HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/19/1947 ,. " 398 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington November 19. 19J1.. :t I' The City Conunission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was cailed to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll , call of officers showed the following present: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney ;'Wilson and Clerk' Law. " ' : Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. I,under the head of a~lications for building ,permits .the following Vlere granted: ;- J50 'F. A. Hazen I~ Addition to Existing Buildingj Lot 4, Blk. 272, Townsite 150.00 ,Owens Bros. Rebuild Dock, Foss fug & Barge; Railroad Ave. & Oak' Street 1,000.00' 'Theodore G. Truffin fu.ild S-Room Dwellingj Lot 14, Blk. <:, Hartt & Cooke's Add. 5,000.00 IJ. W. Alstott fu.ild S-Room Dwelling; Lot 18, Blk. 101, l.'ownsite 3,700.00' John Berg Remodel, Add Bedroom, Garage, Work Shop; Lot 10, !Jlk' 5, Dyke Land Co. Add. 1,500.00. .1 Under the head of upif)i.nished business, the hearing for L.I.D. No. l50 was opened. The Engineer reported that no defects in workmanship or material have appeared and it was moved by Conunissioner Johnson that the ,assessment roll as presented be approved. Seconded by Mayor !!:pperson. All members voted Aye. Motion I carried. Under the head of nm. business, Attorney Phillips presented a petition signed by property owners requesting vacation of that portion of Alder Street from the South boundary line of !!:ast J'irst Street, to and including the South boun:l.ary line of East Fourth street. The petition was ordered filed until further investigation by the Commission and l!:ngineer, and if said vacation is agreeable, the hearing date will be fixad. A letter by N. M. Sutherland requesting permission by the Lions Club to install a sign in the vicinity of II entrance portal on East First Street was read and referred to Chief Ide. If :lmstallation is approved by , 'the Police Chief, permission by the Commission is granted. ' , ' A claim filed by Mrs. Audett for damag~s to her property caused by dirt left in ailey by the City, was referred to the Engineer's Department. The use of First Street East of Chase Street by dealers for show and s<ties room for trucks and equipment Iwas referred to the Police Chief. The elimination of one parking meter on North Lincoln Street was recommended by the Police Chief, thereby setting aside for commercial zone. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Compa~ requested in writing that permission be granted to insta.Ll under- ground cond1l,tts as per specifications attached. It was moved by Mayor Epparson that the request be granted, if streets and aileys used are property repaired after installation. Motion seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Attorney was instructed to inform the Telephone Compa~ to make proper arrangements for the said requirements. JJr. Fowler appeared before the ICommission and informed that the sidewalk on Eighth Street near 'l'unrr;ater bridge has settled. The Engineer was instructed to investigate. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was placed on first and second reading : ORDINANCE NO. 1190 AN ORDINANCE Relating to the Cemetery Fund; adopting and approving an addition to the City fu.dget for the year 1948; providing for supervision of the cemetery; requiring expenditures unforseenj providing for the transfer of the CellBtery Fi1n:l in and to the Current Expense Fi1nd; repealing Ordinance No. 780, and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. t;econded by Mayor Eppet'son. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission examined and approved the ~ 0 r CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: / J d - Andrew Severyns Thos. Geisness City Treasurer R. O. Ide Washington State Penitentiary Port Angeles Evening News Mine Safety Appliances Co. "Rhodes Dept. Store.J1 ,]1 :,cm STREET FUND: ,<..2~, IJames W. Caven Plbg. & Heating I'van Frederickson The Toggery ! City Treasurer !Downs Auto Electric 'Howard-Cooper Gorp. of : WATER FUNDI I 1(" ~ . Luvaas & Vincent LIlop Auto Vlre cking Co. ! Hooker Electrochemical Co. ',Marckmann & Williams,,- LrallT FUND: ~ 1-'11. J :J ohn Wiley & Sons Line Material Co. Boyd's Wood Specialty ,Angeles Y",chine & Welding Works Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. SAlIITATION FUNDI 4'f <{7 A~ & Nay,y Store ' Fruehauf Trailer & Equip. Co. i.:;~~~\.ICGOff~,(' ~} City Treasurer There being no further Acting as Police Judge Actingcas Police Judge License, Postage Car Mileage for October Signs Display Adv. Refilling cylinders with oxygen :3 Pair Boots I I , 5.00 10.00 10.25 25.55: 27.78 11.54' 9.27, 50.90 r following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of same I Plumbing Supplies lSO fill. Yds.. Rock :3 Rubber Boots Licenses Car Supplies Equipment Parts I lO .2l' 37.50' 52.84' i3.00' 11.47; 117.29 I 50.06 .52' 33.75 l2.21.' ! 5.82' 45.11'1 562.64" 2.06 87.65 I 1.85 7.62 , 25.38' = '-', CC/v__.Ik;)--'..A----?~ Mayor Tire s Part s Chlorine Tools Book Connectors Oross Arms Shop Work Meter Seals, 'Qlr. Transf. for Metering 4 First Aid Kits Hinge 6 Hours lIauling Gravel Car License rosinese, the session was declared adjourned. .... () t :laur. (/ c~ ty Clerk ~, / ,/l, ,,') I I .1 I I