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Port Angeles, Washington
November 19, 1985
Mayor Whidden called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Whidden, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, I
Quast, Schermer, Stamon.
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Knutson, Deputy Clerk
Anderson, P. Carr, B. Myers, R. Saville, R. Dyker,
L. Glenn, J. Pittis, R. Orton, J. Hordyk, G. Booth.
Public Present:
R. Whitney, L. Repman, G. Miller, L. Sunny, G. Brown,
D. Davison, B. McCrorie, L. Wills, S. Boyd, F. McPhee,
J. Hallett, L. Lee, K. Holman, C. Spence, B. LaRue.
Councilman Schermer moved the Council accept and place on file as received
the minutes of the November 5, 1985, meeting. Councilman Stamon seconded
and the motion carried.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the
Consent Agenda, including (1) Request permission to call for bids for
mechanical/electrical/civil work for Morse Creek Hydro Project; (2) Request
for 90% payment on transformer retrofill contract, (3) Correspondence from I
Washington State Liquor Control Board; and (4) Vouchers of $262,691.69 and
Payroll of 11-3-85 of $201,06l.24. Councilman Schermer seconded. Follow-
ing discussion of the completed retrofill of transformers and the readiness
of snow plows, on call for the question, the motion carried.
1. Payment to Riddell Williams for WPPSS Representation Authorized
Councilman Gerberding moved to authorize payment to Riddell, Williams of
November 1, 1985, in the amount of $9,587.82. Councilman Stamon seconded
and the motion carried.
2. Single-Phase Meters Bid Awarded to Western States Electric
Councilman Gerberding moved to authorize and accept the bid from Western
States Electric from Portland, Oregon, in the amount of $19,406.71,
including tax. Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried.
Roland Whitney, a resident of Black Diamond Road, addressed the Council.
Mr. Whitney inquired about proposed construction on the Pine Street Access.
public Works Director Pittis explained that an appropriation of $40,000 had
been requested in the 1985 budget and another appropriation was requested
in the 1986 budget to include the other half of that construction project.
He stated that if the 1986 budget was approved, the access would be re-
paired next spring.
Councilman Gerberding added Item No. 18, Preliminary Discussion of the
Merits of a Hearing Examiner.
November 19, 1985
1. public Hearings
A. DelHur West Side Periphery Zoning and Annexation (continued from
November 5, 1985) - Continued until December 17, 1985
Mayor Whidden reviewed the background information and opened the public
hearing. He asked for comments. Bob Levin, Executive Director of the
Economic Development Council, addressed the Council, speaking in support of
the rezone and of the annexation. He stated the Economic Development
Council believes that there is a need for industrially zoned land with
utilities necessary to support industrial activity in Clallam County. He
cited the Hiller Helicopter project as a textbook example of the importance
of timing and the absence of procedural barriers for bringing in new
Carey Wait of 1763 Evergreen Drive-' noted concern over impacts on the
quality of life and on property values of homeowners, such as herself if
the area were rezoned and annexed. Mrs. Wait presented to the Council a
list of recommended conditions to be attached to the rezone and to the
annexation including the following: That a continuous 200-foot setback
be required from the exterior property line along Edgewood Drive and the
Lower E1wha Road. The setback shall consist of a visually obscuring screen
of natural vegetation made up of naturally growing and/or planted evergreen
trees and shrubs, maintained at a height of not less than 6 feet. Said
planting screen shall be maintained in good condition by the developer for
the life of the development. A similar 50-foot sight and noise buffer zone
of natural vegetation shall be required around pre-existing non-conforming
uses within the proposed annexed area. She also proposed an interior
industrial access route shall be constructed from the east end of the
proposed annexation area up to but not intersecting the Lower Elwha Road,
such as that depicted on Map No. 39 in the Environmental Impact Statement.
The extension of City utilities would follow this route. Industrial
traffic shall avoid, if at all possible, use of Edgewood Drive and the
Lower Elwha Road in favor of Airport Road and Highway 101. Also, she asked
that in consideration of the pre-existing residential uses in and around
the proposed annexation, as well as an adjacent residential zone, maximum
performance standards in regard to noise, air and ground pollution be
required so as not to become objectionable to these neighboring land uses.
Upon inquiry from Councilman Gerberding, Mrs. Wait explained that she hoped
that other standards from other counties or other cities where industrial
areas adjoin residential areas be looked at.
Louie Torres of Clark & Associates, representing. De1Hur, Inc., related to
Mrs. Wait's comments. He felt it was imperative that consideration be
given to the adjoining residential area to the west and to the existing
residences in the area. He then reviewed the County's zoning standards for
the M-l zone, requiring buffers, pollution, noise and glare control, as
well as "pleasant appearance" requirements. He encouraged the Council to
act now in delineating its standards instead of when an industry wishes to
locate there. He felt a 200-foot setback requirement would be excessive
and urged the Council to consider this extensively.
Bob Philpott of 1822 East Lauridsen Boulevard spoke in support of the
Chuck Schram, 1854 Edgewood Drive, stated that many individuals were
concerned with the standards for buffering in the County as many of the
landscape buffers were not maintained, particularly in the Dry Creek area.
Mr. Schram supported the idea of an interior access road suggested by Mrs.
Wait. Mr. Schram discussed the matter further with Councilmembers.
Mike Wait addressed the Council, reporting that it was the consensus of the
sub-area planning group that an interior access would be more practical.
He also went on record as supporting the three points brought forward by
Mrs. Wait. He stated it was very unusual to put an industrial zone
directly next to a residential zone and felt that a requirement for a
200-foot setback was not unreasonable under these circumstances. He stated
that if some of the properties currently being used as residential were
bought up by industry, perhaps the setback requirements could be reduced at
that time; but he supported the 200-foot setback for the interim period.
November 19, 1985
Mayor Whidden asked for further comments from
none. Councilman Stamon moved to continue
December 17, 1985. Councilman Hordyk seconded.
the audience. There were
the public hearing until
Councilman Quast requested the following information from staff for the
December 17th meeting: How much width was needed from a minimum of a
60-foot buffer to a maximum of a 200-foot buffer to establish a six to 10
foot berm; a comparison of buffer width as related to noise pollution; if
any buffer is less than 100 feet and requires landscaping whether an indus-
trial park maintenance association and fund can be created to maintain I
landscape buffering in perpetuity. He also requested that the Port be kind
enough to provide the City with the cost they incurred in putting the park-
way into their Airport Industrial complex. councilman Gerberding also
requested that staff find out if other areas have had optional buffer zones
of 150 feet or more, if applicants were afforded an option of buffering in
footage versus landscape buffering. Councilman Quast also asked City
Planner Carr to ascertain a mitigating alternative concerning Edgewood
Drive or the old Highway 112 in terms of off-site contribution by the
industrial park owners to the maintenance or strengthening of the road, if
an internal access road cannot be built. On call for the question, the
motion carried with Councilman schermer abstaining.
B. Repman Street Vacation - Upper Pine Hill - Ordinance Adopted
Mayor Whidden opened the public hearing and asked for comments. Gretchen
Miller of Clark & Associates, addressed the Council, explaining that the
street vacation was being requested primarily to clear titles. She further
explained the proposed vacation and the proposed project, a multi-family
development which includes 35 housing units for the elderly and 35 family
uni ts for low to moderate income level families. She explained that Mr.
Repman, a consultant for the project, was interested in maintaining as many
of the natural trees as possible on the site.
Lloyd Repman, economic development consultant with Dujardin Development of
Everett, then addressed the Council. Mr. Repman explained the concepts of I
the proposed development. He stated that the goal of the development was
to provide affordable housing. Upon inquiry from Councilman Schermer, Mr.
Repman explained that discussion had taken place with C1allam Transit re-
garding serving the area for transporation.
Ms. Miller then readdressed the Council, further eXplaining the vacation
Louie Torres then also addressed the Council, requesting the street vaca-
tion. Mr. Torres encouraged the Council that if an easement is retained in
the area, that two methods of identifying the area for easement be used;
either the one provided by staff, or metes and bounds, rather than refer-
ence to the old plat, to avoid future difficulty.
Mayor Whidden asked for further comments. There were none. He therefore
closed the public hearing and read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
vacating a portion of Lee Avenue,
Washington Street, and alley in Block 3,
Fogarty and Dolan's Addition.
Councilman Hordyk moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, citing the
following findings of fact: (1) The rights-of-way cannot be used for public
access or utility purposes; (2) There will be no immediate impact on traf-
fic patterns, utilities services or public safety in the vicinity; and (3)
Vacation of the subject rights-of-way will assist in clearing title and
placing property on the tax rolls, enhancing the tax base of the City.
Councilman Gerberding seconded, adding that a utility and access easement
be retained over the portion of the alley off the side by Edgewood Place
that provides access to the house on Lots 5, 6, and 7, Block 3. He added
that this may also be defined in metes and bounds. Councilman Hordyk
concurred. On call for the question, the motion carried.
Councilman Quast inquired as to traffic impact of this project. Planner
Carr stated this project should have less impact than the originally
proposed project.
November 19, 1985
2. Planning Commission Minutes of November 13, 1985
A. Temporary Use Permit Authorized - High Tide Seafoods
Request has been made for an extension of a permit allowing a fish process-
ing operation in the CBD, Central Business District, located at the foot of
Oak Street. Councilman Quast moved to concur with the Planning Commis-
sion I s recommendation to grant a one-year extension of the Temporary Use
Permit. Councilman Schermer seconded. Following discussion of the rela-
tion of this permit to the lease agreement with the City, on call for the
question, the motion carried.
B. Conditional Use Permit Granted - Thomas Wells
Request has been made for extension of a Conditional Use Permit allowing a
mail order and retail sales business of hunting firearms in the RS-7,
Single-Family Residential District, located at 321 East Ninth Street.
Councilman Schermer moved to concur with the recommendation of the Planning
Commission to approve the Conditional Use Permit extension for two years,
subject to the original conditions as follows: (1) That the hours of
operation be limited to between 9 AM and 5 PM, Monday through Saturday; (2)
That the operation comply with the Uniform Fire Code and the Uniform
Building Code; (3) That the existing security equipment be maintained.
Councilman Gerberding seconded. Following discussion, on call for the
question, the motion carried.
C. Conditional Use Permit Granted - YMCA
Request has been made for extension of a Conditional Use Permit allowing
remodeling of the existing YMCA structure located at 302 South Francis
Street. Councilman Gerberding moved to concur with the Planning Commission
recommendation to grant the one-year extension of the Conditional Use
Permit. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried.
D. Conditional Use Permit Authorized - Craig Upton
Request has been made for extension of a Conditional Use Permit allowing a
frame shop as a Home Occupation in the RMF, Residential Multi-Family Dis-
trict, located at 524 Cherry Street. Councilman Hordyk moved to concur
with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to extend the Condi-
tional Use Permit for a two-year period. Councilman Gerberding seconded.
Councilman Gerberding then amended the motion, adding the condition that
the Conditional Use Permit be extended for two years if the curb cuts be
closed wi thin one year.. Councilman Hordyk concurred with the amendment.
On call for the question, the amended motion carried.
E. ,Parking Variance to 96 Spaces Granted - Dujardin Development.
Request has been made for a reduction of the required 140 parking spaces to
85 in connection with a proposed multi-family housing project for low!
moderate income families and elderly located southwest of Pine and 16th
Streets. Councilman Hordyk moved to concur with the Planning Commission's
recommendation to grant a parking varience from 140 to 96 off-street park-
ing spaces, subject to the following conditions: (1) That a detailed
off-street parking plan, showing 140 spaces, be submitted to the Public
Works and Planning Departments with the building permit applications; (2)
That if a need for additional parking occurs, additional spaces will be
installed; and citing the following findings: (A) Elderly households
generate less demand for off-street parking than families; (B) The
preserved trees and landscaped areas will enhance the development and
retain a valued natural characteristic; (C) With the attached conditions,
the parking impacts can be mitigated, if any should develop. Councilman
Stamon seconded.
Louie Torres explained that if 96 spaces were required, rather than 85, a
sufficient amount of landscaping would have to be done away with and that
if 140 spaces were required, even more landscaping would be lost. He urged
the Council to allow the variance for 85 spaces.
During discussion, Councilman Hordyk inquired of Donna Davison of the
Planning Commission as to why the proposal for 85 spaces was turned down.
Ms. Davison stated that the Planning Commission felt the possibility of the
larger transit buses going into the development would be in the future;
November 19, 1985
that Dial-A-Ride buses which are smaller would be used in the immediate
future, and these were the reasons for recommending 96 off-street parking
spaces. Councilman Schermer, a representative on the Transit Board, stated
that the Transit System does accept petitions from large groups and will
consider a new route if a large enough group requests it. On call for the
question, the motion to grant the parking variance for 96 off-street
parking spaces carried.
F. Conditional Use Permit Granted - Shannon
Request has been made for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a bed and I
breakfast establishment to be located in the RS-7, Single-Family Residen-
tial District, located at 139 West 14th Street. Councilman Hordyk moved to
concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and grant the request
for the Conditional Use Permit, subject to the following conditions: (1)
Additional off-street, graveled parking spaces that comply with the Parking
Code and are screened from abutting property and rights-of-way, be provided
at a ratio of one space per bedroom to be let, plus two for the owner-
occupants. Said screening may be by vegetative hedge or vision-obscuring
fencing; (2) The proposed use must comply with State regulations and the
local fire alarm ordinance; (3) Floor plans and sanitary facility descrip-
tions be provided to the Building Section of Public Works for review and
the building be inspected prior to operation; and citing the following
findings: (A) With the conditions attached, the proposed bed and breakfast
can be compatible with the surrounding residential neighborhood; (B) With
the conditions attached, the proposed use will not be detrimental to
abutting properties. Councilman Gerberding seconded. On call for the
question, the motion carried.
G. Conditional Use Permit Granted - Christopher Spence.
Request has been made for a Conditional Use Permit allowing a body and
paint shop to locate in the Arterial Commercial District located on East
First Street. Councilman Gerberding moved to concur with the Planning
Commission's recommendation to approve the Conditional Use Permit with the I
following conditions: (1) Provision of fire extinguisher per requirements
of NFPA No. lO; and citing the following findings: (A) The difference in
elevation between the residential areas to the north and the lack of access
to the alley means the use will not have a hazardous, detrimental or incom-
patible impact upon those residential uses; (B) The body shop is compatible
with the existing uses immediately west; (C) The use does not significantly
change the conditions or impacts on the area. Councilman Stamon seconded.
Councilman Stamon inquired as to the number of bays anticipated. City
Planner Carr noted that four were anticipated. On call for the question,
the motion carried.
H. Conditional Use Permit Granted - Sue Boyd
Request has been made for a Conditional Use Permit allowing a bed and
breakfast establishment to be located in the Residential Multi-Family
District, as well as graphoanalysis as a Home Occupation located at 325
East Sixth Street. Susan Boyd, applicant, explained to the Council that
graphyanalysis included working as an expert witness within the court
system with documents, specifically with forgeries, etc. She also stated
that she served the public for personality characteristic analysis through
Councilman Stamon moved to concur with the recommendations of the Planning
Commission to approve the Conditional Use Permit, subject to the following
conditions: (1) The bed and breakfast shall be for two rooms, operating
six days a week, with check-in time at 3 PM and check-out time at 10 AM;
(2) The graphoanalysis Home Occupation shall operate Monday through Satur-
day from 10: 30 AM to 2: 30 PM; (3) There shall be one sign, no larger than
ten square feet on the building. Both businesses may be advertised on said
sign; (4) One 2A10BC dry chemical fire extinguisher be provided on each
floor; (5) Smoke detectors be properly installed on the first and second
floor corridors between the living and sleeping quarters; (6) Prior to
operation of the bed and breakfast, it shall be inspected by the Building
Official for compliance with the Building Code; (7) The off-street parking
be provided as shown on the site plan submitted with the application; and
citing the following findings: (A) With the conditions attached, the
proposed bed and breakfast will be compatible with the surrounding uses and
not introduce any detrimental or hazardous conditions; (B) With the
November 19, 1985
conditions attached, the proposed Home Occupation can comply with the Home
Occupation development standards and review criteria. Councilman Gerberding
seconded and the motion carried.
I. Magnuson Annexation Agreement - Planning commission Recommenda-
tions Accepted
Councilman Schermer moved to accept the Planning Commission's recommenda-
tion to amend the annexation agreement to provide for 70 rather than 64
units. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried.
J. Planning Commission Minutes Accepted
Councilman Hordyk moved to accept and place on file the Planning Commission
minutes of November 13, 1985. Councilman Stamon seconded, questioning
under "Reports of Commissioners" on some trees that had apparently been
removed in the Hill Street right-of-way. Manager Flodstrom noted that the
removal of the trees would probably improve the stability of the hill.
Manager Flodstrom inquired if the Council wished him to begin soliciting
interest for the upcoming vacancy to be created by Mr. Hallett's election
to the City Council. On call for the question, the motion carried.
3. Request for Street Vacation - Resolution Setting Public Hearing Passed
- Referred to Planning commission
Mayor Whidden read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
setting a hearing date for a petition
to vacate that portion of Pine Street
lying between Blocks 49 and 50, TPA.
Councilman Gerberding temporarily left the meeting room. councilman Hordyk
moved to pass the Resolution as read by title and to refer the matter to
the Planning Commission. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion
carried. councilman Gerberding re-entered the meeting room.
4. Request for Street Vacation - Nelson - Resolution Setting Public
Hearing Passed - Referred to Planning Commission
Mayor Whidden read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City
setting a hearing date
to vacate a portion of
adjoining Lot 1, Block
Dolan's Addition.
of Port Angeles
for a petition
Pine Street
3, Fogarty and
Councilman Gerberding moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried.
Gerberding then moved to refer the matter to the Planning
Councilman Schermer seconded and the motion carried.
5. Ordinance Amending City's Parking Ordinance No. 2228 Adopted
Mayor Whidden read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles
providing requirements for development
of off-street parking spaces and
amending Section 17 of Ordinance 2228
and Section 14.40.170 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code.
Councilman Schermer moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried.
November 19, 1985
6. Draft Copy of PBIA Agreement with Port Angeles Downtown Association
Amended - Continued until December 3, 1985
The Council and staff discussed this matter at great length and proposed
several amendments to the agreement. Staff concurred to bring back the
final draft of the agreement for adoption at the December 3, 1985, City
Council meeting.
Final Review of City's Ordinance Terminating Septic Tank Wastes at the
Port Angeles Treatment Plant - Amended Ordinance Reflecting Recent
Discussions - Adoption Delayed
Mayor Whidden read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,
Washington, regulating the discharge of
septic tank, cesspool, holding tank.
chemical toilet, portable toilet and
privy wastes into the public sewer system;
and amending Section 4 of Ordinance No.
2324 and Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2358.
Public Works Director Pittis reported on contact made with the Department
of Ecology and assistance they will provide in sampling, etc. He also
reported on current procedures being undertaken. County Commissioner
Duncan reported to the Council, stating the County was working on a long
range solution to the problem, which included allowing dumping at various
sites throughout the County. The Council and staff discussed this matter
at great length.
Following further discussion at length, Councilman Stamon moved to delay
further consideration of this Ordinance until the December 3, 1985, City
Council meeting, based on the receipt of a letter from the Department of I
Ecology and Environmental Protection Agency. Councilman Schermer seconded
and the motion carried, with Councilmen Haguewood and Hordyk voting "No".
8. Contract Authorized for Negotiation for Falls Creek Hydro Project
Councilman Quast moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the attached letter,
Attachment 6, agreeing in principal to the negotiated terms and committing
staff to finalize the purchase agreement for Falls Creek Small Hydro and
authorizing staff also to make the appropriate expenditures connected
thereto. Councilman Schermer seconded. Councilman Stamon commended City
Light for pursuing this type of project as another example of the quality
of staff that we have, and she commended them further for attempting to
provide the citizens of Port Angeles with electric service at reasonable
rates. On call for the question, the motion carried.
9. Acceptance of FERC License for Morse Creek Hydro Project - Resolution
Mayor Whidden read the Resolution by title, entitled
A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles
authorizing the Mayor to execute the
acknowledgement of acceptance of the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Order Issuing License for the Morse
Creek Hydroelectric Project.
Councilman Quast moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Hordyk seconded and the motion carried.
10. Resolution Authorizing Mayor to Sign Safe-Keeping Agreement with
Seafirst Bank Passed
Mayor Whidden read the Resolution by title, entitled
November 19, 1985
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the
City of Port Angeles appointing Seattle
First National Bank as safe-keeping
agent for the City and authorizing the
Mayor to execute a safe-keeping agreement
with Seattle First National Bank.
Councilman Schermer moved to pass the Resolution as read by title.
Councilman Gerberding seconded. Councilman Hordyk inquired as to the cost
and whether or not this should have gone out for bid. Finance Director
Orton answered that it would cost approximately $6 per transaction and that
the primary reason for going to SeaFirst was because it is the City's main
depository at this time. Following discussion at great length, on call for
the question, the motion carried, with Councilmen Hordyk and Haguewood
voting "No":
11. Report on Assessment Roll for Sidewalk Reconstruction Projects
Public Works Director Pittis explained that the method of assessment needed
to be determined in the event that the City had to complete the repair work
themselves and bill the property owner.
Pat McGoff, owner of 635 East 11th Street, addressed the Council, feeling
that the entire sidewalk did not need to be replaced1 that only portions
needed to be replaced at a lower cost than $3,200. Mr. McGoff agreed to
contact the Public Works Department Office Engineer to come to some type of
agreement as to what portions of sidewalk must be repaired, etc.
Following further discussion, Councilman Stamon moved to concur with the
recommendations of the Public Works Department to adopt the assessment roll
and order reconstruction of the sidewalks within thirty days of the service
of notice or the same will be corrected by the City of Port Angeles through
the Public Works Department at the expense of the owners and the costs
thereof shall remain a lien upon the premises until paid. Councilman
Schermer seconded, adding that the exact final costs be negotiated with Mr.
McGoff and the Public Works Department. On call for the question, the
motion carried.
12. Request for Water Service Outside the City - Brown - Continued Until
December 3, 1985
Public Works Director Pittis explained that Mr. Brown had requested this
matter be continued, due to poor weather conditions. Councilman Quast
moved to continue the matter until December 3, 1985. Councilman Stamon
seconded and the motion carried.
13. Claims Management Contract Renewal with Network Management, Inc.,
Following discussion, Councilman Schermer moved to authorize the City
Manager to sign the agreement with Network Management, Inc., Councilman
Stamon seconded, and the motion carried.
14. Proclamation - Bible Week - November 24th through December 1, 1985
Mayor Whidden did not read the prOClamation, based on advice of the City
Attorney, in compliance with Article I, Section 11 of the Washington State
15. Letter from Steve Wren Wishing to Purchase Salvage Rights of City
Buildings at Seventh and Peabody
Following lengthy discussion, councilman Hordyk moved to authorize Mr. Wren
to remove the buildings at seventh and Peabody at a fee of $25. The
Council concurred that a deposit should be required of the applicant and
that the removal should take place within a reasonable time frame.
Co~ncilman Gerberding seconded and following discussion, the motion
November 19, 1985
16. Delegate Selected for National League of Cities Conference in Seattle,
December 7 through 11, 1985
Councilman Quast volunteered to attend and the Council noted that other
councilmembers may attend.
17. Purchase of Tables and Chairs for Vern Burton Memorial Community
Center Authorized
Councilman Stamon commended staff for wisely expending money appropriated I
for Vern Burton Memorial Community Center improvements to the point that
there is an excess left over providing the opportunity for an additional
purchase of this nature. Councilman Gerberding commended the Park Board
for being so forward-moving.
Councilman Hordyk moved to authorize the purchase of ten tables, sixty
chairs and one blackboard. Councilman Stamon seconded. The motion
18. Discussion of Hearing Examiner
Councilman Gerberding noted concern over lack of attendance of members on
the Board of Adjustment. He urged pursuance of the concept of a hearings
examiner with the possibility of joint funding with the County. Staff
concurred to bring back further information to the Council for
Manager Flodstrom announced that John Marsh, Director of Parks and Recrea-
tion, will be leaving the City after the first of the year. Manager
Flodstrom stated that he could not emphasize enough his admiration of the
accomplishments of John and his staff over the last two years.
Manager Flodstrom encouraged the continuation of Councilman Hordyk's I
position on the City Hall Design Review Committee after his term of office
as City Councilman. Councilman Gerberding moved to appoint John Hordyk to
sit on the City Hall Design Review Committee. Councilman Stamon seconded
and the motion carried.
Councilman Stamon then moved to appoint Councilman Schermer as an ex
officio member to the City Hall Design Review Committee, to become a voting
member in January. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Gerberding asked if recently-adopted State groundwater regula-
tions would affect the City. Public Works Director Pittis explained they
would, indirectly.
Councilman Stamon referred to a "thank-you" letter from the City of Edmonds
for the Fast Action Residential Sprinkler Trailer demonstration there. She
also noted that the Economic Development Council's newsletter had reported
that Pacific Northwest Bell has consented to provide video promotion for
Port Angeles at no cost, and praised them for their generosity.
Councilman Quast mentioned the proposed name change from Dr. Cornaby con-
cerning the Arthur Fiero Marine Lab. He requested staff obtain further
information on this for one of the upcoming agendas. Councilman Quast also
discussed with staff the interest of the Marine Lab in some of the City's
surplus property. Manager Flodstrom stated that further information would
be brought back to the Council December Jrd.
Mayor Whidden reported on an article he had read, relating to some cities
positioning young high school students into parks and recreation committees
and suggested Port Angeles pursue this concept. Manager Flodstrom ex-
plained that Parks and Recreation Director Marsh had approached horticul-
ture classes at the High School.
Mayor Whidden asked about the staus of the Port Angeles Symphony's free
concerts for citizens.
November 19, 1985
Mayor Whidden read a proclamation announcing the Great American Smoke-Out
Thursday, November 21st.
Mayor Whidden adjourned the meeting to executive session for the purpose of
discussing WPPSS and other litigation for a period of 15 to 30 minutes at
10:11 P.M.
The meeting returned to open session at approximately 10:41 PM.
Mayor Whidden adjourned the meeting at approximately lO:43 PM.
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