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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
November 19 19~
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The City Council of the City of Port Angeles met in regular session at 7:30 P. M. and wa~ called to order
by Mayor Smith. Roll call of officers showed the following present: Mayor Smith, Cou!1cilmen Brown,
Neer, Sandison, POl~ell, Wolfe and UcFadden, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law.
I It was moved by Councilman Brown that minutes of the previous meeting, be - approved. Secomed by Councilman
I Sandison. All voted ~e. Motion carried. .
I Under the,head of unfinished business, the Council considered request from the. Chicago, Ydlwaukee ~nd St,
'Paul Raiiroad regarding paving of tracks on Railroad Avenue. '!he matter was discussed a~ the" preVl.ous
jmeeting and ref;rred to the Engineering Department for inve~tigation and recommendation. Manager Vergeer
advised that investigation has been made and the Engineer concurs wit.h Council, recommending that the
t!:acks be paved with blacktop.
I An agreement between the State Department of Highways and the City, whereby the Ci~y ,.till service, rep~ir
I and maintain the traffic control signals, signs ~nd devices located on th~ State ~~~h'''ay through the C:: ty
was discussed by the Council. Manager Vergeer advised tha~ except for shght r~Vl.sJ.on, the agreement ~s
the same as previous agreements and recommended approval. it was moved by Counc~lm~ Wolfe that the said
1 ~reement be approved and the Mayor authorized to sign the same. Seconded by Counc~lman McFadden. All
I voted Aye. 14otion carried.
iThe Council received written confirmation of findings, results of recent traffic survey conducted. RecGmM
ImendationB were as follows: Stop and Go signal at 1st ,and Peabody S~s.,. elimi?ation of ,sl= blinker at
4th and Lincoln Streets, replaced by crosswalk warning and street stnped for mde pedestrian l~e. Stop
land Go signals not warranted at 1st andRace Sts. and 8th and Cherry Sts: It was moved by ?ounc~lman ~ec~
that the crosswalk light be installed at 4th and Lincoln Streets as adVl.sed by the State Highway Co=ss~on.
jThat the School Board be requested to step up school patrol at 4th and Lincoln and that state recommendat-
ions otherwise be accepted. Seconded by CouncilnJan Brown and unanimously carried.
A proposed agreement between the City and Clallam County Sewer District No. 1 was read before the Council.
j The agreement provides that the SeWer District be to construct, install and maint.ain a ;trunk slllfer on
I,Francis Street from the Boulevard to tidewater., Attorney Severyns advised that he has contacted the
.'Seattle Bonding ,.ttorney and is informed that unless the main is installed according to plans and bonds
:already sold, the whole plan must be reconsidered. Also if cf'nstruction of a ~ewage disposal plant is. re-
'quired, the District and City might be permitted to use the main jointly for storm water disposal. It
:walJ moved by.Councilman McFadden that the agreement be approved and the Mayor authorized to sign the same.
,Seconded by CounCilman Neer. ill voted ~e. Motion carried.
:The Council discussed sale of Lct.s 5, 6,' and 7, Block, 66, Townsite, call for bids on the same having been
previously published with minimum set at $200.00. It appears that the party who requested the call for bids
published was not in position to bid and would like opportunity to make offer. It being necessary to
publish call for bids, it was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the notice be published and no minimum
set, bids to be opened December 17th. Notion seconded by Councilman McFadden am unanimously carried.
I '
Under the head of new business, Louis Elterich, Contractor, appeared before the Council requesting permiss-
;ion to construct a warehouse for machinery storage at 2d and ~lashington Streets. This being in the Second
l:lesidence District, Council members questioned their authority to make exceptions to the Zoning Ordinance
except by amendine the O"dinance which should be done only by consent of the people. Manager Vergeer
advised that deviations should not be made even though recommended by the Planning Commission, as the matter
is of legal nature and should be referred to the Attorney. Mr. Vergeer then recollDllended formal action,
only after proper publicity and revision of the Zoning Ordinance permitting the same. Attorney Severyns
advised that while the Ordinance is in effect, there is no authority for deviation without propel" procedure.
It was the opinion of Councilman I1cFadden that exceptions should be taken and Ordinance amended pro'll:ling
for ~he same. The matter will be further considered and }lr. Elterich notified of findin,gs after the next
1 Request was received for minimum price set for Lot 17, Block 160, Townsite. Amount of cost against the
jlot being $70.55, it waw moved by Councilman Brown that minimwn be, fixed at $75.00 and call for bids
published. Seconded by Councilman McFadden. .hD. voted ~e. Hotion carried.
The Council discussed as to whether or not the City should call for bids to furnish gas, lUbricating and
jdiesel oil for City departments. 'l4anager Vergeer informed that this has been the practice to call for
bids. It was decided that the call for bids should be published and opened December 17th,
IC1sims paid November 16 were filed for approval in total amount of $6,761.82. It was moved by Councilman
iMcFadden that the claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Uolfe. All voted Aye. Mbtion
I Request for approval of beverage license transfer was received as follo\~: B and M Grocery, from Alice
I Gehrke to A. L. Huse. Hanager Vergeer requested more time to investigate the transfer. It 1-las moved
by Councilman Brown that the request for transfer be tabled for further study. Seconded by Councilman
l'lolfe. All voted .\ye. !Cotion carried.
~ II
The monthly budget reports of City departments for October "ere filed for approval. It was moved by
Councilman Powell that the reports be approved and filed. Seconded by Councilman Brown and unanimously
- 'I!~'~:
1 AlGo filed for approval was report of the Police Judge showing $1,386.50 fims collected furing the
,month of October. It was moved by Councilman Neer that the report be accepted and filed. Seconded by
I Councilman Sandison. Xl.1 voted kfe. Hotion carried.
Report compiled by the City Treasurer for the month of October was inspected by Council members. It was
moved by CounCilman Wolfe that the report be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Sandison.
I All mEmbers voted Aye. Motion carried.
'lone olaim against the L.I.D. No. 164 Construction Fund, Fixed Estimate Cost, in amount of $8.76 to Nailor I
LUJ:lber Company was presented for approval. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the claim biT approved
and warrant issued in pa,yment of the s,",e. Seccnded by Councilman McFadden and una."1imously carried.
I The Council received invitation to at~endQ an infonnal meetine with the Library Board Hondc.y, November 23, I
rt 7:30 P.I-!. Invitation accepted. _ I
,Hayor Smith read a letter of thanks from the Port Angeles Readlng Club expressing appreciation of thc.t I
jClub for cancellation of parking tickets issue? to guests during convention recentJy held.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
November 19 continued
n<. , ,_... "".. ".._... ."."......" ....
Manager Vergeer informed that' he has numerous requests for improvements by: method of establishing Local
Improvement Districts. Also that he met with the Plannning Comnission and it is the Board I s opinion that
establishing small districts \~ould be a mistake, recolJDnending that entire areas be surveyed and included
for propEr grade am drainage. Mr. Vergeer further advised that he is preparing petitions for circulation,
enumerating contemplated improvements, althouGh in his opinion the jobs now under construction should
first be completed. '
Councilman Neer suggested that the Council consider eliwination of hairpin curve at 4th and I Sts., under
the RR trestle. Mr. Vergeer informed that he has inquired reglCrdine acquisition of right-of-way- from the
RR company and they'wculd like to reserve 1,000' for car storage.
Under the head of reading and passage of ordinances the following "faS read by"title and placed on 2d read-
AN OPJJINA1ICE stating the facts of an emergency affecting the public safety, welfare and convenience of the I
City of Port lmgeles, requiring the unforeseen expenditure of funds providing for the issuance of emergency
warrants payable from monies on hand in the 'City Treasury in the fund properly chargeable with such expend-
It was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing ordinance be passed final reading and adopted. 2d by
Councilman Sandison. All' voted -">re. . ].lotion carried.
Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinonces, the follOlring was read in full and placed on,
,1st reading:
AN ORDINANCE pertaining to regulations and control of dogs ~ and other pet animals, prescribing new
lioonse fees, and amending Sections One (1) and Three (3) of Ordinance No. 1221 and adding Section Nineteen
(19) to Ordinance No. 1221.
It was moved by Councilman j'/olfe that the foregoing ordinance be passed 1st reading. Seconded by Councilman
Brown. All members voted "<1e. ].[otion carried.
There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned.
p. e :L&P/.
, City Clerk
Ir s'N-i-- ~.-H.
NODcE: or SALE ~
XOTICE is herclJ~' gl,'en tl1at the
ell" of Port Angeles wlll sell to the
~~i'h:;~~c~lb~d b~~~1 b~dr~~rcr~~~~ ~1\~~~>'
LO'tI: 5, 6, '1, Bloc): e6, O. C. .
L::t~;~n;~ f~~.~~~~:n that seal.
~d bids for the same wIll be reo
cc1vcd by the ell)" Clerk fit the City
lInll until 5:00 o'Cloc1{ p, M., Decem-.
ber 17, 1953 .and not la~cr.-Each bid
must be accompanied hy a de\IOsH
of not le~9 than 10% of amount bW
or tho offer will not be cons!dcred.
'I'lle CIty COllnr:1I reserve A the right
to reject an,)' or all bids. .
.T. E_ LAW, City Clct'k
PUblished: November 26 and Decem.
ber 3, 1953.
NO'l'ICt'::' ts horeby glYen that sflal-
€d bidS will be. rccelve(j b)' the City
CJel'H: of tile Clt~' of Port Angeles,
""alOhington, llot lflter thnn 5:00 0'..
clock P. M., December 17, 1953, at
the City Hal( of said Cit~', to fm'.
nish lhe requh'nd gasollne, diesel
fuel and lubricating 011 hit' use b~'
the City Departments during the
year 1954. The City Council reserveli
the right to re.1ect any or nil bldB.
J. E. LA''', City Clerk!
Publlsheo.: XM'cmbcr 26 Hud Dc('em.
ber 3, 1953,