HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/20/1958 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington November ?O 19~ '"'' . '''"'', ..."" ""10""', """"' ..... ..... The City Council met in regular session at.7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor Richardson. Roll call revealed the following officers present: Councilmen Smith, Sandison, Maxfield, Thorne; Randall and Caldwell, Manager Slankard, Attorney Moffett arid Cl.erk Law. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that minutes of the previous meeting he corrected to read as follows: I tilt was moved by Councilman Smith that recommendation be approved and project accepted as completed." Motion seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. Under the -head of unfinished business, Council committee filed report on sale of lots as requested by Del Guzzi Brothers. Recamnendation >las $100.00 each for lots 11. 12 and 13. Block 309. It was moved 1 by Councilman Maxfield that report be approved and minimum set at $100.00 per lot, call for bids to I be published. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. The Manager read report on "In Street Hill load iimits. recommending that restrictions be maintained for log trucks and heavy hauling. Attorney Moffett cited ordinance establsihing logging truck route. After due consideration. it was decided to abide by ordinance now in effect governing restrictions. L.l.D. No. 178 having htoen completed and aC,cepted, it was mqved by Councilman Randall that date of public hearing on said L.I.D. be established for December 18, 1958. Motion sec"nded by Councilman Sandison and carried. Bids for furnishing material for street lighting \<ere received as follows: WESTINGHOUSE ELBCTRIC SUPPLY CO: Items I to 12 incl. $26,310.43 Alternate, Item 13, ~4,3l7.3J; Item 14, $3,107.80 LINE ~lI\TERIAL INDUStRIF.S: $25,052.92 HOI$ ELOCTRIC COMPANY: $25,518.65 GRAYBAl\ ELECTRIC CO., INC.: $21,139.00 Alternate No. I, $22,045.00, Alternate No.2, $22,185.00; Alternate No.3, $19,500.00 GENERAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO.: Union Metal Standards, $21,425.00. Hapco Aluminum poles, $22,275.00. Hapco Poles with multiple system, $21,100.00. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that bids be referred to the Manager to evaluate and report as to best offer. Seconded by Councilman Rand~!l and carried. Mr. and ~Irs. Gerald Feltz appeared with .petition signed by property owners' requesting that an ordinance be passed prohibiting removal of gravel from property within the City. and requiring that streets having been eliminated by such excavation be replaced. It was moved by Councilman Randall that the petition be referred to the City Attorney for guidance., his re'port to determine action. Seconded by Ccuncilman Caldwell and carried. Mr. V. W. Bialik having requested an ordinance be passed providing that private detective agencies be licensed. the Attorney filed report stating that only one agency is operating. revenue would be very small. no specific reason given for license. and recommended that no ordinance be considered as no problem exists. Th.e request was therefore denied. Under the .head of ne\< business, 'Claims payable were approved as follows: General Funds, $3.976.55. tjater Fund, $2;529.75, Light Fund $33,684.82. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that 'claims be approved and paid including light, water and general fund claims held for clarification from the last meeting. Motion seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. The following departmental reports were HIed for approval: Police Judge, August and September;. Police, Light billing, Fire, Water. Light and Power and Treasurer. It was moved by Councilman Caldwell that all reports be accept"ed and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. Council considered communication from Radio Pacific Inc., requesting that the Light Department advertise by' sponsoring one quarter of basketball games, cost to be $197.50 during three mcnth periOd. The Attorney ,will ascertain legality of said advertising. Smith Insurance Service informed in writing that the City's comprehensive liability policy is due foz: / renewal on January 1. 1959, recommending that higher limits of coverage be considered due to trend toward V larger claims and. judgments. Mr. Smith will be requested to appear befoie Council for discussion. MGMahan Fuel Co. requested in writing. permission to install vertical oil tanks on property in Block One, Tidelands West. Fire Chief Wolverton stated tbat ordinances govern such installations and recommended tanks be installed undergr.ound. It wa.s moved by Councilman Smith that the Manager be authorized to call for bids to furnish gasoline. diesel and fuel oil during the year 1959. Sl!conded byCouncilman Sandison and carried. Attorney Moffett read report concerning penalty paid to Bonneville Power Administration on po\<er bill in May, 1957. Investigation reveals tha't delinquency was d.u~ to misund~t'standing and did not advise action to recover. Councilman Randall questioned the Attorney if Court action would cost in excess of penalty paid. The Attorney could not state definite cost, but possibly not more than amount to be recovered. It was moved by Councilman Randall that report be accepted and placed on filed for inspection by interested persons. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. John Trul'lbull commented on the City Manager's Water report on improvements to the Water System asking about priority of \wrk t'o be done. why replacing of thl! main line from Morse Cree:i Dam item no. 8 and 9 as he was of the opinion the relaying of the line \'las roest improtant. The City Manager ans''1ere4 that it was his opinion. and he could be corrected. that it wou'ld not be advisable to disturb the main line before adequate storage was provided to cope \'lith an emergency that could be created with the relayi~g of the main supply line. ' The City Manager also gave general information as to the way the improvement would proceed by the engineering department to provide preliminary werking drawings prior to consulting with consultants on the project. It was pointed out that repairs and extensions to the Municipal Water System wer~ long past dUe and should proceed without loss of time. The Mayor expressed appreciation fa: comments and assistance I assuring / that the City will have an adequate water system. Counci lman Smith also cited extensive improvements ..-~ to th~ systl!m on pay-as-you-go basis t same being done by maintenance depart I There beinyo fP!:he~~e;:e ne eting was adjourned. 6131 - I vr-' rr