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Port Angeles, Washington
November 21, 1992
CALL TO ORDER - Deputy Mayor Sargent called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council
SPECIAL MEETING: to order at 9:07 a.m.
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Deputy Mayor Sargent, Councilmen Braun, Nicholson,
Ostrowski, and Schueler (arrived at 9:36 a.m.).
Members Absent: Mayor Hallett and Councilman Wight.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Clerk Upton, B. Collins, and J.
Public Present: E. Hansen, K. Monds, F. Lighter, C. Johnson, J. Seniuk,
F. Platt, V. Murray, L. Blake, C. Gay, C. Miller, C.
Baumann, C. Davis, D. Maber, T. LaDuron, and J.
Special Agency Special Agency Requests
Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce: Erl Hansen and Carol Johnson were present
as representatives of the Chamber of Commerce, requesting funding in the amount
of $54,458. This amount exceeds the 1992 level of funding due to increased
expenses, such as telephone, postage and rent. The number of requests for
information has increased substantially, thus resulting in the increased postage
expense. If the total amount is not requested, the Chamber will decrease expenses
in the area of advertising in order to offset the expenses for the Visitors Center.
Deputy Mayor Sargent expressed the Council's appreciation for the Chamber's part
in the survey conducted on Port Angeles as a retirement community. Also deserving
kudos was the Chamber's support of the Fire Hall bond election.
Derby Days: Jack Pittis, Vice President of Derby Days, submitted a funding request
in the amount of $7,500. Mr. Pittis expressed appreciation for the City's past
support, which has been matched by other fund-raising efforts on the part of the
Derby Days committee. Derby Days has experienced some problems in terms of
unpaid bills, due in particular to a lapse in insurance and the subsequent filing of a
claim. Every effort is being made to increase fund-raising activities in order to meet
the necessary level of funding.
Discussion followed and Mr. Pittis indicated he has asked the Chamber of Commerce
go consider the possibility of including Derby Days under the auspices of the
Chamber. It was noted the Derby Days functions are separate from the Fishing
Derby; however, Mr. Pittis expressed the opinion that both events might logically
be made a part of the Chamber, as is the case in most other cities.
Additional discussion ensued about the possibility of changing the 1994 date due to
obvious issues pertaining to fishing.
Dispute Resolution Center: Present on behalf of the Dispute Resolution Center was
Carol Knebes, who submitted a request for funding in the amount of $5,000. Ms.
Knebes indicated the Dispute Resolution Center has seven board members and
twenty-three volunteers who serve low income and no income individuals with
assistance in the area of conflict resolution. The services provided by the center
include mediation, conciliation, and arbitration; every effort is made to resolve
conflict by peaceful means. At this time, no funding is anticipated to support the
Dispute Resolution Center from such entities as Clallam County, Sequim, or Forks.
A request has been submitted for LGIF funds in the amount of $2,500. Other
sources of revenue may be the Lawyers' Trust in the amount of $2,000 and United
Way in the amount of $2,500, which would be considered a start-up grant.
Ms. Knebes discussed how this program complements the services of the Pro Bono
LAWyers; she indicated it is not their desire to compete for funding. Hopefully, the
City Council will choose to fund both endeavors.
November 21, 1992
Special Agency Clallam County Historical Society: Representing the Museum were Kathy Monds,
Requests: (Cont'd) Museum Manager; Fred Lighter, Lincoln School Project Coordinator; and Brad
Collins, President of~ tho Board. The Museum has submitted a funding request for
$15,000. Mr. Lighter reported the Museum serves approximately 12,000 visitors a
year. During the months of June, July, August, and September, approximately 80 %
of the visitors are from out of the county. Mr. Lighter indicated studies reveal that
50 % of all visitors come for historical purposes, and it was his opinion that tourism
should increase due to the cultural/heritage nature of the Museum.
Ms. Monds reported efforts are underway to develop a heritage tour in 1994. She
noted the request for increased funding is due to a decrease in interest income being
generated. Another factor is the Lincoln School Project. In response to an inquiry
from the Council, Ms. Monds reviewed other sources of funding: membership
service, donations, memorial fund, retail store, and possible funding which has been
requested from Clallam County. In addition, the Museum has an endowment fund
in place.
Break Deputy Mayor Sargent recessed the meeting for a break at 10:00 a.m. The meeting
reconvened at 10:15 a.m.
North Olympic Peninsula Visitor & Convention Bureau: Ms. Sheila Groves and
Randy Piper submitted a funding request for $37,048 plus $8,000 for the Convention
Development Program. Once the Vern Burton marketing grant funds have been
depleted, it is important to continue the efforts of convention sales and service. The
NOPVCB is working with the Chamber of Commerce in focusing on tour groups and
the National Tour Association to bring more groups to the Peninsula. The City
Council is being asked to support 20% of this marketing effort. It is anticipated that
a new director will be employed by January/February.
Friends of the Fine Arts Center: Present on behalf of the Friends of the Fine Arts
Center were Frank Platt and Jake Seniuk. The Friends are requesting $3,000 to be
used toward a sign/entrance portal for the Fine Arts Center. Because of the location
of the center, members of the public have experienced difficulty locating the facility.
Mr. Platt addressed various publications which have recognized the different art
shows offered. Mr. Seniuk indicated the center is moving to its next step of growth
which would include the placement of the sign.
Additional funds are being requested at this time in order to replace the Fine Arts
Center roof in the approximate amount of $15,000. Manager Pomeranz indicated
that staff is seeking additional estimates in this regard.
In response to an inquiry from Deputy Mayor Sargent, Mr. Seniuk indicated the
center is currently open four days a week, Thursday through Sunday, 11:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. Mr. Seniuk indicated hours could hopefully be expanded once the traffic
to the center has been increased.
Port Angeles Symphony Orchestra: Vincent Murray, President of the Symphony
Omhestra, submitted a funding request for $5,000. He expressed gratitude for past
support and noted the Symphony offers a cultural role in Port Angeles tourism.
Plans are underway to digitally record the Symphony this year in order to make tapes
available to the public. The chamber orchestra is also planning on doing shows at
the local schools this coming year. Mr. Murray indicated the Symphony is in need
of additional funding from the City due to decreased funds available from the
Washington Arts Commission. In response to an inquiry from the Council, Mr.
Murray was agreeable to having a performance on the City Pier as a part of the
- contractual agreement.
Logos Musical: Ms. Lois Blake presented a request to the Council for $5,000 which
is intended to help "seed" an international reunion scheduled for June, 1993. Guests
from around the world will be invited to this reunion, and the seed money will be
used to defray costs incurred for housing and food. The reunion should represent
$200,000 expended in the area. Ms. Blake addressed the tourism aspect of the
program by noting that artists visit this area and are then, in turn, visited by
members of the Port Angeles group.
In addition, Ms. Blake reviewed how the Logos involve students who are currently
living in "at risk" situations. Every effort is made to totally involve these students
in the Logos program in order to provide them with support and hope toward
improving the situation. It was pointed out to Ms. Blake that a request of this nature
may qualify the organization for funding from either Hotel/Motel Tax Funds or the
Local Government Initiative Funds. Ms. Blake then showed the Council a videotape
November 21, 1992
Special Agency having to do with the Logos Musical.
Requests: (Cont'd)
Pro Bono LA Wyers: Carl Gay, Craig Miller, and Cheryl Banmann of the Pro Bono
LAWyers, presented a request for funding in the amount of $5,000. Pro Bono
LAWyers provides free legal aid to low income individuals, and is a cooperative
effort between the Bar Association and Umbrella Services. One-half of the clients
reside in Port Angeles, and the majority of the cases deal with family law. Mr. Gay
indicated sources of funding are extremely limited, but he noted Police Chief Ilk felt
there may be funding available through the Criminal Justice fund. Pro Bono
LAWyers does not receive any funds from court fees and the like, and the Council
was urged to provide assistance as this cooperative effort provides a direct benefit
to the City in terms of decreased violence and abuse situations.
Discussion followed and Mr. Gay referenced the Code of Ethics which provides that
all lawyers must contribute a certain amount of assistance to those in need. Mr. -
Miller indicated the group of attorneys will be providing assistance to almost 300
individuals in the area. Fund raising efforts will be initiated, and it is hoped
additional funding might be obtained from Superior Court filing fees, as well as
funds from the Timber Task Force.
Clallam County Human Services Council: Present to submit a funding request in
conjunction with Local Government Initiative Funds were Gene Lawson, Claudia
Davis, and Helen Dawley. Mr. Lawson, Chairman of the Human Services
Coordinating Council, reported the Council is asking for last year's budgeted amount
plus 3 %, for a total request of $138,409. Deputy Mayor Sargent inquired as to how
these amounts are set, and Councilman Nicholson reported on a study he conducted
as to the history of these funds. He was able to ascertain how the City's contribution
was established over the years, but he queried as to how the County's baseline was
established. There is an appearance that the City has been asked to match the
County's contribution.
Councilman Nicholson indicated he had asked the County to provide this information
and, as yet, the data has not been forthcoming. Ms. Dawley has been involved in
this process for the past six years and recalled the County has provided a cost-of-
living increase for each year. The funds are then divided by percentages as
determined by census. She indicated 3 9[ were from Sequim, 11% in the County,
and the remainder were from Port Angeles and Forks.
Mr. Lawson cited statistics on the number of citizens served:
1991 - Port Angeles - $130,464 or 55.64% of total LGIF
41,037 Port Angeles citizens served or 50.16% of total
1991 - County - $77,175 or 32.91% of total LGIF
38,163 citizens served or 46.65% of total population
1992 - Port Angeles - $134,378 or 53.1% of total LGIF
54,339 Port Angeles citizens served or 54.93% of total
1992 - County - $91,490 or 36% of total LGIF
41,636 citizens served or 42% of total population
Councilman Nicholson indicated it would be helpful to obtain figures as to the cost
per person served, as it appears there is an inequity. Mr. Lawson responded he
~ would make every effort to obtain the desired information; however, he felt it may
be appropriate to address this matter with the County Commissioners. Lengthy
~ ~ ~ discussion followed, and specific discussion related to the Port Angeles Senior
~'~'~(qf~'~ A.~,, ~ ~4-- Center. Ms. Dawley and Mr. Lawsontreatment.~itreported the committee had chosen three areas
~~- of focus: crisis, intervention, and was the committee's opinion that the
¥~)~ 2/~ needs of fragile senior citizens can be met through other programs receiving LGIF
/-~/~,rt,,0._ ,o~j~ ~ funds as opposed to senior centers. This is why senior centers wouldn't necessarily
qualify for the funding; however, the final recommendation has not been made for
County Economic Development Council: The Executive Director of the
Economic Development Council, Deborah Maher, submitted a request to the Council
in the amount of $40,000. Ms. Maher reviewed the various components identified
as the recent Stakeholders meeting, at which time the County's economic future was
addressed. It was Ms. Maher's opinion that the long-term view of the economy for
the area is excellent. Ms. Maher indicated she has been told the members of the
r~'? ~ "'~ " November 21, 1992
Special Agency EDC are looking for results, and she noted concentration must be given to areas of
Requests: (Cont'd) employment which will make up for those lost in the timber industry. She stressed
the importance of balancing economic development with timber, as well as the need
to actively pursue other industries to complement efforts in the area of tourism.
Ms. Maher indicated a meeting has been scheduled to include all area chambers of
commerce, tribes, National Park Service, etc., to address needed growth in the area.
The request for City funding is equivalent to similar requests submitted to other
partners in 2020 Vision. There is a need to be strong and more visible, and Ms.
Maher indicated focus will be placed on advertising marketing, travel, professional
consulting services for design of marketing materials, and writing and research for
demographics. It is anticipated that $50,000 will be gained from the private sector.
Arthur D. Feiro Marine Laboratory: Terry LaDuron, Director of the Marine Lab,
reported a request for funding in the amount of $11,285 has been submitted. He felt
the Marine Lab is a high quality tourist attraction in that the Lab and City Pier can
be considered synonymous. Mr. LaDuron reviewed various changes recently made
at the Marine Lab, all of which lend themselves to a moral attractive facility to the
public. In addition, a mural has been painted on the outside of the structure. He
reviewed the specifies of the summer program which is positively received by the
~tourists. The Lab serves as an~excellent tourist information resource as well. . .
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