HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/22/1944 Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington Novemp~L2~_19AL_~_- _19.__ I . The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M. and was called to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call showed the following officex:s present: !.Iayor RObinson, Commissioners Beam and Masters, Attorney. Johnston and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the heal! of reports from City 6fficials, the following report was made by the City Engineer: November 22, 1944 I To the Honorable MaJ'Or and City Commission, ~ort Angeles, Washington Gentlemen: I herewith submit t.he first and final estllr.ate of Owen Bros. contractors on Railroad Ave. for riprap: - 1761 tons of stone rubble riprap ~ $5.00 per ton Less 15% retained Amoun~ due Contractor $8,B05.OQ l,q20.7,5 $'7,4B4.25 I YO'1rs very truly, H. E. Dodge Ci. ty Engineer It wa~ moved by Comrr~ssioner Beam that the foregoing estimate be approved and accepted and that the Cit~ Clerk .be instructed to issue warrants to Owens Bros. in the sum of $? ,484.25 as shown in said est.imate. Second.ed by Commissioner Masters. .On ro.ll oall, all mEmbers voted Aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. Under .the head of Introducti,on of R,esolutions, the following Resolution was introduced: Resolution 1'iHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described real property, having aoquired the sajne by Treasurer's Deed, dated, NoveJllber 21., 194:1, under and b.\. virtue of the authority of ~ection 9393 of Hemington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 565, to-witt Lots Two (2) Three (5), Four (4), Twelve .(12), Thirteen (15), Fourteen {'141. Fifteen (15)~ Sixteen (16), Seventeen (17) ,Eighteen (lB), Nineteen (19) and Twenty (20), Block 401, Townsite of Port Angeles, ~iashington. W!lEP-EAS, Roy Ziegenfuss has offered to purchase from the City of Port Angeles the. above described real . properly for the sum cf $500.00, payable as follows: $50.00 as a down payment and $10.00 en or before the Bth day of December, 1944, and $10.00 on or before the 8th day of each and eveT'J month thereafter. . until paid in full. Interest to be computed at the rate of 7% per annum on the balance due and paid with the monthly installments, and I WHEREAS, the City Co~~ssion has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair value ~nd at this time it is to the best interest of the City that it should be accepted and the sale made. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOf-VED th?-t the said offer b1" accepted and that the City ~f P~rt Angeles sell the said property at private sale t9 the silid Roy Zi,genfuss, for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to any other valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed " conveying said property to the purchaser, and that the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be and he is i. hereby instructed to exe~te said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles be and he is Uereby instructed to countersign said quit clait,n deed, when the purchase price and all accrued intere~t' thereon has been paid in-iUli: - !I Passed' by the City Com.~ssion and signed' by the' J.layo~ this 22nd day of November, 1944. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On rol~ call all members voted Aye. The W.ayor declared tha motion carried. Under ~pplication for building permits the follcwing was granted: I ,i A. P. '~ogers, construct porch, Lot 5 Block 297 Townsite The Co~ission examin~d and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same: $200.00 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND City Treasurer Cash advanced for stamps 6.00 I CITY STREET F1JND Owens ~ros.:-contractors on R.R. Ave. 1761 tons of stone $5.00 per ton Less 15% Retained Amount due contractor rupple rip rap @ 8805.00 1320.75 7,484.25' WATER fuND Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Tower $uper Service Pipe Bands Machine ~Iork ~q{; 9.52 6.44 , I I I UGh" fuND ~Ouse Electric "upply CityT"easurer Meter Sockets Stamped Envelopes & File 3;111,~1 24.56. 500.15 STATE AID FUND , OlympiCStatio'ners Standard Oil Co. National Fire Preventicn Association o Hi ce "u pplie s Gas Inv. #C55860 Office Supplies B.86 9.00 55.50 November 22, 1944 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ STATE 'AID .FUND (Continued) Evening News Press Harold Hit bs Plg. & Htg. J. c. Penny Company 'Francis Pearson Office Supplies Plumbing Supplies Work Suits , Mileege on car I LIBRARY FUND Fl~:~~ceMcLane L.I.n. <REVOLVING FUND Ci1ly'Tl'easurer Extra work , ',1."1 ~ ;)' I!I Taxes paid on Lots 2,5,4 & 12 to 20 incl. Blk. 401, Deed & liecording There being no further business the Commission then adijourned. 11/nj~~ . City Clerk I I .;'1....,.i.;, I J.....,:J . 1.r . .lw.tJ .:/ 11' 1.., to'; 1. ..1."",,;. ,.G (I\"\'L.. ~d Of~ 5.35 B.24 66.44 26.10 , lSB.B5 59 9.75 ~