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Minutes 11/20/1917
Proceedings of City Council of tlte City of Port Ang(>les, Wllshington X\.~_:t b..-u.. 191,7_ _~.._.,c:.~~~~.~.J'\.5L~~ ~"""'(;)...\: 7: 26 ~~~~ ..~, "n. ~~ ~~ '-~~ \:C ~ch". ~ ."'~<n. ~~ '.-- .. ......... --._..__ _.._-_..~~ '-~ ~~ \~~ ~~~. ,,\~"'~~~, ~~~ \\o-~..d-~,\)"-""-,~~.~ ~.\\~~,'(,.,~fl\\~ ~~......_._. ._-..~.- .~ 0\ ~~"--'>."\..~~~~"\~~<U:.~, __.... ..~<h,... '0.", ~'\ ~=-~"'\ ~~.... ~ ~~"" _____ ~ ~~ ~~ ~<>,-"'--~'Uc..~'-- ~~ .~~~~ ~ ~~~"':'" <\..~ ~~\~~~~~_~ ~<k.~.~~~, ~h'\>J<>..~ ~ ~ ~.'-~~~~~<>\~.~~~ ~~~~~.__. .~~ 0'<'-. ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~\:>..,,-,,-~,,-. o't, ~\. ~ ~ .'~~..~.~~ ~"-~~~'\...-.'\ ~~<>\\ ~~ ~'\....~,. _~~.... ~~'G...~~.'~~~-~.~~~~.~ ~ ..~~~"""'.~~ .~::-t~~ ~~"'-"b~,,-~.h<>. 5J'~5~ ~~~~.~.~~ ~.~~ \"".-"'>S&. ~.~~~.~...~ 1.",,-~_ ~~",-~~~~~:n.<>,.5 !,_.~.~.~ ~ "\.,..J~.~ ~..~ ~~-\'V'~~~-"-"I-~~-~ ~'~~':u.'.....u._. _l.',~~ ~~ ~<:N.:r ~~. ~~.~s Sb~_._\'3,)~""",~_S()~.._~__..,.__.._. ....... .~ ~~.~~.~.~ f\t\~.\V"-~.~.~ ~~~~ ~~ _~ .Th'-.. ~~~, ._._.._____-;__._.._--:___u~._._...__~._._...~ .....- .- _~""'~~~ ~1...~~~h~~<..\.\\\). S/~~o...:\- 0'f\.~~.~\o-..J~ ~~c~~~.s.~~ ~~. .--~ ~ ~~"c. ~ 'i.', I::, \0 n'~'" ...,.._.. ............. ..... -~ .~ ~ ~~ ~~~ \.4 ,~~'\~. <>-J"J~9-.I"j~]w>-s~'t.,. ~~:'co - n..... .~~ ~~\.~.~ -~. \'1. ,-...--- '~~_'". ~""~ ~~...3..~.:.IJ.__.\~~..S:l...___. ..11.20"0..... _... ~.~ ....':tD 52 :J.l.4S St~~.~<\ ~ ~~~~. ~ ~ ~~.~~..."-.<\ '\J:, \-<'<~ ~_""-""- ~,-'~~ 0'\.~.,,\_~.~ ~\.." ~.~'v.. ~ .'t,;" -'t:.<w.. _~ _~~ -\",,-, '-~""""- ,----. -.--- .__u.__._._._~,.~~.._.., ~~<\ ~ ~~~-~,.~~~ '_____..__._.m.........:... .~__.., -----.-...---.,'.-,-..--- --~ --- ._-._--_.._..~_.-_..._.__...---_.._-_.,- _.------_.__._-_..-.~.~---".._,- .-......-..-...--..-.-.,.-----.-.-- .-----_. ._-----~ 5,t_~ ~""--~-\_~~\.. ~~d.,' ~~ ~ JL~.~,::\ '-=~<\~- '" ~ _ ~ ~~. ..._--...._.......__..__-....c _.~.._._....__._m_.. _.~~-_.---.... --.., .- -..-..----.. ..... ~,t:~~~~.~~""'^-.~.~ ~.~A'tr~;,.,~~~~~ ~... .~~""~ ~ .'-\'0\..,~_~.~~~ ~~~.'t;,_~~..~~~ ~N'-~~~-O'o<\..~ .~ ~.l~C1"\.~ ~ "'t ~~~ 'to ~"'-~'~...--- ~.~ ~ ~~ .\)~ ~,-~~~ ,_._~-_.._._---_._-_...._._----~.. ~ , j t J