HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/18/1954 I .1 " I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington November 18 195-" _ ~ 419 \ ~~ "'''''. ,,"'. "",-... ...",... "'.. ..... , The City Councll of the City of Port Arllel.es met in r~guJ.ar session at 7:30 P:M. and was called to. order byl Mayor Smith. 'Roll call of officers revealed the following present: M8i;'or Sm.th, Councilmen B~, Sandison, Powell, Wolfe and McFadden, Managl!r Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. It was moved by Miss Powell th;t mnntes of the previous meeting be approved and placed on fUe. Seconded by Councillnan Wolfe .ind carried. Under the head of unfinished business, bids for purchase of $250,000.00 Electric Revenue Bonds were received as follows: Blythe and Co., Inc., Par plus premium. of $500.00, beariqg coupon rate of l~ plus accrued interest from date of issuance. to date of deliver,y of Bonds, Effective rate 1.4333%. , Wm. 1'. Harper and Son and Company: Par plus premium. of $500.00. Interest of I 3/4%. EffectJ.ve I interes't rate, 1.6833%., . . " , . .' . el" First WashiDgton.Corporation,'Dean Witter 8< Co., par and accrued interest to dat.e of d J.ve~~of I bOnds',bearing rate of $200,000.00 due 12/1/55 t~ro~h 12/1/'18, 1 5/8% $50,000,.00, due 12/1/59 at l~. I Effective interest rate, 1.5S333. '. , " First National Bank of Port Angeles, Pacific National Bank of Seattle: Par plus accrued J.nteres~ I as foll"",s:. $100,000.00 par value~ maturing 12/1/55 to 'J.?/1/56, 1 3/8%. $150,900.00 par value matllJ'J.ng 12/1/57 to 12/1/59, 1 5/8%. Effective rate; 1,~75%. " , Pacific NorthwestCompan,y: Par plus total premium of $85.00. Interest rate of l!% per annum 1 maturing from 12/1/55 to 12/1/59. Effective rate, 1.488%. I It was moved by Councilman Brown that the bid suhmittea by Blythe and Co. Inc:, be accepted, Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. All members voted A,ye. Motion carried. I . . , I Crown Zellerbach Corp. fUed the only bid received to furnish 40,000 lineal feet of ~uJ,ated 3/0 wire i for the Light Department. Amount of bid was 20cents per pound; It was moved by CO~CJ.lman Wolfe that I the bid be accepted. Secon<;led by Councilman Brown and carried. ' I Bids for purchase of lot 17, Block 34, Townsite, were received as follows: Willilllll Picca, $5S6.50. Stetson and Nyhus, $706.00. It was moved by Councilman.McFadden that the bid by Stetson and Nyhus be accepted. Seconded. by Councilman ..Tolfe. A.1.l voted trPJ. Motion carried. ' . . Manager Vergeer read letter from Rear Admiral L. W. Perkins, 13th Coast Guard Connnand, regarding remov!!l of Salmon Club buildings I also granting of corridor for road and access to boat basin. Mr. Vergeer suggested that officials of the City, Coast Guard and Salmon Club meet. in the Seattle office at which time there will be complete understanding and fifficulties eliminated, Council discussed offer from the Salmon Club of the log building lIhich would be moved to location on Ediz Hook for use as park shelter, approximate. cost of moving, $3,000.00. Atter due consideration, , it was moved by Councilman McFadden that offer be declined with thanks. Secontled by Councilman Brown and i carri ed. ' I Mr.' Vergeer read request from George Bolstrom for permission to relocate his house on Ediz Hook, removal I having been requested by the Coast Guard. Mr. Bolstro1'1 having lived at this location,for years and ,assisted as watchman f or industries and the .Coast Guard, it was moved by Councilman Mcfadden that all I reaso!l81be consideration for relocation of the house be given. SeCOnded by Coun::ilman':Brown. All voted ,Aye. Motion carried. , I The Council consider~d final draft of contract for purchase of power from the Bonneville Power Administrat- I ion for term o~ twenty years. It was moved by Councilman ,McFadden that the contract be approved and the M2;yor authorized to execute. the same. Seconded by Councilman Sandison, A.U members voted Aye. : Motion carried. I 'A property owner from the v:icinity of South B Street inquired as to disposal of petition previoulsy ifiled requesting Local Improvement Dis trict for installation of trunk and lateral s~ers. The request ,will be checked and reported at the .next meeting. . .Under the head of new business, 11anager Vergeer recollllllended tha t call for bids be published: for t he City's 'Liability and Property Damage, also Fire and Theft Insurance. It walr m<red by Counci'lman Wolfe that the. 'call for bids be published and opened Decemper 16th. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. I Claims paid November 8th were approved in total amount of $3B,508.47. It was moved by Councilman Powell that' claims be approved as paid. Also. the City Treasurer's report for the month of. October. Seconded by Councilman l'lolfe. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Council considered petition and resolution by School District No. 17 requesting vacation of portion of 8th and L Streets, the District having a~red abutting property for construction of school building. Atter di scussion and due consideration, itwas moved by Councilman Powell that the Council authori ze vacation of streets as r"'iUested by the School Board and recommended by the Planning ~Ommission. Motion seconded by Councilman Wolfe. One roll c all, Counci~ Wolfe and Powell voted Aye. CounCilmen Brown Sandison, and McFadden voted opposed. Request denied. . . , ' I Mayor Smith read notice of resignation from Police Judge Lee ReynoldS, effective as of Januar,y 1. : Manager Vergeer advised that announcement regarding replacement will be made in the near future. I It was moved by CoUnCilman McFadden that call for bids be published and opened Dec<lllber 2, to furnish ,gasoline and diesel fuel for City Departments dur.i.ng the year 1955. Motion seconded by Councilman Wolfe I and carried. ~lanager Vergeer explained proposal whereby City employees could benefit by Social Security, this to be ,in conjunction with State Retirement System. Manager Vergeer was authorized to inform Mr. Bott of /avorable attitude of the Council with no formal action taken. ',The Park Board requested in writing that the Council permit transfer of $1,000.00 from current budget item. of Curbing and Pl"lffie1ls to New Equipment, both items being in classification of Maintenance' and Operation. Funds would be used to P8i;' cost of extension of metal fencing to alley. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that request for transfer be approved. Seconded by Councilman Brown and carried. Councilman Wolfe suggested that Johnnie Sweatt, also all other Citjy Thlployees, be specially connnended for any public service rendered other than in regular line of duty. l>Uggestion Was unanimousl;y approved. There being no further business, the meeting Was declared adjourned. > r 'J/; J"",. L-~ 1'14;t:J~ ~ ~.G.~ ,., ....,.... C/e):""ft.: