discussion.
Councilman Hallett supported retaining the money to offset future rate
increases. Councilman McPhee favored retaining the reserves except for
that class which was easily identified and using those retained reserves to
defer increases only for those classes that didn't receive a cash rebate.
On call for the question, the motion failed with Councilmen Hesla and
Schermer voting "Aye Councilmen Quast, McPhee, Hallett and Stamon voting
Following further discussion, Councilman McPhee moved to accept this rebate
from Bonneville Power and pass on an immediate rebate to the industrial
class and credit it against the next increase that would occur to residen-
tial and commercial accounts. Councilman Quast seconded. Councilman Quast
pointed out this would mean that the industrial accounts would receive the
rate increase unmitigatingly while the others might have a buffer. On call
for the question, the motion failed with Councilman McPhee voting "Aye" and
all others voting "No
November 17, 1987
Councilman Hallett moved to concur with the Utility Advisory Committee
recommendation and accept the Bonneville rebate and retain it in a reserve
to offset future potential rate increases. Councilman Quast seconded.
This motion carried with Councilman Schermer voting "No
5. City Will Not Join Snohomish County PUD in Advocating Their Position
on WPPSS Issues
Councilman Quast moved the City of Port Angeles not join with the Snohomish
County PUD in advocating termination of the net billing agreement with BPA.
Councilman Stamon seconded. Councilman Stamon reported on the behalf of
the Utility Advisory Committee. She stated the City's legal representative
felt there were some significant flaws with the reasoning in the position
of Snohomish in this particular instance. She further noted that Public
Power Council was in the process of establishing a position on this issue
and that we should adopt a wait and see attitude at this point. Councilman
Quast concurred. On call for the question, the motion carried. Councilman
Stamon felt it behooved the entire Council and the new Councilmembers as
well as the public to be aware that we are going to be facing in the next
couple of years, some weighty issues in terms of resource management,
development and acquisition and there were going to be some real difficult
policy decisions the Port Angeles City Council was going to have to make on
these issues.
Councilman Quast pointed out that we were afraid that because of the
national budget deficit, there would be new attempts made to have the BPA
loans; (a) paid back faster to the Federal Government; (b) the interest
rate increased to BPA or; (c) which is the most likely, the selling of the
public power plants to private companies. He stated the impact of that on
the public power customers could not be foreseen at this time. He stated
some decisions coming before the Council in the future might be more
momentous than the 1976 decision to join the WPPSS consortium.
6. Professional Services Contract for Fish Spawning Study Services
Morse Creek Hydro Project Authorized
Councilman Quast moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the personal service
contract for one year for Morse Creek salmon and steelhead spawning surveys
with Tom H. Johnson and Randy Cooper, fisheries biologists, to comply with
requirements for the FERC licencse application on the Morse Creek project.
Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried.
The meeting was recessed for 15 minutes for a break from 8:35 until 8:50
7. Park Board Minutes of October 22, 1987
Councilman Schermer moved to accept and place on file the minutes of the
Park, Recreation, and Beautification Commission of October 22, 1987.
Councilman Stamon seconded. Councilman Hallett questioned Park and
Recreation Director Brodhun on when the sign ,policy would be discussed
again. Park and Recreation Director Brodhun responded this would be
discussed at the December meeting. He asked about the status on the
Adopt -A -Park brochure. Park and Recreation Director Brodhun explained
that the Park Board had recommended changes on the draft and the brochure
would be taken back to the board for approval this Thursday night.
Councilman Quast discussed with Park and Recreation Director Brodhun, Park
Commissioner VanOss' suggestion that the 1988 budget include specifically
the amount the City planned to spend on Beautification for the purpose of
informing groups when the Advisory Committee was soliciting donations from
those groups. He asked if the Parks Department could provide an estimate
on the cost of replantings with various colors in the flower boxes, etc.
rather than one drab greenery etc. He asked if this estimate could be
provided at budget time. Park and Recreation Director Brodhun stated it
was the hope of the Park Department that the business community could take
over maintenance of planters in front of their businesses. He explained
that was the idea behind Miss VanOss' suggestion, that we identify how much
money is spent on beautification so that when we went soliciting donations,
we could indicate how much we are spending and ask folks what they could
possibly do to assist. During discussion, it was agreed that plaques
listing those who maintain the planter boxes would be installed on those
November 17, 1987
Councilmen McPhee and Quast discussed with Park and Recreation Director
Brodhun the sign policy. They also discussed attendance at Park Board
meetings by Park Board members, and the POW flag in the park. On call for
the question, the motion to accept and place on file the minutes carried.
8. Construction of Memorial Wall at New City Hall Authorized
Councilman Schermer moved to authorize the Park and Recreation Department
to proceed with building the brick wall which would be entitled, "The Wall
of Fame" and contain memorial plaques for exceptional citizens. Councilman
McPhee seconded. Following discussion, the motion carried.
Councilman Schermer then moved that the Council solicit estimates from
Duncan McKiernan for the bronze bas relief plaque after the Memorial
Committee has determined wording for said plaque. Councilman Stamon
seconded for the sake of discussion. During discussion, Councilman Stamon
pointed out her desire that the Council have final approval on the wording
of the plaque. This was agreed upon. On call for the question, the motion
Following further discussion, Councilman Stamon moved that the Memorial
Committee be authorized to select a number of citizens to assist them in
establishing guidelines for the specifics of who should be on that memorial
plaque. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman McPhee requested that staff obtain information from other cities
as to their guidelines for recognition of citizens. Manager Flodstrom
responded that the Committee did have some of that information at this
9. City's Deferred Compensation Benefit Expanded by Adding Additional
Service Provider IDS
Councilman Hallett abstained due to a potential conflict of interest.
Councilman Stamon asked the City Attorney to explain the procedure for the
Council to authorize this type of program. Attorney Knutson explained that
what we were dealing with is one deferred compensation plan that the City
has adopted. He explained that we have a trust agreement with Inter-
national City Management Association for administering the deferred compen-
sation plan. He stated then we have individual agreements between the City
and each employee in which the employee designates how the money is going
to be invested. He stated what we needed to do would be to have a motion
that would authorize the City Manager to enter into these agreements
designating both ICMA and IDS, depository for investing deferred compensa-
tion. Councilman Stamon so moved. Councilman McPhee seconded.
Councilman Hesla asked if there was any reason why we had to limit it to
two. Attorney Knutson explained that there was a problem with bookwork. He
stated two was not the magic number yet but that the Council needed to
approve each one and there may come a point in time at which there would be
too many options for payroll to deal with. Councilman Stamon noted that
the County and the PUD offered this same type of service to their employ-
ees. The motion carried with Councilman Hallett.abstaining.
10. UAC Meeting for Discussion on Telecable Franchise Renewals Scheduled
The Council scheduled a meeting of the Utility Advisory Committee for
November 23, 1987, at 10:30 a.m.
11. Resolution Passed Finalizing City Council's Guideline for Financial
Mayor Whidden provided background and read the Resolution by title,
A RESOLUTION of the Port Angeles City
Council establishing guidelines for
considering proposals for promotional
November 17, 1987
Councilman Schermer moved to pass the Resolution as read by title. Coun-
cilman Quast seconded with an amendment that under Item No. F., Council and
staff discussed the wording of the amendment. Following extensive discus-
sion, Councilman Quast amended Section 2F to read, "Proposals for $10,000
or more from non profit organizations will only be considered if such
organizations have, or are willing to have, a City representative as a
member of the organization's board of directors and /or at the option of the
City, the City has the right to inspect the financial records of that
organization." On call for the question the motion, as amended carried,
with Councilman McPhee voting "No
12. Discussion of Tentative Agreement Between Port Angeles, Forks, Sequim,
and Clallam County for Funding Health Services
Councilman Stamon felt that the proposal before the Council tonight was a
significant step in the right direction. She corrected Item 5, changing
solid waste "utility" to solid waste district. Council and staff discussed
the proposal at great length. Councilman Schermer moved to authorize the
City Manager to proceed with final negotiations of an agreement, based on
the guidelines outlined in the November 12th letter from Manager Flodstrom
to Commissioner Gaydeski. Councilman Stamon seconded, asking for the
caveat that if they cannot reach agreement, it be returned to the
committee. Councilman Hallett thanked Councilmen Stamon, Quast, and Hesla
for the amount of time they had put in on this Committee. On call for the
question, the motion carried.
The time being 10:00, Councilman Quast moved to complete the items on the
agenda. Councilman Hesla seconded and the motion carried.
13. Interviews for Planning Commission Member Scheduled for Second Meeting
in January
Councilman Hesla moved to schedule interviews for Planning Commission
candidates who had not yet been interviewed. Councilman Quast seconded,
specifying that a special meeting be scheduled for 6 P.M. December 1st.
Councilman McPhee felt new Councilmembers should be able to fill this first
vacancy. Following extensive discussion, Councilman Hesla revised his
motion to schedule interviews for the second meeting in Ja uary CCpc,u cil-
man Quast withdrew his second. Councilman McPhee secondea." st ngly
urged those interested in the position to attend Planning Commission
meetings between now and that time. Councilman Stamon offered a friendly
amendment, that we allow other members of the public who are interested in
that position to come forward and apply before that date. Councilman Hesla
concurred. The motion carried.
Councilman McPhee inquired of Light Director Orton about the wood heat
displacement program. He asked if the PUD was going to enter into this
marketing program a second time this year. Light Director Orton understood
that they were going to continue with it. Councilman Stamon noted that
this had been discussed at the UAC meeting. She stated the information
supplied at that time contained a letter from the person at Bonneville that
was responsible for the administration of this program urging all of the
utilities in the State to carefully consider their involvement in the
program, because he did not feel the financial wherewithall for the program
or benefit had been at all demonstrated and was very discouraging with
respect to the program. Councilman McPhee requested a copy of that letter.
Light Director Orton and Councilman Stamon noted that that letter had been
included in a previous information agenda for the Council.
Councilman Quast moved that the Public Works Department be authorized to
consult with the City Hall architects to design, obtain and affix a City
Hall sign on the beam between the two soldiers above the main entrance.
Attorney Knutson explained that the rules of the Council provide that
Council approval was needed prior to adding items to the Agenda.
Councilman Quast then moved that this item be placed on the agenda of the
next meeting. Council concurred.
Councilman Quast referred to a letter in the information package from Mike
Cleland. He recommended that the new Council take a very good inventory of
what we have have done to our parking with yellow dots, red dots, white
dots, etc. It was his distinct impression that the people were unhappy
with the dot system, which was not enough explained through signage.
November 17, 1987
Councilman Schermer stated there had been only a small number of com-
plaints, although they had been quite vociferous. He stated that the red
dotted spaces would be signed, which would do away with the dots
eventually. He stated the Downtown Association wanted to offer free
parking for one month during the Christmas season to see what effect it
would have on the total Downtown. Councilman McPhee felt there might be an
increase in sales tax as a result of the free parking for the month. He
felt it was a good idea.
Councilman Hesla referred to a letter from the City of Seattle regarding
their letter to AWC supporting legislation for banning un- recyclable
containers and requested the Council place that on the agenda as a
Councilman Stamon explained that the Association of Washington Cities had
accepted this as a priority for legislation for this year and would attempt
to move some legislation through in the upcoming legislative year. She
felt we might want to keep an eye on the legislation and express support as
a City when the legislation came through.
Councilman Hallett discussed briefly with Attorney Knutson the status of
the variance for the Red Lion. Councilman Hallett asked about the Fire
Department's monthly report and the substantial increase in fire prevention
activities. Fire Chief Glenn explained that last year this time, we were
in the process of replacing the Fire Marshal and this position had been
filled by a very energetic "go- getter" type of individual. Councilman
Hallett commended the Fire Department on the fact that they had done year
to -date almost 100 more lectures, classes, demonstrations than the previous
year which he said went along with the Council's policy of fire prevention
more than just firefighting.
Councilman Hallett discussed briefly with Public Works staff the proposed
Park Avenue trail crosswalk. Office Engineer Ridout stated that Public
Works was also planning on installing a second light on the north side to
make sure it was well lit on both sides. Councilman Hallett commended
Administrative Services Director Wolfe and his staff for the excellent
audit report received back from the Washington State Auditor.
Councilman Stamon reported on the Transit Board meeting held recently where
they had approved the budget. She stated the budget would be lean and
tight and the revision of fares, she noted three public hearings had been
held on the proposed rate increases and virtually no one from the public
had appeared. She reported that the Human Services Committee had met last
week and was basically at a stalemate until some final figures from the
budgets of the various entities were presented. She stated that committee
would come back to the table early in December with some fairly firm budget
predictions. She mentioned information in the information agenda including
status on the "E" Street reservoir cover. She asked the Department of
Public Works if they had not already done so, to please send a memo dated
the 17th to the people that were as the neighbor meeting so that they are
aware of the changes that had been made. She announced that they were
successful in lowering the height of the reservoir cover by about a foot
and a half, though it had increased the cost by She referred to a
letter from Lindberg Associates thanking two members of the Public Works
Department, Larry Romig and Kirk Johnston. She asked Councilmembers to
review the listing of the legislative priorities of AWC and let her know if
there were concerns. She also drew attention to the mission statement and
marketing plan for the Tourism and Convention Association of Clallam
County. She felt it was a very good planning document for TCA for the next
two years. She pointed out a letter of thanks to Officer Gallagher who is
working with the DARE program.
Councilman Quast thanked the Chowder House and Mayor Whidden who also sent
flowers to the opening of the new City Council chambers.
Mayor Whidden felt it would be a wise move if the new council set aside a
space in the new lobby for pictures of the new mayor and council. He asked
that this item be placed on the next council agenda.
Councilman Quast brought up the policy of selection of a mayor pro -tem.
Attorney Knutson felt this best left to the new council.
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November 17, 1987
The meeting was adjourned to executive session at 10:50 P.M. for the
purpose of discussing labor negotiations for approximately 15 minutes.
The meeting returned to open session at 11:07 P.M.
Manager Flodstrom distributed a schedule of proposed meetings for budget
revisions and Capital Improvement Plan. Council and staff discussed it at
some length. Councilman Stamon spoke against meeting on December 5,
preferring to meet four hours on December 2, and four hours on December 3.
Councilman Hesla concurred. Councilman Stamon moved that the Council meet
on December 2 and 3, 1987, and conduct public sessions at that point to
hear from special agencies and from department heads and that we advertise
those as special meetings of the Council at 5:00. Councilman Hesla
seconded. She included in her motion to set the public hearing for
December 8, 1987, on the budget and the CIP at 7:00 P.M. The motion
The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 P.M.
ity Clerk
AN ORDINAN of the City
of Port. Ariglints dianging the
location of the City Council
meetings, amending Section
1 of Ordinance 2230, Section
1 of Ordinance 2328, and
Section 2.04.010 of the Port
Ales Municipal Code.
Section 1., Section 1 of Ordi-
nance 2230, Section 1 of Or-
dlnanCa 2228, .810 Section the Port Angi1i
Municipal Code are amend.
ed to read as follows:
010 ;Time The regular
ings of the Council shall
b held on the first and third
Tuesdays of each month,
beginning at 7:00 P.M. Such
regular meetings shah con-
clude at 10:00 P.M.; provid-
ed, that the City Council
may, upon motion, continue
to meet past that hour upon
item, on the agenda not
tansidered prior to 10 :00
P.M. If the date of any such
regular meeting of the City
coined shat 1.N u: a le.
gat suds 'Making
shah be held either` en the
preceding business day or
on the succeeding business
day or on Sikh other day 'as
decided by motion of the
Council. Notice of the day
selected for the meeting
hie' 8rinaoce e take a ei
fact five (5) days after date
of publication.
PASSED by the City Council
Of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 3rd day
L. Anderson
Craig D. Knutson
City Attorney
Pub. :'Nov. 10. 1987.
City Of Pot Angeles
Light Department
NOTICE is herebOgRan the
sealed bids will
Street, P.O. Ii60,. Port
Angeles, Washington
until -2:30 P.M„ Tu
Nov 10th, 1987, end that the
City will reject ill: bids
received after the sctt{aduled
closing time and date. The
bids will be wiled publicly
at that timefurnishing
the following equipment
and/ or material:
A total of 480 class 200, 3
wire, 5 dial x 1, 240 volt,
socket type, four terminal
single phase kilowatt-hour
meter with magnetic bearing
Bid specifications may be
obtained from the Light De-
partment office at 240 West
Front Street, Port Angeles,
Washington 98362.
A certified check or bid bond
for 5 percent of the amount
of the bid shall accompany
each bid. All bids are to in-
clude delivery F.O.B. Port
Angeles, Washington.
Bids will be opened and tab-
ulated. for the City Council
for consideration by said
Council in their next
scheduled session, Tuesday,
November 17th, 1987:
The Council reserves the
right to consider delivery
time and to accept or._to re-
OM any e► efi;fifi a¥ any
-thesis prowl
reserves the
Pub.: Oct. 30, Nov. 6:`1987.
Light Department
NOTICE is hereby given that
bi will be received
NO,. 1iM11 Fret the
Cily hfriB OF bids
received after a sCtledufed
closing time and date. The
bids will be opened publicly
at thet ,Bala iAr tiesishi g
f +941iMMnt
alegttetic bearing
Bid specifications may be
obtained from the Light De-
partment office at 240 West
Fr4aFt° 110. Feet *pies,
I W ad
0' lint. Meed
11110 MOW
ea Alt bids ere to in-
c1 F.A.B. Port
Bids will be opened and tab-'
ulated for the City Council
for consideration by said
C04100 n next
T t}►e.
AN ORDINANCE of the City
Of Port Angeles, Ylfid
ton, revising. the ,2m
tation date of the require-
ment of automatic fire sprin-
klers Single- family rest
end amending Sec
301 Ordinance 2426 and
M 14.26 of the Port
Municipal Code.
DOES ORDas follows:
Section 1. Section 3 of Ordi-
nance 2426 and PAMC
1416.020 are herby arnertd
ed to read as follows:
14.26.020 Sprinkler Systems
Required. Automatic fire
sprinkler systems shall be
installed and maintained in
all new residential construc-
tion, including single- family
residences, duplexes, and
multi -family residential con-
struction; provided that for
multi- family residential con-
struction this requirement
shall become effective Janu-
ary 1, 1987; and provided
further that for single -family
residences and duplexes this
requirement shall become
effective February 1, 1990,
prior to which date installa-
tion of automatic fire sprin-
kler systems shall be al-
lowed but not required.
Section 2 Effective Date.
This Ordinance shall become
effective five.. (5) days after
the date of publication.
PASSED by the City Council
of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of said
tCouncil held on the 3rd day
01 November, 1987.
Charles D. Whidden, Mayor
ATTEST: Sherri L. Anderson
City Clerk
Craig Knutson
City Attorney 1 e
Pub.: Nov.,10, 1987. •h
Bonds numbered 58 through
67, inclusive, of Local Im-
provement District No. 201
and 202, CLID 1979 -1, City of
Port Angeles, Washington.
These bonds mature Decem-
ber 1, 1991, and bear inter-
est at 7.15% per annum.
No interest will be allowed
after December 1, 1987.
R. Duane Wolfe
City Treasurer
Pub.: Nov. 17: 1987.
AN ORDINANCE of ,the, City
of Port Angeles r 1
licensing and regu
transporting ,passe Ibi,
hire, and amending Section
3 of Chapter 9 of Ordinance
No. 2050 and Section
5.36.030 of the Port 'Angeles
Municipal Code.
DOES ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1, Section .3 of Chap-
ter 9 of Ordinance 2050 and
Section 5.36.030 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended to read as
5.36.030 License Reouired.
No taxicab or for -hire cars,
or any motor vehicle eauio-
oed or marked with taxi
jgs or roof lights. shall be
operated upon the streets of
the City without first ob-
taining a business license for
such the purpose of trans
in passengers for hire.
ion 2. ffective Date.
his Ordinance shall take ef-
fect five (5) days after the
date of publication.
PASSED by the City Council
of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 3rd day
of November, 1987.
Charles D. Whidden, Mayor
ATTEST: Sherri L. Anderson
City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson
City Attorney
Pub.: Nov. 10, 1987.
that the City Council of Port
Angeles, Washington, will
hold a specid work sesalrn
on Tuesday, November 10,
1987, et 71:10 P.M..lee the old
Council Chambers at 134
West Front Street The pur-
pose of this special work
session is to review aN
public input and work fur-
ther toward establishing!
Goals and Objectives for
1988 and beyond, to hear a
presentation on Goals on!
the Chamber of Commerce,
to review Estimates for Pur
chase of Chairs for Council
Sherri L. Ande
City Cleril i
Pub.: Nov. 8. 1987.
001)1NANCE NO. 2466
AN ORDINANCE of the City
of Port Angeles eliminating
certain references to a re-
pealed criminal code prov-
ision, and amending Ordi-
nances No. 2285 and Sec-
tion "13.18.050, 13.18.060,
and 1$,18470 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
PO A ELES as follows:
;naive 85 nd Sections
13.18.050 hr" i 113.18.070
of the Port Angeles Munici-
pal Code are each hereby
amended to read as follows:
13.18.050 Obtaining_ Utilitx
Services With Intent to De-
heft It -.is -a -theft
meaning ef. -PAM&.
5&996 unlawful for anyone
to :knowingly obtain utility
services, including but not
limited to electricity, water
or sewer services, with the
intent to deprive the utility
of the full payment for said
services by.
A. Secret or unauthorized
connections to any utility; or
B. Bypassing or diverting
around the utility's meter; or
C. Obtaining services
through a meter which has
been tampered with, after
ed,' replaced, or operated
backwards so that the meter
does not measure the full
amount of the service sup-
plied to the person or the
person's premises, or anoth-
er person or premises or
D. Falsification of pay-
ment, consumption or any
ether utility records or
E. Any other method or
combination of methods, inc-
luding methods in sub-
sections A, B, C and D,
above, which deprives the
utility of full orient for
supplying its services with-
out the utility's permission.
13.18 Intent to Deorive
Rahuttahha Prawimption
For the purposes of Section
13.18.050, there shall be a
rebuttable presumption that
the recipient of unauth-
orized, unmetered or incor-
rectly metered utility ser-
vices intended to deprive the
utility of proper payment for
its service within- the -men.
-lag- et- •PAING-9146499
Ring -the crime -alp- theft: This
presumption does not apply
if the diversion of the utili-
ty's service or the tamper-
ing, alteration, or replace-
ment of the utility's metering
equipment is reasonably at-
tributed to accident or acci-
dental malfunction of the
utility's metering equipment.
13.18.070 Criminal Pen-
alties. Violation of Section
13.16.050 shall be punished
as a Class I misdemeanor
vender -PAMC 9.16:966 by ei-
ther fine or imprisoning&
or both. up to the maximum
sentre allowed u nder the
jurisdiction of the in
which the chi
Section 2 Eff active Date.
ilhis Ordinance shall take ef-
fect five (5) days after date
of publication.
PASSED by the City Council
of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 17th day
of November, 1987.
Charles D. Whidden, Mayor
ATTEST: Sherri L. Anderson
City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson
City Attorney
Pub.: Nov. 25, 1987.
AN ORDINANCE of the City
of Port Angeles changing the
location of the City Council
meetings, amending Section
1 of Ordinance 2230, Section
1 of Ordinance 2328, and
Section 2.04.010 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
Section 1. Section 1 of Ordi-
nance 2230, Section 1 of Or-
dinance 2328, and Section
2.04.010 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code are amend-
ed to read as follows:
Z04 10 Time. The regular
meetings of the Council shall
be held on the first and third
Tuesdays of each month,
beginning at 7:00 P.M. Such
regular meetings shall con-
clude at 10:00 P.M.; provid-
ed, that the City Council
may, upon motion, continue
to meet past that hour upon
items on the agenda not
considered prior to 10:00
P.M. If the date of any such
regular meeting of the City
Council shall fall upon a le-
gal holiday, such meeting
shall be held either on the
preceding business day or
on the succeeding business,
day or on such other day as
decided by motion of the
Council. Notice of the day
selected for the meeting
shall be given to the local
news media at least 24
hours prior to the meeting.
Such meetings shall be held
in the Goternisaieners= Meet-
tee -teem- -at --the Ella n
townty Cowwtheuee- in Cou
cil cibers at the Port
egfsG'Iv 1 321 East
W ashington.
Section 2 Effect ye Date.,'
This Ordinance shall take ef-
fect five (5) days after date
of publication.
PASSED by the City Council
of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 3rd clay
of November, 1987.
Charles D. Whidden, Mayor
ATTEST: Sherri L. Anderson
City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson
City Attorney
Pub.: Nov. 10. 1987.
City of Port Angeles
Light Department
NOTICE is hereby given that
sealed bids will be received
by the City Clerk, City of
Port Angeles, 140 West Front
Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port
Angeles, Washington 98362,
until 2:30 P.M., Tuesday,
Nov. 10th, 1987, and that the
City will reject all bids
received after the scheduled
closing time and date. The
bids will be opened publicly
at that time for furnishing
the following equipment
and/ or material:
A total of 480 class 200, 3
wire, 5 dial x 1, 240 volt,
socket type, four terminal
single phase kilowatt -hour
meter with magnetic bearing
Bid specifications may be
obtained from the Light De-
partment office at 240 West
Front Street, Port Angeles,
Washington 98362.
A certified check or bid bond
for 5 percent of the amount
of the bid shall accompany
each bid. All bids are to in-
clude delivery F.O.B. Port
Angeles, Washington.
Bids will be opened and tab-
ulated for the City Council
for consideration by said
Council in their next
scheduled session, Tuesday,
November 17th, 1987.
The Council reserves the
right to consider delivery
time and to accept or to re-
ject any or all bids or any
part thereof.
1 The unit price shall prevail
and the City reserves the
right to correct any exten-
sions or improper sales
Pub.: Oct. 30, Nov. 6. 1987.
Light Department
NOTICE is hereby given that
sealed bids will be received;
by the City Clerk, City of
Port Angeles, 140 West Front
Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port
Angeles, Washington 983f2,1
until 2:30 P.M., Tuesday,
Nov. 10th, 1987, and that the
City will reject all bids
received after the scheduled
closing time and date. The
bids will be opened publicly
at that time for furnishing
the following equipment
and/ or material:
A total of 480 class 200, 3
wire, 5 dial x 1, 240 volt,
socket type, four terminal
single phase kilowatt -hour
meter with magnetic bearing
Bid specifications may be
obtained from the Light De-
partment office at 240 West
Front Street, Port Angeles,
Washington 98362.
A certified check or bid bond
for 5 percent of the amount
of the bid shall accompany
each bid. All bids are to in-
clude delivery F.O.B. Port
Angeles, Washington.
Bids will be opened and tab-
ulated for the City Council
for consideration by said
Council in their next
scheduled session, Tuesday,
November 17th, 1987.
The Council reserves the_
right to consider delivery
time and to accept or to re-
ject any or all bids or any
part thereof.
The unit price shall prevail
and the City reserves the
right to correct any exten-
sions or improper sales
Pub.: Oct. 30. Nov. 6. 1987.
AN ORDINANCE of the City
of Port Angeles, Washing-
ton, revising the implemen-
tation date of the require-
ment of automatic fire sprin-
klers in single family resi-
dences and amending Sec-
tion 3 of Ordinance 2426 and
Chapter 14.26 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
DOES ORDAIN as follows:
Section 1. Section 3 of Ordi-
nance 2426 and PAMC
14.26.020 are hereby amend-
ed to read as follows:
14.26.020 Sprinkler Systems
Required. Automatic fire
sprinkler systems shall be
installed and maintained in
all new residential construc-
tion, including single family
residences, duplexes, and
multi family residential con-
struction; provided that for
multi family residential con-
struction this requirement
shall become effective Janu-
ary 1, 1987; and provided
further that for single family
residences and duplexes this
requirement shall become
effective February 1, 1990,
prior to which date installa-
tion of automatic fire sprin-
kler systems shall be al-
lowed but not required.
Section 2 Effective Date.
This Ordinance shall become
effective five (5) days after
the date of publication.
PASSED by the City Council
of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 3rd day
of November, 1987.
Charles D. Whidden, Mayor
ATTEST: Sherri L. Anderson
City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson
City Attorney
Pub.: Nov. 10, 1987.
Bonds numbered 58 through
67, inclusive, of Local Im-
provement District No. 201
and 202, CLID 1979 -1, City of
Port Angeles, Washington.
These bonds mature Decem-
ber 1, 1991, and bear inter-
est at 7.15% per annum.
No interest will be allowed
after December 1, 1987.
R. Duane Wolfe
City Treasurer
Pub.: Nov. 17. 1987.
AN ORDINANCE of the City
of Port Angeles related to
licensing and regulation of
transporting passengers for
hire, and amending Section
3 of Chapter 9 of Ordinance
No. 2050 and Section
5.36.030 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
DOES ORDAIN as follows:
Secton 1. Section .3 of Chap
ter 4 of Ordinance 2050 and
Section 5.36.030 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code are
hereby amended to read as
5.36.030 License Required.
No taxicab or for -hire cars,
or pnv motor vehicle eouio-
oed or m rlfed with taxi
siens or root i hts. shall be
operated upon the streets of
the City without first ob-
taining a business license for
such the purpose of trans
orting p envlrs for hire.
fiction affeective Date.
his Ordinance shall take ef-
fect five (5) days after the
date of publication.
PASSED by the City Council
of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 3rd day
of November, 1987.
Charles D. Whidden, Mayor
ATTEST: Sherri L. Anderson
City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson
City Attorney
Pub.: Nov. 10, 1987.
AN ORDINANCE of the City
of Port Angeles eliminating
certain references to a re-
pealed criminal code prov-
ision, and amending Ordi-
nances No. 2285 and Sec-
tions 13.18.050, 13.18.060,
and 13.18.070 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
PORT ANGELES as follows:
Section 1. Section 1 of Ordi-
nance No. 2285 and Sections
13.18.050 through 13.18.070
of the Port Angeles Munici-
pal Code are each hereby
amended to read as follows:
13.18.050 Obt inigqe Utility
Services With Intent to De-
prive Theft. k- ie- a theft
within- the- FReafring of -PAMG-
-9-F6898- unlawful for anyone
to knowingly obtain utility
services, including but not
limited to electricity, water
or sewer services, with the
intent to deprive the utility
of the full payment for said
services by:
A. Secret or unauthorized
connections to any utility; or
B. Bypassing or diverting
around the utility's meter; or
C. Obtaining services
through a meter which has
been tampered with, alter-
ed, replaced, or operated
backwards so that the meter
does not measure the full
amount of the service sup-
plied to the person or the
person's premises, or anoth-
er person or premises; or
D. Falsification of pay-
ment, consumption or any
SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE other utility records or
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN E. Any other method or
that the City Council of Port combination of methods, inc-
Angeles, Washington, will luding methods in sub
hold a special work session sections A, B, C and D,
on Tuesday, November 10, above, which deprives the
1987, at 7:00 P.M. in the old utility of full payment for
Council Chambers at 134 supplying its services with
West Front Street. The pur- out the utility's permission.
pose of this special work 13.18.060 Intent to Degrive
session is to review all Rahrrttable Precump }ion
public input and work fur- For the purposes of Section
ther toward establishing 13.18.050, there shall be a
Goals and Objectives for rebuttable presumption that
1988 and beyond, to hear a the recipient of unauth-
presentation on Goals on orized, unmetered or incor-
the Chamber of Commerce, rectly metered utility ser-
to review Estimates for Pur- vices intended to deprive the
chase of Chairs for Council utility of proper payment for
Chambers. its service withiw -the -mean
Sherri L. Andersor-ig_ ef- .mM0-946,090 .4e4-
City Clerl iaiAg the srifee -ef- theft- This
Pub. Nov. S. 1987. presumption does not apply
if the diversion of the utili-
ty's service or the tamper-
ing, alteration, or replace-
ment of the utility's metering
equipment is reasonably at-
tributed to accident or acci-
dental malfunction of the
utility's metering equipment.
13.18.070 Criminal Pppn
alties. Violation of Section
13.16.050 shall be punished
as a Class I misdemeanor
Fader -PAMG-9 4€489 by ei-
ther fine or _imprisonment.
at_ both. up to the maxin•
ser)tep$,$ allowec) under the
Iu(Is�ICtlon of the court in
whhic thhe arge is filed.
Section Effective Date.
This Ordinance shall take ef-
fect five (5) days after date
of publication.
PASSED by the City Council
of the City of Port Angeles
at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 17th day
of November, 1987.
Charles D. Whidden, Mayor
ATTEST: Sherri L. Anderson
City Clerk
Craig D. Knutson
City Attorney
Pub.: Nov. 25, 1987.