HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/18/1936 r- 444 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington N ovem tc r IE, 1936 193_ lti.. The Commission met in regulsr session at 10 "'.li. and Vias called to ~rder by 11ayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Beam and Masters, ..ttorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of 'the previous session \'Iere read and .approved. Under the head of Applications for :Building Permits and LiClenses the followinp; were gran ted : A. ;/. McLean, ,Ioodshed anrl '-'arage, Lot 17, Blk. ,,67, Townsite Chas. Lind, Remodel HOlme. Lot ", Blk. 109, Townsite Lee "'kers, Remodel Rooms "'ld'."11':' Bld.s., Lot 10, Blk. 16, H, R. Smith Sub. Harry Amundson, lubricating ~hed, Lot 19, Blk. 1, Sub. Lot 10 Tom Hil.las, tddition to House, Lot 1, Blk. 53, Townsite H. n. Critchfield, Barber Chair License 95.00 500.00 500.00 400.00 50.00 1.00 I Under the head of !lew Business,- Frank L. Vlilley having sold his restaurant ,liThe Pastime :Lavern", to H. L. McFadden, submi tted in wri ting a req,uest to have his restaurant license, -No. 4067, transferred to H. L. McFadden and there appearing to be no objection, the Commission instructed the Ci ty Clerk to make said transfer as re'luested. Bonnie Richards having sold her rooming hJuse, "The Home Rooms", to Catherine HClClsin, sub,itted in w::iting a req,uest to have her Hotel License, Ho. 3950, transferred to Cath~rine ,McClain, and there appe~ring to be no objection, the Commission instructed the "i ty "1 erk to make said transfer as req,uested. I RESOLUTIOn ORD,,;UIlG rrol'D'Ir;A'nO'; OF PROPE1TY 0':/TlE:1S ON .,PPLIC:,TIJJ1 FOR conSTRUC':'I J:' OF 3ER'JICE STATlO:I ,,liD S TOJB '.'/l'1'HIN .\ DISTRICT RESTR:'::CTED ~i.S TO conST~tUCTI()n UNDER ZO!'rI!1~ ORDIlL,NCE JoT0, 911. VIHEREAS, Benjamin n. Phillips, has filed an appLcation for permission to construct a service station and store on portions of Lots One (1) and Two (2), Block Two Hundred Ninety-one (291), To~nsitc of Port Angeles, which property is within the bouniaries of the district restricted as to class of buildings under Ordinance No. 911, City of Port "nge1es, and VffiERSAS, it appears that said use of such property may be permitted under local option regulations of said ordinance as &mended by Ordinance No. 987 of said City, and WHEREAS, the applicatiun is in proper form and ~ontains the neClessary descrintion of the buildings, together with their use and the names and addresses of property owners and a list and description of all parcels of property within a radius of two hundred feet from the property in q,uestion, and under llie provisions of the said ordinances, the 0ity Commission is required to notify all the o~ners of property within the said radius and give said owners an opportunity to make protest against the said proposed construction. I THEREFJR:;::, BE IT RS30LVED, That the 0ity vlerk be and he is hereby instructed to not~fy the ol'mers of all property wi thin a two hundred feet radius of the ]J;L'emiSes for which said use is contem)Jlated by letter req,uiring such ovme::s to file, their protest if any there be against su~h proposed use \'/ithin ten days of the mailing of the notice. It was mvved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The I:!ayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the follovling claims and ordered warrants drarJrl for same: CUR'lENT EXPENSE FUllD '!ial ter H. Madsen 5lagdun Grocery Ulmer' Office Eq,uipment Co. H. P. McNutt Paris !.Iotor <';0. City Trell,surer Ulmer Office Eq,uipment Co. Ulmer Office Equipr.)en t Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Go. Union Oil Co. V. A. Samuelson & Go. Olympic Printery Light Department "'pecial .<'olice Soap Supplies Sharpen picks Tires L.I.TI. Assessments Supplies " 6.00 2.00 17.71 5.~0 18.90 51. ,,0 3.60 .55 102.03 3.58 .dO 1.00 :3.05 J I Lumber, etc. Oil Repairs "upplies Light Globes {"/ ~ WATER FUND Paris Motor Co. Paris Momor Co. Crane Co. Spokane Radio Co. Palmer Supply Co. Hooker Electrochemical Co. Olympic Foundry Co. Truck Rep\jirs ".;;:7 5.82 IG.53 5.37 55.81 1-1.34 40.55 Pipe Parts Pipe Chlorine Meter Boxes ~~ ,- I'-!-o LIGHT FUND Treasurer vf the United ~tates ','Im. J. ','Iare Automotive Parts Co. B1aokburn Printine vo. Line Material Co. Rent of Power Line Ins. Ford Truck Lamns Meter Bills Insula tors ,5.00 ,,3.91 70.99 ,,4.33 65.32 (~ Ill'! ~-- Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington November 18, 1936 193_ 445" I I I I I PARK FUND -- Gra~ge Rare~Quse qo. J. C. Breitlauch ' Sera tch, e tc. Supplies Repairing Pipe GUARAUY FUnD --- City Treasurer II II L.r.D. Assessments II n It II L.r.D. GEU~}AL FUJID Angeles Gravel & Supply ~o. Cemen t tete. There being nv further business the Jommission then adjourned. ?7970L~ , ' ~~ Ci ty Jlerk Ma)/or ,./ " 5.15 3. 2.35 I' - G.80 596.08 184.94 ~